Is there a built-in "make pair" function or operator? I know this is trivial, but it would ease function composition in some cases.
Basically, just
let makePair a b = a, b
Can I also suggest Foogle?
No, I don't think there is a function like that in the F# library (and you also cannot treat , as an operator, which is allowed in Haskell).
F# lacks many other functions that are often used in function composition (or point-free style) including flip : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a and curry : ('a * 'b -> c) -> 'a -> 'b - 'c). Frankly, I think that this is a good thing because it discourages people from writing code that is hard to read.
Of course, there are many cases where using some function like this would give readable code, but it is really difficult to find the right ballance.
FSharpx aims to fill some of those gaps (whenever possible). It has flip, curry and tuple constructors (among many other things).
If you're really interested in building Hoogle for F# you could work with Neil Mitchell (creator of Hoogle) to implement it.
This one may be a stupid one but, having a look at (Eliminating my explicit state passing via like, monads and stuff)
type State<'s,'a> = State of ('s -> 'a * 's)
type StateBuilder<'s>() =
member x.Return v : State<'s,_> = State(fun s -> v,s)
member x.Bind(State v, f) : State<'s,_> =
State(fun s ->
let (a,s) = v s
let (State v') = f a
v' s)
let withState<'s> = StateBuilder<'s>()
let getState = State(fun s -> s,s)
let putState v = State(fun _ -> (),v)
let runState (State f) init = f init
what are the advantages of wrapping 's -> 'a * 's in State. Is it just a safety precaution?
I think it's more a matter of preference or convenience than safety; some people like to wrap the function in a single-case discriminated union type like that, and some don't.
I prefer not to wrap the functions, because it introduces a small amount of additional overhead and can inhibit the compiler from making some optimizations. In my ExtCore library, I've implemented the same thing, using a type alias instead of creating an actual type to wrap the function:
type StateFunc<'State, 'T> = 'State -> 'T * 'State
My guess is the wrapper comes from the Haskell tradition and languages that can generalize over monads.
In those laguanges you can have a generic >>= function but you can have only one implementatipon per type and sometimes there are more than one useful implementation.
This is the case of very generic types like 'a * 'b and 'a->'b.
For a function 'a -> 'b you can have a reader, a state or a parser monad defined, the way to tell which implementation pick up is to wrap them, so they have different types.
In F# things are different, most monad libraries don't define a generic >>= implementation since there is no clean way to do this in .NET, so there is no need to wrap the State since you will be explicitely applying a specific implementation of >>= and other monad related functions.
In absence of generic functions or overloads you can still wrap your State monad if you want, but then you'll have to wrap and unwrap code as in Haskell, in this case the decision depends on how much do you want to customize your types and that's a general question, not just with monads.
In OCaml, it is legal to have in .mli:
val f : 'a -> 'a
val g : 'a -> 'a
and .ml:
let f x = x
let g = f
Yet in F#, this is rejected:,5): error FS0034: Module 'Eta_expand' contains
val g : ('a -> 'a)
but its signature specifies
val g : 'a -> 'a
The arities in the signature and implementation differ. The signature specifies that 'g' is function definition or lambda expression accepting at least 1 argument(s), but the implementation is a computed function value. To declare that a computed function value is a permitted implementation simply parenthesize its type in the signature, e.g.
val g: int -> (int -> int)
instead of
val g: int -> int -> int.
One workaround is to η-expand the definition of g:
let g x = f x
If my code is purely functional (no exceptions, no side effects, etc.) this should be equivalent (actually, it might be even better with respect to polymorphism, depending on how the language generalizes types : in OCaml partial applications do not produce polymorphic functions, but their η-expansion does).
Is there any drawback to systematic η-expansion?
Two answers elude the question on η-expansion :-) and instead suggest that I add parentheses around my functional type. This is because, apparently, F# distinguishes at the typing level between "true" definition of functions (as λ-expressions and computed definitions, as in partial applications); presumably this is because λ-expressions directly map to CLR functions while computed definitions map to delegate objects. (I'm not sure of this interpretation and would appreciate if somebody very familiar with F# could point to reference documents describing this.)
A solution would be to systematically add parentheses to all the function types in .mli, but I fear this could lead to inefficiencies. Another would be to detect the computed functions and add parenthesize the corresponding types in the .mli. A third solution would be to η-expand the obvious cases, and parenthesize the others.
I'm not familiar enough with F# / CLR internals to measure which ones incur significant performance or interfacing penalties.
In theory, the F# function type 'a -> 'b -> 'c is the same type as 'a -> ('b -> 'c). That is, multiple argument functions are represented using the curried form in F#. You can use one where the other is expected in most cases e.g. when calling a higher-order function.
However, for practical reasons, F# compiler actually distinguishes between the types - the motivation is that they are represented differently in the compiled .NET code. This has impact on performance and also interoperability with C#, so it is useful to make that distinction.
A function Foo : int -> int -> int is going to be compiled as a member int Foo(int, int) - the compiler does not use the curried form by default, because this is more efficient when calling Foo with both arguments (more common case) and it is better for interop. A function Bar : int -> (int -> int) will be compiled as FSharpFunc<int, int> Bar(int) - actually using the curried form (and so it is more efficient to call it with just a single parameter and it will be hard to use from C#).
This is also why F# does not treat the types as equal when it comes to signatures - signature specifies the type, but here it also specifies how is the function going to be compiled. The implementation file has to provide function of the right type, but - in this case - also of the right compiled form.
Interestingly my fsi gives a more helpful error message:
/test.fs(2,5): error FS0034: Module 'Test' contains
val g : ('a -> 'a) but its signature specifies
val g : 'a -> 'a The arities in the signature and implementation differ.
The signature specifies that 'g' is function definition or lambda expression
accepting at least 1 argument(s), but the implementation is a computed
function value. To declare that a computed function value is a permitted
implementation simply parenthesize its type in the signature, e.g.
val g: int -> (int -> int) instead of
val g: int -> int -> int.
If you add brackets to get g :('a -> 'a) all is fine
Suppose I have the following DU:
type Something =
| A of int
| B of string * int
Now I use it in a function like this:
let UseSomething = function
| A(i) -> DoSomethingWithA i
| B(s, i) -> DoSomethingWithB s i
That works, but I've had to deconstruct the DU in order to pass it to the DoSomethingWith* functions. It feels natural to me to try to define DoSomethingWithA as:
let DoSomethingWithA (a: Something.A) = ....
but the compiler complains that the type A is not defined.
It seems entirely in keeping with the philosophy of F# to want to restrict the argument to being a Something.A, not just any old int, so am I just going about it the wrong way?
The important thing to note is that A and B are constructors of the same type Something. So you will get inexhaustive pattern matching warning if you try to use A and B cases separately.
IMO, deconstructing all cases of DUs is a good idea since it is type-safe and forces you to think of handling those cases even you don't want to. The problem may arise if you have to deconstruct DUs repetitively in the same way. In that case, defining map and fold functions on DUs might be a good idea:
let mapSomething fa fb = function
| A(i) -> fa i
| B(s, i) -> fb s i
Please refer to excellent Catamorphism series by #Brian to learn about fold on DUs.
That also said that your example is fine. What you really process are string and int values after deconstruction.
You can use Active Patterns to consume two cases separately:
let (|ACase|) = function A i -> i | B _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern B _"
let (|BCase|) = function B(s, i) -> (s, i) | A _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern A _"
let doSomethingWithA (ACase i) = ....
but inferred type of doSomethingWithA is still the same and you get an exception when passing B _ to the function. So it's a wrong thing to do IMO.
The other answers are accurate: in F# A and B are constructors, not types, and this is the traditional approach taken by strongly typed functional languages like Haskell or the other languages in the ML family. However, there are other approaches - I believe that in Scala, for example, A and B would actually be subclasses of Something, so you could use those more specific types where it makes sense to do so. I'm not completely sure what tradeoffs are involved in the design decision, but generally speaking inheritance makes type inference harder/impossible (and true to the stereotype type inference in Scala is much worse than in Haskell or the ML languages).
A is not a type, it is just a constructor for Something. There's no way you can avoid pattern matching, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
That said, F# does offer a thing called active patterns, for instance
let (|AA|) = function
| A i -> i
| B _ -> invalidArg "B" "B's not allowed!"
which you can then use like this:
let DoSomethingWithA (AA i) = i + 1
But there's no real reason why you would want to do that! You still do the same old pattern matching under the hood, plus you risk the chance of a runtime error.
In any case, your implementation of UseSomething is perfectly natural for F#.
I'm brushing up on some key points in F# and my instructor has recommended a few exercises to help us grasp the concepts (not homework). He has given us certain types that the F# compiler would infer when given a sample expression, and we are supposed to be able to come up with an expressions that would provide it. The ones I have got somewhat stuck on are the following:
('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'c)
('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'a) -> ('c -> 'b)
The first one is of course the function composition operator (f o g)(x), or (>>), but I cannot think of anything that would have the second. Would anyone have any suggestions? Also, alternatives to the first one would be quite appreciated as well.
It looks like reverse composition (<<) and, as kvb pointed out, it needs be uncurried.
I'm aware of (||>) which does (a' * 'b) -> ('a -> b' -> 'c) -> 'c
But I've been finding this quite useful, and wondered if I was reinventing the wheel:
// ('a * 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b * 'b)
let inline (|>>) (a,b) f = (f a, f b)
(*It can happen, I only discovered the ceil function half an hour ago!)
No, it doesn't.
However, you will encounter its variant very often if you use FParsec. Here is the type signature in FParsec documentation:
val (|>>): Parser<'a,'u> -> ('a -> 'b) -> Parser<'b,'u>
I think the library has a very well-designed set of operators which can be generalized for other purposes as well. The list of FParsec operators can be found here.
I did a bit of digging; |>> operator doesn't seem to have built-in Haskell counterpart although it is easy to be defined using Control.Arrow.
The operator you described is essentially the map function for a two-element tuple. The map function, in general has a signature (for some F<'a> which could be seq<'a> or many other types in F# libraries):
map : ('a -> 'b) -> F<'a> -> F<'b>
So, if you define F<'a> as a two element tuple, then your function is actually just map (if you flip the arguments):
type F<'a> = 'a * 'a
let map f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
The operation is not built-in anywhere in the F# library, but it is useful to realize that it actually matches a pattern that is quite common in F# libraries elsewhere (list, seq, array, etc.)
Looking at the Haskell answer referenced by #pad - in principle, Haskell makes it possible to define the same function for all types that support such operations using type classes (so you would write just fmap instead of or instead of your, but it actually does not work for various technical reasons - so Haskellers need to call it differently).
In F#, this is not easily possible to define a single map function for different types, but you can still think of your function as a map for two-element tuples (even if you find it easier to give it a symbolic operator name, rather than the name map.)