Beginner with Rails 3.1 and "static" pages - ruby-on-rails

I just started deploying a Rails website. In fact, I started programming on Rails 2 days ago.
I've created a new project, added some gems, etc. Everything is working properly, and I have some basic knowledge on how all works.
The thing is that what I want to create is a simple website with some sections (let's say, News, Contact, About, Products...). All this content is kinda static.
But I came in a problem. I don't really know what to do in order to create them. What I want, for example, is something like,, etc, or even
I thought about creating a Controller, then an action for each page... afterwards, I came up with other solution: scaffolding. Creating a resource called page, that has a title, etc...
I'm really a beginner on this topic, and I would like to hear your helpful voice.

Check out for static pages for Rails.
And check out for setting page titles.

The paths to your files are determined by your routes. The configuration file for routes is located at config/routes.rb. You can match a URL path, and then point to a given resource. More information about routes here:
If you generate a controller, you can process any dynamic data and then pass this data to these "kinda static" pages. Here is an example configuration that would match the path "" and display the appropriate page:
# config/routes.rb
match "/about" => "example_controller#about"
# app/controllers/example_controller.rb
class ExampleController < ApplicationController
def about
# calculations
# app/views/example/about.html.erb
<!-- This is your HTML page -->

I think the title of your post might be a bit misleading. I have the feeling you don't want static pages but some database stored content. Just like Ben Simpson tells you to do, create a normal pages controller and make it work.
In the end you might want to customize some routes to get them to be exactly the way you want as in your examples.
Since you just started the app, I strongly recommend you start over and make a new app with Rails 3.1 which is the most current version and learn how to do the basics through and a few other sources such as
You will then learn Rails the right way from the beginning. Good luck and have fun in the process.


What is the "_path" method in ruby on rails?

I'm learning RoR, and I'm getting very confused by the "_path" method as it's used in Controllers and Routes. To be more specific, I'm referring to the many different calls that take the syntax "(something)_path". So far as I know, they all seem to either encode or manipulate a URL or link. I'm having a hard time mastering the use of this type of method because I can't figure out what it's core functionality is supposed to be.
For example, I could use the following code to redirect an old URL structure to a page of listed Tweet instances in my config/routes.rb file:
get '/all' => 'tweets#index', as: 'all_tweets'
Only now can I use the following in an .erb file. Notice the "_path" code at the end of the line.
<%= link_to "All Tweets", all_tweets_path %>
I could also use the following code to create a link to an edit page (and another action) in a different .erb file:
<p><%= link_to, edit_tweet_path(#tweet) %></p>
I've tried reading through my study materials as well as the RoR documentation, but I always end up more lost than when I began. Does anybody know the low-level definition of this "_path" method?
It's called a route helper, which means that Rails will generate them to help provide you with resource-based routing structures. I'll explain more in a second
To explain properly - Rails is just a framework.
Like all software, it is a series of files loaded in a particular order. As such, Rails creates a series of helper methods in the booting process. These "helper" methods can then be used throughout your application to call functionality / information as you require:
The Rails framework provides a large number of helpers for working
with assets, dates, forms, numbers and model objects, to name a few.
These helpers are available to all templates by default.
In addition to using the standard template helpers provided, creating
custom helpers to extract complicated logic or reusable functionality
is strongly encouraged. By default, each controller will include all
helpers. These helpers are only accessible on the controller through
The route helpers (which are generated from your config/routes.rb file give you the ability to call routes which are resourceful. These might seem strange to begin with, but once you understand them, will help you inexorably.
To give you more clarity - Rails routes are known as resourceful
This means they are constructed around resources. To give you a brief definition of this, you need to appreciate that the resources of your application are the pools of data you can add to, and pull
To explain further, because Rails is object orientated. If you're new, this won't mean very much, but keep it in mind, as when you progress through the language / work, you'll begin to see why this is important.
Object orientated programming puts OBJECTS at the center of the flow. Typically, you'd put logic at the center, but with OOP, it's the objects. This is very important for us, as it means that everything you do in Rails is based around the objects you can create.
As per the MVC principle (which, again, is what Rails is built on), you'll create / invoke your objects from your Models:
This means that if you want to create a series of routes to "CRUD" (Create Read Update Destroy) your objects, Rails is able to create the routes necessary to do that. This is where the resources directives come from inside the routes file:
Hope this helps!
Actually, these paths are generated based on your routes.rb. If you run this command at your project, you would be able to see all available on your app
rake routes
For example, if I declare my resources in routes.rb like this
resources :posts
then I would automatically have following available paths
If you use some strange abc_path which has not been declared in routes.rb, then you will get errors.
Hope this is helpful, you will definitely need to work more with Rails and then eventually you will understand all of these things :)
you could find definition for these methods in rails repository:

Understanding Scaffolding in Rails Better

I've read the rails guides but there are some things that when I actually do it myself I still do not understand.
For example, how come when I visit my show view on localhost I get an error? Scaffolding created a show action in my controller that is empty and a view but still get an error message.
Similar thing happens with index.
Isn't the purpose of scaffolding to help you with all this? I assumed if I made a few posts that the index action would take me to an index of all the posts but it doesn't instead the post/ itself lists them all. What is the logic behind scaffolding doing this?
This is the error message that I get:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ExperimentsController#show
Couldn't find Experiment with id=index
This happens when I visit http://localhost:3000/experiments/index
You are accessing the routes incorrectly.
To visit the index page : you need url http://localhost:3000/experiments
When you specify url : http://localhost:3000/experiments/index, Rails would match it to the route of show page(as shown below): /experiments/:id
If you read the error carefully:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ExperimentsController#show
Couldn't find Experiment with id=index
Rails mapped the url to show action and is trying to find an experiment with id=index which obviously does not exist and you get an error.
Run rake routes on command prompt and you'll see the routes created for resource experiment as follows:
/experiments index display a list of all experiments
GET /experiments/new new return an HTML form for creating a new experiment
POST /experiments create create a new experiment
GET /experiments/:id show display a specific experiment
GET /experiments/:id/edit edit returns an HTML form for editing an experiments
PATCH/PUT /experiments/:id update update a specific experiment
DELETE /experiments/:id destroy delete a specific experiment
You can access the specific routes with the paths shown above.
Replace :id with an existing experiment records id attribute value.
For eg:
To view an experiment with id 5
Visit http://localhost:3000/experiments/5
NOTE: I would highly recommend you to go through the Rails Routing Guide and get a better idea of how Routing works.
For a simple scaffolding task and assuming you followed the convention of naming, you should never get any errors, but even if you got an error my guess it will be a simple typo or pending-migrations type of error (something a quick googling should resolve)
Scaffolds are meant to give a push and increase Rapid Prototyping of your app but won't do the hole job for you.
I remember being confused just like you some time ago and i too was looking at the wrong direction trying to figure out what Scaffolding do while i should have looked on How Rails template system works which is the next step after learning Rails MVC basics.
Start from the guides, and it will take some time to fully understand how rails works!

Ruby on Rails database driven router to support fully customizable urls

I'm planning to port our current cms (written in PHP) to Rails. All parts do well, except for one: routing.
Like most cms systems, the routing in our cms based on a database with pages, which are linked to modules, controllers and actions. On this approach a user can fully customize or specify it's own urls.
I know that Rails (and most (application) frameworks have the approach of defining routes in a file, but I hope this is possible.
The approach our users should have is:
add new page
select type (news, form, product, ...)
select an item (select which form, blog or product should be displayed)
enter a url for that page
Special the last point (4) is important. A user should be able to add form A to /contact-us, and form B to /clients/register-as-new-client e.g.
On a request the router needs to do a database query with the page url, to find out which controller, task and parameters should be dispatched.
Question has been updated, and i don't think this is a valid answer anymore
we have a similar paging system. we use a routing glob. in routes.rb:
get 'pages/*lookup_path', to: 'pages#show', defaults: { format: 'html' }, as: 'page'
Just parse params[:lookup_path] in PagesController to suit your needs
params[:lookup_path] #=> users/
params[:lookup_path] #=> users/23
params[:lookup_path] #=> people/1
Although this solution isn't ReSTful, I think this should solve the issue.
Regardless, Rails uses routes in a file. You cannot change this since the framework heralds "convention over configiuration". All I can do is point you in a direction to minimize this.
There is a catchall route in Rails (on RailsCasts, and on StackOverflow) which you can use to direct all routing to one controller action. You may further customize the routing behaviour in that method
You could also make a route like…
:controller/:action => Controller::Action
…as is done in CodeIgniter, but now your methods have to have names like contact-us and register-as-a-new-client.

Nested views "the rails way"

I am working on a rails 3.2 application that has a lot of static, deeply nested pages. The architecture is as follows:
So far, I have an information controller with these four methods:
with the following routes:
get "information/therapies"
get "information/nutrition"
get "information/liver_diseases"
get "information/about_the_liver"
Here are my questions:
First of all, these routes, as generated by the rails generator, look clumsy. Is there any way to dry them out and group them together? E.g., so that the "information/" part is not repeated so often?
I have come up with this, but I am not sure whether this is the best approach:
[ :therapies, :nutrition, :liver_diseases, :about_the_liver ].each do |method|
get "information/#{method}"
I will need views for every single menu entry that you can see in the rightmost menu. My approach is to change liver_diseases to being a separate controller and have 8 different views - but that can't be dry. Is there a "rails way" to this?
Couldn't you simply put your static pages in /public and have them served directly from there? If there's no rails content this would be the quickest and most efficient approach.

Friendly URLs in Github

How has Github managed to get friendly URLs for representing repos of users? For a project called abc by username foo, how do they work around with a URL like: Are they fetching the abc model for the DB from the title in the URL (which sounds unreasonable as they are modifying the titles). How are they transferring the unique ID of the abc repo which they can fetch and show in the view?
The reason I ask is that I am facing a similar problem of creating friendlier URLs to view a resource. MongoDB's object IDs are quite long and make the URL look horrific. Is there a workaround? All the tutorials that demonstrate CRUD (or REST) URLs for a resource always include the object's unique ID(e.g. or Is there a better way to do it?
Not having seen their code, I couldn't tell you exactly how they do it, but if you're using Rails there are at least two Ruby gems that will give you similar results:
Take a look at Slugged and friendly_id is a unique repository identifier (for that repo's master branch). I'd assume that somewhere they have a table that looks like:
repository-id | user-id | project-id
and are just looking up based on user and project rather than repository-id.
You'd need to do some domain-specific mapping between internal and user-friendly ids, but you'd need to make sure that was a 1:1 mapping.
See this rails cast on methods, gems and solutions to common problems you might get while modifying the application to use friendly urls.
(although Ryan Bates deserves the rep+ for this)
I mocked a structure like this using FriendlyID and Nested Resources.
Essentially, use friendly ID to get the to_param-ish slugs in your routes, then set up nested resources. Using GitHub as an example:
resources :users do
resources :repositories
Then in your controller, say, for repositories, you can check the existence of params[:user_id] and use that to determine the user from the route. The reason I check for existence is because I did something like (roughly):
So my controller does:
def show
#user = params[:user_id] ? User.find(params[:user_id]) : current_user
I followed this tutorial here to get started with this same project.
This is called URL rewriting if the web server does it (such as Apache), and routing when it happens in a web application framework (such as Ruby on Rails).
