Install and start programming Ruby on Rails on Mac? - ruby-on-rails

I would like to try ruby on rails on mac. I want to install ruby on rails, tried to find some guide for installation, and I get this:
ruby on rails official website??
It does not have a clear, I mean, well documentation for beginner to follow the steps? Or, thats all for the installation? How to start the webserver, where to store ruby files etc, ... how do I get started???
Any advise, or links or tutorials for a total ruby beginner to get started?

This is their official guide:
You need to install xcode first though to avoid some errors. This is because some of the headers in the default ruby install on macs is incomplete without it.

Well you need GCC, which used to be with XCode only but over at ye olde GitHub, it's been packaged as a standalone. Next up you can follow either this tutorial by Katz or Dan Benjamin's guide on HiveLogic.
Keep in mind the state of the art in Ruby and Rails is fast moving so the guides might not take you all the way there. The most crucial parts are getting RVM installed properly and working and getting everything on the right version. It's not too tricky to work through, and there's probably no undocumented issues in the process now.


The system cannot find the path specified for rails

Hey guys so I am new to everything including computers I don't know squat, nothing! I am recently trying to take ruby on rails on I have ran into many problems with using ruby and downloading rails I have followed allot of helpful tips which have helped but I cannot seem to get out of this loop for 6 hrs already.
I am using ruby 2.2.4 ,rails on the other hand I don't know how to use it and when I check
rails -v
this pops up
the system cannot find the path specified
I am using windows 10 by the way. So can someone please help in detail and hoping you have the patience to work with someone who knows nothing. Thanks in advance.
I assume that you need to install ruby and rails on your windows 10 machine.
You can use rails installer for installing ruby and all other stuff related to ruby and rails using a single installation.

Configure Komodo Edit to use correct Ruby version via RVM

I want to use Komodo Edit 8 as my editor for my Ruby-on-Rails projects and I also use different versions of Ruby and Rails managed by RVM. I want Komodo Edit to automatically use the correct versions for its code-intelligence and syntax checking.
So does anyone have experience using RVM together with Komodo Edit 8? I don't think giving Komodo a absolute path to a Ruby version works in this scenario?
Any help would be appreciated, since I've spend almost 2 hours googling about this issue but didn't find a acceptable answer.
I think you can point to ~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby. From the RVM site's page about TextMate integration:
The rvm-auto-ruby approach
Out of the box, rvm ships with a ruby binary, typically in ~/.rvm/bin (or, in system wide installs, inside of /usr/local/bin), that will perform the following steps before executing ruby:
Load up RVM
Look for any RVMRC files and load them
Execute as a normal ruby
This approach makes it possible to have the ruby switched on a per-project basis without any extra work. With rvm installed, this is a matter of taking the full path to rvm-auto-ruby, found via:
which rvm-auto-ruby
Take the time to go over RVM's site and become familiar with what information is there. That site is the best and most accurate information for using RVM. On the installation page, they say this about external tutorials for installing RVM, which applies to pretty much anything you want to know about RVM:
Note that that any outside tutorials are NOT supported whether they work or not. Tutorials are great, however we have spent massive amounts of man hours debugging the installation process. Please use the install process(es) from this site only, as this is the only supported installation types and methods.
In other words, even if you found information via an internet search, what you found could very possibly be wrong so go to RVM's site and see what you find. If nothing shows up, contact the authors as they are the best source of truth.
I want to use Komodo Edit 8 as my editor for my Ruby-on-Rails projects and I also use different versions of Ruby and Rails managed by RVM. I want Komodo Edit to automatically use the correct versions for its code-intelligence and syntax checking.
Look at RVM's "Typical RVM Project Workflow" page for information on how RVM can autoswitch your Ruby version and gem sets. It's not really for Komodo to do, it's RVM that handles that heavy-lifting.

Reverse engineering what version of ruby and rails a project was developed under

Some background:
I am new to Ruby and Rails and I've been assigned to get an already completed Ruby on Rails project to compile from source.
The project has, as far as I've been able to discover, little to no documentation on how to set it up. The developers are unavailable for me to contact.
After doing some tutorials and learning the basics I have been trying to get the code to compile and run. My platform/setup is currently:
Windows 7
Ruby 1.9.3
Rails 3.2.13
Although I am attempting to develop with a VirtualBox Ubuntu setup alongside of this because I suspect it will be easier in the long run.
Despite there being no Gemfile for this project I have managed to (I believe) pin down and install all of the necessary gem packages (hopefully compatible versions). I am now running into this issue:
in alias_method': undefined methodpath' for class `ActionController::UploadedStringIO' (NameError)
As far as my searches have led me to believe this is a bug that can occur when the versions of Ruby and Rails are not correct/incompatible?
Is there a way to "reverse engineer" what version of Ruby and Rails was used to develop this project in the first place from the code alone? Could this bug be caused by me using 3.2.13 Rails if the original developers were using 1.8.7 Ruby? It seems to me that if I can emulate their setup closely enough then the source should compile and I can get down to business.
Additionally I am using the default WEBrick server. Is there a way to determine what the original team used for the web service? Does it even matter if they used a Apache setup or are these server implementations mostly interchangeable aside from efficiency?
Thank you for your time. If you have any further advice on how to handle this sort of project I'd love to hear that too.
If there is no Gemfile, it points to the Rails app being 2.3 or earlier. As for the Web server, they are interchangeable, but there is really very little chance that they were using Webrick, due to its ability (or lack thereof) to handle many concurrent requests. Chances are, they were using mongrel, or passenger via Apache or Nginx.

Is it okay to use Rails 3.1 for a new project? Is hard to convert over?

I have just started using 3.0.7. I am about 2 weeks of development in.
I was wondering if I should keep building for 3.0.7 or switch to 3.1 before I have too much code to port over? I like most of the new features (my only fear is not having good error messages when I use coffeescript), so I'd like to code towards the latest and greatest if it's relatively safe.
The javascript standards look interesting, and the attr_accessible fix sounds like it's very much appreciated.
Is Rails 3.1 compatible with all the gems out there though?
Also, if I go the 3.1 route, is hard or easy to migrate my project towards it? How might one go about that?
I guess this is a lot of mini yet related questions. I'd really appreciate some answers. Thank you.
I think if you want to ride on Rails 3.1 you should do it :). As for me I have some projects on Rails 2.3.5, 3.0.5 and would like to port them on Rails 3.1 but there is to much code there :). So don't be afraid and go to the fresh stuff (unless your code overflow :) ).
Rails 3.1 are pretty stable for now (I didn't have much problems with installing and using it)
If you're only two weeks into a project then it makes sense to stay on the edge and move to 3.1.
The way I'd do it is clone my project to a new dir (you're using git / similar version control, right?), change the Rails version in my Gemspec, run tests and play around to see what got broken (if anything). Based on the results you can figure out whether the effort is too great.
Regarding gem compatibility, hardly anything is compatible with all gems out there. Since you're two weeks in, you probably know which gems you use. Test like I suggested and you'll have an idea whether it's compatible with what you need. If you're using popular gems, then they'll most likely be updated to work with 3.1 soon enough.

Can Ruby 1.9 used with Rails by a Ruby/Rails beginner?

About half a year ago, when I started to learn Ruby and Rails, I first tried Ruby 1.9 but I soon gave up, because at that time nothing worked out of the box and almost every helping blog or tutorial was designed for Ruby 1.8.
What about now? (Dec 2009) Is it possible to get an existing Rails application running by a Ruby and Rails beginner without running into problems which can only be fixed by an absolute Ruby and Rails professional?
Unfortunately I dind't have good experiences with Ruby 1.9 and Rails.
You can read more here: Has anyone successfully deployed a Rails project with Ruby 1.9.1?
My opinion is that migrating an existing Rails app from Ruby 1.8.x to Ruby 1.9.1 is not as easy as you would think, event with an excellent test suite.
I'm also quite sure that most of the problems arise from trying to convert an existing application because you are working with an established code base.
Starting with a new Rails app with Ruby 1.9 should probably easier because you can trace a problem as soon as you write a single line of code so you can easily isolate which component is not compatible.
When migrating an existing app I had hard time trying to figure out which stack level was actually not compatible with Ruby 1.9. And there are more than one incompatible libraries at the same time I can't tell you how it's difficult to understand which one should be fixed first and which one originated the final error.
In 99.9% of the cases yes, there were rare cases where u might find problems but they should be solved with the new release.
As for the external gems and plugins, most of them now are fully compatible with ruby 1.9, however sepcial cases might exist but I'm not aware of any right now.
