Having Different Callback actions in OmniAuth - ruby-on-rails

I am using Omniauth and Fb_graph gems in my app.
I wanted to perform two different actions on:
1) Sign up using facebook -> Using Omniauth I create an authentication and redirect to root_path
2) Finding facebook friends -> If an authentication exists, find friends using fb_graph. If it doesn't exist, create an authentication in omniauth and then redirect to fb_friends_path
How can I have different callbacks after authenticating using Omniauth? (In first case, I want to redirect to root_path and in second case I want redirect to fb_friends_path after creating an authentication if it does not exists.)
Thanks a lot!

Assuming you are using rails, setup a before filter called :auth_required that checks to see if that user has setup authorization in the past -- perhaps you are storing oauth tokens and you can check for it. Place :auth_required in front of the action that corresponds to fb_friends_path. If they don't have authorization setup, store the user's intent (their desired url) in the session.
In the callback you have setup for omniauth, if there is a stored intent redirect to it and remove it. Otherwise, assume they are signing up and send them to the root path.


Shared authentication with devise

I have two Rails 4 sites, auth.example.com and app.example.com. Eventually there are going to be multiple app-type sites, maybe a dozen or two, but let's start with the one. Auth has devise set up so we can do basic user management (user creation and deactivation, password and SSH key management, etc.), with users logging into auth so they can do basic stuff themselves like update their address or phone number.
I want to set up app so that it uses the same authentication as auth. If a user tries to access app without being logged in, I want to redirect them to auth so they can log in, then go back to the page they were trying to access on app. Basically, I want to do devise actions on app, but with devise residing on auth. This, of course, is so that when we have multiple sites running, we can implement devise once instead of having to put it on every one of our sites individually.
I found this but it doesn't look like it's quite what I want:
Anybody have a pointer to a resource that can walk me through how to do this?
What I would do is create a small API simply for user management. Then allow your other apps to make calls to that API to log a user in, create a user, etc. So keeping them on whatever site they're on, but in the background you're talking to the auth API.

Register user and authenticate request on server using facebook

I have an app that uses ember simple-auth with torii and devise extensions.
My backend is on rails with devise to protect ressources. (BTW, I am a rails noob)
My goal is that I want users to be able to register/login with facebook, but I also need to authenticate requests made to my backend. (e.g. A user can only access his account info)
If I take each authenticators by itself, it works fine. For example, I can authenticate a user through facebook. And I can register and sign in on my rails server. However, I want the registration to happen through facebook( No forms to fill for the user)
The questions I have are:
- What information should I persist on my server so that I can identify a facebook authenticated user and authorize him to access ressources?
- Is there a more straight forward way to do it ?
- Does it even make sense to have 2 authentication processes ?
If you're using Facebook login the only data you need to persist is the App-scoped User ID (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/upgrading#upgrading_v2_0_user_ids)
That's a unique ID generated for the user in your App. When the user logs into your App with Facebook you only have to get back this ID and then match it in your database.
I hope it helps.

How does Devise and OmniAuth work together?

I have some questions on how Devise and OmniAuth work as I couldn't find any clarification on these one's I'm about to ask. Here I'll use Facebook as an example.
If I wanted users to be able to sign in using only Facebook and not be able to create an account, could I still use Devise? Does it still have a purpose?
If I were to go the Facebook route above, I see in my database it saves a "user" but does that user stay with that same ID or does it delete/change every time they re-sign in and they become "new users"?
What does using OmniAuth only mean for my application? It's basically the same as Devise right? Just going through a third party?
Right now, I created an app with just the omniauth-facebook gem and I'm thinking it's the same as Devise but just does the all the work for me (name, email, location, etc.) as if it was just a replacement.
The reason I ask these questions is because I don't want to end up assigning a user to a resource and it can't find him because it keeps changing the ID of said user because OmniAuth treats it like some type of sessions table (logging in) and not the actual user's table (save columns permanently). I want the the Devise functionality but to simply replace it with Facebook. I hope I'm making sense.
Well, Devise is an user management gem, so it will manage all your user sessions informations, password, password reset, confirmation ....
Everything that is related to registrations and login will be handled by devise.
Now if you want to add omniauth login (Facebook,Twitter,....) you have to use omniauth to take care of the login using any provider like Facebook.
Basically Omniauth allows you to link facebook users to your app users but works perfectly well with Devise.
For example when a user is created using Facebook signup it's created in the User Tables which has both devise and omniauth information. So your user will also be able to login using his email and create a password afterwards.
Facebook provide a unique ID for each user which is stored in your database, so when one user is created with Facebook login it has both an email address to use with Devise and the Facebook ID to use with Omniauth to login.
You can use both together with the same user model and manage how you want to do it.
You can for example let user to create a password after omniauth login so that they can login afterwards with either omniauth or devise.
Or you can also let existing user link their facebook account for future use.
I hope this is clear enough, if you have anymore questions let me know !
Your user is your user. Omniauth provides an interface to your application which abstracts the whole Oauth protocol logic from you. But it's like this: your user signs in with his facebook account and gets a token. This token is bound to your user in your app, and that's how omniauth identifies him.
No, Omniauth is not the same as devise. Both try to address the same purpose (user authentication on your app), but while devise bundles the whole inner logic of identity provision in your app (creating an account, registering an account, registration emails, recovering an account, managing sessions, signing in, signing out...), Omniauth provides only an interface to link your user account to an authorized third-party account and access its information, and the rest you have to do yourself.
But they can work together (use devise to create accounts local to your app, use omniauth to link those accounts to third-party accounts and (maybe) fill some basic information for the user account based on his third party account, like facebook name, email, photo).
The sessions repository is independent of your users table, so there is no possibility of happening what you stated in the last paragraph.

Bypassing devise signin when user registered via REST call

I am using devise with rest enabled. I have a form that requires user authentcation / registration. The authentication is implemented in fancybox light box.
I am able to register and signin using ajax calls. Sign in seems to return a session_id. How do I get the session object after registration. Or, more like is a session object created at registration?
If one is not created how would I bypass signin the first time after registration ?
There seems to be no straight forward way to do this. As of now the only way I can do this is by refreshing the page.

How do I tell which authentication user is using in rails (OmniAuth)

Suppose user can login using either Facebook Account or OpenId. If user uses Facebook, I would like to put a button like publish on my homepage, else I will not put anything on it. How do I tell which authentication method user is using in OmniAuth?
In your callback method, you can access the request.env["omniauth.auth"]["provider"] varaible to determine if he used Facebook vs. OpenID.
