edit the text of a cell? - uiview

I have a UITableView, and want to let users edit the text of a cell. I want to popup a new UIView to let them enter some text in textfield, then dismiss the view and replace the cell's label text. Is it possible?

This is kind of an advanced move, Vikas. The programming of and user interaction with table view cells is tricky. The reason is that the UI code is a bit tricky because of the scrollable view, and you have to be prepared for the table cells to move or change if the table data is reloaded.
Is there another way you can achieve the result you're looking for? Could you design your table view so that when a cell is selected, you push a new view onto the navigation stack, and have UI components on that view that enable the user to edit the value?
This is the way that Apple does the Settings on iOS. When you select a row, you are shown a new view that has appropriate editing or selection controls.

You should use the textLabel property.


Is it possible to change attribute of individual UITableViewCell?

Is it possible to make changes to a particular UITableViewCell? For example, change the text in one cell of a table view with a button click?
It's possible, but you should not do that.
As you said in your comment, you can ask the table view for a cell and then make changes to that cell, but don't do that.
You should do what HHumorous said, and change your data model, then tell the table view to reload the affected cell.
If you simply change the appearance of the cell, then when the user scrolls that cell off-screen and then back on-screen the changes will be lost.

Controlling Table display from another view

I am trying to display a table on the home view with 10 potential cells.
I need to press a button, go to the next view and select which cells I want to use via switches.
For example, if the switch is on, the cell is displayed. If the switch is off the cell will not be displayed and there will not be a gap between displayed cells on the previous page.
Uses the switches to control the data source for your UITableView, the best way to do this would be to break out your UITableViewDataSource into a separate class and then you can modify the data source array from your second view controller. I think this tutorial would be a good starting point

Can I choose only portion of a row in UITableView to be clickable(selectable) in Swift?

So I have a table in the accordion style. When a row is clicked, five radio buttons are displayed. Then, users should be able to click on those buttons. It successfully displays the buttons, but when the buttons are clicked, instead of highlighting the selected button, it shrinks the row itself. I think this is probably because I implemented each set of the label part and the option part as a single row, just in different UIViews. I believe clicking on the view that contains buttons is overridden by clicking on the row(label + options). Its really hard to explain, but I think a solution could be restricting selectrow action of the table to only certain portion of the row.
Is there a way I could achieve this? If I cannnot, is there other ways to implement the accordion table to be used as I described?
I am having a really hard time trying to explain this. If you have any questions, please let me know.
As per my understanding you van give a try to below steps:
Disable the row selection so that you can avoid row selection. Usecell.selectionStyle = .none
Secondly for your button in row set the IBAction in controller class and in Storyboard connect those actions to specific buttons.

Dealing with keyboard and tableviewcell

The layout for one of my View Controllers is such: I have a scroll view embedded inside my VC. Inside my scroll view, I have a table view that consists of 5 cell. The first 3 cells consist of a textfield thats pulls its text from a dictionary and this changes depending on certain situations. These textfields are editable and so tapping on them brings up the keyboard, the issue however is that I would like my view to scroll when I tap on the text field because right now they keyboard hides the the third editable text field. Another issue is that at the moment, clicking outside teh table view doesnt cause the keyboard to be dismissed and so the only way of dismissing the keyboard is tapping on the return key. What I would like to happen is that when I tap on either one of the 3 editable fields, the scroll view ought to scroll up a certain number that I define (this is so that I can define how much to scroll depending on which row is currently selected). One of the issues I'm facing is that I can't directly reference these textfields in my VC since they're all created through one prototype cell. My thinking was that I could create a dictionary with the 3 textfields as keys and then the scrollview y coordinates as values and then use that. However , I wasn't sure how to do this in my situation (with the prototype cells). Would really appreciate if someone could show me some sample code on how to do this.
You can reference your text fields by calling cellForRowAtIndexPath: to get the UITableViewCell, then calling viewWithTag: to get your UITextField. Just assign the text fields a tag number. Also, set the text field's delegate to be your view controller so that you can respond to a user tapping to edit text.

Table View Design Issue

My app design required a page that display 'user information' and i currently have this setup using a simple table view in a View controller. Now, the tricky thing is I need to be able to provide functionality to the user to be able to edit these on the same same screen. So essentially when the user taps on a row in the table view, I want that little flashing text line at the end of the current text in the row so the user can edit what's currently present and I also want a save button to apear on the top when a user has started editing. The tricky part is, not all fields in my table view will be editable. So, I need certain fields to be editable and have the save button appear and certain fields not.
Can you tell me how would I go about modifying my existing design to implement this functionality? I would appreciate some code if you think you can show me how exactly I would go about doing things.
You would probably want to make some custom UITableViewCells. You can fill a tableview with all sorts of different cells which are different sizes and looks different, all at the same time. I would suggest a custom UITableViewCell which will hold a UITextField as one of the subviews. On the cells which you don't want user interaction with the textfield, either make a new custom cell that uses a UILabel or just do textfield.userInteractionEnabled = NO. Look up some custom uitableviewCell tutorials to get you started and then use the approach that I suggested for your problem.
