How can I get ant behavior when expanding properties with gradle? - ant

I have an ant project I'm converting to gradle. In the ant project, there is something like this:
<copy todir="dest_dir">
The filter chain expands properties like ${property}, but ignores dollar signs without braces. I'm trying to replicate this behavior in gradle.
If I expand as below, gradle expands the files as a groovy template, which tries to expand dollar signs with braces.
copy {
from 'source_dir'
into 'dest_dir'
If I filter with the ant ExpandProperties filter class, I get a NullPointerException. Is there an easy way to do this I've missed?

Ok, I figured this out. The ExpandProperties filter needs its project property set with the Ant project. This is how I got it configured to work:
copy {
from 'source_dir'
to 'dest_dir'
filter(, project: ant.antProject)
This expands properties like ${property} exactly the same as Ant, without getting tripped up on dollar signs without braces.


What are the usage restrictions on Ant's if/unless conditional attributes?

So we're using basic Ant 1.9.4, with a little use of 1.9.1's new if/unless attributes. For example,
<project xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">
.... miles and miles of XML ....
<jar ....>
<service ....>
<provider classname="a.b.c.X" if:true="${some.flag}"/>
<provider ..../>
....the stuff in here will matter shortly....
with some.flag always set to true or false, never left unset, and never set to any other value (assigned inside a property file read in earlier, if that matters), and it works wonderfully, giving us exactly the behavior we need. Joy!
More recently, we tried to make some of the jar task's fileset entries a little smarter, such as
<fileset dir="somedir">
<include name="optional_file" if:true="${some.flag}"/> <!-- same property name as before -->
With this syntax, we get an error "A zip file cannot include itself", with a line number pointing to the start of the jar task. This is obviously bogus syntax. However, changing this second if:true to simply if out of desperation -- and making no other changes -- avoids the error and gives us correct flag-based optional inclusion behavior.
What's going on here? Is the new syntax simply unavailable in <fileset> and/or fileset's nested <include> blocks?
As an experiment, I tried using an if:true or if:set attribute as appropriate in a few other useful places. Some places it worked perfectly. Some places I got some bizarre nonsense error, clearly the kind of thing that a parser prints when it's gone off the rails. Each time, reworking if:set="$(foo}" into if="foo" and if:true="${foo}" into if="${foo}" got back to the desired if-then behavior. So it's not a blocking problem, but we'd rather have the self-documenting :condition if we could.
I couldn't find mention of any such restriction in the Ant manual, but the manual describes the if/unless syntax in at least two different places using different descriptions. (I'm not sure where they are due to the manual's use of HTML frames; every URL shows up as index.html. Anytime I refer to the manual it feels like I'm browsing like it's 1999, baby! *does MC Hammer slide out of the room*)
Since Ant 1.4, <include> and <exclude> elements nested under <patternset> elements have supported if and else attributes. Each <fileset> has an implicit <patternset> nested under it, so the if and else attributes are available to it...
<condition property="some.flag.istrue">
<istrue value="${some.flag}"/>
<fileset dir="somedir">
<!-- The "if" below is different than "if:true". -->
<include name="optional_file" if="some.flag.istrue"/>
In the above example, the if in <include> is an ordinary Ant attribute in the "default" Ant XML namespace. On the other hand, if:true is in the ant:if XML namespace.
The namespaced if:true doesn't work well with <include> elements. If the value provided to if:true doesn't evaluate to true, then Ant behaves as if the entire <include> element never existed. This is bad because Ant takes empty patternsets to mean "match every file". This is likely why you received the "A zip file cannot include itself" error; the <fileset> was likely containing the destination JAR file.
Stick with the plain if and else attributes for <include> and <exclude> elements and things should work.

Condition Property Override

I want to use an condition property to set the property value to X if another property is defined and Y otherwise. However, I don't want the user to be able to override the condition property from the command line.
How can this be achieved?
Starting from ant 1.8 for some use cases local task may be applicable. Since a property is made local it starts with an empty value. It's scope is limited to current target, but you may pass it to subsequent targets using param argument in antcall.
Nope, you can't override a property set on the command line. At least, it's not easy to do. The whole purpose of overriding properties on the command line is to allow users to override defaults in order to make modification in the way your project builds. For example:
<property file="${basedir}/"/>
<property name="javac.debug" value="no"/>
<target name="compile">
<javac destdir="${main.destdir}"
By default, the Java code is compiled without debugging information. Maybe this is done to make jar files smaller, or faster interpretation, or maybe to make the code harder to decompile and read. Whatever reason, this build won't put debug information into the classfiles.
However, developers do want this debugging information, so they want to be able to override this setting:
$ ant -Djavac.debug=true compile
Or, they can create a file and put the value in there.
This type of issue comes up when you're not using Ant for builds. I know several sites that use Ant scripts to do deployments. I usually discourage this because Ant isn't really made for this type of thing. For example, Ant doesn't have any built in logic or loops. Once a property is set, it can't be changed. These are good ideas for a build language, but a terrible idea for a general purpose programming language.
Also, developers shouldn't be doing builds for QA or production. Those should be done by a build server that won't override defaults.
Now how to destroy this whole well thought out system and cause absolute havoc:
You can use the ant-contrib tasks in your project. Doing this will allow you to access the Ant Contrib var task to unset properties.
Download the ant-contrib.jar file (whatever the latest version is), and put it in a lib directory under your project. Then you can do this:
<project name="danger-will-robinson" default="package" basedir="."
<!-- Define the Ant-Contrib tasks -->
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
<include name="ant-contrib*.jar"/>
<!-- Unset Property "foo", so you can use it -->
<ac:var name="foo" unset="true"/>
Note that the <classpath> points to the ant-contrib jar in the ${basedir}/lib directory. If you check that into your source repository, it will allow everyone who checks out your project to be able to do the build without installing the ant-contrib jar on their system.
Note that I've defined a "ac" XML namespace, so Ant-Contrib tasks won't overlap other possible third party tasks.
Properties in ant once set are immutable by design. You may overwrite an existing property with any scripting language that provides access to ant api, i.e. javascript.
JDK >= 1.6 already ships with a javascript engine, so you may use something like :
<property name="x" value="whatever"/>
<script language="javascript">
project.getProperty('x') ?
project.setProperty('foo', 'true') :
project.setProperty('foo', 'false');
<echo>$$[foo} => ${foo}</echo>
out of the box.But that won't help if someone uses ant -f yourbuild.xml -Dfoo=bla !! as userproperties (those properties defined via -Dkey=value) have a special protection.
So your requirement "..However, I don't want the user to be able to override the condition property from the command line". is not fullfilled.
But the let task from Ant addon Flaka provides the possibillity to overwrite even userproperties :
<project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<property name="x" value="whatever"/>
:= defines a new property whereas
::= overwrites any existing property
even userproperties
<fl:let> foo ::=['x'] ? 'true' : 'false'</fl:let>
<echo>$$[foo} => ${foo}</echo>
Run both scripts with ant -f yourbuild.xml -Dfoo=bla to see the difference.
Ant api has also method project.setUserProperty(String,String) so you may use also:
<script language="javascript">
project.getProperty('x') ?
project.setProperty('foo', 'true') :
project.setProperty('foo', 'false');
project.getUserProperty('x') ?
project.setUserProperty('foo', 'true') :
project.setUserProperty('foo', 'false');
to prevent the foo property to be set via .. -D .. and it will work even if property x is defined on commandline -Dx=whatever You have to make your choice, script task with javascript out of the box or Flaka let task
oneline solution but Flaka jar needed.

Findbugs ant task submitting several dynamically detected JAR files for analysis

I'm currently looking to run static analysis over a pre-existing project. As the project is created and supplied by an off-site company, I cannot change the build process radically.
The project is split into a lot of sub-modules, located in various places. For other analyisi tools (JDepend, Google Testability Explorer, etc.), I have dynamically detected all build JAR files into a path element as follows:
<path id="built-libs">
<fileset dir="${overall-base}">
<include name="${some-common-base}/**/lib/*.jar" />
<property name="built-libs-string" refid="built-libs" />
For some tools, I use the build-libs, for others I use the string (in classpath form; x.jar;y.jar).
The trouble is, FindBugs uses a completely different format to any other;
<class location="x.jar"/>
<class location="y.jar"/>
Now, I could list all the JAR files manually, but then run the risk of this list going out of synch with the other tool's lists, or of introducing typos.
Another complication is that I also want to run the reports in Jenkins, in this case the extract directory for individual modules will depend on the job that has previously built the module (pipeline builds, modules extracted from SCM and built in parallel, the reporting occurring at the end of the pipline).
I could make a call out to the OS to run FindBugs, passing in the JARs in a space separated list (as in Invoking FindBugs from Ant: passing a space-separated list of files to java). However, I prefer a, Ant solution to an OS <exec... hack.
Note I know I have a similar problem for the sourcepath element, however, I'm assuming that solving the class element problem also solves the sourcepath one.
Ideally, FindBugs should be taking a resource collection rather than separate class elements. I'm not familiar with FindBugs, so I can't comment on why they have chose to go the class element route instead of a resource collection, however your comment about using exec implies that using a resource collection is a valid design alternative.
I would try rolling your own Ant macro, which invokes FindBugs directly using the java task. This should give you the control you need and avoiding the redundancy that the FindBugs Ant task would introduce.
Another option (which is an ugly hack) is to use the fileset to write a mini ant file with a FindBugs target, which you then invoke using the ant task. shudders
The Findbugs Ant task allows you to specify a filelist which can be used to specify multiple files. Quoting from the Findbugs documentation
"In addition to or instead of specifying a class element, the FindBugs
task can contain one or more fileset element(s) that specify files to
be analyzed. For example, you might use a fileset to specify that all
of the jar files in a directory should be analyzed."
Example that includes all jars at ${lib.dir}:
<findbugs home="${findbugs.home}" output="xml" outputFile="findbugs.xml" >
<auxClasspath path="${basedir}/lib/Regex.jar" />
<sourcePath path="${basedir}/src/java" />
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="*.jar"/>

Ant exclude file based on it's content

Is there any way to exclude files from an ant fileset based on the file content?
We do have test servers where code files are mixed up with files that have been generated by a CMS.
Usually, the files are placed in different folders, but there is a risk that real code files are in the middle of generated code.
The only way to differentiate generated files is to open the files and look at it's content. If the file contains a keyword, it should be excluded.
Does anyone know a way to perform this with Ant?
From the answer provided by Preet Sangha, Ishould use a filterchain. However, I'm missing a step here.
Let's say I load a text file of exclusions to be performed:
<loadfile property="exclusions" srcFile="exclusions.txt" />
But I don't know how to integrate it into my current copy task:
<copy todir="${test.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
I tried to add the following exclude to the fileset but it does not do anything:
<exclude name="${exclusions}"/>
I'm sure I'm missing a simple step...
Have a look at the not and contains selectors.
The not selector contains an example of pretty much exactly what you're trying to do.
<copy todir="${test.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<contains text="your-keyword-here"/>
There's also the containsregexp selector which might be useful if your criteria for exclusion is more complicated.
There's a load more selectors you can use to refine your selection if needed.
I don't know ant but reading the docs....
Can you build a files list using a filterchain, and put this into the excludefiles of a fileset?
perhaps create a fileset with a filterchain that uses a filterreader and linecontainsregexp

How do I make a fileset from a comma-separated list of directories in Ant?

In an Ant target I get a property, containing the list of directories to be included in further action (copying, filtering, etc.). It looks like this:
directories=dir1, dir2, dir3
I need a way to convert this list to a fileset or patternset that selects all the files in these directories.
I know I can use a script to generate pattern strings and then use it in the "include" or "exclude", but is there are a way to avoid scripts?
Note that as of Ant 1.9.4, there is a new construct <multirootfileset> that provides that functionality, even if the dirs are not siblings:
<multirootfileset basedirs="${directories}" includes="**/*">
How about using the antcontrib propertyregex task to convert the comma-separated list into wildcards suitable for a fileset?
<property name="directories" value="dir1, dir2, dir3" />
<property name="wildcard" value="${file.separator}**${file.separator}*" />
<propertyregex property="my_pattern"
regexp=", "
replace="${wildcard}," />
At this point we now have:
That can be used with a further suffixed wildcard to get the full fileset:
<fileset dir="." id="my_fileset" includes="${my_pattern}${wildcard}" />
(The fiddly ${wildcard} is to ensure portability between unix and windows filesystems, you could use /**/* if you're pure unix.)
Something like this should work:
<dirset includes="${directories}"/>
Yes, dirset isn't fileset. However, it may be enough, or else you can probably use a for or foreach from ant-contrib to iterate over the directories in your target. You might also be able to define a ResourceCollection based around the dirset. It might help to know what the "further action" is expected to be.
However, this feels like too much work ...
