Rails 3.1 on heroku worth it? - ruby-on-rails

I just upgraded my project to rails 3.1 since I saw the sass feature and the moving of public folder files to the assets folder and considered these major changes I should adjust to, especially the sass feature which is pretty cool.
however, when looking at heroku, i came across this post detailing what to do to get rails 3.1 working on heroku: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails31_heroku_cedar#getting_started
my app hasn't launched yet but I do intend to be on heroku and from the looks of that document, getting rails 3.1 to run on heroku sounds a little messy, where the assets folder is being created in the public folder.. when it has its own place now in 3.1.
what are everyone else's thoughts on this? i like to keep my code clean and am thinking if I should go back to rails 3.0.
maybe I missed something or a useful reason for doing this here, or am not interpreting this right, because this public folder precompile thing sounds so redundant to me.
In short, is having Rails 3.1 on Heroku good? Or should I go back to Rails 3.0

The asset pipeline is not required, and you can simply not use it if you don't want to.
Definitely keep Rails 3.1 for your app. You will have a much easier time upgrading for things you like in the future, and will have better security updates as the older versions eventually won't be maintained.
I'd recommend using the asset pipeline, and you can read more about it in the guide. http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html
If you don't want to use it though in your config/application.rb file change:
config.assets.enabled = true
config.assets.enabled = false
You'll probably also want to remove the assets gem group from your Gemfile as well.

Having your assets compiled into public is nothing to worry about. This is a sensible idea as you don't want to have to recompile your assets for every request.
Rails 3.1 has a number of advantages, however ultimately it's your decision, but I certainly wouldn't be fretting about asset compilation.

If youre app if using Jquery-UI (jquery being the new default in 3.1) then for sure just disable the asset pipeline and use 3.1. asset pipeline breaks jquery-ui anyway.


Has asset fingerprinting changed in Rails 4.2?

I recently upgraded a Rails 4.1 app to 4.2. When I look at the page source in development mode, all of the assets now have a fingerprint associated with them:
Pre 4.2 I think it used to be
Has something changed or did I miss a config setting?
Yes, Rails 4.2 now enables asset digests ("fingerprints") in development by default.
Here is the commit:
Why the change? It is a long story, but my understanding is that the Rails team wants development and production behavior to be more similar in order to prevent unexpected errors when deploying.
Another related change in Rails 4 is that it no longer generates assets without digests in production. In order to catch mistakes earlier (i.e. before you deploy to production), the development settings have been changed to match the production digest behavior.
To see why this helps, here is an example:
Suppose your code (or a jQuery plugin you're using, let's say) references an asset directly by its path, like this: /assets/logo.png. Before Rails 4.2, this would work perfectly fine in development. But when you deploy, surprise! /assets/logo.png doesn't exist. In order for it to work in production, you would need to use the asset_path helper to generate the correct path with the fingerprint.
By forcing you to use digests/fingerprints in development, Rails 4.2 helps surface this mistake while you are still in development. No more unpleasant surprises at deploy time.
That said, these changes are... controversial, to say the least.
I've discovered this gem: https://github.com/alexspeller/non-stupid-digest-assets
it disables the digests.
From the readme:
Just put it in your Gemfile
gem "non-stupid-digest-assets"
If you want to whitelist non-digest assets for only certain files, you can configure a whitelist like this:
# config/initializers/non_digest_assets.rb
NonStupidDigestAssets.whitelist += [/tinymce\/.*/, "image.png"]
Be sure to give either a regex that will match the right assets or the logical path of the asset in question.
Note that the logical path is what you would provide to asset_url, so for an image at RAILS_ROOT/assets/images/foo.png the logical path is foo.png

Rails 4 Asset Compilation (w/Sass & Susy) is Slow Using the Asset Pipeline

Basically, I am in the same boat as this question:
Rails 4 asset compilation is VERY slow (>1min) in dev mode. How to troubleshoot?
But instead of using Bootstrap, I'm using Susy 2 with SASS 3.3 and Rails 4.1 (but not Compass). I'm using the Sprockets 'require' in my application.js manifest, and it's not causing any problems...the snail's pace only happens when I make a change to any SASS file. At the moment I'm needing to use the #import rule in my stylesheet manifest.
I have tried variations on the 'require'/'#import' combination, and they have helped a little bit, but I do have a lot of SASS files and I'd love to just have an application.css.scss manifest that uses SASS's compilation method instead of including a 'global' file with an #import at the top of each SASS file.
I'm wondering whether it could have something to do with the current Sprockets/sass-rails gem issues; during compilation I get a lot of
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache 6b6acdc6a4d802b749fef26e565bbfe3caa60193/style.css.scssc: can't dump anonymous class #<Class:0x007ff59c2c8870>
I'd try moving back to SASS 3.2 if I could and still use Susy 2.
I'd be OK with not using the Asset Pipeline if I could be sure that the app would still play nice with Heroku when pushing to staging/production. I am familiar with both Grunt and Gulp, less so with what using Grunt/Gulp instead of the AP would do to my Rails app.
On the one hand, I'm glad that I'm not alone with this problem, but on the other...I'd love to find a way out of it, if anyone has some suggestions to share! Thanks in advance, SO community!

Rails 3.2 Deploy to Subdirectory Kind of Working

I am trying to deploy my Rails 3.2 app to a subdirectory, /support, on an Apache server. Consulting the various posts, the only solutions that seem to have helped involve setting up a symbolic link on the server and changing css image references slightly (two dots '..' required before /assets in the css url references--I can't seem to find the post on that one now). I am getting success in deployment to production with Capistrano, but then strangely after awhile something changes, the /support reference breaks and the stylesheets don't load. Any suggestions?
oh no, please don't deploy rails as sub-uri in that way, you are making yourself in trouble.
So far as I see, ( according to this post: http://kb.site5.com/ruby-on-rails/how-to-deploy-a-rails-3-application-to-a-sub-directory/ ) you created soft links, modified your routes.rb, and changed RAILS.root in environment.rb, and also changed your assets files... all of these make your rails app messed up.
I suggest you use 'passenger' as rails server and checkout this post: http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Nginx.html#deploying_rack_to_sub_uri, it's quite easier and simplier

Should I port my existing Jammit asset pipeline to the new Rails 3.1 version?

We've implemented Jammit for asset caching, compression and optimization in our Rails application. It's fully integrated with our continuous integration process and works well. That said, I am seeing 3.1 introduces a new canonical asset pipeline based on Sprockets.
Are there advantages to the Sprocket based approach that would merit porting our system? I do not want to spend time converting our system if there are no benefits.
I have already used Sprocket and Jammit and the main advantage of the Rails 3.1 approach is the complete and native integration of Sprocket, not the gem itself. I'm not a specialist but both gems are great and, for me, equivalent.
The rails 3.1 assets pipeline provide a clean architecture for js and css files and the native use of associated gems (sass, coffee-script, sprocket). If in your app you already have a clean tree for your files and a great integration of your gems, don't change anything !

Heroku Rails 3 all.css / all.js dynamic generation?

I'm currently wrestling with a lot of all.js / all.css missing hits on a rails 2 upgraded to 3 app on Heroku. I'd prefer not to have a dozen or so stylesheet links per request, and also don't want to statically bundle -> s3 the files as part of the deploy.
This seems like a familiar problem, preparing some content specific to a url and sending it back to the browser.
Rather than using an external bundling app as part of a deploy script etc, has anyone considered having rails generate these files on-the-fly and use varnish to cache them (since it's cleared on redeploy, which is when the css/js files would change)?
My question is whether this has been done already & I just failed to google it, or if it sounds like a dumb idea, why?
Even better: Rails 3.1 asset pipeline does exactly this, and Heroku handles precompilation and caching for you.
