Rails One-to-Many Query Question - ruby-on-rails

I feel like I'm missing something obvious here, so hopefully someone can help me out.
Lets say I have 3 models: Buildings, Shelves, and Books.
The problem I am trying to solve is to remove all the shelves which have no books out of a particular group of buildings.
The basic structure would look like this:
class Building
has_many :shelves
class Shelf
has_many :books
belongs_to :building
class Book
belongs_to :shelf
I don't need this to be extremely efficient, but I do want to keep it from being horribly inefficient. More specifically, If I have a building whose empty shelves need to be deleted, Here is what I've been trying to do to find the shelves which are empty:
Shelf.joins(:books).where("books.id is NULL").where(:building_id => building_id)<other_conditions...>
However, this query isn't giving me the results I expect (its not returning any shelves when I know some are empty). I was hoping that the join would fill in NULL for the books.id column for a shelf with no books, but it appears I am mistaken.
Is there another way to accomplish this, or is there something simple that I'm missing?
Thanks for the help!

Try the same query with includes instead of joins.
books.id can never be NULL, because you asked for the books which belong to shelves. joins will only give you the records for which the association is set, so you're asking for the books whose ids are both NULL and NOT NULL.
This answer might shed some light on the differences between the two methods.


Rails/Ruby: Performing calculate on ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation (including custom foreign_key)

I hope I am asking the proper question in the title, as my issue feels like it should be quite trivial yet I'm having terrible luck figuring it out.
I have two basic models with a standard has_many and belongs_to relationship:
class StandingEvent < Event
belongs_to :standing, foreign_key: 'actor_id'
class Standing < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :standing_events
My goal is simple: To calculate the SUM of a field in a collection of StandingEvents records acquired through a Standing association. As expected, this collection is of type StandingEvent::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation.
Ignoring everything else and cutting it down to the barest of bones, I get an error when running the following:
#standing = Standing.find(4)
The error produced is found below:
Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'events.standing_id' in 'where clause':
SELECT SUM(`events`.`change`) AS sum_id FROM `events` WHERE `events`.`actor_type` IN ('StandingEvent') AND `events`.`standing_id` = 4
So, as seen from the above error, the exact problem is that the generated SQL query is trying to use standing_id as the column name (presumably because of the associated record) instead of the actual column name specified in the model itself (actor_id).
This issue only comes up when using a calculate method (such as sum), since I'm using both these models and their association very heavily throughout the application without any issue.
The only way "around" this issue that I've found so far seems very poor (and strikes me as unnecessary), which is essentially to chain my where clauses and sum through the base class, rather then using a previously gathered set of associated records:
#standing = Standing.find(4)
StandingEvent.where(standing: #standing).sum(:change)
The above code performs the calculation without issue, but since I'd like to perform multiple calculations upon the same collection within a single request, it seems like a very poor solution to re-query the entire set every time as above (though perhaps I don't understand Rails enough, to be fair).
As mentioned in my question title, I can't help but wonder if this is a bug (for lack of a better term) of some sort related to the use of the foreign_key field I specified for the child association (in this case, the foreign_key for StandingEvent's Standing association is renamed to actor_id).
Any and all insight would be most appreciated!
I think you'll need to specify the foreign_key on both sides of the association
has_many :standing_events, foreign_key: :actor_id

How to design/model a has many relationship that has a meaningful join table?

I wasn't able to put well into words (in Question title) what I'm trying to do, so in honor of the saying that an image is worth a thousand words; In a nutshell what I'm trying to do is..
Basically, what I have is A Teacher has many Appointments and A Student has many Appointments which roughly translates to:
I'm trying to stay away from using the has_and_belongs_to_many macro, because my appointments model has some meaning(operations), for instance it has a Boolean field: confirmed.
So, I was thinking about using the has_many :through macro, and perhaps using an "Appointable" join table model? What do you guys think?
The Scenario I'm trying to code is simple;
A Student requests an Appointment with a Teacher at certain Date/Time
If Teacher is available (and wants to give lesson at that Date/Time), She confirms the Appointment.
I hope you can tell me how would you approach this problem? Is my assumption of using the has_many :through macro correct?
Thank you!
Both teachers and students could inherit from a single class e.g. Person. Then create an association between Person and Appointments. This way you keep the architecture open so that if in the future you want to add 'Parents' then they could easily be integrated and may participate in appointments.
It may not be completely straightforward how you do the joins with the children classes (Students, Parents, Teachers). It may involve polymorphic relationships which I don't particularly like. You should though get away with a single join table.
In any case, you want to design so that your system can be extended. Some extra work early on will save you a lot of work later.

Rails Order by Contained Objects 2 Levels Deep?

How can I include ordering in an 'order' ActiveRelation call that's more than one level deep?
That is, I understand the answer when it's only one level deep (asked and answered at Rails order by associated data). However, I have a case where the data on which I want to sort is two levels deep.
Specifically, in my schema a SongbookEntry contains a Recording, which contains an Artist and a Song. I want to be able to sort SongbookEntry lists by song title.
I can go one level deep and sort Recordings by song title:
#recordings = Recording.includes(:song).order('songs.title')
...but don't know how to go two levels deep. In addition, it would be great if I could sort on the recording (that is, the song title and the artist name) -- is this possible without descending into SQL?
Thanks for any help,
If you model the association between SongbookEntry and Song as such:
class SongbookEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
has_one :song, through: :recording
you will be able to access #songbookentry.song and SongbookEntry.joins(:song) using your existing schema.
Applying the same idea for Artist, a possible query would be:
Note that this may not be the most efficient operation (multiple joins involved) even though it looks Rails-ish, so later on you may want to denormalize the tables as Ryan suggested, or find another way to model the data.
I would advise storing the artist name (and possibly the song title too) on the recording itself, so you don't have to "descend into SQL".
Try this
SongbookEntry.includes(:recording=>[:artist,:song]).order('songs.title, artists.name')
You can use joins in place of includes if you don't want to use associated tables fields in views

How to find all items not related to another model - Rails 3

I have a fairly complicated lookup i'm trying to do in Rails and I'm not entirely sure how hoping someone can help.
I have two models, User and Place.
A user is related to Place twice. Once for visited_places and once for planned_places. Its a many to many relationship but using has_many :through. Here's the relationship from User.
has_many :visited_places
has_many :visited, :class_name=>"Place", :through=>:visited_places, :source=>:place
has_many :planned_places
has_many :planned, :class_name=>"Place", :through=>:planned_places, :source=>:place
In place the relationship is also defined. Here's the definition there
has_many :visited_users, :class_name=>"User", :through=>:visited_places
has_many :planned_users, :class_name=>"User", :through=>:planned_places
I'm trying to write a find on Place that returns all places in the database that aren't related to a User through either visited or planned. Right now I'm accomplishing this by simply querying all Places and then subtracting visited and planned from the results but I want to add in pagination and I'm worried this could complicate that. Here's my current code.
all_places = Place.find(:all)
all_places = all_places - user.visited - user.planned
Anyone know how i can accomplish this in just a call to Place.find. Also this is a Rails 3 app so if any of the active record improvements make this easier they are an option.
How about something like:
unvisited_places = Place.find(:all, :conditions => "id NOT IN(#{visited_places.map(&:place_id)})")
That's the general idea -- it can be made more efficient and convenient depending on your final needs.
You don't show it but if I am right in assuming that the VisitedPlace and PlannedPlace models have a belongs_to :user relationships then those tables have a user_id secondary key, right?
So in that case I would think it would be most efficient to do this in the database in which case you are looking for a select across a table join of places, visited_places and planned_places where users.id is not in either of visited_places or planned_places
in sql:
select * from places where id not in
(select place_id from visited_places where user_id = ?)
(select place_id from planned_places where user_id=?)
If that query works, you can use as follows:
Places.find_by_sql(...the complete sql query ...)
I would not know how to write such a query, with an exclusion, in Rails 3 otherwise.
I ran into a similar desire recently... I wanted to get all Model1s that weren't associated with a Model2. Using Rails 4.1, here's what I did:
Model1.where.not(id: Model2.select(:user_id).uniq)
This creates a nested SELECT, like #nathanvda suggested, effectively letting the database do all the work. Example SQL produced is:
SELECT "model1s".* FROM "model1s" WHERE ("model1s"."id" NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT "model2s"."model1_id" FROM "model2s"))

ActiveRecord has_n association

I was wondering what the best way to model a relationship where an object is associated with exactly n objects of another class. I want to extend the has_one relationship to a specific value of n.
For example, a TopFiveMoviesList would belong to user and have exactly five movies. I would imagine that the underlying sql table would have fields like movie_id_1, movie_id_2, ... movie_id_5.
I know I could do a has_many relationship and limit the number of children at the model level, but I'd rather not have an intermediary table.
I think implementing this model through a join model is going to be you're best bet here. It allows the List model to worry about List logic and the Movie model to worry about Movie logic. You can create a Nomination (name isn't the greatest, but you know what I mean) model to handle the relationship between movies and lists, and when there's a limit of 5, you could just limit the number of nominations you pull back.
There are a few reasons I think this approach is better.
First, assuming you want to be able to traverse the relationships both ways (movie.lists and list.movies), the 5 column approach is going to be much messier.
While it'd be so much better for ActiveRecord to support has n relationships, it doesn't, and so you'll be fighting the framework on that one. Also, the has n relationship seems a bit brittle to me in this situation. I haven't seen that kind of implementation pulled off in ActiveRecord, though I'd be really interested in seeing it happen. :)
My first instinct would be to use a join table, but if that's not desirable User.movie[1-5]_id columns would fit the bill. (I think movie1_id fits better with Rails convention than movie_id_1.)
Since you tagged this Rails and ActiveRecord, I'll add some completely untested and probably somewhat wrong model code to my answer. :)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
(1..TOP_N_MOVIES).each { |n| belongs_to "movie#{n}".to_sym, :class_name => Movie }
You could wrap that line in a macro-style method, but unless if that's a common pattern for your application, doing that will probably just make your code that harder to read with little DRY benefit.
You might also want to add validations to ensure that there are no duplicate movies on a user's list.
Associating your movie class back to your users is similar.
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
(1..User::TOP_N_MOVIES).each do |n|
has_many "users_list_as_top_#{n}".to_sym, :class_name => User, :foreign_key => "movie#{n}_id"
def users_list_as_top_anything
ary = []
(1..User::TOP_N_MOVIES).each {|n| ary += self.send("users_list_as_top_#{n}") }
return ary
(Of course that users_list_as_top_anything would probably be better written out as explicit SQL. I'm lazy today.)
I assume you mean "implement" rather than "model"? The modeling's pretty easy in UML, say, where you have a Person entity that is made up of 5 Movie entities.
But the difficulty comes when you say has_one, going to has_5. If it's a simple scalar value, has_one is perhaps a property on the parent entity. Has_5 is probably 2 entities related to one another through an "is made up of" relationship in UML.
The main question to answer is probably, "Can you guarantee that it will always be 'Top 5'?" If yes, model it with columns, as you mentioned. If no, model it with another entity.
Another question is perhaps, "How easy will it be to refactor?" If it's simple, heck, start with 5 columns and refactor to separate entities if it ever changes.
As usual, "best" is dependent on the business and technical environment.
