I'm trying to intercept messages in my rails (3.0.10) app to modify the body. While I was able to find some info about how to do that, it seems something has changed and now using the old methods no longer work.
I use a code that looks like this:
class Hook
def self.delivering_email(message)
message.subject = 'Hook changed the subject'
After sending an email, the subject doesn't get changed!
I also found a tweet that indicates that interceptors are not called when using the deliver method on messages, but the premailer-rails3 gem uses the same approach I used and it works there (The plugin specifically mentions it works with the deliver method)!
I'm out of ideas here, so what is causing my problem?
It sounds like it might be an order of operations problem.
Have you considered putting the entire code block you referenced in an initializer like config/initializers/mail_hook.rb?
If that premailer plugin works, the only difference I can think of is when the interception hook is registered in the app initialization process.
see RailsCast or AsciiCast Episode #206
Relevant part from the first episode,
class DevelopmentMailInterceptor
def self.delivering_email(message)
message.subject = "[#{message.to}] #{message.subject}"
message.to = "eifion#asciicasts.com"
Mail.register_interceptor(DevelopmentMailInterceptor) if Rails.env.development?
The Rails app uses I18n. Users will be using the site in English and the site will randomly load in Spanish.
The application only switches locales in two places.
The application.rb has a method that switches locales based on the domain name.
There is a mailer that uses the with_locale method to switch locales based on the recipient's locale. This is done because a user whose primary locale is English, may send a message to a user whose primary locale is Spanish.
Here is the mailer method for a message notification:
class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
def message_notification(message_id, recipient_id)
#message = Message.find(message_id)
#recipient = #user = User.find(recipient_id)
I18n.with_locale(#recipient.locale) do
to: #recipient.email,
subject: I18n.t('app.new_message.subject',
name: #message.sender.name),
from: I18n.t('app.notifier.from')
) do |format|
format.html { render layout: 'notifier-single' }
The app uses Sidekiq with Redis to process delayed jobs. So, the method above is delayed like so:
Notifier.delay.message_notification(self.id, recipient.id)
I wondered if something about the way Sidekiq handles threads might be causing this.
Any ideas?
From this page on the Sidekiq wiki:
"aws-sdk (According to a somewhat old post in the discussion group, this gem is thread-safe with the exception of the use of autoload. More details here. Explicitly calling AWS.eager_autoload! during initialization should allow it to be used with Sidekiq)"
The app uses Amazon SES to deliver mail, by way of the aws-sdk gem.
I added AWS.eager_autoload! to the initializer. I will watch and see if the problem continues to persist (I haven't found a way to replicate or test it). That said I'm not sure if that would be related or not so any advice would be appreciated.
I'm using Rails' ActiveJob, and one of my jobs take a raw email as input. When debugging, this can result in a huge amount of noise in my application log. How can I avoid that?
[ActiveJob] Enqueued EmailParserJob (Job ID: 9678f343-c876-4f9f-9cc7-db440634e178) to DelayedJob(default) with arguments: "NOISE"
See https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-2-stable/activejob/lib/active_job/logging.rb#L10
ActiveJob::Base.logger = Logger.new(nil)
One thing that may be useful to note here: In any instance of a class that is subclassed from (Rails 5.1) ActiveJob::Base (or, any class instance called by a class subclassed from ActiveJob::Base) The normal Rails.logger.info('log this') commands are going to get logged to the rails console (presumably via STDOUT).
I haven't quite figured out the mechanism that causes this hijacking of Rails.logger, but you can switch to ActiveJob::Base.logger and use the knowledge of this: (https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b205ea2dc6c70b2b8e2134640e3056ed33fdc6be/activejob/lib/active_job/logging.rb#L13) to change the behavior as you wish.
So, this allows you to log as you want:
1) Include require "active_job/logging" in your application.rb
2) In config/development.rb (or whatever environments you want) include this line:
config.active_job.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(ActiveSupport::Logger.new("log/#{Rails.env}.log"))
3) Any logging inside of subclasses of ActiveJob, use this for logging:
ActiveJob::Base.logger.info('(MyJob) Inside of a job but not going to STDOUT')
If anyone can point out the code that explains why Rails.logger.info behaves differently when inside of an ActiveJob class that would be some good reading.
It seems the only way is to override ActiveJob's internal logging method:
class ActiveJob::Logging::LogSubscriber
private def args_info(job)
Put it somewhere into app/initializers/active_job_logger_patch.rb.
I used after_initialize to hook beforehand. It turned out to work only in perform_start method but not enqueue.
Using on_load method to hook works. I think it's the lazyload feature in Rails causing the class to be loaded after the override.
ActiveSupport.on_load :active_job do
class ActiveJob::Logging::LogSubscriber
private def args_info(job)
# override this method to filter arguments shown in app log
From Rails 6.1, you can turn off the logging with log_arguments like the below. This will turn off logging the arguments for all the jobs derived from ApplicationJob, You can also set it on per job basis.
class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base
self.log_arguments = false
It looks like they added the feature Add an option to disable logging for jobs with sensitive arguments in Rail 6. This would prevent any arguments from appearing in the log lines.
Edit: To use this with ActionMailer, using a custom mailer job might work, haven't tested this myself yet.
Found the following recommendation here:
ActiveJob::Base.logger = Logger.new(IO::NULL)
Seems to be better than passing a nil
I have a simple function to prevent emails from being sent to customers when testing locally:
def safe_emails emails
if Rails.env == 'production'
emails.select{|e| ['staff#example.com', 'staff2#example.com'].include?(e) }
I want to share that function between mailers. I can see two options, a module or a class method.
Option 1: Module
class ReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include SafeEmailer
def daily emails
mail_to: safe_emails(emails)
Option2: Class Method
class ReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def daily emails
mail_to: SafeEmailer.safe_emails(emails)
The class method is a no-no according to some due to global scope, including a module with one method doesnt seem all that attractive. Monkey-patching ActionMailer to throw the method in there also seems like it could cause trouble (when Rails 4.3 introduces the safe_emails method or whatever).
I would go with module option even if it's a simple one function module. Keeping a generic function that can eventually be used by multiple classes in a module makes much more sense than defining it inside a class.
If Rails 4.3 is of your concern then you can simply replace your include MySafeEmailModule with whatever Rails 4.3 would include this function in, as compared to find and replace all calls to ReportMailer.daily_emails.
Neither – in your case, you'd need a policy object, that decides who receives email regarding the Rails.env. I'd keep that logic outside the ReportMailer.
I'd go with something like:
UserMailer.welcome_email(#user).deliver if SafeEmailer.new(#user.email).safe?
This is probably the easiest way.
Set the below configuration in your non production environments.(config/environments/.rb)
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp (default), :sendmail, :test, or :file
Have a look at letter opener gem. You could have the delivery_method set as letter_opener and have the emails open in browser instead of actually sending them in your non production environments.
This might be a dumb question but when I'm putting together an HTML email in Rails, is there a particularly easy built-in way to preview the template it in the browser or do I need to write some sort of custom controller that pulls it in as its view?
Action Mailer now has a built in way of previewing emails in Rails 4.1. For example, check this out:
# located in test/mailers/previews/notifier_mailer_preview.rb
class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
# Accessible from http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifier/welcome
def welcome
Daniel's answer is a good start, but if your email templates contain any dynamic data, it won't work. E.g. suppose your email is an order receipt and within it you print out #order.total_price - using the previous method the #order variable will be nil.
Here's a little recipe I use:
First, since this email preview functionality is definitely for internal use only, I set up some generic routes in the admin namespace:
MySite::Application.routes.draw do
namespace :admin do
match 'mailer(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' => 'mailer#:action'
Next, I create the controller. In this controller, I create one method per email template. Since most emails contain dynamic data, we need to populate whatever member variables the template expects.
This could be done with fixtures, but I typically prefer to just grab some pseudo-random real data. Remember - this is NOT a unit test - this is purely a development aid. It doesn't need to produce the same result every single time - in fact - it's probably better if it doesn't!
class Admin::MailerController < Admin::ApplicationController
def preview_welcome()
#user = User.last
render :file => 'mailer/welcome.html.erb', :layout => 'mailer'
Note that when we render the template, we use layout=>:mailer. This embeds the body of your email inside the HTML email layout that you've created instead of inside your typical web application layout (e.g. application.html.erb).
And that's pretty much it. Now I can visit http://example.com/admin/mailer/preview_welcome to preview change to my welcome email template.
37Signals also has their own mail testing gem called mail_view. It's pretty fantastic.
The easiest setup I've seen is MailCatcher. Setup took 2 minutes, and it works for new mailers out of the box.
I use email_preview. Give it a try.
Easiest solution in rails 6: just remember one url:
I'm surprised no one's mentioned letter_opener. It's a gem that will render and open emails as a browser page whenever an email is delivered in dev.
I recently wrote a gem named Maily to preview, edit (template file) and deliver the application emails via a browser. It also provides a friendly way to hook data, a flexible authorization system and a minimalist UI.
I have planned to add new features in the near future, like:
Multiple hooks per email
Parametrize emails via UI (arguments of mailer method)
Play with translations keys (list, highlight, ...)
I hope it can help you.
rails generates a mail preview if you use rails g mailer CustomMailer.
You will get a file CustomMailerPreview inside spec/mailers/previews folder.
Here you can write your method that will call the mailer and it'll generate a preview.
For ex -
class CustomMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
def contact_us_mail_preview
CustomMailer.my_mail(user: User.first)
Preview all emails at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/custom_mailer
You can use Rails Email Preview
REP is a rails engine to preview and test send emails, with I18n support, easy premailer integration, and optional CMS editing with comfortable_mexican_sofa.
There is no way to preview it directly out of the Mailer.
But as you wrote, you can write a controller, which looks something like this.
class EmailPreviewsControllers < ActionController::Base
def show
render "#{params[:mailer]}_mailer/#{params[:method]}"
But I think, that's not the best way to test emails, if they look correctly.
Rails Email Preview helps us to quickly view the email in web browser in development mode.
1) Add “gem ‘rails_email_preview’, ‘~> 0.2.29’ “ to gem file and bundle install.
2) Run “rails g rails_email_preview:install” this creates initializer in config folder and add routes.
3) Run “rails g rails_email_preview:update_previews” this crates mailer_previews folder in app directory.
Generator will add a stub to each of your emails, then u populate the stub with mock data.
class UserMailerPreview
def invitation
UserMailer.invitation mock_user(‘Alice’), mock_user(‘Bob’)
def welcome
UserMailer.welcome mock_user
def mock_user(name = ‘Bill Gates’)
fake_id User.new(name: name, email: “user#{rand 100}#test.com”)
def fake_id(obj)
obj.define_singleton_method(:id) { 123 + rand(100) }
4) Parameters in search query will be available as an instance variable to preview class. Ex: if we have a URL like
“/emails/user_mailer_preview-welcome?user_id=1” #user_id is defined in welcome method of UserMailerPreview it helps us to send mail to specific user.
class UserMailerPreview
def welcome
user = #user_id ? User.find(#user_id) : mock_user
5) To access REP url’s like this
6) We can send emails via REP, this will use environment mailer settings. Uncomment this line in the initializer to disable sending mail in test environment.
config.enable_send_email = false
Source : RailsCarma Blog : Previewing Emails in Rails Applications With the Mail_View Gem
I prefer mails_viewer gem. This gem is quite useful as it save the HTML template into tmp folder.
I've tried reading through various blog posts that attempt to explain alias_method_chain and the reasons to use it and not use it. In particular, I took heed to:
I still do not see any practical use for alias_method_chain. Would anyone be able to explain a few things.
1 - is it still used at all?
2 - when would you use alias_method_chain and why?
1 - is it still used at all?
Apparently yes, alias_method_chain() is still used in Rails (as of version 3.0.0).
2 - when would you use
alias_method_chain and why?
(Note: the following is largely based on the discussion of alias_method_chain() in Metaprogramming Ruby by Paolo Perrotta, which is an excellent book that you should get your hands on.)
Let's start with a basic example:
class Klass
def salute
puts "Aloha!"
Klass.new.salute # => Aloha!
Now suppose that we want to surround Klass#salute() with logging behavior. We can do that what Perrotta calls an around alias:
class Klass
def salute_with_log
puts "Calling method..."
puts "...Method called"
alias_method :salute_without_log, :salute
alias_method :salute, :salute_with_log
# Prints the following:
# Calling method...
# Aloha!
# ...Method called
We defined a new method called salute_with_log() and aliased it to salute(). The code that used to call salute() still works, but it gets the new logging behavior as well. We also defined an alias to the original salute(), so we can still salute without logging:
Klass.new.salute_without_log # => Aloha!
So, salute() is now called salute_without_log(). If we want logging, we can call either salute_with_log() or salute(), which are aliases of the same method. Confused? Good!
According to Perrotta, this kind of around alias is very common in Rails:
Look at another example of Rails
solving a problem its own way. A few
versions ago, the Rails code contained
many instances of the same idiom: an
Around Alias (155) was used to add a
feature to a method, and the old
version of the method was renamed to
something like
method_without_feature(). Apart from
the method names, which changed every
time, the code that did this was
always the same, duplicated all over
the place. In most languages, you
cannot avoid that kind of duplication.
In Ruby, you can sprinkle some
metaprogramming magic over your
pattern and extract it into its own
method... and thus was born
In other words, you provide the original method, foo(), and the enhanced method, foo_with_feature(), and you end up with three methods: foo(), foo_with_feature(), and foo_without_feature(). The first two include the feature, while the third doesn't. Instead of duplicating these aliases all around, alias_method_chain() provided by ActiveSupport does all the aliasing for you.
alias_method_chain has been deprecated in Rails 5 in favour of Module#prepend.
Pull request: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/19434
Changelog: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b292b76c2dd0f04fb090d49b90716a0e6037b41a/guides/source/5_0_release_notes.md#deprecations-4
I'm not sure if it's gone out of style with Rails 3 or not, but it is still actively used in versions before that.
You use it to inject some functionality before (or after) a method is called, without modifying any place that calls that method. See this example:
module SwitchableSmtp
module InstanceMethods
def deliver_with_switchable_smtp!(mail = #mail)
unless logger.nil?
logger.info "Switching SMTP server to: #{custom_smtp.inspect}"
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = custom_smtp unless custom_smtp.nil?
deliver_without_switchable_smtp!(mail = #mail)
def self.included(receiver)
receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods
receiver.class_eval do
alias_method_chain :deliver!, :switchable_smtp
That's an addition to ActionMailer to allow swapping out of the SMTP settings on each call to deliver!. By calling alias_method_chain you are able to define a method deliver_with_switchable_smtp! in which you do your custom stuff, and call deliver_without_switchable_smtp! from there when you're done.
alias_method_chain aliases the old deliver! to your new custom method, so the rest of your app doesn't even know deliver! now does your custom stuff too.
is it used at all?
Seems so. It's a common practice among Rails developers
when would you use alias_method_chain and why?
Despite the warnings, alias_method_chain is still the main strategy used when injecting functionality to an existing method, at least was in Rails 2.x and is followed by many people extending it. Yehuda ought to remove alias_method_chain from rails 3.0 to say from his posts and comments in Rails tickets. It is still used by many extensions that add custom behavior at certain points of the execution, such as loggers, error reporters, benchmarking, data injection, etc.
IMO, the best alternative is to include a module, thus you have decoration over delegation. (For example, follow example 4 in this post). That way you can alter the objects even individually if you'd like, without polluting the class' methods. The downside to this is that the method lookup chain increases for each module you inject, but this is what modules are for anyway.
Very interesting question, will keep a look on what other people think about it.