Does Delphi XE2 FireMonkey support Indy for cross-platform apps? - delphi

Looking at the new Delphi XE2 with Firemonkey. Considering that it compiles for Windows, Mac OSX and iOS, VCL components are useless in a FireMonkey application.
My question is: Is there/will there be an Indy Firemonkey Edition? Cause I seriously need the IdHTTP.Post();. If not, is there a way to do this in FireMonkey?
I have been googling for quite awhile now, not finding anything. :S

VCL means Visual Component Library. There's nothing about Indy that is "visual" (meaning "seen at runtime"), meaning that "VCL components are useless in a FireMonkey application" has no relevance to Indy.
You can create a new FireMonkey HD application in Delphi XE2, target OS X, and the Indy component pages are still available in the IDE, meaning that they are compatible with supported FireMonkey cross-platform targets. They're also available for FireMonkey HD Windows targets (32 and 64 bit).

Indy ships with the IDE (and has since D6) so there is nothing extra to buy if you already have XE2 installed. Also, Indy is open-source, so you can upgrade an Indy installation using source code from Indy's public access SVN server or mirror.
Regarding FireMonkey, Indy does work in FireMonkey. Indy uses whatever the native socket API is on a given platform (WinSock on Windows, Posix on Mac, libc on Kylix, etc).
The only known gotcha with Indy under FireMonkey at the moment is the TIdAntiFreeze component is not available at design-time. The IDE cannot resolve it correctly due to the non-standard way it is packaged (to be adressed in Indy 11). You can instantiate it programmably in code at run-time, though.

I made a client server example using tcp indy

The Components Not Used in iOS Apps DocWiki page for Delphi XE2 lists most of the Indy classes:
The following list is the set of components (along with the used
units) that might be available in the Tool Palette for iOS
applications, but are not supported for iOS applications.


How to find IdMappedPortTCP Delphi 7 in Delphi 2010

I need help. I want to ask about the location of IdMappedPortTCP Delphi 7 in Delphi 2010, because I cannot find it. In delphi 7, I can find it in indy server > tcp port, but how to find it in Delphi 2010?. Thanks for your suggestions.
Are all packages registered and enabled? Even if a component package is not installed, you still can create instances if you add its source path(s) to the project search path. For Indy, you need <Indy>Lib\Core, Lib\Protocols and Lib\System. (This also makes it easier to switch Indy versions)
Delphi 7 shipped with Indy 8 (or maybe an early Indy 9, I forget which). Delphi 2010 ships with Indy 10. A lot of architectural and hierarchical changes between those versions. On the Component/Tool Pallette, TIdMappedPortTCP is located under "Indy Servers". If you do not have that available then you likely do not have the Indy design-time package loaded in the IDE.

Delphi XE2 / XE3 & Windows 8 Tablets / Phones

Is it possible to develop apps for Windows 8 tablets and phones using Delphi XE2 or XE3? I think XE3 ust supports UI. I am not sure if we can create apps for Win8 tablets using Delphi. I have read somewhere we need to use Prism XE3 with Visual Studio. I don't want to purchase / upgrade to XE3 just because of this. I believe we can develop even using XE2 but not sure.
Also, does anyone know if Microsoft accepts apps to appstore which are written in Delphi?
The Delphi XE2 and XE3 fact sheets, available at Embarcadero, clearly mention which operating systems and CPUs the IDEs support, and WinRT and ARM are not among the ones listed. So the answer would be "No".

Installing HTML Components into Delphi XE

I think pbear's component HTML Components, v 9.45, is just what I need. His free download only has packages for Delphi 2006 and earlier. I have Delphi XE. How would I install his components into my Delphi?
Try this Google code download site THtmlViewer.
Seems to be updated to XE2 version plus Lazarus.
See also this answer to SO question How to display an email images on Pbear Html viewer component?.
Have you considered using Delphi Chromium Embedded? This is the Delphi API for Google's Chromium, which is used by the Google Chrome web browser. Several Delphi versions are supported, including XE and XE2.
Unless you only need rudimentary browser support, it makes sense to use an up-to-date browser with solid support for modern web standards.
The repository includes Delphi sample projects for VCL and FireMonkey.

Is there a web browser component for use in FireMonkey application?

For Delphi VCL there is TWebBrowser and some 3rd party components like TEmbeddedWebBrowser available for browsing a web.
Is there a similar web browser component but for Firemonkey framework in Delphi XE2 (ideally with Windows and Mac support) ?
You can use the ChromiumEmbedded package for Delphi. There's a TChromiumFMX component which is suited for FireMonkey applications. I've tested the demo project from the repository and it works fine for 32-bit Windows.
However I can't tell you if nor how to build and use it in Mac OS. The only thing I can tell you is that the ChromiumEmbedded for Delphi is distributed only with Windows binaries, the binaries for Mac OS you can download from here.
As far as I know (!), the situation is as follows:
CromiumEmbedded supports OSX (& Windows of course)
There is a Delphi ChromiumEmbedded
Delphi supports OSX through the FireMonkey framework
There is even a FireMonkey version of the Delphi ChromiumEmbedded
The Delphi/FireMonkey ChromiumEmbedded does not support OSX
If somebody knows better, that would be fantastic.

Delphi XE2 on iOS with Indy or Third Party Internet Components

Are there third party components available for Delphi XE2 to create iOS applications with Internet support?
For example, the Indy components that ship with Delphi XE2 do not work with a FireMonkey iOS app. I want to be able to communicate with a REST Web Service in my iOS app.
On FPC lists, people complain that the resolving doesn't work properly on iOS, but that the base sockets do work. The question is probably where iOS differs from OS X wrt resolving of DNS names.
I assume something similar is going on with the FPC in under XE2, but am not entirely sure since FM is not VCL, and the event pump might be different which could create additional problems.
Anyway, if you can get it compiled, try with only IPs as host to see if it is a general problem, or the relatively simple DNS resolving biut.
Looks like Real Thin Client has support you need:
Win32 with Delphi 6 - XE; Win32+Win64+MacOSX+iOS with RAD Studio / Delphi XE2
