XCode 4.1 - Instruments Time Profiler - ios

I'm trying to use Time Profiler, I've used it before.
I'm hiding system libraries, but all of my symbol names are HEX.
I'm running in debug, I have debugSymbols turned on....
I've restarted everything a few times and cleaned everything in between..
... anybody got any other ideas?

it's a bit of a pain because there are a number of variables that can cause this. some of the more common ones are:
sometimes you need to tell instruments where to find your files and/or symbols (Preferences->Search Paths).
have you enabled Link Time Optimization (LTO)? it should be off.
sometimes it helps if you do a clean/build.
sometimes it helps if you restart instruments.
in earlier versions of Xcode, it helped to use a central build directory.
verify that you are generating the proper level of debug symbols for all targets.

I no longer get this problem with the latest version.
Apple were no help in answering this for me - even though I used one of my Tech Support Requests. Must have had them stumped too.


Apple Instruments - Counters - Source unavailable

I've been running into a problem with Apple Instruments (4.6, Xcode 4.6.2 on 10.8.3).
Normally when using the Time Profiler, I can look at my source and see the hotspots without any problems (same project).
This time I've been trying to use the "Counters" Template to sample my CPUs Performance Counter Events. It samples the events as it should and I also have the same time based profiling information as well, however when I try to step into my code to look at the hot spots, like I can do for the "Time Profiler", all I get is "Unavailable" where I used to have the source. No Assembly either.
The Project is built as:
Release build
Debugging information is on and not stripped
DWARF + dsym is used to store the profiling data.
As I said, its the same configuration that works for the time profiler.
I already tried to (pretty much all that's stated in here: Xcode 4 Instruments doesn't show source lines , except for doing -O0, debug performance is not of interest to me)
relocate the dysm file using "File -> Re-Symbolicate"
As soon as I plainly close Instruments, start another Profile from Xcode and choose the Time Profiler, it works, if I go back to the Performance Counters, it stops.
Is this the default behaviour? Should it be like this? Has anybody already managed to get it working, in the current Instruments version? Otherwise it might be worth to file a bug with Apple.
Thanks a lot!
Try the Xcode 5.1 beta4. For me its fixed there: Counter works now.
The seed notes mentions some details what they did. Don't know if its under NDA.

Xcode Won't Parse Files to Find Errors

I have a strange issue that I haven't seen or read about anywhere else. My Xcode no longer parses all of my files to find issues/errors. It will display any issues or errors in a file I am currently viewing, and these will persist thereafter, but with 400+ files I can't reasonably visit each one to make it compile. Xcode can build successfully if the code is valid, however I can never know when that is, since I see no errors. Indexing occurs, but no compiling takes place.
Also, when building, the status bar states that Xcode is compiling x out of however many total compile sources but the total number is usually not even close to the actual total number. For example it may say compiling x out of 40 files when there are actually 400 compile sources.
I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary from my usual tasks when this issue began. New projects will compile, then randomly stop compiling after a period of time.
Things I have tried:
nuking derived data
quitting Xcode/restarting computer
Recloning the project from a known working repository. It will build but won't find errors/issues when they do exist. There should be at least a handful of minor issues but none appear.
Reinstalling Xcode (4.5.2)
tried both GCC 4.2 and LLVM 4.1 compilers
Has anyone experienced this issue before and found a solution? This problem has made my job extremely difficult and any help would be much appreciated.
It does sound like corruption of DerivedData. Try this:
Clean your target: cmd+shift+K or Product->Clean
Quit xcode
Delete the contents of /Users/your_user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Restart xcode
(It's safe to delete this folder's contents. But if you're nervous about that, back it up first).
You should be good to go.

XCode 4.2 on OSX 10.7.1 (Lion) Crashing/Locking Up all the time. Anyone Know how to fix?

This should not create any Issues with the NDA as I am not asking anyone to reveal any functionality of the application, I have asked on the Developer Forums, but They dont have the user base or the response speed of StackOverflow.
I have been working with XCode for a while now. And other then these issues, I REALLY LIKE the new xcode. I will (when these issues are resolved) recommend this application to all iOS/OSX developers.
I am currently developing iOS applications. And am Running this setup on Mac OSX 10.7.1 (Lion)
Issue 1:
If I use the Interface builder it will first of all stay open even after I navigate away from it and it is no longer visible or to my knowledge "running". After a while it will consume more then 4 gigs of active memory. I will have the activity monitor open and Will eventually have less than 20megs left of free memory. I upgraded my MacMini to 8 Gigs of memory and at this point it will get down to about 200 Megs of memory left and will eventually release the memory that IB had held onto. If I do not open IB in XCode 4 it tends to use a lot less memory. (adding 8 gigs of memory makes this memory leak a lot less of a problem)
This one only currently happens on one of the Three machines I code on. And what happens is while programming if I [Run] the app it will work for a while. Then at some point through the process it will begin to Lock Up when I press Run or Command-R. If I save the code file and run. It will not lock up. However if I forget to save, It will not only lock up. But will force me to terminate the XCode app, and Subsequently Recode everything that I had edited since the last save and the Application Run. This is by far the most annoying bug I have encountered this far.
Issue 3:
This bug happens more and more often the longer the application and operating system has been running. Running into the iPad will give me a number of Errors including "Unable to Connect to Debugger" or "Finished Successfully" among others. But the important part of this issue is that the application will never get sent to the iOS device. It will compile and say it finished. But there will be a error in the output pane.
I hope others have encountered these errors and Hopefully there is a quick fix with config files or something that will make development a lot more convenient. Thanks to anyone for resolution to any of these issues.....
I finally received an email from apple support. I have emailed them off a Capture from XCode 4 and will hopefully hear something from them. Or maybe they will just release a new beta. Either way I hope to get this resolved asap.
For issue #2 you might want to try auto-saving your code before runs. See XCODE auto save code when build and run? instructions. Not sure if these instructions will work for 4.2 but you get the idea.
I had issues with my Xcode 4.2 install crashing initially. Re-running the installer over the already installed Xcode 4.2 fixed them. Obviously I don't know what the underlying issue with the install was, but although the first install reported installation was successful, obviously it wasn't. Perhaps worth trying.
When a newer version of Xcode 4.2 becomes available to you (cough), you might want to see whether installing that one fixes the problem. Perhaps given the issues, you should try uninstalling the previous version first rather than installing over the top?
Do you use multiple windows? They are anathema to Xcode 4. If you persist in your heresy, it may corrupt some files, and slow itself down. You will see a lot of beachballing, and it will be in some sort of GC.
You can work around this by deleting a workspace-specific file hidden inside your project. (I will have to look up which one, if this describes your case.)
With the new Beta GM Release they have seemingly fixed the issue with the Hanging.
Thanks for the Answers. Ill +1 anyone who helped but ultimately it was apple that fixed the issue.... For now

Xcode ARC conversion tool issue

I'm running the ARC conversion tool for the first time. I've followed the instructions and dealt with all of the issues/erros in my files that the conversion tool finds before it will actually run. I also have several third party libraries that I've told ARC to skip by unchecking them in the Targets to Convert dialog. After running the tool it shows me a report of all the changed files but no files have been changed. Next I save and try to build the project only to find that I have nearly 1000 build errors due to all the calls to retain and release in my project. It's my understanding that the conversion tool is supposed to remove all calls to retain, release, and autorelease but that isn't the case for me.
Has anybody encountered this problem before and if so how did you solve it? Or is it my responsibility to remove all retains & releases from my app? If so I'm not sure what the point of the conversion tool is. Please advise.
Thanks in advance
I am about to try this on my own rather large project, so I may be back with more questions, but I found this that might help:
Are you using GIT repositories for your code? It may not be converting due to the snapshot issue described.
This works better in case you allow it to continue building if errors encountered (Preferences - General). However, not all files are changed or converted completely anyway. But a few regulars will do the dirty job.
In case anyone wants to copy and paste;
\[([\[\w\s\]]+) autorelease\]

How do I reliably get Instruments 4.x to symbolicate?

I have a bit of a dilemma — no matter what I do, I cannot get Apple's Instruments.app to symbolicate any of the included instruments while I'm profiling on my devices (it works OK in the iOS Simulator).
I've tried just about everything I can think of, including:
Checking that I'm actually building a dSYM
Switching between Debug and Release build schemes
Making sure that the signing certificate being used in my Development cert
Adding and removing my Derived Data folder from Spotlight's Privacy list
Clean & Build before profiling
Removing the Derived Data folder before building and profiling
I'm not sure where to go from here — I had symbols for an hour or two earlier in the week, but I just can't get them to show up at all anymore. It would be great to figure out what the mystical incantation is to make Instruments always find my app's symbols.
In the File menu there is an option for Re-Symbolicate Document. Choosing this, you can find your binary in the list and use the Locate button to specify the location of the dSYM manually. There is also a checkbox here for using Spotlight to find the dSYM; it's possible it got deactivated if Spotlight was borked at some point but is now fixed.
It seems that you cannot do this while Instruments is actually instrumenting, but it does seem to keep the setting for the next time you hit Record. It does not, however, seem to remember the setting after you close Instruments.
Did you ensure you are signing the app with a development profile (as opposed to a distribution profile)?
Be aware that you are usually using release builds with instruments so make sure you didn't choose a distribution profile for your release configuration...
I've seen Instruments 4.2 fail to symbolicate several times with the correct dSYM file.
After saving and quit/restart Instruments, it will then symbolicate.
(Sometimes I'll capture a small sample and make sure it works before collecting large samples.)
Aside from xcode's tools, you can use atos: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4954949/312725
Be sure to take slide into account as well: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13576028/312725
(I'm adding this information to several related questions that are related to that, but aren't exactly duplicate questions. This is copy-pasted, it's a honest attempt to help someone who googled that question rather then spam.)
