Localizing Ruby alphabet - ruby-on-rails

I'm working on I18N for a web application (Rails), and part of the app needs to display a select containing the alphabet for a selected locale. My question is, is there a way to get Ruby to handle this or do I need to go thru the Rails-provided I18N API?
This is the array I'm using for generating the select options:
I need to translate that to Russian, Chinese & Arabic.

You need to create an HTML select, with all the letters of a particular alphabet?
That would theoretically work for Russian and Arabic, but Chinese doesn't have an 'alphabet'.
The writing system contains thousands of characters.

I think you need to implement this yourself. Afaik Rails i18n plugins don't provide this information.
A nice solution would be to creating you own Range.
Example from the docs:
class Xs # represent a string of 'x's
include Comparable
attr :length
def initialize(n)
#length = n
def succ
Xs.new(#length + 1)
def <=>(other)
#length <=> other.length
def to_s
sprintf "%2d #{inspect}", #length
def inspect
'x' * #length
r = Xs.new(3)..Xs.new(6) #=> xxx..xxxxxx
r.to_a #=> [xxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx]
r.member?(Xs.new(5)) #=> true


How to translate a website in all languages?

I'm trying to translate my website in all languages supported by Google Translate.
I'm using Ruby on Rails 6, and want to do it as a translation backend, but this is not specific to Ruby or Ruby on Rails.
When I had to support 6 languages I would correct the mistakes myself but I can't
I tried different things but my latest strategy has been storing everything in the database:
class ActiveRecordBackend
include I18n::Backend::Base
include I18n::Backend::Transliterator
SEPARATE_INTERPOLATIONS = /(?<interpolation>%{[^}]+})|(?<text>[^%]+)/
NETWORK_ERRORS = [SocketError, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH].freeze
LOCALES_PATH = Rails.root.join("lib/data/locales.yml")
LOCALES = YAML.safe_load(LOCALES_PATH.read).map(&:to_struct).sort_by(&:name)
LOCALE_NAMES = LOCALES.map(&:locale).map(&:to_sym)
def available_locales
def reload!
#translations = nil
def initialized?
def init_translations
#translations = Translation.to_hash
def translations(do_init: false)
init_translations if do_init || !initialized?
#translations ||= {}
def lookup(locale, key, _scope = [], _options = {})
Translation.find_by(locale: locale, key: key)&.value ||
store_translation(locale: locale, key: key)
def store_translation(locale:, key:)
default = Translation.find_by(locale: I18n.default_locale, key: key)
return unless default
translated_value =
easy_translate(default.value, from: I18n.default_locale, to: locale)
return unless translated_value
locale: locale,
key: key,
value: translated_value
def easy_translate(original, from:, to:)
.map do |interpolation, text|
next interpolation if interpolation
spaces_before = text.scan(/\A */).first
spaces_after = text.scan(/ *\z/).first
translated_text =
EasyTranslate.translate(text, from: from, to: to).strip
rescue *NETWORK_ERRORS, EasyTranslate::EasyTranslateException
But I get things like
"<b>7976membri attivi tra cui1in linea<br>562attività con5945partecipazioni"
for italian
instead of:
"<b>7976</b> membres actifs dont <b>1</b> en ligne <br><b>562</b> activités avec <b>5945</b> participations"
for french
And I also don't handle returning a group of translations like t(".js").
How would you do it?
How would you do it?
I wouldn't do it.
If your website only natively supports a few languages (e.g. English) and a user wants to view it in an unsupported language (e.g. Italian), then let the user apply Google Translation themselves.
There's a very popular plugin to do this. But, like you found already, it won't always give perfect results: Sometimes it can mess up your page layout, in addition to just giving sub-optimal translations due to mis-interpreted context.
If you discover a magic way to accurately apply website translations in the backend to all possible languages and contexts, without breaking the UI, then congratulations -- you'll soon be incredibly wealthy.
Agree with #GiacomoCatenazzi, it looks very unprofessional to have obvious spelling mistakes. If you have to translate the page, I recommend you use I18n and do it manually.
If you feel like you have to use GT, I would do something like this:
Create the I18n files for each language
Only manually populate the english one
Create a class which reads in the english version of the I18n file to a hash.
Loop through all the files you want to populate, if the key does not exist you should use the GT api to translate and populate the files where the key does not exist.
Create a cron job and run the class everyday.
You can improve the amount of requests in step 4 as much as you want, with some dedication it should be possible to limit the requests to the amount of languages you support.
I found a solution:
def easy_translate(original, from:, to:)
interpolations_in_original = original.scan(INTERPOLATION)
spaces_before = original.scan(/\A */).first
spaces_after = original.scan(/ *\z/).first
translated_text = EasyTranslate.translate(original, from: from, to: to).strip
translated_text = translated_text.gsub("% {", "%{")
bad_interpolations = translated_text.scan(INTERPOLATION)
interpolations_in_original.size.times do |index|
translated_text.gsub!(bad_interpolations[index], interpolations_in_original[index])
rescue *NETWORK_ERRORS, EasyTranslate::EasyTranslateException
Can be improved obviously like actually replacing each interpolation by the corresponding correct one and keeping capitalization

Replacing {phrase} with phrase in rails

I'd like to search and replace any occurrence of {phrase} with with phrase using rails (erb.html file). Multiple phrases will need to be substituted, and the phrases aren't known in advance.
Full Example:
Hi {guys}, I really like {ruby on rails}
Needs to become
Hi guys, ruby on rails
This is for a user-generated content site (GMT)
it's simple regexp, just use
your_string.gsub(/{(.*?)}/, '\\1')
"{aaa} is not {bbb} you know".gsub(/{(.*?)}/, '\\1')
will produce
aaa is not bbb you know
You can do this using gsub
irb(main):001:0> str = " I have written this phrase statement, I want to replace occurences of all phrase with other statement"
=> " I have written this phrase statement, I want to replace occurences of all phrase with other statement"
irb(main):002:0> str.gsub("phrase",'phrase')
=> " I have written this phrase statement, I want to replace occurences of all phrase with other statement"
A better way to do this will be to use a Markdown output engine (Redcarpet being one of the most robust)
You'd have to create a custom renderer:
class AutoLinks < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
def auto_link(phrase) #-> will need to search through content. Can research further
link_to phrase, "/#{phrase}"
markdown = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(AutoLinks, auto_link: "ruby on rails")
Just use a helper in your erb. For example:
module TagHelper
def atag(phrase)
"<a href='/#{phrase}'>#{phrase}</a>"
<%= atag('guys')%>

Formatting dates coming from params

In Grails, if I define a locale, and put a date on specific format on i18n file, like (dd/mm/AAAA), if call one request like:
When I get print: params.date, it comes to me a date object.
How can I do the same on rails?
Normally the Rails handles this for you. For instance, the form helper datetime_select works in conjunction with some activerecord magic
to ensure ensure time/date types survive the round-trip. There are various alternatives to the standard date-pickers.
If this doesn't work for you e.g. rails isn't generating the forms, there are (at least) a couple of options.
One option, slightly evi, is to monkey-patch HashWithIndifferentAccess (used by request params) to do type conversions based on the key name. It could look something like:
module AddTypedKeys
def [](key)
key?(key) ? super : find_candidate(key.to_s)
# look for key with a type extension
def find_candidate(key)
keys.each do |k|
name, type = k.split('.', 2)
return typify_param(self[k], type) if name == key
def typify_param(value, type)
case type
when 'date'
value.to_date rescue nil
HashWithIndifferentAccess.send(:include, AddTypedKeys)
This will extend params[] in the way you describe. To use it within rais, you can drop it into an initialiser, eg confg/initializers/typed_params.rb
To see it working, you can test with
params = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({'a' => 'hello', 'b.date' => '10/1/2013', 'c.date' => 'bob'})
puts params['b.date'] # returns string
puts params['b'] # returns timestamp
puts params['a'] # returns string
puts params['c'] # nil (invalid date parsed)
However... I'm not sure it's worth the effort, and it will likely not work with Rails 4 / StrongParameters.
A better solution would be using virtual attributes in your models. See this SO post for a really good example using chronic.

How to disable ActiveRecord logging for a certain column?

I'm running into a problem which, in my opinion, must be a problem for most rails users but I could not find any solution for it yet.
When, for instance, performing a file upload of a potentially large, binary file and storing it in the database, you most certainly don't want rails or ActiveRecord to log this specific field in development mode (log file, stdout). In case of a fairly big file, this causes the query execution to break and almost kills my terminal.
Is there any reliable and non-hacky method of disabling logging for particular fields? Remember, I'm not talking about disabling logging for request parameters - this has been solved quite nicely.
Thanks for any information on that!
If this helps anyone, here is a Rails 4.1 compatible version of the snippet above that also includes redaction of non-binary bind params (e.g. a text or json column), and increases the logging to 100 char before redaction. Thanks for everyone's help here!
class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter
def log_with_binary_truncate(sql, name="SQL", binds=[], statement_name = nil, &block)
binds = binds.map do |col, data|
if data.is_a?(String) && data.size > 100
data = "#{data[0,10]} [REDACTED #{data.size - 20} bytes] #{data[-10,10]}"
[col, data]
sql = sql.gsub(/(?<='\\x[0-9a-f]{100})[0-9a-f]{100,}?(?=[0-9a-f]{100}')/) do |match|
"[REDACTED #{match.size} chars]"
log_without_binary_truncate(sql, name, binds, statement_name, &block)
alias_method_chain :log, :binary_truncate
Create a file in config/initializers whitch modifies ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter like so:
class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter
def log_with_trunkate(sql, name="SQL", binds=[], &block)
b = binds.map {|k,v|
v = v.truncate(20) if v.is_a? String and v.size > 20
log_without_trunkate(sql, name, b, &block)
alias_method_chain :log, :trunkate
This will trunkate all fields that are longer than 20 chars in the output log.
NOTE: Works with rails 3, but apparently not 4 (which was not released when this question was answered)
In your application.rb file:
config.filter_parameters << :parameter_name
This will remove that attribute from displaying in your logs, replacing it with [FILTERED]
The common use case for filtering parameters is of course passwords, but I see no reason it shouldn't work with your binary file field.
Here's an implementation of the approach suggested by #Patrik that works for both inserts and updates against PostgreSQL. The regex may need to be tweaked depending upon the formatting of the SQL for other databases.
class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter
def log_with_binary_truncate(sql, name="SQL", binds=[], &block)
binds = binds.map do |col, data|
if col.type == :binary && data.is_a?(String) && data.size > 27
data = "#{data[0,10]}[REDACTED #{data.size - 20} bytes]#{data[-10,10]}"
[col, data]
sql = sql.gsub(/(?<='\\x[0-9a-f]{20})[0-9a-f]{20,}?(?=[0-9a-f]{20}')/) do |match|
"[REDACTED #{match.size} chars]"
log_without_binary_truncate(sql, name, binds, &block)
alias_method_chain :log, :binary_truncate
I'm not deliriously happy with it, but it's good enough for now. It preserves the first and last 10 bytes of the binary string and indicates how many bytes/chars were removed out of the middle. It doesn't redact unless the redacted text is longer than the replacing text (i.e. if there aren't at least 20 chars to remove, then "[REDACTED xx chars]" would be longer than the replaced text, so there's no point). I did not do performance testing to determine whether using greedy or lazy repetition for the redacted chunk was faster. My instinct was to go lazy, so I did, but it's possible that greedy would be faster especially if there is only one binary field in the SQL.
In rails 5 you could put it in initializer:
module SqlLogFilter
FILTERS = Set.new(%w(geo_data value timeline))
def render_bind(attribute)
return [attribute.name, '<filtered>'] if FILTERS.include?(attribute.name)
ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.prepend SqlLogFilter
For filter attributes geo_data, value and timeline for instance.
Here is a Rails 5 version. Out of the box Rails 5 truncates binary data, but not long text columns.
module LogTruncater
def render_bind(attribute)
num_chars = Integer(ENV['ACTIVERECORD_SQL_LOG_MAX_VALUE']) rescue 120
half_num_chars = num_chars / 2
value = if attribute.type.binary? && attribute.value
if attribute.value.is_a?(Hash)
"<#{attribute.value_for_database.to_s.bytesize} bytes of binary data>"
"<#{attribute.value.bytesize} bytes of binary data>"
if value.is_a?(String) && value.size > num_chars
value = "#{value[0,half_num_chars]} [REDACTED #{value.size - num_chars} chars] #{value[-half_num_chars,half_num_chars]}"
[attribute.name, value]
class ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber
prepend LogTruncater
I didn't find much on this either, though one thing you could do is
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil
to disable logging entirely, though you would probably not want to do that. A better solution might be to set the ActiveRecord logger to some custom subclass that doesn't log messages over a certain size, or does something smarter to parse out specific sections of a message that are too large.
This doesn't seem ideal, but it does seem like a workable solution, though I haven't looked at specific implementation details. I would be really interested to hear any better solutions.
I encountered the same problem, but I couldn't figure out a clean solution to the problem. I ended up writing a custom formatter for the Rails logger that filters out the blob.
The code above needs to be placed in config/initializers, and replace file_data with the column you want to remove and file_name with the column that appears after in the regular expression.
version for Rails 5.2+
module LogTruncater
def render_bind(attr, value)
num_chars = Integer(ENV['ACTIVERECORD_SQL_LOG_MAX_VALUE']) rescue 120
half_num_chars = num_chars / 2
if attr.is_a?(Array)
attr = attr.first
elsif attr.type.binary? && attr.value
value = "<#{attr.value_for_database.to_s.bytesize} bytes of binary data>"
if value.is_a?(String) && value.size > num_chars
value = "#{value[0,half_num_chars]} [REDACTED #{value.size - num_chars} chars] #{value[-half_num_chars,half_num_chars]}"
[attr && attr.name, value]
class ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber
prepend LogTruncater
This is what works for me for Rails 6:
# initializers/scrub_logs.rb
module ActiveSupport
module TaggedLogging
module Formatter # :nodoc:
# Hide PlaygroundTemplate#yaml column from SQL queries because it's huge.
def scrub_yaml_source(input)
input.gsub(/\["yaml", ".*, \["/, '["yaml", "REDACTED"], ["')
alias orig_call call
def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
orig_call(severity, timestamp, progname, scrub_yaml_source(msg))
Replace yaml with the name of your column.

Handling international currency input in Ruby on Rails

I have an application that handles currency inputs. However, if you're in the US, you might enter a number as 12,345.67; in France, it might be 12.345,67.
Is there an easy way, in Rails, to adapt the currency entry to a locale?
Note that I'm not looking for display of the currency (ala number_to_currency), I'm looking to deal with someone typing in a currency string, and converting it into a decimal.
You could give this a shot:
def string_to_float(string)
string.gsub!(/[^\d.,]/,'') # Replace all Currency Symbols, Letters and -- from the string
if string =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{1}$/ # If string ends in a single digit (e.g. ,2)
string = string + "0" # make it ,20 in order for the result to be in "cents"
unless string =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{2}$/ # If does not end in ,00 / .00 then
string = string + "00" # add trailing 00 to turn it into cents
string.gsub!(/[\.,]/,'') # Replace all (.) and (,) so the string result becomes in "cents"
string.to_f / 100 # Let to_float do the rest
And the test Cases:
describe Currency do
it "should mix and match" do
Currency.string_to_float("$ 1,000.50").should eql(1000.50)
Currency.string_to_float("€ 1.000,50").should eql(1000.50)
Currency.string_to_float("€ 1.000,--").should eql(1000.to_f)
Currency.string_to_float("$ 1,000.--").should eql(1000.to_f)
it "should strip the € sign" do
Currency.string_to_float("€1").should eql(1.to_f)
it "should strip the $ sign" do
Currency.string_to_float("$1").should eql(1.to_f)
it "should strip letter characters" do
Currency.string_to_float("a123bc2").should eql(1232.to_f)
it "should strip - and --" do
Currency.string_to_float("100,-").should eql(100.to_f)
Currency.string_to_float("100,--").should eql(100.to_f)
it "should convert the , as delimitor to a ." do
Currency.string_to_float("100,10").should eql(100.10)
it "should convert ignore , and . as separators" do
Currency.string_to_float("1.000,10").should eql(1000.10)
Currency.string_to_float("1,000.10").should eql(1000.10)
it "should be generous if you make a type in the last '0' digit" do
Currency.string_to_float("123,2").should eql(123.2)
We wrote this:
class String
def safe_parse
self.gsub(I18n.t("number.currency.format.unit"), '').gsub(I18n.t("number.currency.format.delimiter"), '').gsub(I18n.t("number.currency.format.separator"), '.').to_f
Of course, you will have to set the I18n.locale before using this. And it currently only converts the string to a float for the locale that was set. (In our case, if the user is on the french site, we expect the currency amount text to only have symbols and formatting pertaining to the french locale).
You need to clean the input so that users can type pretty much whatever they want to, and you'll get something consistent to store in your database. Assuming your model is called "DoughEntry" and your attribute is "amount," and it is stored as an integer.
Here's a method that converts a string input to cents (if the string ends in two digits following a delimeter, it's assumed to be cents). You may wish to make this smarter, but here's the concept:
def convert_to_cents(input)
if input =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{2}$/
>> convert_to_cents "12,345"
=> 1234500
>> convert_to_cents "12.345,67"
=> 1234567
>> convert_to_cents "$12.345,67"
=> 1234567
Then overwrite the default "amount" accessor, passing it through that method:
class DoughEntry << ActiveRecord::Base
def amount=(input)
write_attribute(:amount, convert_to_cents(input))
def convert_to_cents(input)
if input =~ /^.*[\.,]\d{2}$/
Now you're storing cents in the database. Radar has the right idea for pulling it back out.
You can try to use the 'aggregation' feature, combined with a delegation class. I would do something like:
class Product
composed_of :balance,
:class_name => "Money",
:mapping => %w(amount)
class Money < SimpleDelegator.new
include Comparable
attr_reader :amount
def initialize(amount)
#amount = Money.special_transform(amount)
def self.special_transform(amount)
# your special convesion function here
def to_s
nummber_to_currency #amount
In this way, you will be able to directly assign:
Product.update_attributes(:price => '12.244,6')
Product.update_attributes(:price => '12,244.6')
The advantage is that you do not have to modify anything on controllers/views.
Using the translations for numbers in the built-in I18n should allow you to enter your prices in one format (1234.56) and then using I18n bringing them back out with number_to_currency to have them automatically printed out in the correct locale.
Of course you'll have to set I18n.locale using a before_filter, check out the I18n guide, section 2.3.
