I want to make an application for both touch and non-touch device in blackberry.
I don't know how to find the device is touch or not.
Is there any idea.
This is used to find whether the device is touch or non-touch.
If the device is Touch then it returns
else it returns
I found that for me, it was better to build the app to cope with both touch and nontouch phones. Remember that devices running firmware older than 4.7 can not load touch enabled apps.
I am using mac mini for application development. I am aware with the apple's 3D Touch and its availability on simulator as well.
But I think its simulation is available with MacBook only using a Force Touch trackpad.
Is it possible to simulate 3D touch in simulator with macmini?
As I'm aware you can't do this in any simulates.It isn't supported.
I am using x-Code instruments command-line tool for automated-testing iPhone4 or etc..
But instruments is allowed to used only debugging specified App.
and VNC requires jail-breaking
Is there any way to touch screen ( in software level ) iOS without xCode-instruments or jail-breaking?
No. Even with a jailbreak, sending touches to an iOS device remotely is hard.
When I search Google, I got SBShortcutMenuSimulator, it's can simulator Quick Action operate in iOS simulator. But, how test peek and pop operate?
I find way! If your have MacBook Pro with ForceTouch Trackpad, you can do it.
Choose iOS 9.3 with iPhone 6S Simulator, Find Hardware option on menu bar, check "Use Trackpad force for 3D Touch", then use your force touch Trackpad simulate 3D Touch.
You can use FLEX to check it on the simulator. Using a combination of the command, control, and shift keys, you can simulate different levels of 3D touch pressure in the simulator. Each key contributes 1/3 of maximum possible force. Note that you need to move the touch slightly to get pressure updates.
Just remember to exclude FLEX from Release (App Store) Builds
Can I simulate application shortcut on simulator? (With 3D Touch for ios 9)
What is force touch pressure for?
Thanks you all for your quick help. I find this one that can simulate application shortcut. I have tested and it is working.
It is impossible now unfortunately. force touch pressure is different from 3D touch. force touch pressure is for Apple Watch.
As per apples documentation
With Xcode 7.0 you must develop on a device that supports 3D Touch.
Simulator in Xcode 7.0 does not support 3D Touch.
In the simulator menu you seeing Force Touch Pressure is for Apple Watch simulator
You can refer this in the apple developer (https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/Adopting3DTouchOniPhone/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40016543-CH1-SW7)
I've developed a user experience in my iOS app for displaying a different view on an external screen connected via AirPlay screen mirroring or HDMI out. I have a setting to enable/disable this feature, allowing the user to choose between this mode and true mirroring (i.e. same experience on both screens).
Since many iOS devices don't even support external displays (iPhone 3GS and earlier, iPod touches) and some only support HDMI out (iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPad 2 with iOS4), I'd like to tailor the settings UI for each category of device.
I know it's good practice to detect capabilities whenever possible and not to avoid checking the version of the device itself. However, I haven't found anything online about detecting AirPlay support, just how to code for it.
Is it possible to detect AirPlay/HDMI support in the SDK?
(Apple's documentation on developing for external screens:
No, not directly and in a summary fashion.
I think you would probably be best off detecting the device version and using that as the basis of your UI.
If you really believe that is bad practice, I suggest you explore Erica Sadun's UIDevice extensions - you might be able to find in there the code necessary to query enough specific capabilities to create an abstraction that would let you know if a device is AirPlay/HDMI capable. If you do that, I hope you share it!
UIDevice-extension: https://github.com/erica/uidevice-extension
As a side note, don't forget about the VGA adapter. I have tested my app with it at 1080p and it works/looks as good as the HDMI adapter, which was a big surprise to me.