WCF with ASP.NET MVC - Reference Projects - asp.net-mvc

on a ASP.NET MVC project, the data access layer is going to be implemented in WCF. Reason is that these WCF services are going to be consumed by couple of other client applications in the future.
Can I know whether there are any good reference projects that I can have a look at.
Important things that I need to have a look at are:
How the projects are structured
Any best practices that need to be followed
How Domain objects/POCOs, DTOs, ViewModels need to be organized, and communicate between each other
Unit Testing approaches
All your suggestions/advices on these areas are highly appreciated
Thank you very much.

You would do exactly the same as if you were doing any other ASP.NET MVC application. You would simply provide an implementation of your repository which would call the WCF service. So basically your repository interface could be the operation contract you got when you imported your service:
public interface IProductsService
IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts();
Product and IProductsService are domain objects coming from your WCF service. In the implementation of this interface you would delegate the call to the service itself. As far as the rest of the application is concerned, your controllers doesn't really care as they are weakly coupled:
public class ProductsController: Controller
private readonly IProductsService _productsService;
public ProductsController(IProductsService productsService)
_productsService = productsService;
public ActionResult Index()
var products = _productsService.GetProducts();
var productsVm = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Product>, IEnumerable<ProductViewModel>>(products);
return View(productsVm);
Pretty standard stuff and it is how your controllers should look like no matter where the data comes from. As you can see if you always design your applications with abstractions you could very easily switch implementation of this IProductsService that will be injected into your controllers and from the ASP.NET MVC application standpoint it wouldn't even make any difference. The view models should be part of the web UI as they are strongly tied to the views.
The service contracts and domain models go into a service layer.


Why pass a parameters of multiple services to mvc controller?

I'm new to asp.net mvc world mostly a windows developer moving to web. Be nice...
I found ridiculous when I look at many examples of asp.net mvc web applications that the pass to their controllers a list of services
Like this
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService,
IAnotherService anotherService,
IYetAnotherService yetAnotherService,
IYetAgainAnotherService yetAgainAnotherService,
Would not be better to do something like
public CustomerController(IServices services)
public interface IServices
ICustomerService CustomerService{get;set;}
IAnotherServiceService AnotherService{get;set;}
IYetAnotherServiceService YetAnotherServiceService{get;set;}
Am I missing the obvious?
As anybody implemented the way I suggest in mvc4 or mvc5. I know mvc6 does it.
But I cannot use mvc6 at work.
Any samples using DI?
What you're missing here is the fact that constructors with many parameters is a code smell often caused by that class having to many responsibilities: it violates the Single Responsibility Principle.
So instead of packaging the services to inject into a 'container' class that allows those services to be accessible using a public property, consider the following refactorings:
Divide the class into multiple smaller classes.
Extract logic that implements cross-cutting concerns (such as logging, audit trailing, validation, etc, etc)out of the class and apply those cross-cutting concerns using decorators, global filters (MVC) or message handlers (Web API). A great pattern for your business logic is the command/handler pattern.
Extract logic that uses multiple dependencies out of the class and hide that logic behind a new abstraction that does not expose the wrapped dependencies. This newly created abstraction is called an Aggregate Service.
I agree that for readability sake, even if you have multiple existing services which are also used in other applications, you could always wrap them in another class to avoid passing a long list of dependencies to the controllers.
When you have code in the API controllers that look like this:
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService,
IAnotherService anotherService,
IYetAnotherService yetAnotherService,
IYetAgainAnotherService yetAgainAnotherService,
That can be a code-smell and is an opportunity to refactor. But this does not mean the original code was a bad design. What I mean is in the API layer, we try not to clutter it with too many services that the controller is dependent on. Instead you can create a facade service. So in your example above, you refactor it to look like this:
public CustomerController(IServices services)
public interface IServices
ICustomerService CustomerService{get;set;}
IAnotherServiceService AnotherService{get;set;}
IYetAnotherServiceService YetAnotherServiceService{get;set;}
Which is good and then you can move the IServices to your service/business layer. The concrete implementation of that in the service/business layer will look like this:
public class AConcreteService:IServices {
public AConcreteService(ICustomerService cs, IAnotherServiceService as, IYetAnotherServiceService yas)
public List<Customer> GetCustomers(){
return _cs.GetCustomers();
public List<string> GetAnotherServiceData(){
return _as.AnotherServiceData();
public List<string> GetYetAnotherServiceData(){
return _yas.YetAnotherServiceData();
So that code will end up looking like your original code when implemented directly in the controller but is now in the service/business layer. This time it will be easy to unit test in the service class and the API layer will look much cleaner.

MVC with WCF service design

Being new to MVC, and WCF (somewhat), I'd like to ask a design question. I have an MVC application, with a simple screen. I need to call a WCF service, which returns a reply object type. To separate the WCF calls from my MVC app, I have created a ServiceProxy dll, which exposes a method called RegisterWithService, passing it an IP address.
So, MVC app, calls
The method then creates a RegistrationRequest object, and sends that to the WCF service. The reply (a RegisterResponce object) replies with an object.
My question is, is it OK to pass that object back to the MVC controller to deal with, or should I create some form of DTO... so that the ServiceProxy creates a new object type (maybe, RegistrationDTO, which has the same fields as the WCF reply object, and passes that back to the MVC app? That, I guess, makes the MVC non-reliant on the WCF objects... so a change in the service contract would only cause a change in the proxy class I created - leaving the MVC app segregated.
Does that seem like a good design?
I think that 2 levels of objects are enough:
Domain models (coming from your WCF service)
View models (specific to the MVC application)
So you could use the service proxy interface that was generated for you when you imported the WCF service definition as repository layer. This interface will return your data contracts which will represent the domain models. The Controller will be responsible for calling various methods on this interface and mapping the domain models to view models that will be passed to the view.
For example:
public class HomeController: Controller
private readonly IServiceProxy service;
public HomeController(IServiceProxy service)
this.service = service;
public ActionResult Index(int id)
SomeDataContract domainModel = this.service.Get(id);
MyViewModel model = Mapper.Map<SomeDataContract, MyViewModel>(domainModel);
return View(model);
Of course if your application gets more complex you could introduce an additional abstraction layer and DTOs.

ServiceStack new service side by side ASP.NET MVC website

In the examples for ServiceStack I don't see a single application that is ASP.NET MVC website first and then made ServiceStack service second.
Let's take a very simple ASP.NET MVC web application that renders products through Views. It uses controllers, views, models and viewmodels.
Let's say we have a model of Product which gets persisted into a document DB. Let's assume we have a viewmodel of ProductViewModel which gets mapped from Product and display within MVC Razor View/PartialView.
so this is a web side of things..now let's assume we want to add a service returning products to various clients like the Windows 8 applications.
Should the request/response classes be completely disconnected from what we already have? Our ProductViewModel might already contain everything we want to return from the service.
Since we already have Product (model class) we can't have another Product class in the API namespace..well we could but that makes things unclear and I'd like to avoid that.
So, should we introduce standalone ProductRequest class and ProductRequestResponse (inherits ProductViewModel) class in the API namespace?
Like so ProductRequestResponse : ProductViewModel?
What i'm saying is, we already have the Model and ViewModel classes and to construct Request and Response classes for the SS service we would have to create another two files, mostly by copying everything from the classes we already have. This doesn't look DRY to me, it might follow the separation of concerns guidelines but DRY is important too, actually more than separating everything (separating everything leads to duplication of code).
What I would like to see is a case where a web application has already been made, it currently features Models and ViewModels and returns the appropriate Views for display on the Web but can be extended into a fully functional service to support programmatic clients? Like AJAX clients etc...with what we already have.
Another thing:
If you take a look at this example https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Examples/blob/master/src/ServiceStack.MovieRest/MovieService.cs
you will see there is Movie Request class and Movies Request class (one for single movie request, the other one for a list of movies). As such, there are also two services, MovieService and MoviesService, one dealing with requests for a single movie, the other one for a genre of movies.
Now, while I like SS approach to services and I think it is the right one, I don't like this sort of separation merely because of the type of request. What if I wanted movies by director? Would I be inventing yet another request class having a Director property and yet another service (MoviesByDirector) for it?
I think the samples should be oriented towards one service. Everything that has to deal with movies need to be under one roof. How does one achieve that with ServiceStack?
public class ProductsService : Service
private readonly IDocumentSession _session;
private readonly ProductsHelperService _productsHelperService;
private readonly ProductCategorizationHelperService _productCategorization;
public class ProductRequest : IReturn<ProductRequestResponse>
public int Id { get; set; }
// Does this make sense? 
// Please note, we use ProductViewModel in our Views and it holds everything we'd want in service response also
public class ProductRequestResponse : ProductViewModel
public ProductRequestResponse GetProducts(ProductRequest request)
ProductRequestResponse response = null;
if (request.Id >= 0)
var product = _session.Load<Product>(request.Id);
return response;
The Service Layer is your most important Contract
The most important interface that you can ever create in your entire system is your external facing service contract, this is what consumers of your service or application will bind to, i.e. the existing call-sites that often won't get updated along with your code-base - every other model is secondary.
DTOs are Best practices for remote services
In following of Martin Fowler's recommendation for using DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for remote services (MSDN), ServiceStack encourages the use of clean, untainted POCOs to define a well-defined contract with that should kept in a largely implementation and dependency-free .dll. The benefits of this allows you to be able to re-use typed DTOs used to define your services with, as-is, in your C#/.NET clients - providing an end-to-end typed API without the use of any code-gen or other artificial machinery.
DRY vs Intent
Keeping things DRY should not be confused with clearly stating of intent, which you should avoid trying to DRY or hide behind inheritance, magic properties or any other mechanism. Having clean, well-defined DTOs provides a single source of reference that anyone can look at to see what each service accepts and returns, it allows your client and server developers to start their work straight away and bind to the external service models without the implementation having been written.
Keeping the DTOs separated also gives you the freedom to re-factor the implementation from within without breaking external clients, i.e. your service starts to cache responses or leverages a NoSQL solution to populate your responses with.
It's also provides the authoritative source (that's not leaked or coupled inside your app logic) that's used to create the auto-generated metadata pages, example responses, Swagger support, XSDs, WSDLs, etc.
Using ServiceStack's Built-in auto-mapping
Whilst we encourage keeping separate DTO models, you don't need to maintain your own manual mapping as you can use a mapper like AutoMapper or using ServiceStack's built-in Auto Mapping support, e.g:
Create a new DTO instance, populated with matching properties on viewModel:
var dto = viewModel.ConvertTo<MyDto>();
Initialize DTO and populate it with matching properties on a view model:
var dto = new MyDto { A = 1, B = 2 }.PopulateWith(viewModel);
Initialize DTO and populate it with non-default matching properties on a view model:
var dto = new MyDto { A = 1, B = 2 }.PopulateWithNonDefaultValues(viewModel);
Initialize DTO and populate it with matching properties that are annotated with the Attr Attribute on a view model:
var dto = new MyDto { A=1 }.PopulateFromPropertiesWithAttribute<Attr>(viewModel);
When mapping logic becomes more complicated we like to use extension methods to keep code DRY and maintain the mapping in one place that's easily consumable from within your application, e.g:
public static class MappingExtensions
public static MyDto ToDto(this MyViewModel viewModel)
var dto = viewModel.ConvertTo<MyDto>();
dto.Items = viewModel.Items.ConvertAll(x => x.ToDto());
dto.CalculatedProperty = Calculate(viewModel.Seed);
return dto;
Which is now easily consumable with just:
var dto = viewModel.ToDto();
If you are not tied specifically to ServiceStack and just want "fully functional service to support programmatic clients ... with what we already have", you could try the following: Have your controllers return either a ViewResult or a JsonResult based on the request's accept header - Request.AcceptTypes.Contains("text/html") or Request.AcceptTypes.Contains("application/json").
Both ViewResult and JsonResult are ActionResult, so the signature of actions remains the same, and both View() and Json() accept a ViewModel. Furthermore, if you have a ControllerBase you can make a base method (for example protected ActionResult RespondWith(Object viewModel)) which calls either View() or Json() so the change to existing code is minimal.
Of course, if your ViewModels are not pure (i.e. have some html-specific stuff or you rely on some ViewBag magic) then it's a little more work. And you won't get SOAP or other binding types provided by ServiceStack, but if your goal is to support a JSON data interface with minimal code changes to the existing MVC app then this could be a solution.

ASP.NET MVC Dependency Injection Unity with WCF services - working sample solution

I'm looking for a working sample of an ASP.NET MVC web application that uses Unity and calls an WCF service. I've looked at a lot of explanations on how to add dependency injection to WCF services but frankly I'm a little over my head here. It doesn't help that I'm new to WCF services as well.
I'm currently using Unity with Contructor injection for our ASP.NET MVC applications but so far we aren't using any WCF Web Services. The plan is to start using web services and I'm very confused on how to incorporate Unity with them.
I would love a nice working sample that I could walk through to better understand how to go about it.
I will try to provide you with some guidance.
Let's suppose that you have an existing products WCF service that is defined like this (we don't care about the implementation, that's not important for the moment, you could implement it as you wish, varying from hardcoded values, passing through a SQL database and an ORM, to consuming another service on the cloud):
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public interface IProductsService
Product Get(int id);
Now in your ASP.NET MVC application the first step is to add a service reference to it by pointing to the WSDL. This will generate proxy client classes.
Next you could add the Unity.Mvc3 NuGet package to your MVC application
Then in your Application_Start you could configure the container (obviously this configuration could be externalized into a separate method to avoid cluttering your Global.asax with it):
protected void Application_Start()
var container = new UnityContainer();
.RegisterType<IProductsService, ProductsServiceClient>()
.ConfigureInjectionFor<ProductsServiceClient>(new InjectionConstructor("*"));
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
IProductsService and ProducsServiceClient used in this configuration are the proxy classes generated when you imported the web service definition.
From now on things become trivial:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IProductsService _productsService;
public HomeController(IProductsService productsService)
_productsService = productsService;
public ActionResult Index()
var product = _productsService.Get(1);
return View(product);
and some corresponding Index view:
#model Product
#Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Name)
As you can see from this example thanks to the IProductsService abstraction, HomeController is totally decoupled from any concrete implementations of the service. In Today in your Global.asax you decided to use WCF (ProductsServiceClient), but tomorrow you could decide to use some completely different implementation. With a single changes in your DI container configuration you could switch the implementation. Thanks to this weak coupling, your controllers are fully unit testable in isolation.
What is important to realize here is that your business is the Product class and the IProductsService interface. This is what reflects your domain. This is the M in MVC. Implementations could change, but this should stay the same, otherwise you have wrongly identified your business requirements which could be catastrophic in long term.
Remark: one thing that I haven't covered in this example, and which is very important, is the usage of view models. In a properly architected ASP.NET MVC application you should never pass domain models to your views (in this example the Product class). You should use view models. View models are classes that are specifically designed for the requirements of a given view. So in a real world ASP.NET MVC application you would have a ProductViewModel class which to which the Product domain model will be mapped in the controller action and it is this ProductViewModel that will be passed to the view. Those view models should be defined in the MVC project as, contrary to your domain models, they are not reusable and reflect only the specific requirements of a single view. To ease the mapping between your domain models and view models you may take a look at AutoMapper.
It sounds like you're already injecting your MVC Controllers using Unity and all you want to do is start injecting the WCF services you host as well. To inject WCF services, you need to use an IInstanceProvider.
Complete working solution is here:
You need 4 very very simple classes:
define those, specify your new ServiceHostFactory:
<%# ServiceHost
Service="NamespaceC.ServiceLayer, AssemblyC"
Factory="NamespaceD.MyServiceHostFactory, AssemblyD"
and you're done.
I know it's a bit late in the game, but I've written a Nuget package to simplify the process of using WCF in your MVC/WebApi app, and it leverages Unity.
Check out Unity.Mvc.Wcf on Codeplex or GitHub for details.

NHibernate: "failed to lazily initialize...", DDD approach

I'm trying to set up NHibernate in an ASP.NET MVC application using a DDD approach. However, I do get an error when trying to lazy load an objects related entity. Heres how I've structured my application:
Infrastructure layer:
Contains mapping files, repository implementations and a NHibernate bootstrapper to configure and build a session factory.
Heres a repository example:
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
public Customer GetCustomerById(int customerId)
using (var session = NHibernateBootstrapper.OpenSession())
return session.Get<Customer>(customerId);
Domain layer:
Has simple POCO classes, repository and service interfaces
Application layer:
Contains Service implementations.
Heres a service example:
public class CustomerService : ICustomerService
private ICustomerRepository _repository;
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public Customer GetCustomerById(int customerId)
return _repository.GetCustomerById(customerId);
Presentation layer:
Contains the ASP.NET MVC application. And this is where I discovered my problem.
Using the MVC approach, I have a controller which, using the CustomerService service, gets a customer and displays the customer in a View (strongly typed). This customer has a related entity Contact, and when I try to access it in my View using Model.Contact, where Model is my Customer object, I get an LazyInitializationException.
I know why I get this. It's because the session used to retrieve the Customer in the CustomerRepository is dead by now. My problem is how I can fix this. I would like if I could avoid getting the related Contact entity for the Customer in my repository, because some views only need the Customer data, not the Contact data. If this is possible at all?
So to the question: is it possible to wait querying the database, until the presentation layer needs the related entity Contact?
I think that what I need is something like what this article describes. I just can't figure out how to implement it in infrastructure layer, or where should it be implemented?
Thanks in advance. Any help will be much appreciated!
As for session management it is common to use single session per request. You can see an example of implementation here. It is an open source project that were designed to setup new asp.net applications with the help of Nhibernate wery easy. source code can be founded here.
Hope it helps.
I also recommend Sharp Architecture.
Another approach, as well as suggestion, is to avoid passing entities to views. There're other problems with it except session management - business rules leaking into views, bloated/spagetti code in there, etc. Use ViewModel approach.
Another problem you'll get is storing your entities in Session. Once you try to get your Customer from Session["customer"] you'll get the same exception. There're several solutions to this, for example storing IDs, or adding repository methods to prevent lazy-loading of objects you're going to store in session - read NHibernate's SetFetchMode - which, of course, you can also use to pass entity to views. But as I said you better stick with ViewModel approach. Google for ViewModel, or refer to ASP.NET MVC In Action book, which uses samples of code from http://code.google.com/p/codecampserver/. Also read this, for example.
Are all your properties and methods in your Customer class marked virtual?
How are you opening and closing your session? I use an ActionFilterAttribute called TransactionPerRequest and decorate all my controllers with it.
Check out this for an implementation.
