Dynamic method definition with GroovyDSL in IntelliJ - grails

I was trying to define a dynamic method using the GroovyDSL scripting capabilities in IntelliJ. The starting guide "Scripting IDE for DSL awareness" gives you a good idea on how to get started with this. The dynamic method definition in my DSL is more complex than the example though and I am not quite sure how to build this. You can imagine it working like dynamic finder methods in Grails except that you can combine an arbitrary number of criteria with a boolean And keyword in any order. All keywords are not defined in the class that I am invoking the method on but could be defined in the GDSL file. The method always starts with submitTransactionWith. Here's an example:
clientDSL.submitTransactionWithCriteria1AndCriteria2AndCriteria3(arg1, arg2, arg3)
I started out with this but that only works for one criteria and doesn't take into account that you can combined multiple criteria in any order.
def ctx = context(ctype: "my.client.ClientDSL")
contributor(ctx) {
['Criteria1', 'Criteria2', 'Criteria3'].each {
method name: "submitTransactionWith${it}",
type: 'java.util.Map',
params: [args: 'java.util.Collection']
I was wondering if there's special support for that kind of dynamic method. I'd also be interested in how the DSL for Grails is modeled internally in IntelliJ.

The Grails DSL in located in ${idea.home}/plugins/GrailsGriffon/lib/standardDsls
It would probably help you for your problem. They create string arrays of all the method name combinations ahead of time, and then just iterate through them in their contributor creating a method using the arrays of strings for names.


Find implementation of interface method

I'd like to visualize method chains of our codebase (which method invokes which method) starting from a given method with jqassistant.
For normal method calls the following Cypher query works. workupNotification is the method I am starting from:
MATCH (begin:Method {name: "workupNotification"}) -[INVOKES*1..20]-> (method:Method) WHERE not method:Constructor and exists(method.name) RETURN begin, method, type
But many of the methods calls in our software are calls to interfaces of which the implementation is not known in the method (SOA with Dependency Inversion).
How can I select the implementation of this method (There are two classes implementing each interface. One is automatically generated (Proxy), the other is the one I'm interested in.)
You need to do what the JVM is performing at runtime for you: resolving virtual method invocations. There's a predefined jQAssistant concept that propagates INVOKES relations to implementing sub-classes: java:InvokesOverriddenMethod. You can either reference it as a required concept from one of your own rules or apply it from the command line, e.g. with Maven:
mvn jqassistant:analyze -Djqassistant.concepts=java:InvokesOverriddenMethod
The rule is documented in the manual, see http://buschmais.github.io/jqassistant/doc/1.6.0/#java:InvokesOverriddenMethod
(The name of the concept is not intuitive, it would be better to replace it with something like java:VirtualInvokes).
It is deprecated. In 1.9.0 version it should be used this command line:
mvn jqassistant:analyze -Djqassistant.concepts=java:VirtualInvokes

Groovy syntax, named block?

I'm starting to learn grails and there is some groovy syntax that I don't get at all, and is undocumented as far as I can tell because I don't know what it's called.
What are 'grails', 'views', and 'gsp' in the code below?
grails {
views {
gsp {
encoding = 'UTF-8'
// ...
p.s. I feel like an idiot for not being able to figure this out...
This is an example of DSL (domain specific language) code. In Groovy, many DSLs are implemented as Groovy code, although sometimes it can look pretty funky. This code block is run as Groovy code, and it's more clear that it's code if you add in the omitted optional parentheses:
encoding = 'UTF-8'
// ...
and more so if we replace the property set call to the equivalent method call
// ...
If you ran this in a console or as part of other Groovy code or in a Grails app it would fail, because there's no 'grails' method taking a closure as an argument, or a similar 'views' or 'gsp' method, and there's no setEncoding(String) method either. But when run as DSL code, often the code is run inside a closure whose delegate is set to a DSL helper class that handles the resulting methodMissing and propertyMissing calls.
This helper looks at the method name and the number and/or types of the method arguments (or property name and value type) and if they are valid for the DSL, it does the corresponding work, otherwise it throws a MissingMethodException/MissingPropertyException, or a DSL-specific exception, or handles the problem some other way.
In this case, there's a configuration DSL handler that translates these method calls into config property calls.
There are several other DSLs in use in a Grails app that work the same way. The mapping and constraints blocks in domain classes, the grails.project.dependency.resolution block in BuildConfig.groovy, etc. All are evaluated as Groovy code, and the missing method/property calls configure GORM mappings, constraint definitions, plugin dependencies, etc.
Programming Groovy 2 is a particularly good Groovy book for learning DSLs.

Using Dart as a DSL

I am trying to use Dart to tersely define entities in an application, following the idiom of code = configuration. Since I will be defining many entities, I'd like to keep the code as trim and concise and readable as possible.
In an effort to keep boilerplate as close to 0 lines as possible, I recently wrote some code like this:
// man.dart
part of entity_component_framework;
var _man = entity('man', (entityBuilder) {
entityBuilder.add([TopHat, CrookedTeeth]);
// test.dart
part of entity_component_framework;
var man = EntityBuilder.entities['man']; // null, since _man wasn't ever accessed.
The entity method associates the entityBuilder passed into the function with a name ('man' in this case). var _man exists because only variable assignments can be top-level in Dart. This seems to be the most concise way possible to use Dart as a DSL.
One thing I wasn't counting on, though, is lazy initialization. If I never access _man -- and I had no intention to, since the entity function neatly stored all the relevant information I required in another data structure -- then the entity function is never run. This is a feature, not a bug.
So, what's the cleanest way of using Dart as a DSL given the lazy initialization restriction?
So, as you point out, it's a feature that Dart doesn't run any code until it's told to. So if you want something to happen, you need to do it in code that runs. Some possibilities
Put your calls to entity() inside the main() function. I assume you don't want to do that, and probably that you want people to be able to add more of these in additional files without modifying the originals.
If you're willing to incur the overhead of mirrors, which is probably not that much if they're confined to this library, use them to find all the top-level variables in that library and access them. Or define them as functions or getters. But I assume that you like the property that variables are automatically one-shot. You'd want to use a MirrorsUsed annotation.
A variation on that would be to use annotations to mark the things you want to be initialized. Though this is similar in that you'd have to iterate over the annotated things, which I think would also require mirrors.

How does an interpreter use a DSL?

I'm using an interpreter for my domain specific language rather than a compiler (despite the performance). I'm struggling to understand some of the concepts though:
Suppose I have a DSL (in XML style) for a game so that developers can make building objects easily:
<name> hotel </name>
<capacity> 10 </capacity>
The DSL script is parsed, then what happens?
Does it execute an existing method for creating a new building? As I understand it does not simply transform the DSL into a lower level language (as this would then need to be compiled).
Could someone please describe what an interpreter would do with the resulting parsed tree?
Thank you for your help.
Much depends on your specific application details. For example, are name and capacity required? I'm going to give a fairly generic answer, which might be a bit overkill.
All nested properties are optional
There are many nested properties, possibly of varying depth
This invites 2 ideas: structuring your interpreter as a recursive descent parser and using some sort of builder for your objects. In your specific example, you'd have a BuildingBuilder that looks something like (in Java):
public class BuildingBuilder {
public BuildingBuilder() { ... }
public BuildingBuilder setName(String name) { ... return this; }
public BuildingBuilder setCapacity(int capacity) { ... return this; }
public Building build() { ... }
Now, when your parser encounters a building element, use the BuildingBuilder to build a building. Then add that object to whatever context the DSL applies to (city.addBuilding(building)).
Note that if the name and capacity are exhaustive and are always required, you can just create a building by passing the two parameters directly. You can also construct the building and set the properties directly as encountered instead of using the builder (the Builder Pattern is nice when you have many properties and said properties are both immutable and optional).
If this is in a non-object-oriented context, you'll end up implementing some sort of buildBuilding function that takes the current context and the inner xml of the building element. Effectively, you are building a recursive descent parser by hand with an xml library providing the actual parsing of individual elements.
However you implement it, you will probably appreciate having a direct semantic mapping between xml elements in your DSL and methods/objects in your interpreter.

Distinguishing between Grails domain-class fields and getBlah() methods via GrailsDomainClassProperty

I'm writing a Groovy script (as part of a Grails plugin) and I want to get a list of properties for a GrailsDomainClass that a user of my plugin might define. I can do this using domainClass.properties (where domainClass is a GrailsDomainClass).
However, suppose a user has the grails domain class:
class Example {
String name
static constraints = {
def getSomeNonExistingProperty(){
return "Not-a-real-property"
In this case, domainClass.properties returns a list with both name and someNoneExistingProperty
I understand that this is because of Grails is generating a read-only property on-the-fly for use where someone has a getBlah() method. That's great, but in my script I want to perform some actions with the "real" properties only (or at least non read-only properties).
That is, I would like some way of distinguishing or identifying someNonExistingProperty as a read-only property, or, alternatively, as a property generated by Grails and not entered explicitly as a field in the domainClass by the user of my plugin.
I've looked at the GrailsDomainClassProperty Class and it has a range of methods providing information about the property. However, none of them appear to tell me whether a property is read-only or not, or to allow me to distinguish between a field defined in the domainClass and a field created on-the-fly by Grails as a result of a "getSomeNonExistingProperty()" method.
Am I missing something obvious here? Is there a way of getting a list of just the explicitly user-defined fields (eg name, in the above example)?
I believe transient properties are what you are trying to exclude
I've run into this problem a few times, and instead of trying to work around it I typically just end up renaming my getX() method. It's probably the easiest option.
Alternatively, I wonder if you could use reflection to see which methods are defined on the class, and while iterating over your properties see if the property has an explicit getter defined, and omit it. I'm not very familiar with reflection when it comes to Groovy and Grails, especially with the dynamic methods, but it's a possible route of investigation.
