Move Focus From PasswordEditField to Next PasswordEditField in blackberry - blackberry

I am new to BlackBerry and Java. I am trying to figure out but not getting any correct way to implemnt my task. I want to enter 16 digit password. So for that, I have four passwordEditField in HorizontalFieldManager, each passwordEditField allows max 4 digits. When I enter 4 digits in first leftmost passwordEditField, I want to set focus automatically to the following next passwordEditField without any keypress. I used,
passwordEditField = new PasswordEditField("","",4,0){
protected void onUnfocus()
I tried moveFocus(), setFocus(), setCursorPosition() but not getting the focus on to next element. Is there any way i can impelement this task in blackberry.

passwordEditField.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
String text = passwordEditField.getText().toString();
if (text.length() == 4) {


How to create a number of Fields dynamically in Blackberry Java SDK 5.0?

I'm trying to create a couple of BasicEditField objects after i get the number of fields that i want from an ObjectChoiceField.
Problem: the BasicEditField fields that i add to my screen don't refresh unless i do it in the listener from my ObjectChoiceField.
what i want to do :
select the number of BasicEditFields that i want.
refresh the screen so the fields added appear.
PD: if you need more info, just tell me, and sorry about my english. I'm new at developing for the BlackBerry plataform
public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen
private int fields_lenght;
public MyScreen()
// Set the displayed title of the screen
fields_lenght =0;
final String shortcodes[] = {"1","2","3"};
final ObjectChoiceField dropdownlist=new ObjectChoiceField("Select a number of fields",shortcodes);
dropdownlist.setChangeListener( new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged( Field arg0, int arg1 ) {
if(arg1 != PROGRAMMATIC){
fields_lenght= Integer.parseInt(shortcodes[dropdownlist.getSelectedIndex()]);
} );
// how to refresh the screen with the new fields ???
BasicEditField fields[]=new BasicEditField [fields_lenght] ;
for(int i = 0; i<fields.length;i++){
fields[i]=new BasicEditField("Campo "+i,"");
You really should add or delete the fields from within your ObjectChoiceField listener. That's when you know what the proper number of fields is. (Certainly, if you just want to keep your code neat and clean, you could define a separate method, that is called from the choice field listener ... that's not much different).
Try something like this:
public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen {
/** A cached vector of the BasicEditFields, to make deleting easier */
private Vector fields;
public MyScreen() {
final String shortcodes[] = {"1","2","3"};
final ObjectChoiceField dropdownlist = new ObjectChoiceField("Select a number of fields", shortcodes);
fields = new Vector();
final Screen screen = this;
dropdownlist.setChangeListener( new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged( Field field, int context ) {
if (context != PROGRAMMATIC) {
// how many fields has the user chosen?
int fieldsLength = Integer.parseInt(shortcodes[dropdownlist.getSelectedIndex()]);
while (fieldsLength > fields.size()) {
// we need to ADD more fields
Field f = new BasicEditField("Campo " + fields.size(), "");
while (fieldsLength < fields.size()) {
// we need to DELETE some fields
Field f = (Field)fields.elementAt(fields.size() - 1);
I defined a new member named fields, which just makes it easier to keep track of the basic edit fields (in case this screen has many other fields, too).
When the choice field listener is called, I determine how many fields the user wants; if they need more, I add them to the screen, and to the fields Vector. If they want fewer, I delete some fields from the end of the Vector, and remove them from the Screen.
Note: there should be no need to call invalidate() here. Calling Screen#add() or Screen#delete() should add/delete the fields and cause repainting.

Move Focus is not working properly on List Field

I am working on ListView section, in this, the user can search the content by name and directly move at the first element of List via pressing a keyboard button. Like, if you press button B from (right vertical manager) it will scroll the list and move focus to first record of B.
The code is working fine in simulator but it's not working on Touch device - I have BB 9380 Curve.
here is the code for :
LabelField a = new LabelField("A" , FOCUSABLE)
protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
return true;
private void injectKey(char key)
KeyEvent inject = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN, key, 0);;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("In injectKey :: :: :: "+e.toString());
MessageScreen.msgDialog("In Inject Key "+e.toString());
Alternate Solution
I would recommend a different strategy for this. Instead of trying to simulate key press events, I would define one method that handles a keypress of a certain letter, or a touch click on that same letter's LabelField.
So, you can have code that handles key presses by using
protected boolean keyChar( char character, int status, int time )
// you might only want to do this for the FIRST letter entered,
// but it sounds like you already have the keypress handling
// the way you want it ...
if( CharacterUtilities.isLetter(character) )
return true;
return super.keyChar( character, status, time );
and then also handle touch events:
LabelField a = new LabelField("A" , FOCUSABLE)
protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
char letter = getText().charAt(0);
return true;
then, simply define a method that takes in one character, and scrolls to the start of that part of the list:
private void selectLetter(char letter);
Key Injection
If you really, really want to simulate key presses, though, you might try changing the code so that it injects two events: key down, and then key up (you're currently injecting two key down events). This might be causing problems.
injectKey(Characters.LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A, true);
injectKey(Characters.LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A, false);
private void injectKey(char key, boolean down)
int event = down ? KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN : KeyEvent.KEY_UP;
KeyEvent inject = new KeyEvent(event, key, 0);;
} catch (Exception e) { /** code removed for clarity **/
Additional Note
For UIs, I like to trigger events on the key up, or unclick events. I think this makes a better experience for the user. So, you could replace keyChar() with keyUp() and navigationClick() with navigationUnclick() if you want to do this.

Not able to set a common Listener in BlackBerry development

I am trying to set a common listener for an Customized button and Bitmap field.I am able to reach in listener but not able to differentiate between two fields.
private class MeaningsDetailsPageListner implements FieldChangeListener{
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int arg1) {
if(field == bField){
Dialog.alert("Image Clicked");
}else if(field == wordBtn){
Dialog.alert("Button Clicked!!");
In following code wordBtn is my customised button and other is BitmapField.I am getting Hi alert but not able to differentiate further.
Any help would be appreciated.
Although I see what you're trying to do, you're better off adding a FieldChangeListener to each Field individually as an anonymous class. This way you don't have to worry about casting your Field to the correct type when testing for equality inside fieldChanged.
ButtonField b = new ButtonField("Hello!");
b.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
Dialog.alert("Button clicked");

ObjectChoiceField in blackberry

In my application there is one ObjectChoiceField in MainScreen
i want to get change Listner of ObjectChoiceField after click on index 0.
i had already get click event of ObjectChoiceField after click on index grater than 1 and so on ..
so how can i get instance click event after click on ObjectChoiceField ?
I am not really sure what you are asking for.
In your FieldChangeListener.fieldChanged() method, calling ObjectChoiceField.getSelectedIndex() tells you which index is currently selected. You can look for index 0 from that.
If that is not what you need, then you need to clarify your question better.
ObjectChoiceField choiceField = new ObjectChoiceField();
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
{your Code}
If you want the value which the user have selected you can do by this way too
ObjectChoiceField choiceField = new ObjectChoiceField();
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
int index = choiceField.getSelectedIndex();
String s = (String) objectWeather.getChoice(index);
Dialog.inform("selected value is"+s);

set text(number) to Edit Field through its setchangelistener

Hi I want to accept number in edit field up to two decimal.So I am setting listener to it Then I
am checking whether number is two decimal or more and if it is more than two decimal then i am
truncating the number and again trying to set the truncated number.But it showing 104 error at this place interestRate.setText(text).My code is
interestRate=new EditField();
interestRate.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
String text=interestRate.getText().toString();
code here--
So my question is whether text can be set from its listener or not
Looks like you just need to use some condition check in order not to get in an infinite loop:
interestRate=new EditField();
interestRate.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
String text = interestRate.getText().toString();
// code here to create a truncated text
if (!truncated.equals(text)) {
// next time we will not get here
// because truncated will be equal to text
