ios share contact combined with mailto - ios

In IOS I would like have a mailto link with attributes to prefill recipient-address, subjectline, and messagebody. I assume this is supported just like in macosx? Any additional features IOS offers on this?
Within this process of opening a new prefilled email, I would also like to offer the user to add his personal (or other) contact details as a vcf card to the email.
I know the "share contact" button at the bottom of every contact in the contacts app can send contacts as vcf files in mail, but this route doesn't offer me prefilled email fields.
How can I combine the best of both worlds; prefilled email fields and share contact, from a webpage (without using additional ios apps)?
In the worst case, I'd have to ask users to share their contact, and copy paste the recipient-address, subjectline and body. I could copy all 3, with instructions (move subjectline and recipient-address from body to their fields), into the clipboard with JS, and just ask them to paste into the body.
Would that be supported?
Other suggestions?

iOS supports mailto for filling in subject field, message and multiple recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. The from attribute is not supported. (Source)
However, sharing a contact is not possible from the web browser. You'd have to write a native app.
Take a look at MFMailComposeViewController.

ios user's can't attach their contact info as a vcf to a (mailto induced) email, but can send the vcf, as attachment to a true email (subject line is pre-filled 'contact' but all fields can be changed) from within contacts. If you need the user's contact info, ask them to send it that way, and instruct them what to paste or write in the fields, if important.
So the convenience of automatically inducing a new email from a browser link with pre-filled fields is lost on ios.


Is there a different validation process for "to add Logos for Non-Gmail Accounts"?

I received from Google the following instructions to add Logos for Non-Gmail Accounts:
These instructions explain how to add a logo, or avatar, to a non-Gmail email address, for example Once added, all emails from that account will show logos on all three Gmail clients: Android, iOS, Desktop
In a new incognito window, visit
Create a new account using the non-Gmail email address. You will be
required to enter a passcode sent to this address, so be sure you
have access to read this address's email.
Once you're logged in to the new account, visit and click on "Photo" to
change your profile picture.
You'll immediately see the new logo on desktop Gmail, including on
email already sent. Android and iOS clients will take 24 hours to
start displaying it. You can change the logo whenever you wish, but
again it will take 24 hours to update on mobile clients.
I can't follow this instructions because the sender email address of our email marketing communications only exists as a sender for our email marketing tool (SFMC = Salesforce Marketing Cloud). It means that we don't have and inbox associated to it, so we won't be able to retrieve the passcode mentioned on the step 2 above.
NOTE: I can't configure the domain in order to have an inbox because it will break our email marketing platform configuration.
Is there any other way to validate that I am the owner of the subdomain (instead of receiving a passcode)? Maybe adding some TXT record to the DNS?
As far as I am aware this is the only way to add the sender image in Gmail, since this is the only way to run through the verification.
Can you explain a bit more why adding an inbox would break your Marketing Cloud configuration?
Alternative your alternative is to use BIMI record, it`s valid for the many of ESP including Gmail:

Open suggestion of all installed email clients to user

I have a use case to send email to external users from my app.
We want to show all installed email clients when user clicks on send mail which open the user opted mail client with pre filled fields.
How can I achieve this?
Ex : it is like when user clicks on share button of image in gallery, we will show all apps which supports file sharing.
Perhaps the UIActivityViewController is what you're looking for?

ios how to retrieve the email addresses from contacts,mail?

i want to retrieve the email ids of users exist in contact and mail app in the device.It just like there is search field to search the user email id and the fallowed table will show the results that contains the search text.And the users email id's need to search in contacts and mail.
can anyone help me out.
You cannot grab any information from the on an iDevice. Apple's Sandbox rules prevent this sort of thing.
With the contacts - it's possible. You should read up on the Address framework.
Here's Apple documentation on it:

Rails: making an email pop-up box

I need the functionality to allow a user to send an email to another user. It would be ideal if they get a gmail pop-up with the user's email pre-filled. However, I'm unsure how I to approach this feature.
1) Is this possible?
2) If it is. How would I go about it?
Well, assuming they have (and are signed into) Gmail, and have setup their machine to open mailto links with Gmail, just a link would do. You could also specify a subject by appending ?subject=This+is+a+test to the end of the mailto link.
<a href=''>Email Some Guy</a>

Form submission in iOS app?

Im really new to iOS development, but I have some experience in OSX. I am trying to make an app where the users fills out text fields with information and then presses a submit button. The contents of the fields that they filled out are then automatically sent to me via an email.
I built a similar OSX application that could do this, but I cannot figure out how to do it on iOS.
I do not want to use the MessageUI.framework because, as far as I can tell, the user must press the send button after it brings up the email form. I just want it to send in the background.
I have no problem hardcoding in the email address and password, or using the same email for send and receive. ex: to: from:
Any pointers would be sweet!
You have two options if you do not want to show the mail composer window to the user
Use an SMTP Client for iOS like this one and send the email from your app with the email id and password hard-coded in the app. But if you want to change the email id or change the password in the future, you'll need to update the app. So this is a less desirable solution
Create a web script on your server which accepts the form fields to be submitted by the user. Then from this web script, send the email to your email id (for instance, if you use a PHP script, use the mail function to send the email). Call this script in the app using NSURLConnection.
You are going to need to make a custom form and then send all of the fields in the form as POST parameters to a custom API that you make on some server. Then you can just redirect that as an email to yourself through something like SMTP
