Need to update HABTM checkboxes based on a select menu - ruby-on-rails

In my rails 3.1 app, I have a Timesheet model. A Timesheet belongs to a Track. A Track has many TimingEyes.
When I create a new Timesheet and select its Track (via a select menu), I need to dynamically display a group of checkboxes for choosing Timing Eyes that were activated that day. At the moment I can display all the timing eyes available in my database, however there are a dozen tracks each with several timing eyes. This is way too much information on the new Timesheet form.
Is there a way I can limit the group of Timing Eyes to the track_id chosen in my select menu? Would there be an advantage to making this a multistep form?

Multi step form wouldn't be a bad thing here and would remove complexity... if you want to stay with a single page form though, this sounds like a great time for some jquery.
Use .change to fire whenever the select box changes value.
When this fires use .get (ajax) to render your "checkbox" section html.
So a basic boilerplate would look something like this:
$("#trackselect").change(function () {
$.get('yoururl', function(data) {
With this setup you need to define a url/page that outputs the checkboxes html for that particular track. Maybe something like (
Hope this helps


Rails form changing number of fields

In rails, I have a UserOffer model, that has_many Steps.
When I create a new UserOffer instance, I want that form to include a dropdown that says “select number of steps of that UserOffer”. Based on the number of steps selected (n), I want the form to expand, and include n extra fields, called “step 1 title”, “step 2 title” … “step n title”.
I figured I need to use nested attributed to do this, but I wanted to know how the form would look like, preferably without using JS or Ajax (just with RoR).
I would appreciate any help
If you want to do that, at the same form without refreshing the page, you will need to use an ajax request to the server, in order to add the steps to the UserOffer model. Remember that RoR only let you do things on the render step of the DOM, in other words, if you had rendered the form you will not be able to do another changes on the page without use javascript.

Toggle categories in a table in Ruby on Rails

I am trying to create a page that shows a table that contains products and I would like for the user to be able to toggle the categories. For example, if there are categories jeans, shirts and jackets, I would like a set of checkboxes that would toggle between showing the three categories of products. The problem is that I am unsure of how to approach this problem. I am not sure how to allow the user to relay the information to the controller without changing every users toggled categories. I also don't know how to get around the fact that refreshing the page to refresh the table would simply reset all of the categories.
you can do it in this way,
based upon event click of checkbox fire up ajax request on get req/param_catagory
get and assign data and load it over data table
you can use jquery data table plugins for that
There are few easy jquery plugins for that example: jquery data table
Hope this will help.

How do I get Grails g:select with multiple-selection with all selections when returning from the controller

I have a page that is a report from a database and I'm working on modifying how the filtering works. The intention is to allow the user to select possible values form a list that will be used to filter the resulting report. There are too many values to do this with checkboxes. I'm defining a multiple selection list box with this:
<g:select name="country" from="${countryDataList.KOUNTRY}" value="${}" multiple="true" />
countryDataList is a List<> of objects with a name and a value which I create in the controller. I'm able to get the selected counties and process them without an issue.
But when the page returns from the controller with the filtered report, only the first selection in the list is selected. It doesn't re-select all of the items that the user selected. I am passing the object back from the controller as
I saw some posts about this not working, but they are all from several years ago. Am I missing a vital step?
Ahh sorry, I was reading it on the phone initially and missed the point.
So what you want is a way of sending a multiple select box to a confirmation page. If I understand correctly?
Anyways how many objects in the select are we talking massive or a dozen couple of dozen or so ?
What I did was use check boxes and did a confirmation which shows the selection ticked in check boxes.. So this is the confirmation page that loads in
this page which is where multiple attachments selected from the schedule re-appear...
Please note advice below is all conceptual stuff and there may be easier ways than this
Other than that You could create a taglib call on the confirmation page which takes in your arrayList you could probably convert it to JSON pass it into the javascript that you load in within the taglib (on mine further down it loads this page in)
and look to reselect them using javascript... as I say I haven't tested the last bit, the first bit i.e. checkbox works it is/has been in use.
Years later from you I just had the same problem. What I figured out is: it happens when is an array instead of a Collection (i.e. an ArrayList).
A workaround for this if you want to stick to the array type is at the value attribute of the tag doing this:

rails form add fields dynamically

I'm trying to set a set of fields to be dynamically displayed on demand. In the model, I've the fields:
attr_accessible ... :instruct1, :instruct2, ... :instruct30
I would like the form to display just instruct1 with a button to add 1 more field until instruct30 is hit and a button to remove one until instruct 1 is hit. All should happen without refreshing page which i think would include some use of AJAX but I couldn't find anything that is similar.
I've searched for something similar but only able to come up with nested form which is not what im looking for as my model is fixed.
The majority of your work is going to be on the client side.
To add and remove form fields dynamically, you have to use javascript.
Check out the HTML that Rails generates for the first field, replicate that and add the additional fields using for example jQuery.
A crude example:
$("#button").click(function() {
.append('<input id="instruct2" name="object[instruct2]" type="text">');
You'd have to keep track of how many fields you've added or removed.

What is a good way to implement a data report grid on my MVC3 page

Before I start work I would like to get some ideas. What I have is an MVC3 page that I currently use to display rows of data. There are many rows so I would like to filter them. Ideally at the top of my page I would like to have a select drop down box and a refresh button with rows of data appearing below when the refresh button is clicked.
I can imagine doing this with Ajax and then having the data from my controller populate new HTML text between a DIV.
Does this sound like the best approach? I am not looking for a person to write code for me. Just want to be sure my solution sounds like a good way to go.
thank you
i recommend this approach:
You can 'enchance' it with AJAX of course, but do not forget about users with disabled javascript. Make it work without client scripting, then enchance it, when its working.
I also think that you can simply create controller action, that is accepting parameters like pageNumber and amountOfItems. Then in your controls at page, you can just change values (number of page etc..) and use them in call for your controller action at form submit.
