Algorithm for determining the prominant colour of a photograph - image-processing

When we look at a photo of a group of trees, we are able to identify that the photo is predominantly green and brown, or for a picture of the sea we are able to identify that it is mostly blue.
Does anyone know of an algorithm that can be used to detect the prominent color or colours in a photo?
I can envisage a 3D clustering algorithm in RGB space or something similar. I was wondering if someone knows of an existing technique.

Convert the image from RGB to a color space with brightness and saturation separated (HSL/HSV)
Then find the dominating values for the hue component of each pixel. Make a histogram for the hue values of each pixel and analyze in which angle region the peaks fall in. A large peak in the quadrant between 180 and 270 degrees means there is a large portion of blue in the image, for example.
There can be several difficulties in determining one dominant color. Pathological example: an image whose left half is blue and right half is red. Also, the hue will not deal very well with grayscales obviously. So a chessboard image with 50% white and 50% black will suffer from two problems: the hue is arbitrary for a black/white image, and there are two colors that are exactly 50% of the image.

It sounds like you want to start by computing an image histogram or color histogram of the image. The predominant color(s) will be related to the peak(s) in the histogram.

You might want to change the image from RGB to indexed, then you could use a regular histogram and detect the pics (Matlab does this with rgb2ind(), as you probably already know), and then the problem would be reduced to your regular "finding peaks in an array".
n = hist(Y,nbins) bins the elements in vector Y into 10 equally spaced containers and returns the number of elements in each container as a row vector.
Those values in n will give you how many elements in each bin. Then it's just a matter of fiddling with the number of bins to make them wide enough, and with how many elements in each would make you count said bin as a predominant color, then taking the bins that contain those many elements, calculating the index that corresponds with their middle, and converting it to RGB again.
Whatever you're using for your processing probably has similar functions to those

Average all pixels in the image.
Remove all pixels that are farther away from the average color than standard deviation.
GOTO 1 with remaining pixels until arbitrarily few are left (1 or maybe 1%).
You might also want to pre-process the image, for example apply high-pass filter (removing only very low frequencies) to even out lighting in the photo —


Workflow to clean badly scanned sheet music

I am looking for a workflow that would clean (and possibly straighten) old and badly scanned images of musical scores (like the one below).
I've tried to use denoise, hough filters, imagemagick geometry filters, and I am struggling to identify the series of filters that remove the scanner noise/bias.
Just some quick ideas:
Remove grayscale noise: Do a low pass filter (darks), since the music is darker than a lot of the noise. Remaining noise is mostly vertical lines.
Rotate image: Sum grayscale values for each column of the image. You'll get a vector with the total pixel lightness in that column. Use gradient descent or search on the rotation of the image (within some bounds like +/-15deg rotation) to maximize the variance of that vector. Idea here is that the vertical noise lines indicate vertical alignment, and so we want the columns of the image to align with these noise lines (= maximized variance).
Remove vertical line noise: After rotation, take median value of each column. The greater the distance (squared difference) a pixel is from that median darkness, the more confident we are it is its true color (e.g. a pure white or black pixel when vertical noise was gray). Since noise is non-white, you could try blending this distance by the whiteness of the median for an alternative confidence metric. Ideally, I think here you'd train some 7x7x2 convolution filter (2 channels being pixel value and distance from median) to estimate true value of the pixel. That would be the most minimal machine learning approach, not using some full-fledged NN. However, given your lack of training data, we'll have to come up with our own heuristic for what the true pixel value is. You likely will need to play around with it, but here's what I think might work:
Set some threshold of confidence; above that threshold we take the value as is. Below the threshold, set to white (the binary expected pixel value for the entire page).
For all values below threshold, take the max confidence value within a +/-2 pixels L1 distance (e.g. 5x5 convolution) as that pixel's value. Seems like features are separated by at least 2 pixels, but for lower resolutions that window size may need to be adjusted. Since white pixels may end up being more confident overall, you could experiment with prioritizing darker pixels (increase their confidence somehow).
Clamp the image contrast and maybe run another low pass filter.

What is the difference between two image pixels in term of light?

Light Field captures the scene from slightly different points. This means I would have two images of the same scene with a slight shift, as shown in the following figure:
Assuming the red squares in the images above are pixels. I know that the spatial difference between those two pixels is a shift. Nevertheless, what other information do these two pixels give us in terms of scene radiance? I mean is there a way to find (or compute) the difference in image irradiance values between those two points?
Look for color space representations other than RGB. Some of them have explicit channel(s) carrying luminance information of a pixel.
A varaiant of the same idea is to convert to a Black and White image and examine the pixel values.

Merge 3 bands (r,g,b) images with phase shift to 1 rgb image

I have a customized camera, which contains 3 individual lens+filters arranged in a triangle so in every shot I get 3 single band grayscale images (r, g, b). I want to merge them to get an RGB.
The problem is, since the 3 lens are physically separated, the image captured by them are not aligned. As a result, when I use command qdal_merge in the software pack QGIS, the result looks weird. I may also need to adjust the weight of the r,g,b. I put the raw r,g,b images and the output I generated using qgis in this dropbox folder.
Is there existing open-source tool to do the alignment and merge? If not, how can I do it using opencv?
Combining R,G,B images is possible using a simple pixel intensity distance metric like Sum of Squared Distances (SSD). A better metric is the Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) (see Wikipedia) which first normalizes an image matrix into a unit vector, and computes the dot product of such unit vectors (from 2 input images). The higher the NCC value, the greater the similarity of the two input images.
However, NCC similarity may be insufficient for computing the best alignment of two high resolution images, such as the TIFF images you provide. One should therefore use a downsampling method as described below
to align two input images at a smaller size and then simply compute the offset as you rescale the images.
So for the input images, red, green and blue, there are two approaches to align them into a single RGB image:
Consider the blue image as the reference image for example, w.r.t. which we align the red and green images. Now consider red and blue images. Within a certain window, compute the best alignment offset of the red and blue images using the NCC similarity metric, and find the shifted_red image. Do the same for the green and blue images. Now combine the shifted_red, shifted_green and blue images to get the final RGB image.
For high-resolution images, decide a scale_count. Recursively, at each step resize the image by half, compute the offset of the red image w.r.t. the blue image, rescale the offset and apply it. The benefit of doing such a recursive multi-scale alignment is decrease in computation time and increase in accuracy of alignment (you don't know the best window size for searching for alignment offsets for solution (1), so this will work better). Repeat this approach for computing the alignment for green and blue channels, and then combine the final results as in (1).
Since this problem is common in assignments of computational photography courses, I am not going to share any code. I have, however implemented the two approaches and experimented with the images you provide. I don't know which of the input images is red, so I have two results (rescaled to decrease file size):
If IMG_0290_1.tif is Red, IMG_0290_2.tif is Green and IMG_0290_3.tif is blue:
RGB result if red:1, green:2, blue:3
If IMG_0290_3.tif is Red, IMG_0290_2.tif is Green and IMG_0290_1.tif is blue (this looks more correct to me):
RGB result if red:3, green:2, blue:1

Simple way to check if an image bitmap is blur

I am looking for a "very" simple way to check if an image bitmap is blur. I do not need accurate and complicate algorithm which involves fft, wavelet, etc. Just a very simple idea even if it is not accurate.
I've thought to compute the average euclidian distance between pixel (x,y) and pixel (x+1,y) considering their RGB components and then using a threshold but it works very bad. Any other idea?
Don't calculate the average differences between adjacent pixels.
Even when a photograph is perfectly in focus, it can still contain large areas of uniform colour, like the sky for example. These will push down the average difference and mask the details you're interested in. What you really want to find is the maximum difference value.
Also, to speed things up, I wouldn't bother checking every pixel in the image. You should get reasonable results by checking along a grid of horizontal and vertical lines spaced, say, 10 pixels apart.
Here are the results of some tests with PHP's GD graphics functions using an image from Wikimedia Commons (Bokeh_Ipomea.jpg). The Sharpness values are simply the maximum pixel difference values as a percentage of 255 (I only looked in the green channel; you should probably convert to greyscale first). The numbers underneath show how long it took to process the image.
If you want them, here are the source images I used:
slightly blurred
There's a problem with this algorithm in that it relies on the image having a fairly high level of contrast as well as sharp focused edges. It can be improved by finding the maximum pixel difference (maxdiff), and finding the overall range of pixel values in a small area centred on this location (range). The sharpness is then calculated as follows:
sharpness = (maxdiff / (offset + range)) * (1.0 + offset / 255) * 100%
where offset is a parameter that reduces the effects of very small edges so that background noise does not affect the results significantly. (I used a value of 15.)
This produces fairly good results. Anything with a sharpness of less than 40% is probably out of focus. Here's are some examples (the locations of the maximum pixel difference and the 9×9 local search areas are also shown for reference):
The results still aren't perfect, though. Subjects that are inherently blurry will always result in a low sharpness value:
Bokeh effects can produce sharp edges from point sources of light, even when they are completely out of focus:
You commented that you want to be able to reject user-submitted photos that are out of focus. Since this technique isn't perfect, I would suggest that you instead notify the user if an image appears blurry instead of rejecting it altogether.
I suppose that, philosophically speaking, all natural images are blurry...How blurry and to which amount, is something that depends upon your application. Broadly speaking, the blurriness or sharpness of images can be measured in various ways. As a first easy attempt I would check for the energy of the image, defined as the normalised summation of the squared pixel values:
1 2
E = --- Σ I, where I the image and N the number of pixels (defined for grayscale)
First you may apply a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter to detect the "energetic" areas of the image and then check the energy. The blurry image should show considerably lower energy.
See an example in MATLAB using a typical grayscale lena image:
This is the original image
This is the blurry image, blurred with gaussian noise
This is the LoG image of the original
And this is the LoG image of the blurry one
If you just compute the energy of the two LoG images you get:
E = 1265 E = 88
or bl
which is a huge amount of difference...
Then you just have to select a threshold to judge which amount of energy is good for your application...
calculate the average L1-distance of adjacent pixels:
N1=1/(2*N_pixel) * sum( abs(p(x,y)-p(x-1,y)) + abs(p(x,y)-p(x,y-1)) )
then the average L2 distance:
N2= 1/(2*N_pixel) * sum( (p(x,y)-p(x-1,y))^2 + (p(x,y)-p(x,y-1))^2 )
then the ratio N2 / (N1*N1) is a measure of blurriness. This is for grayscale images, for color you do this for each channel separately.

subtract one color from another in RGB color space

I would like to subtract color from another. For example, I have two image 100X100 pixel, one with color R:236 G:226 B:43, and another R:63 G:85 B:235. I would like to cut color R:236 G:226 B:43 from R:63 G:85 B:235. But I know it can't subtract like the mathematically method, by layer R:236-63, G:226-85, B:43-235 because i found that the color that less than 0 and more than 255 can't define.
I found another color space in RYB color space.but i don't know how it really work.
Thank you for your help.
You cannot actually subtract colors. But you surely can detect their difference. I suppose this is what you need, anyway.
Here are some thoughts and remarks:
Convert your images to HSV colorspace which transforms RGB values to
Hue, Saturation and Brightness (Value).
All your images should be around a yellowish color (near 60 deg. on
the Hue circle) so they should all have about the same Hue with
minor differences.
Typically if all images are taken at constant lighting conditions
they should have the same Value (brightness).
Saturation, which corresponds to the mixture of white in a color,
typically represents how intense you perceive a color to be. This
would typically be of about the same value for all your images in
constant lighting conditions.
According to your first description, the main difference should be detected in the Hue channel.
A good thing about HSV is that H (hue) is represented by a counterclockwise circle and colors are just positions on this circle, so positive and negative values all make sense (search google for a description of HSV colorspace to get a view of how it looks and works).
You may either detect differences by a subtraction that will lead you to a value either positive either negative, or by taking the absolute value of the subtraction, which will just give a measure of the difference of the two values of Hue (but without any information on the direction of the difference). If you need the direction of the difference you should just stick to a plain subtraction.
For example:
Hue_1 - Hue_2 = Hue_3 (typically a small value for your problem)
if Hue_3 > 0 this means that Hue_1 is a bit towards Green if
Hue_3 < 0 this means that Hue_1 is a bit towards Red
Of course you may also need to take a look at the differences in the other channels, S and V to see if colors are more saturated or more bright, but I cannot be sure you need to do this since we haven't seen any images here.
Of course you can do a lot more sophisticated things...Like apply clustering or classification techniques on the detected hues and classify them to classes according to your problem needs...
