Maven run ant builds in subdirectories - ant

I have multiple JavaFX 2.0 apps (built with the default ant scripts generated by netbeans 7.0) which I want to be wrapped up into a war by a maven pom in the parent directory.
The war-building pom has lots of ant tasks in the compile phase that look like this:
<ant antfile="FXapplication1/build.xml" target="jar"/>
But when I go to run 'mvn compile', I get this error from ant:
"C:\path\to\warbuilder\FXapplication1\nbproject\build-impl.xml:209: Must set src.dir"
The ant script builds fine when explicitly called inside its own directory, so I'm assuming that the problem is that it's looking in the war builder's local directory for its source files, rather than looking for them relative to the build.xml. Is there a way to specify a working path for a given ant task?

Try making the JavaFX apps modules of the warbuilder app, each with their own pom which executes <ant antfile="build.xml" target="jar"/>,
rather than running <ant antfile="FXapplication1/build.xml" target="jar"/> from the parent.
The parent should list the children as modules, they will then be executed as part of the parent build process.


How can I generate the .ear of my project using Jenkins + Ant?

I am learning Jenkins an I am able to build a project using Ant. I can't understand one thing, when I build a project using Netbeans and Ant I get the .ear in a dist fodler but one I build the same project uisng Jenkins and Ant I dont get the .ear (no dist folder too!).
To build a project (entreprise application built with Ant) using Jenkins I followed the following steps:
I have created a new job in jenkins (freestyle job)
In the Build section I added a new build setup (Invoke Ant)
In the Invoke Ant section, for Targets I have put compile and for Build File I have put build.xml
Then I copied the content of my project in the created folder by Jenkins in the workspace
Finally I started the build.
How can I generate the .ear of my project using Jenkins + Ant?
Here is the content of my build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for -->
<!-- some examples of how to customize the build. -->
<!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) -->
<!-- By default, only the Clean and Build commands use this build script. -->
<!-- Commands such as Run, Debug, and Test only use this build script if -->
<!-- the Compile on Save feature is turned off for the project. -->
<!-- You can turn off the Compile on Save (or Deploy on Save) setting -->
<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.-->
<project name="SIFC" default="default" basedir="." xmlns:ear="">
<description>Builds, tests, and runs the project SIFC.</description>
<import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be
used for execution of your tasks. These targets are usually executed
before and after some main targets. They are:
pre-init: called before initialization of project properties
post-init: called after initialization of project properties
pre-compile: called before javac compilation
post-compile: called after javac compilation
pre-dist: called before archive building
post-dist: called after archive building
post-clean: called after cleaning build products
pre-run-deploy: called before deploying
post-run-deploy: called after deploying
Example of pluging an obfuscator after the compilation could look like
<target name="post-compile">
<fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
For list of available properties check the imported
nbproject/build-impl.xml file.
Other way how to customize the build is by overriding existing main targets.
The target of interest are:
do-dist: archive building
run: execution of project
Example of overriding the target for project execution could look like
<target name="run" depends="<PROJNAME>-impl.jar">
<exec dir="bin" executable="launcher.exe">
<arg file="${dist.jar}"/>
Notice that overridden target depends on jar target and not only on
compile target as regular run target does. Again, for list of available
properties which you can use check the target you are overriding in
nbproject/build-impl.xml file.

Set Ant property from Gradle not working

I'm converting our build from Ant to Gradle. Our first step is to add the Gradle build files so we can start using Gradle as our build tool. This lets us use our existing build scripts to build using Ant and convert them to Gradle over time. I want to simply have Gradle call the existing Ant build files. Our projects are all NetBeans projects, which have build.xml and nbproject/build-impl.xml files. Some of the projects require NetBeans build properties, which can be found at ~/.netbeans/6.5.1/ I currently have build.gradle which contains only this:
ant.importBuild 'build.xml'
I can build the project using Ant like this:
ant dist
However, when I build with Gradle, Ant complains it cannot find the properties set in I've tried setting the Ant property, but it doesn't seem to get picked up:[''] = '/home/me/.netbeans/6.5/'
I've also tried setting a system property:
systemProperties '': '/home/me/.netbeans/6.5/'
but this doesn't work either. Ideally I'd like to set this property in ~/.gradle/ as just about all of our projects need it.
How can I set this property in Gradle and have Ant pick it up when called from Gradle?
If you want to set load the properties on multiple Gradle projects you could use a Gradle init script, Inside the init script you would put this code:
allProjects {[''] = '/home/me/.netbeans/6.5/'

#Grab annotation fails under Ant

I'm using a #Grab annotation to grab the definition of an Html parser I can give to the XMLSlurper (I think it's the tagsoup parser) and all is good when I run my script from the cmd line. If I invoke the same script from Ant I get an Ivy NoClassDefFound error. I think it may berelated to having Ivy in Antlib. Is there another way to parse Html without customizing the slurper via #Grab?
#Grab(group='org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup', module='tagsoup', version='1.2' )
doc = new XmlSlurper(new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser()).parse(confluenceWebPageInputStream)
Works just fine from the command line but when I run it from an Ant build target:
<target name="update-wiki-chart">
<echo message="Will update chart for version ${version}"/>
<java dir="${basedir}" classname="groovy.lang.GroovyShell">
<arg value="ParseWikiPage.groovy"/>
<classpath refid="groovylib"/>
where groovyLib is a path ref pointing to the Groovy-1.8.6 jar downloaded from our internal Nexus repo, I get the NoClassDefFound error. I'm thinking this is probably due to having Ivy installed in Antlib causing the class loader to find it in two places. I just thought of something while writing this post. I can probably run java in forked mode or do something to cause it to not see/share Ant's classpath.It's been a few years since I've wrestled w/ Ant and class loader issues. My project is a little delinquent due to the bug and I'm looking for a quick/easy fix.
I just tried running my groovy on the cmd line via the "java" cmd and loading groovy-all jar in the class path and I realized that I get the NoClassDefFound error there as well. It has nothing to do with collisions with Ivy under Antlib. Rather, I am missing Ivy altogether. I had assumed it was included in Groovy-all.jar. I just need a clever way of passing Ivy from AntLib into my java task to get this all up and running.
Sounds like you're missing one or more jars from the classpath. I'd suggest digging around the classpathref you've labelled "groovylib".
A less error prone way to launch groovy from within ANT using the groovy ANT task.
Here's a similar example to your use-case:
Parse HTML using with an Ant Script
My example uses ivy directly to manage all build dependencies. The Grab annotations are still supported but obviously these would only manage the dependencies of the groovy script.

Can we use pom.xml into ANT

I know that, we can very well use ANT and Maven together to build the project.We can run ANT scripts through Maven's POM.xml. But my question is can we run pom.xml through ANT's build.xml ?
i.e. can we create maven build from build.xml
Yes, using maven ant tasks.
The page lists out multiple maven tasks which can be integrated into an ant build script, thus combining the features of both. To take an example, there is the mvn task, which as documented can do a full maven build from ant.
<artifact:mvn mavenHome="/path/to/maven-3.0.x">
<arg value="install"/>
Besides this, there are
Dependencies task
Install and Deploy tasks
Pom task
each described with examples.
Maven and ANT are very different build tools. In ANT you write all the logic yourself, whereas a standard build process is "baked in" with Maven.
The POM file contains no logic, instead it contains a series of declarations about your project.
If you understand well how Maven works, it is theoretically possible to take a POM and generate an ANT build that emulates the behaviour of the Maven build. I'm not aware of any solution which can easily convert in the other direction, mainly because ANT is missing Maven functionality, such as dependency management.
Instead of trying to convert an ANT build into Maven, I'd recommend that you keep your existing build logic and delegate the management of your classpath to the ivy or Maven ANT tasks. These tools also provide tasks to publish your build output to a Maven repository, enabling your project to share with other projects using Maven.
Finally, I'm an ivy advocate and wrote an ant2ivy script which can assist in upgrade process. It creates an initial set of configuration files for downloading your projects dependencies from the Maven central repository.

How can I build Maven dependencies from Ant Java classpath?

Using Maven Ant Tasks, I see lots of examples that build Ant classpath from Maven dependencies, but what about the other way round?
I have a carefully tuned Ant project that builds the Java task classpath from all the jars in my lib directory. How can I use Maven-Ant-tasks to use my classpath to build Maven dependencies?
I would rather not do each jar file individually (my last resort).
Is there a better way?
If you're working on converting from Ant to Maven, just bite the bullet and write out your <dependencies> section to match your ant classpath. You only have to do it once, and you'll thank yourself many times over.
