Any lightweight erlang based server supporting url parsing like tornado, and no ORM features? - url

I tried out YAWS and was hoping that someone has already written a URL parser / request handler on top of it. I don't want anything close to ChicagoBoss which includes an ORM as well.
Let me know if my question is not clear enough. Thanks.

There is also the basho's Webmachine layered on top of a mochiweb server.
Consult wiki if you want to discover more. Thanks basho last one is informative and comprehensive.

Since I have no other choice as of now, I'm gonna go with cowboy. Thanks W55tKQbuRu28Q4xv for helping me out.


Which Ruby REST API client for neo4j?

I wonder what the REST API clients are available for using from Ruby (not JRuby, so native bindings are not an option)?
Ideally, I would want the API similar to the neo4j gem or ActiveRecord (validations, migrations, observers etc).
Currently available (REST) tooling doesn't even come close to what we have, for example, in ActiveRecrod:
neograhy - just plain REST API. Nothing to do with models etc.
neology - is just a wrapper over neography and isn't a full featured ActiveModel.
architect4r - conforms to ActiveModel, but provides only one way to query data (Cypher language), also no indexes support.
I like the code of architect4r a little bit more (primarily because it uses ActiveModel).
But neology seems to be much more pragmatic choice as it already is using neography under the hood.
The choice is pretty small and tough.
Could you please tell when one should be used rather than the other?
Also any recommendations that would help me to decide on the gem are very welcome.
The short answer is that there is no any mature ActiveModel-like gems for RESTful neo4j.
The most common scenario is to just use Neography.
I haven't worked with neoj yet, but i do work with api's a lot.
I have found the same trouble as you and my solution was to create my own.
Maybe if you have time, you can check it out. ApiClient
It still in development, so let me know of any feature you may need. =)
I have only used Neography which does its job very well. Have not heard about architect4r, but it looks really pragmatic and pleasing - need to check it out!
I know this thread is a little old, but there is activity on the neo4j-core gem geared towards using its API for the standalone database server in addition to the embedded database. Thought this might help people who find this thread when searching around.
Note: Before anyone yells at me for not making this a comment instead of an answer, I don't have the required reputation for doing so. Sorry.
Have you looked at REST-Client?
it seems like it might be a very easy to to create and examine the responses from calls to a REST API. but maybe you need more than that?
(I was searching for answers and found your question, so far rest-client seems like the top candidate for what I need, figured it might help you also.
There is also activerecord-neo4j-adapter, but I have no experience with it.
Another option is Keymaker, which provides ActiveModel support for Neo4j.
Problem is, docs are non-existent, so you have to search out slideshows/presentations to find actual examples.

Websocket client in Erlang

I'd like to try to start using Erlang, and there's a data feed i'd like to read that's distributed via Websockets. Right now i'm doing the same in node.js using the 'websocket-client' module, but could someone suggest a websocket client library for Erlang that I could look at? (Or an alternative solution if I'm off the mark)
Here is a promising one:
This one didn't exist at the time the question was asked, but it's a good question that deserves to be updated.
here you are:
you may consider also gun:

Need help on Beginning HL7

Can anyone please guide me to Creating HL7 Version 3 messages for the first time. I need to understand the design of XML based HL7v 3 message. I want to design an interface engine in Java. Have tried to find.. but cannot see anything for beginners.
Please help
HL-7 documentation has to be purchased from They control copyright and so legal free copies aren't available AFAIK.
If you feel thrifty and are willing to work out some of the information yourself, the HAPI project might be a good place to start. If you look at the code you can see how some of the different segments are represented.
There's a tool I've been using lately that helped me on that. It's called HL7 Soup which is a HL7 Viewer.
It's advantage over other products I used is it's easier to understand messages and its structure, which helped me learning lots about HL7.

Erlang, membase and comet

I was wondering if someone had already use this three technologies together. I know Erlang and Comet are widely used, buy I can't find anything related of Comet + Membase or Erlang + Membase. Are them together a bad idea for some reason?
I'm doing a research using Freemind to map the ideas about these three technologies (Erlang, Membase and Comet). As I'm new to the three I am not certain if they are a good combination.
Basically, the application I have in mind will have many clients ("clients A") sending small amounts of data to the server. The server needs to save this data as fast as possible, and send it on request to another set of clients ("clients B"), where clients B are quite fewer than clients A.
This application is just an idea I have had for a while (nothing new, it's been done already), but I would like to experiment with Erlang and Comet and they seem to fit.
If anyone can provide my with some hints I would appreciate it very much. This is my first question on this site, it my be to open. If it's so, please let me know and I will post it somewhere else.
Thank you!
For membase, you just need to use any of several memcached clients. It should work quite well for what you're describing.
Give it a try. Describe what doesn't work for you. :)

web framework that will reduce number of lines of code

which framework helps in reducing the number of lines of code needed to create a web app?
ruby on rails?
php? mvc?
I just don't like typing a lot of code especially if it's boilerplate. If I can write 10 lines of code versus 100 to get the same results, I think most people would prefer 10...right? So, tell me which web framework will acheive this goal.
All of them.
I wouldn't use "Shortest program" as a guiding factor in selecting one though.
It really depends on what backend and DB you are using to support your web app.
I mean, if you are consuming .Net web services then I think (and visual studio) would be the best match to generate all code behind classes to consume the data strongly typed. Other backend/db maybe make you choose a totally different path.
For a complex application: Seaside. None of the others comes close. Especially when you run it on a OODB like Gemstone: Glass
The answer to the question is completely circumstantial; certain frameworks will require less lines of code for specific purposes. Perhaps if you can give the StackOverflow readers an idea of the kind of task you wish to accomplish, they can point you in the direction of the framework that is most likely to accomplish the task in fewest lines of code.
SilverStripe requires almost no lines and no understanding of PHP. It comes with the UI, Auth, and everything you need to get started.
I think you can answer this question yourself with this way: Do the get started project.
In my case was: django/python, why?, see the get started project, will take a 1 or 2 hours to understand/develop/deploy, and not python knowledge required, just a hyperactive open mind.
