Running jUnit tests via ANT, clarification needed - ant

Suppose you have a test directory that contains packages each of which contains jUnit tests.
In this setup, using ANT, how would you "run all tests?"
Assuming my jUnit has
<target name="test" depends="compileTest">
<junit fork="yes" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no">
<classpath location="${bin}" />
<formatter type="plain" />
<test name="_com.??.project.alltests.MyTests" />
Where, MyTests has
#Suite.SuiteClasses( { _ThisTest.class, _ThatTest.class })
public class OCTTests {
and _ThisTest itself contains some tests ..
Is it possible for the purposes of ANT script to avoid this ans simply say "Run all Tests you find in this directory"

Have a look at the nested batchtest element of the junit task.
You will find the following example on the junit task documentation page:
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<pathelement location="${build.tests}"/>
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<formatter type="plain"/>
<test name="my.test.TestCase" haltonfailure="no" outfile="result">
<formatter type="xml"/>
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.tests}">
<fileset dir="${src.tests}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/"/>


Jacoco coverage with Ant throws java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException: Error while instrumenting class

I integrated Jacoco with my Ant build. When I run the build, the test case is executed successfully followed by the below exception in my TEST-com.worker.ManagerTest.xml.
When I add excludes="*" the error is not thrown. But the jacoco.exec is generated with 1kb size and when I run the report nothing is generated. Can someone let me know what am I missing?
<![CDATA[java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException: Error while instrumenting class com/dataaccess/GenericDao.
at org.jacoco.agent.rt_6qyg3i.CoverageTransformer.transform(
Below is the jacoco build script.
<target name="test" depends="test-compile">
<mkdir dir="${report.dir}" />
<jacoco:coverage destfile="${report.dir}/jacoco.exec" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" exclclassloader="sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader:javassist.Loader">
<junit fork="true" forkmode="once" printsummary="on">
<!--<pathelement location="${basedir}/../../../build/lib/aspectjtools.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}/../../../build/lib/aspectjrt.jar"/>-->
<pathelement path="${test.path}" />
<pathelement path="${dist.dir}/test/unittest-manager.jar" />
<formatter type="xml" />
<batchtest todir="${report.dir}" fork="yes">
<fileset dir="test">
<include name="**/*Test*" />
<target name="report" depends="test">
<echo message="Generating Jacoco reports..." />
<property name="report.dir.file" value="${report.dir}/jacoco.exec"/>
<file file="${report.dir.file}"/>
<structure name="JaCoCo Reports">
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}/applications/lib/manager.jar">
<include name="**/*.class"/>
<sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<html destdir="${report.dir}/coverage"/>
This is the empty report I get.
I used the latest version 0.8.7 and it worked.

Can't run Groovy test cases from Ant

My Ant target looks like this:
<target name="junit" depends="compile">
<junit haltonfailure="true" printsummary="true">
<fileset dir="${idea.dir}/lib" includes="junit.jar" />
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="**" />
<formatter type="plain" usefile="true" />
<batchtest fork="false" todir="${out.dir}">
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="test_*/*Test.class" />
All compiled classes from the project are in ${build.dir}, as well as all compiled test cases. The latter are within ${build.dir}/test_* sub folders.
There is one test class ${build.dir}/test_ecs/EntityManagerTest.class, which apparently is found in batchtest. However, Ant gives me this output in the junit report:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test_ecs.EntityManagerTest
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at com.intellij.rt.ant.execution.AntMain2.main(
Now, what I don't understand is: Why is the test case class file found, but then the error says exactly that class is not found?
try modifying the <classpath>.. section like this:
<junit ..>
<pathelement location="${idea.dir}/lib/junit.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${build.dir}"/>
and see if it runs...
I suspect your issue is the classpath declaration:
<fileset dir="${idea.dir}/lib" includes="junit.jar" />
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="**" />
Are your *.class files located in the build directory? Or a subdirectory of the build dir?
By way of example here's my standard junit task:
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<path refid="test.path"/>
<pathelement path="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<pathelement path="${build.dir}/test-classes"/>
<formatter type="xml"/>
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${build.dir}/test-reports">
<fileset dir="${test.src.dir}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/"/>
Note the classpath declaration. It includes the path to 3rd party dependency jars, the directory where I compiled my classes to and the directory I compiled my test classes to.

How to run dbunit task in ant?

It doesn't work in ant,
I'd like to run some classes that extend DatabaseTestCase
<path id="libs.dir">
<fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
<taskdef name="dbunit"
<!-- run all tests in the source tree -->
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<formatter type="xml"/>
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.tests}">
<fileset dir="${src.tests}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
It says the following:
Buildfile: D:\kariakin\jdbc_task\build.xml
D:\kariakin\jdbc_task\build.xml:15: taskdef class org.dbunit.ant.DbUnitTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
I think the problem is your taskdef, it's missing the path containing the dbunit jar:
<taskdef name="dbunit" classname="org.dbunit.ant.DbUnitTask" classpathref="libs.dir"/>

Ant JUnit task doesn't work in TeamCity

There is part of ant script with junit task:
<target name="test">
<mkdir dir="path_to_report_dir">
<junit fork="true" printsummary="true" showoutput="true" maxmemory="1024M">
<classpath ... />
<batchtest todir="path_to_report_dir">
<formatter type="xml" />
<fileset ... />
This script works from Eclipse and from command line. But it doesn't work in TeamCity. The last informative message in TeamCity is:
[mkdir] Created dir: path_to_report_dir
Process exit code: 0
It looks like junit task doesn't work and also it stops performting aff all script. Where is trouble in?
The cause was in <fileset> file list. The TeamCity version of Ant doesn't work with strings like "/test/" (this mean select all files recursively); it only works with strings like "**/test/*.class". The local version of Ant supports both variants.
Don't know if this helps.... but here's my standard test target:
<target name="test" depends="compile-tests">
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<path refid="test.path"/>
<pathelement path="${classes.dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${test.classes.dir}"/>
<formatter type="xml"/>
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${test.reports.dir}">
<fileset dir="${test.src.dir}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/"/>
Build output:
[junit] Running org.demo.AppTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.056 sec
Using Junit 4.10.

Running jUnit with ANT - How to execute all tests without using #Suite?

I'd like to execute all tests in a /test directory without using annotations such as
#Suite.SuiteClasses( ....)
In the past i had a single class, which was calling many other classes to test them all. This approach is no longer acceptable.
I have a /test directory, underneath which i have a number of packages, each containing several tests.
In my current ANT script, i have:
<target name="compileTest" depends="compile" description="compile jUnit">
<javac srcdir="${test}" destdir="${bin}" includeantruntime="true" />
followed by
<target name="test" depends="compileTest">
<junit printsummary="yes" fork="no" haltonfailure="no">
<classpath location="${bin}" />
<formatter type="plain" />
In the past, i had
<test name="MyCollectionOfTests" />
I'd rather not do this anymore.
What am i missing? Please advise.
You can use a nested batchtest. For instance:
<junit printsummary="on"
<path refid="tests.classpath"/>
<batchtest todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${test.gen}">
<include name="**/Test*.java"/>
<fileset dir="${test.src}">
<include name="**/Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="gen/**/*"/>
In its simplest form, you can simply add a nested:
<batchtest todir="report">
<fileset dir="test"/>
to your junit call.
