Does the recognition of numbers belong in the scanner or in the parser? - parsing

When you look at the EBNF description of a language, you often see a definition for integers and real numbers:
integer ::= digit digit* // Accepts numbers with a 0 prefix
real ::= integer "." integer (('e'|'E') integer)?
(Definitions were made on the fly, I have probably made a mistake in them).
Although they appear in the context-free grammar, numbers are often recognized in the lexical analysis phase. Are they included in the language definition to make it more complete and it is up to the implementer to realize that they should actually be in the scanner?

Many common parser generator tools -- such as ANTLR, Lex/YACC -- separate parsing into two phases: first, the input string is tokenized. Second, the tokens are combined into productions to create a concrete syntax tree.
However, there are alternative techniques that do not require tokenization: check out backtracking recursive-descent parsers. For such a parser, tokens are defined in a similar way to non-tokens. pyparsing is a parser generator for such parsers.
The advantage of the two-step technique is that it usually produces more efficient parsers -- with tokens, there's a lot less string manipulation, string searching, and backtracking.
According to "The Definitive ANTLR Reference" (Terence Parr),
The only difference between [lexers and parsers] is that the parser recognizes grammatical structure in a stream of tokens while the lexer recognizes structure in a stream of characters.

The grammar syntax needs to be complete to be precise, so of course it includes details as to the precise format of identifiers and the spelling of operators.
Yes, the compiler engineer decides but generally it is pretty obvious. You want the lexer to handle all the character-level detail efficiently.
There's a longer answer at Is it a Lexer's Job to Parse Numbers and Strings?


Can we use BNF for parsing AND lexing instead of regex?

With a Backus-Naur form grammar (BNF), we can specify the syntax of the programming language in order to parse it and produce an abstract syntax tree (AST).
<if> ::= "if" <expression> "then" <action> "end"
But we can also specify the tokens with a BNF grammar, as the first usage of BNF did for ALGOL-60:
<digit> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<digit_with_zero> ::= <digit> | "0"
<integer> ::= <digit> | <digit_with_zero> <integer>
However, this usage of the BNF in order to lex (= produce a list of minimal meaningful units aka tokens) has been deprecated in favor of regular expressions (like [1-9][0-9]*).
It seems clear that the regex are much more concise.
It seems also that keeping the structure of an if statement is interesting for the interpreter or the compiler which will handle the AST produced by the parser, but keeping the structure of an integer (or a float) is not.
But do you agree that BNF could be used for both lexing and parsing?
And do you agree with the reasons which make regex much more suited for lexing?
Or are there others?
Regular expressions (in the mathematical sense) are equivalent in power to regular grammars and regular grammars can be written in BNF. So in that sense, it is clearly possible to write a full grammar for any context-free language in pure BNF.
Indeed, it is not even necessary to maintain the lexer/parser dichotomy. Some programmers find it convenient to use scannerless parsing (the article is not great but it has some interesting references), although many of these are based on the PEG formalism (which is not context-free) rather than BNF. (These are not the same despite the superficial resemblance.)
That said, it might not be convenient. In general, like most questions related to the structure of parsers, the answer is going to be based less on theory and more on a combination of practicality (with reference to a specific use case) and programmer prejudice.
As is well known, purity is rarely the most practical. Most real-life parser and scanner generators deviate from the pure theoretical models in order to provide mechanisms which are easier to use, easier to implement efficiently, or more powerful. For example, the character class syntax ([a-zA-Z]), which is almost universal in scanner generators, is a clear extension to regular expression syntax which deliberately avoids the need to explicitly list the entire contents of the set. One could say that the listing is implicit and unambiguous in the example I just presented, but most scanner generators also allow the use of classes like [[:alnum:]] ("alphanumeric symbols"), where the precise list of matched symbols is either locale-dependent or, in the Unicode world, extensible in the future. Regardless, this is obviously a useful extension.
While it is true that some aspects of regular expressions are more compact than their equivalent regular grammars -- especially the Kleene star operator, which in BNF requires an additional non-terminal and thus an additional name -- there are also cases where the ability to name subexpressions makes regular grammars more compact. Many scanner generators, starting with Lex, allowed named subpatterns as another regular expression extension. Furthermore, it is possible (with some caveats) to add the Kleene star and other operators to BNF as macros, and many parser generators do so. So there is a certain convergence of notation.
As you say, one difference between scanners and parsers is that the scanner generally makes no attempt to parse the substructure of a lexeme. But it is not true that no lexeme has substructure, and these substructures often do need to be analysed. The most notorious example is probably floating point numbers, which have to be analysed into a multiplier and an exponent, and the multiplier also analysed into an integer part and a fractional part. This analysis is commonly done using primitive functions available in the scanner implementation language (such as strtod for C scanners), but that does mean a second lexical scan. (Using the built-in avoids the considerable inconvenience of writing a mathematically correct string-to-internal converter, which is a much more difficult problem than it first appears. Rolling your own number converter is not recommended.)
Other lexemes with internal structure include string literals (which may contain escape sequences) and a large variety of more complex lexemes available in certain languages (dates and times, IP addresses, HTML tags, etc., etc.). All of these things tend to blur the boundary between scanning and parsing. Which is fine, because, as I said, the boundary is situational and not restrained by any absolute law of nature.
Still, it is certainly the case that many lexemes do not have any interesting internal structure, and furthermore that while it is easy to rewrite a regular expression as a regular grammar, it is considerably harder to rewrite it as an unambiguous, deterministic regular grammar, much less an LALR(1) regular grammar. (This is one of the reasons scannerless parsing is often associated with PEG, but it can also be solved with GLL or GLR parsers, at a slight loss of efficiency.)

Defining a context-free grammar for a specific language

I have a language where each string in the language has even amount of 0's as 1's (eg. 0101, 1010, 1100, 0011, 10 are all in the language). I was hoping to define a context-free grammar that describes this language. After defining a context-free grammar I want to formally prove that this context-free grammar describes this language.
I've came up with the context-free grammar production rules:
Is this the correct context free grammar to define this language?
Im kind of stumped for the proving part. I'm guessing I will need some sort of induction?
This grammar looks correct to me.
I would prove it by showing both directions (i.e. a string is in the language iff it's produced by the grammar).
Proving that all strings produced by the grammar are in the language is easy: Simply consider that all productions of the grammar output the same number of 1s and 0s. Therefore any combination of productions must produce a string in the language.
To prove that all strings in the language can be produced by the grammar seems more tricky. I think induction could work on this, but nothing obvious comes to mind.
Good luck

How can a lexer extract a token in ambiguous languages?

I wish to understand how does a parser work. I learnt about the LL, LR(0), LR(1) parts, how to build, NFA, DFA, parse tables, etc.
Now the problem is, i know that a lexer should extract tokens only on the parser demand in some situation, when it's not possible to extract all the tokens in one separated pass. I don't exactly understand this kind of situation, so i'm open to any explanation about this.
The question now is, how should a lexer does its job ? should it base its recognition on the current "contexts", the current non-terminals supposed to be parsed ? is it something totally different ?
What about the GLR parsing : is it another case where a lexer could try different terminals, or is it only a syntactic business ?
I would also want to understand what it's related to, for example is it related to the kind of parsing technique (LL, LR, etc) or only the grammar ?
Thanks a lot
The simple answer is that lexeme extraction has to be done in context. What one might consider be lexemes in the language may vary considerably in different parts of the language. For example, in COBOL, the data declaration section has 'PIC' strings and location-sensitive level numbers 01-99 that do not appear in the procedure section.
The lexer thus to somehow know what part of the language is being processed, to know what lexemes to collect. This is often handled by having lexing states which each process some subset of the entire language set of lexemes (often with considerable overlap in the subset; e.g., identifiers tend to be pretty similar in my experience). These states form a high level finite state machine, with transitions between them when phase changing lexemes are encountered, e.g., the keywords that indicate entry into the data declaration or procedure section of the COBOL program. Modern languages like Java and C# minimize the need for this but most other languages I've encountered really need this kind of help in the lexer.
So-called "scannerless" parsers (you are thinking "GLR") work by getting rid of the lexer entirely; now there's no need for the lexer to produce lexemes, and no need to track lexical states :-} Such parsers work by simply writing the grammar down the level of individual characters; typically you find grammar rules that are the exact equivalent of what you'd write for a lexeme description. The question is then, why doesn't such a parser get confused as to which "lexeme" to produce? This is where the GLR part is useful. GLR parsers are happy to process many possible interpretations of the input ("locally ambiguous parses") as long as the choice gets eventually resolved. So what really happens in the case of "ambiguous tokens" is the the grammar rules for both "tokens" produce nonterminals for their respectives "lexemes", and the GLR parser continues to parse until one of the parsing paths dies out or the parser terminates with an ambiguous parse.
My company builds lots of parsers for languages. We use GLR parsers because they are very nice for handling complex languages; write the context-free grammar and you have a parser. We use lexical-state based lexeme extractors with the usual regular-expression specification of lexemes and lexical-state-transitions triggered by certain lexemes. We could arguably build scannerless GLR parsers (by making our lexers produce single characters as tokens :) but we find the efficiency of the state-based lexers to be worth the extra trouble.
As practical extensions, our lexers actually use push-down-stack automata for the high level state machine rather than mere finite state machines. This helps when one has high level FSA whose substates are identical, and where it is helpful for the lexer to manage nested structures (e.g, match parentheses) to manage a mode switch (e.g., when the parentheses all been matched).
A unique feature of our lexers: we also do a little tiny bit of what scannerless parsers do: sometimes when a keyword is recognized, our lexers will inject both a keyword and an identifier into the parser (simulates a scannerless parser with a grammar rule for each). The parser will of course only accept what it wants "in context" and simply throw away the wrong alternative. This gives us an easy to handle "keywords in context otherwise interpreted as identifiers", which occurs in many, many languages.
Ideally, the tokens themselves should be unambiguous; you should always be able to tokenise an input stream without the parser doing any additional work.
This isn't always so simple, so you have some tools to help you out:
Start conditions
A lexer action can change the scanner's start condition, meaning it can activate different sets of rules.
A typical example of this is string literal lexing; when you parse a string literal, the rules for tokenising usually become completely different to the language containing them. This is an example of an exclusive start condition.
You can separate ambiguous lexings if you can identify two separate start conditions for them and ensure the lexer enters them appropriately, given some preceding context.
Lexical tie-ins
This is a fancy name for carrying state in the lexer, and modifying it in the parser. If a certain action in your parser gets executed, it modifies some state in the lexer, which results in lexer actions returning different tokens. This should be avoided when necessary, because it makes your lexer and parser both more difficult to reason about, and makes some things (like GLR parsers) impossible.
The upside is that you can do things that would require significant grammar changes with relatively minor impact on the code; you can use information from the parse to influence the behaviour of the lexer, which in turn can come some way to solving your problem of what you see as an "ambiguous" grammar.
Logic, reasoning
It's probable that it is possible to lex it in one parse, and the above tools should come second to thinking about how you should be tokenising the input and trying to convert that into the language of lexical analysis. :)
The fact is, your input is comprised of tokens—whether you like it or not!—and all you need to do is find a way to make a program understand the rules you already know.

Practical difference between parser rules and lexer rules in ANTLR?

I understand the theory behind separating parser rules and lexer rules in theory, but what are the practical differences between these two statements in ANTLR:
my_rule: ... ;
MY_RULE: ... ;
Do they result in different AST trees? Different performance? Potential ambiguities?
... what are the practical differences between these two statements in ANTLR ...
MY_RULE will be used to tokenize your input source. It represents a fundamental building block of your language.
my_rule is called from the parser, it consists of zero or more other parser rules or tokens produced by the lexer.
That's the difference.
Do they result in different AST trees? Different performance? ...
The parser builds the AST using tokens produced by the lexer, so the questions make no sense (to me). A lexer merely "feeds" the parser a 1 dimensional stream of tokens.
This post may be helpful:
The lexer is responsible for the first step, and it's only job is to
create a "token stream" from text. It is not responsible for
understanding the semantics of your language, it is only interested in
understanding the syntax of your language.
For example, syntax is the rule that an identifier must only use
characters, numbers and underscores - as long as it doesn't start with
a number. The responsibility of the lexer is to understand this rule.
In this case, the lexer would accept the sequence of characters
"asd_123" but reject the characters "12dsadsa" (assuming that there
isn't another rule in which this text is valid). When seeing the valid
text example, it may emit a token into the token stream such as
Note that I said "identifier" which is the general term for things
like variable names, function names, namespace names, etc. The parser
would be the thing that would understand the context in which that
identifier appears, so that it would then further specify that token
as being a certain thing's name.
(sidenote: the token is just a unique name given to an element of the
token stream. The lexeme is the text that the token was matched from.
I write the lexeme in parentheses next to the token. For example,
NUMBER(123). In this case, this is a NUMBER token with a lexeme of
'123'. However, with some tokens, such as operators, I omit the lexeme
since it's redundant. For example, I would write SEMICOLON for the
semicolon token, not SEMICOLON( ; )).
From ANTLR - When to use Parser Rules vs Lexer Rules?

Looking for a clear definition of what a "tokenizer", "parser" and "lexers" are and how they are related to each other and used?

I am looking for a clear definition of what a "tokenizer", "parser" and "lexer" are and how they are related to each other (e.g., does a parser use a tokenizer or vice versa)? I need to create a program will go through c/h source files to extract data declaration and definitions.
I have been looking for examples and can find some info, but I really struggling to grasp the underlying concepts like grammar rules, parse trees and abstract syntax tree and how they interrelate to each other. Eventually these concepts need to be stored in an actual program, but 1) what do they look like, 2) are there common implementations.
I have been looking at Wikipedia on these topics and programs like Lex and Yacc, but having never gone through a compiler class (EE major) I am finding it difficult to fully understand what is going on.
A tokenizer breaks a stream of text into tokens, usually by looking for whitespace (tabs, spaces, new lines).
A lexer is basically a tokenizer, but it usually attaches extra context to the tokens -- this token is a number, that token is a string literal, this other token is an equality operator.
A parser takes the stream of tokens from the lexer and turns it into an abstract syntax tree representing the (usually) program represented by the original text.
Last I checked, the best book on the subject was "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" usually just known as "The Dragon Book".
int x = 1;
A lexer or tokeniser will split that up into tokens 'int', 'x', '=', '1', ';'.
A parser will take those tokens and use them to understand in some way:
we have a statement
it's a definition of an integer
the integer is called 'x'
'x' should be initialised with the value 1
I would say that a lexer and a tokenizer are basically the same thing, and that they smash the text up into its component parts (the 'tokens'). The parser then interprets the tokens using a grammar.
I wouldn't get too hung up on precise terminological usage though - people often use 'parsing' to describe any action of interpreting a lump of text.
(adding to the given answers)
Tokenizer will also remove any comments, and only return tokens to the Lexer.
Lexer will also define scopes for those tokens (variables/functions)
Parser then will build the code/program structure
"Compilers Principles, Techniques, & Tools, 2nd Ed." (WorldCat) by Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman, AKA the Purple Dragon Book
a related answer of mine What is the difference between a token and a lexeme?
As with my other answer such questions as this make more sense when a specific goal is desired.
In your case the specific goal is
Create a program will go through c/h source files to extract data declaration and definitions.
If the goal is to create Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) then those are created using a Parser and a Parser is commonly feed a list of Tokens from the Lexer. Notice that Tokenizer is deliberately not mentioned.
Another way to think of the relation between a Lexer and Parser is that a Lexer creates a linear structure (list/stream of tokens) and a Parser converts the tokens into an tree structure (Abstract Syntax Tree).
If you read the Dragon book you will notice that the word Analysis appears often which is to say that analysis is one of the key functions at the various stages. This is because when working with Lexers and Parsers they are designed to work with formal languages and a determination needs to be made if the input adheres to the formal language.
From page 5
character stream
Lexical Analyzer
(token stream)
Syntax Analyzer
(syntax tree)
Semantic Analyzer
(syntax tree)
In the above diagram the Lexer is associated with Lexical Analyzer and I would associate Syntax Analyzer and Semantic Analyzer with Parser but YMMV.
AFAIK Tokenizer has no official definition in the Dragon book, not even noted in the index. I don't have an electronic copy of the book so could not do an automated search.
One common reference that notes Tokenizer is Anatomy of a Compiler but the Dragon books are the reference of choice by many in the field.
However if your only goal is to create a list of tokens and then do something else other than semantic analysis then calling the module/function/... a tokenizer might be the right name.
I use Lexer with Parser and don't use Tokenizer with Parser.
Another thought to keep in mind is that if no useful information should be lost in the transformations. In other words if one of your goals is to be able to recreate the input from the AST then the AST needs to capture the extraneous information like whitespace, which then means the Lexer also needs to capture the extraneous information. One reason to go through such effort is to create useful error messages or for Edit code and continue Debugging.
