synchronisation of pages in address bar in a web application using jsf2 - jsf-2

I'm working in a jsf2 application and I have a problem with the page name displayed in the address bar. When I navigate to an other page I have in address bar the name of the previous page.

That's because you're using POST instead of GET for page-to-page navigation and JSF defaults to submitting to the very same view with you're using <h:form>. Using POST for page-to-page navigation is in any case a very poor approach. It's not only not user friendly (it's not bookmarkable and confusing), but it's also not SEO friendly (searchbots don't follow <form> actions).
To solve this problem, you must stop using <h:commandLink> for page-to-page navigation. Use <h:link> instead.
<h:link value="Go to next page" outcome="nextpage" />
This will just render a
Go to next page
Which is perfectly bookmarkable, user friendly and SEO friendly.
When you're navigating to a different page as result of a real POST form submit, I'd also replace that by returning null or void and just render the result/messages conditionally in the very same view. Or if the result is supposed to be bookmarkable (e.g. search results), you should use normal links or plain <form> instead of <h:form> and use <f:viewParam> in target view.
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

This is happerning because, in JSF, when you are navigating to a new page the server is performing a forward to the new page. The browser is unaware of the forwarding and is displaying the old url. To make the server perform a redirect instead of forwarding, you have to either:
If you are using navigation rules, add a <redirect/> to each rule:
If you are returning an outcome from a bean method, add a ?faces-redirect=true to the outcome:
public String navigate() {
return "/pages/to?faces-redirect=true";


CommandLink action redirect to external url not working

I am using jsf 2. I have a link in a facelet file that points to a external url. My current view is /app1/home.xhtml with a h:commandLink that has an action like so
<h:commandLink value="#{link}" action="#{action.redirect}" target="_blank"/>
the url that action.redirect redirects to is /app2/ However it appears that JSF tries to change the extension of the url to .xhtml. and then fails with the error message.
com.sun.faces.context.FacesFileNotFoundException: /app2/info.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext as a Resource
how do i get this to correctly redirect ?
Don't use the <h:commandLink> here, it's the wrong tag for the purpose. It is designed to submit a JSF POST form and navigate to a JSF view, both which you obviously don't want to let take place in this particular use case.
Just use the <h:outputLink> or even plain HTML <a>. So,
<h:outputLink value="#{action.redirect}" target="_blank">#{link}</h:outputLink>
Note that you don't need the <h:form> in both approaches.

How to implement a navigation button in JSF 2.0 that doesnt do any validations of anything on the current page?

I want to implement a navigation button that takes the user to another page. I have no desire or need for any validations to run nor for the model to be updated, etc. I have implemented this as an ajaxified client-side redirect (note, I am using Primefaces 3.2).
It works-- but is this the best way to do this?
Navigating from the "onePage.xhtml" to the "anotherPage.xhtml"
<p:commandButton value="Navigate to Another Page"
Note, I have tried using immediate="true", however Apply Request Values phase still runs, which results in a NPE for me in a getter in my managed bean (as I no longer have the data that my getter needs).
Just use <h:button> or <p:button>. It sends a normal GET request. There's really no need for a POST-Redirect-GET request if it's just page-to-page navigation.
<h:button value="Navigate to Another Page" outcome="anotherPage" />
For the PrimeFaces look'n'feel, just replace h: by p:. Note that this component doesn't require a <h:form>. The link equivalent is the <h:link> (for which there's no PrimeFaces equivalent, there's anyway nothing which needs to be restyled).
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
Set attribute immediate to true on commandButton, this will skip all validations, conversions or updates. Attributes causes JSF lifecycle to jump from Apply request values phase directly to Render Response phase.

Get JSF 2 url to change after first, not second click

JSF URLs don't seem to change after the first click, only after the 2nd. E.g. when navigating from home.jsf to auction.jsf, the page being displayed is already auction.jsf but the URL in the browser address bar stays at home.jsf, until I click on the Auction link the second time. Why is this happening? Is there a way to disable it, and get the url to display correctly?
You seem to be navigating by POST instead of by GET. You should not perform page-to-page navigation by POST in first place. Replace <h:commandLink> by <h:link>.
So, do not navigate by
<h:commandLink value="Auction" action="auction" />
but by
<h:link value="Auction" outcome="auction" />
A JSF POST form basically submits to the current URL and any navigation is by default performed by a server-side forward using RequestDispatcher#forward() (if you are well familiar with the basic Servlet API, you know what this means). You could work around with performing a redirect instead
<h:commandLink value="Auction" action="auction?faces-redirect=true" />
but, as said, this is a work around not a solution.
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
You need to add faces-redirect=true to your URL. Check out this short tutorial from

JSF wrong redirection when catching ViewExpiredException

So I have a ViewExpiredException Handler and works fine.
Now, when I launch the web-app my URL looks like and this presents the first page which is the login page.
If for any reason I leave the page at login, and the View expires the app catches the ViewExpiredException and sends me to a page "ViewExpired" BUT the URL keeps the same On that "ViewExpired" page I have a commandLink to return to the login page which in the value attrib I put "index.xhtml" BUT it does not send me to login page because on there's no page on but in
So the questions are:
Why if I'm at login page am I getting the ViewExpiredException? is it because of ajax?
How or Where can I make the commandLink really sends me to index.xhtml?
This is only happening when the View expires in login page, in other pages from my app it works really great.
Thanks in advance !
Why if I'm at login page am I getting the ViewExpiredException? is it because of ajax?
You will get this exception when you invoke a POST request on a view which does not exist in session anymore. This can for example happen when you keep the page open for too long that the session has expired in the server side, or when you're getting the login page from the browser cache instead of straight from the server. For more detail, see also our ViewExpiredException tag info page. All JSF ajax requests also accounts in this as they also use POST.
How or Where can I make the commandLink really sends me to index.xhtml?
Make use of implicit navigation. This way JSF will append the proper FacesServlet mapping.
public String goToIndexPage() {
return "index";
<h:commandLink value="Go to index page" action="index" />
or, better, when you don't need to invoke any business logic at all:
<h:link value="Go to index page" outcome="index" />
See also:
Check if session exists JSF
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

JSF login forward address bar / url -- redirect does not solve problem

Okay we have a single - sign - on and the user will likely enter to reach our site. We then define a welcome site, use a phaselistener to check:
is user trying to access the welcome site? yes -> try to login - works? yes -> get user roles -> forward to the appropriate site for this specific user.
E.g. user niceBelly goes to page /somewhere/in/many/folders/beer.jsf and user barbie goes to /breasts/pink.jsf
a redirect is in this application not possible for some reasons.
the result is that when reaching e.g. page pink.jsf the address bar still shows
clicking the first link will result in the browser using the form address as new URL e.g. on welcome.jsf i navigate to coolstuff.jsf. On the page coolstuff i now have the url of the last form, e.g. welcome.jsf. Then on cool stuff i click a link, and get coolstuff on the next page as url, and so on.
Is there a way to solve this / work around it?
Given the symptoms, you are actually not redirecting the requests, but you are actually forwarding the requests. A real redirect will take place when you call
in JSF context, or when you add
<redirect />
to the navigation case. All other ways are effectively forwards. As per the symptoms, you're using commandlinks instead of outputlinks to navigate to other page. Commandlinks will submit a POST request to current URL and JSF will under the covers use RequestDispatcher to set the destination of the request/response when the navigation case doesn't contain <redirect />. A forward does not instruct the browser to fire a new GET request on the destination URL and hence the URL in browser address bar does not change. A real redirect will do exactly that.
See also:
When should I use outputlink instead of commandlink?
Bookmarkable URLs in JSF 1.x
