I am using Devise with sentient_user Gem - https://github.com/bokmann/sentient_user.
It works fine when I user the current_user in the model.
The Problem is that my Rspec test are failing .
In My Rspec test I have
describe MyModelWhereIUseCurrentUser do
include Devise::TestHelpers
before(:each) do
#user = Factory(:user)
sign_in #user
describe "current_user should work here" do
it "should do something" do
# Reference to MyModelWhereIUseCurrentUser and current_user is null there
Then in the describe block I called the model where I use
current user.
My Test Fails because current_user is nil.
Did I not sign in the user correctly or the problem is in the sentient_user ?
sentient_user adds a make_current method, which can be called on User instance. Your problem can be fixed by adding #user.make_current to before block.
I'm trying to test some Rails controller actions that require a login. Right now logging in is managed by setting the logged in user to session[:user_id] which all works as expected, but when I try to manually set it in my test (definitely open to a better way!) I get NoMethodError: undefined method session' for nil:NilClass` which is a really confusing error. message in the first place--I would have expected a NameError for an undefined variable. I'd like to test both logged in and non logged in methods so I'm not sure if logging in during the setup phase is accurate (although I couldn't get it working anyway) but I'm open to any and all suggestions. This is for a lesson teaching testing, so I want to keep it basic and please point out if I'm doing anything super wrong here before I teach it to impressionable youth.
require 'test_helper'
class TacosControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
setup do
#meat = tacos(:meat)
#veggie = tacos(:veggie)
test "should redirect if not logged in" do
get new_taco_url
assert_redirected_to login_path
test "should get new if logged in" do
session[:user_id] = users(:pat).id
get new_taco_url
assert_response :success
test "should create new taco" do
session[:user_id] = users(:pat).id
assert_difference("Taco.count") do
post tacos_url, params: {taco: {name: "Yummy", price: 2.50}}
I have the following test to ensure sign in is required. Most of the tests require a signed in user, so I have the user sign in on setup. However for this test, I need them signed out.
require 'test_helper'
class DealsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
include Warden::Test::Helpers
setup do
#deal = deals(:one)
#user = users(:one)
# https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Test-with-Capybara
#user.confirmed_at = Time.now
login_as(#user, :scope => :user)
teardown do
test "require sign in for deal list" do
logout #user
get deals_url
assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path
I get the error
DealsControllerTest#test_require_sign_in_for_deal_list [C:/Users/Chloe/workspace/fortuneempire/test/controllers/deals_controller_test.rb:35]:
Expected response to be a <3XX: redirect>, but was a <200: OK>
It says it will work, but it's just not working.
If for some reason you need to log out a logged in test user, you can use Warden's logout helper.
Rails 5.0.2
Devise 4.2.1
logout by itself without any parameters worked. Maybe logout :user would work too. I wasn't using FactoryGirl so was confusing it for a FactoryGirl symbol.
I want the simplest example to test the validity of attributes of devise's actions for new registrations (email, password, password confirmation), sign_in and forgot_password. The internet is full of RSpec ones but I want to go native with what Rails 4.2 gives me and there is absolutely nothing.
I am stuck to the default implementation:
require 'test_helper'
class RegistrationsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def setup
#controller = RegistrationsController.new
#request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
#response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
#request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
#user = Registrations.new(username: "John", email: "myemail#email.com")
I know this isn't too much but I am making my first steps in TDD, so please don't shoot !
How do I check for the validity of a user's attributes, for example a nil email or a password of 100 characters ?
You can check with rails in-build minitest
I have assumed you have overriding devise's registration_controller.
In tdd for controller you can write test cases for action.
Check modified code :-
require 'test_helper'
class RegistrationsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
include Devise::TestHelpers # for including devise's actions
def setup # this set up default settings for controller
#controller = RegistrationsController.new
#request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
#response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
#request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
#user = Registrations.new(username: "John", email: "myemail#email.com")
setup do # this used for setting global variable used in test file
#user= users(:one) # users is the fixture file of test in which you can set default data for test environment.
test "should create user" do # then you test cases for controller
sign_in users(:one)
post :create, users:{email:'test#test.com, password:'XXXX'...}# you can pass arguments for create method. Please check it once, i am not sure about names
assert_response :success
Rails minitest provides some assertion.
I've spent far too long messing with this before asking for help. I can't seem to get RSpec and Sorcery to play together nicely. I've read through the docs on Integration testing with Sorcery and can post the login action properly, but my tests still doesn't think the user is logged in.
# spec/controllers/user_controller_spec
describe 'user access' do
let (:user) { create(:user) }
before :each do
login_user(user[:email], user[:password])
it "should log in the user" do
controller.should be_logged_in
And my login_user method
# spec/support/sorcery_login
module Sorcery
module TestHelpers
module Rails
def login_user email, password
page.driver.post(sessions_path, { email: email , password: password, remember_me: false })
The sessions controller handles the pages properly when I use them on the generated pages just fine. I tried outputting the results of the login_user method and it appears to properly post the data. How do I persist this logged in user through the tests? Does a before :each block not work for this? I'm just not sure where it could be running wrong and I'm pretty new to testing/RSpec so I may be missing something obvious. I'd appreciate any help.
Here's the output of the failed tests:
1) UsersController user access should log in the user
Failure/Error: controller.should be_logged_in
expected logged_in? to return true, got false
I just went through this yesterday. Here's what I did, if it helps.
Sorcery provides a test helper login_user that relies on a #controller object being available. This works great in controller specs, but doesn't work in integration tests. So the workaround in integration tests is to write another method (like the one you have above) to simulate actually logging in via an HTTP request (essentially simulating submitting a form).
So my first thought is that you should try renaming your method to login_user_post or something else that doesn't collide with the built-in test helper.
Another potential gotcha is that it looks to me like the Sorcery helper assumes that your user's password is 'secret'.
Here's a link to the built-in helper so you can see what I'm talking about:
Good luck - I really like this gem except for this part. It is really only fully explained by patching together SO posts. Here's the code I use:
Integration Helper
module Sorcery
module TestHelpers
module Rails
def login_user_post(user, password)
page.driver.post(sessions_url, { username: user, password: password})
def logout_user_get
Integration Spec (where user needs to be logged in to do stuff)
before(:each) do
#user = create(:user)
login_user_post(#user.username, 'secret')
Controller Spec (where the regular login_user helper works fine)
before(:each) do
#user = create(:user)
Note that login_user doesn't need any arguments if you have an #user object with the password 'secret'.
Did you try adding to spec/spec_helpers.
RSpec.configure do |config|
# ...
config.include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails::Controller
Nota that you need to include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails::Controller, not just Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails.
Then you will be able to login_user from any controller specs like:
describe CategoriesController do
before do
#user = FactoryGirl::create(:user)
describe "GET 'index'" do
it "returns http success" do
get 'index'
expect(response).to be_success
The way you pass a password is probably wrong. It may be encrypted at this point. In provided example I will try to do this at first:
describe 'user access' do
let (:user) { create(:user, password: 'secret') }
before :each do
login_user(user[:email], 'secret')
it "should log in the user" do
controller.should be_logged_in
This seems to be very poorly documented. The above solutions did not work for me. Here's how I got it to work:
Check your sessions_url. Make sure it is correct. Also, check what params are necessary to log in. It may be email, username, etc.
module Sorcery
module TestHelpers
module Rails
def login_user_post(email, password)
page.driver.post(sessions_url, { email:email, password: password })
RSpec config:
config.include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails
Spec helper:
def app
describe UsersController do
before do
# Create user
# Login
response = login_user_post( user.email, :admin_password )
expect( response.headers[ 'location' ]).to eq 'http://test.host/'
# I test for login success here. Failure redirects to /sign_in.
#cookie = response.headers[ 'Set-Cookie' ]
specify 'Gets protected resource' do
get protected_resource, {}, { cookie:#cookie }
expect( last_response.status ).to eq 200
Given a simple User model, in Rails 4 with name, email, and an admin boolean, what's the best approach to testing mass assignment using RSpec?
Here's the UsersController:
def create
#user = User.new user_params
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :email)
and two different tries at testing this:
in user_spec.rb
describe "accessible attributes" do
describe "should not allow access to admin" do
before do
#user.admin = "1"
it { should_not be_admin }
or in users_controller_spec.rb
it 'should only allow name and email to be set' do
#controller.user_params.keys.should eq(['name', 'email')
Neither work - the former just creates a user with admin set to true (failing the test) - presumably this bypasses strong_parameters. The latter works, but only if the user_params method is not private. (The official docs recommend setting it to private. Note - watching for a MassAssignment error in the user_spec doesn't work either (no error is raised).
Note - actually setting the user to admin in a view correctly works - the admin attribute is filtered out and all is happy, but would really like to see this working properly in a test.
An alternative suggest is to use the shoulda-matchers gem with the user_spec.rb:
describe User do
it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:admin) }
(this doesn't work either), giving:
Failure/Error: it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:admin) }
undefined method `active_authorizer' for #<Class:0x007f93c9840648>
(I assume this error is due to the fact shoulda-matchers isn't Rails 4 compatible yet).
Thanks in advance!
it "should not allow mass assignment" do
raw_parameters = { :admin => 1 }
parameters = ActionController::Parameters.new(raw_parameters)
expect {#user.update_attributes(parameters)}.should raise_error
In order to test mass assignment you should simulate passing parameters from controller.