How to enforce providing password for devise to delete account - ruby-on-rails

how can I make devise enforce getting correct password before canceling registration (deleting account)

You can either:
Do something along the lines of pst's answer: have a text box for :canceled in a form that when saved, cancels the account. Since it would be part of the user model, devise would force the password check upon the update action.
Do it yourself via a button that warns (similar to the delete buttons often in Rails). The controller that receives the request would simply do something like the following (I seem to remember that Devise uses MD5, maybe it's SHA1, SHA2, unsure- see documentation; the key is to use the same type):
if params[:password] == Digest::MD5.hexdigest(params[:password])

Yeah, the key here is knowing how to encrypt params[:password] to be able to compare it to the current_user.encrypted_password
Older versions of Devise use a password_salt as well. My advice to you would be to look at how devise does this on sign in, and use the same method in your destroy action, or whatever user-facing page you have for that.


Should I accept a crypted password with AuthLogic?

Basically as the question asks.
The AuthLogic documentation for verify_password_method states:
The name of the method in your model used to verify the password. This should be an instance method. It should also be prepared to accept a raw password and a crytped password.
I'd like to support this, because it allows me to maintain our system's current masquerading behaviour without storing plain-text passwords like we have been in the past. However, it seems to me like allowing a simple string comparison to the crypted_password in the database is just as bad as storing the regular plain-text passwords.
Am I missing something here, or is there some other way to accept a crypted password in AuthLogic?
For reference, this is how I was going to write the valid_password? method:
def valid_password?(password, check_from_database = nil)
if password == self.crypted_password
super(password, check_from_database)
Ok, turns out that there's a much easier way to do this (although it seems horribly undocumented, and didn't turn up with a Google search of how to achieve this)., true)
That line allows session creation without checking credentials. Obviously you should be careful with this since it assumes that the user has already identified themselves correctly - for my usage, since there is a check to ensure the current user is the admin user, it's safe.

Restful Authentication -- how to log in a user without password

I've got a cross-website integration to handle. Basically I'm passing a param into the rails application and if it evaluates correctly ... then I'd like to log a user in.
Can this be done without the users password?
something like simply evaluating the password as true?
This is called "token authentication" and is supported by Devise, or can be relatively easily ginned up on your own. You want to generate a non-guessable secret token (your param), and then use that in lieu of a username. The devise wiki has links to a couple of examples:
If you want a lighter-weight solution, you can also simply generate an auth token (using something like bcrypt) and then do something like:
#user = User.find_by_auth_token(params[:auth_token])
if #user is nil, then return a 403.

rails devise hook into on_login

I'm looking to hook into devise after login / after session create. How would I go about doing this?
Basically I want to set a users location every time they login, and to do that I need an after login hook of sorts.
Devise is built on Warden, so you can use Warden's after_authentication hook.
Put this in an initializer:
Warden::Manager.after_authentication do |user,auth,opts|
# do something with user
The remote IP address and other request info is stored in auth.request (i.e. auth.request.remote_ip).
Devise updates the value of the user.current_sign_in_at timestamp on successful login. So, you could simply add a before_save filter to your User model. In that filter, check to see if the value of this field has changed, and if it has, set the users location.
BTW - I'm not sure what you mean by "location" - if you mean IP address, Devise already stores that for you.
Here's a page from the devise wiki: How To: Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in.
In summary, the recommendation is to add the following method to the application controller:
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
custom_location_for(resource) || welcome_path
In the above code, resource means the object (user, account, etc) that you've implemented devise authentication for. (The object that has the devise_for in your routes.)

Devise, validate current_password if any important fields have been changed

Specifically, I'm using Devise with Typus. But, I think my misunderstanding resides in my knowledge of Devise.
I'm trying to achieve the functionality of when you want to change an important model via form, you have to provide your current password to confirm you can change it, a la google.
Right now, I can log in and change any of the fields of my User model. Including the password, without having to confirm my password prior. Not good. So, I've added current_password to the form. But that didn't do anything. Then I tried to validate presence on current_password. Then it doesn't seem to accept any value for it.
Google didn't help me. All of the relevant posts were about removing current_password instead of confirming it. Which makes me think I'm misunderstanding the use of current_password.
Anyone care to share some insight? Thanks.
You should add the password field to the form, and then in your controller's action you can validate the password using:
Note that probably you should change params[:user][:password] to the the name of the param for your password's field in the form (perhaps just params[:password]).
Hope it helps.
Actually, devise has a builtin method for this:
user.update_with_password(params, *options) you can read the rdoc here.
Update record attributes when :current_password matches, otherwise returns error on :current_password. It also automatically rejects :password and :password_confirmation if they are blank.

Is there a way in Rails to say "run all the validates EXCEPT :password"?

I am using Devise for my authentication. If a hashed_password isn't set, Rails/Devise's validations will require a password to be set, as well as the password_confirmation.
When I invite new users, I obviously don't want to set their password, so when I create the invitation in my system, it fails because user.password is blank.
I can set a temporary hashed_password on the user, but when they enter their own password, the validation checks for :password and :password_confirmation will not happen because hashed_password is set, which is a real problem.
Is there any way to tell Rails that I want to run all the validations except for the ones associated with :password?
I know Rails has :if conditions, which might fix my problem, but Devise declares the :password validation on my behalf, so that essentially is hidden.
How can I get the desired result here?, hopefully in a way that is not a hack.
My current hypothetical solution that is somewhat messy: The only thing I can think of is to create a new Invitation model that is not the User model, and use the Invitation model for the form. When the invitation is submitted I can validate that Invitation and copy over all the values to the new User model. I can save that User without any validations at all.
That's the best solution I dreamed up.
It seems like my solution will be a lot more work than saying something simple like: => {:except => :password})
EDIT: I have found one part of the solution, but I am still having problems. In our user model, we can override a Devise method to prevent the validation of the password for invitations with this bit of code:
def password_required?
!is_invited && super
The is_invited attribute is just a column I added to the users table/model.
However, there is one gotcha here. When a user accepts an invitation and they arrive to the form where they need to set their password/password_confirmation, valid? will always return true.
This one has me deeply perplexed. I don't see how requires_password? and valid? can be true at the same time. If it requires the password, it should do a validation check and cause the validations to fail.
I'm starting to hate Devise - or just the idea of using gems to build parts of your application in a blackbox. I think the real solution probably is to rip out Devise and just do it all from scratch. That way your app has total control of how all of this works :(
I recently started using this great devise add-on: devise_invitable
It's commonly used so users (or any model) can invite other users to join.
But I adapt it for manually (via an admin panel) invite new potential users to my app.
Hope this helps!
