I'm tired of creating a new line in my routes.rb every time I add a new method in my controller. Is there a way in routes.rb to tell rails to accept any defined action in a given controller? I'm pretty sure I've done this before but can't remember how. I still need to explicitly specify the controller, however, because many other people use this routes file.
This is from the default generated config/routes.rb file
# This is a legacy wild controller route that's not recommended for RESTful applications.
# Note: This route will make all actions in every controller accessible via GET requests.
# match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
I have a messy rails 3 application that's come from a different developer and I need to refactor it.
What I want to do is move the contents of "app" into a subfolder called "classic".
And then have all URL's with a classic prefix such as
Route to controllers inside of the "app/classic" folder.
And then every regular url that does not contain the classic prefix - route in the standard way to app/
Is it possible to do this? The only thing I've discovered so far is that I can add a scope inside of my routes file.
scope(:path => '/classic')
But all that does is require a prefix for every URL. I'm really not sure how to go about this!
This is a route namespace. Take a look at this section in Rails Routing from the Outside In: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#controller-namespaces-and-routing
namespace :classic do
# your routes here
This will do 3 things -
the path to the controller files need to be under /app/controllers/classic/
the name of the controllers need to change to Classic::ControllerName
the url is now /classic/controller/action
This sounds like what you want, but you can modify this to get just the parts you want if you don't want all 3.
In route.rb file:
#Of course, you have to configure the right http method.
get 'wills/new' => 'wills#new', as: 'to_classic_wills_new'
Hope this helps!
I'm creating an engine that needs to insert some routes into the application's router. For this particular gem, I'd rather not application's routes.rb if possible. Is there a way to insert routes at a particular location in the router via code? I'm looking for an API that does something like:
Rails.application.routes.insert("resources :foos", :before => "some string in routes.rb")
If I create a config/routes.rb inside the engine and define some routes, this kind of works. Rails is smart enough to mix the engine's routes into the application's routes, but it tacks them on at the end of the route list. I need them to appear at the beginning so the engine's routes take priority.
I'm aware that I can namespace the routes by mounting the engine in the application's routes.rb, but this creates a routing structure that I don't really want. I want the engine's routes to look they are a part of the application by defining some routes in the actual application.
I have a workaround which is to add the following to the application's routes.rb.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
#...other routes below
MyEngine.setup_routes looks like
def self.setup_routes(map)
map.get 'a_path', :to => 'a_controller#a_path'
This at least allows me to control the point where the routes get defined in the application's route list, but the user still has to manually update his routes.rb (or I have to build an installer that does it). It seems like there should be a way to tell rails to tack some routes onto the start of the route list...
I am the admin and multiple people are working on the project. New routes are being created everyday(basically APIs). I want a central record of all the routes(controllers and respective actions). I want a route to work only if it is listed in that record(yml file).
I have heard that it is possible to manage the resources by creating a yml file, though being new to rails I am not sure how to do it.
Suggestions would be highly appreciated.
I think I need to be more explicit about the query I have.
Agreed that we need to list all the GET,POST PUT AND DELETE requests in route in order to redirect a call.
What I am looking for is another YML file which will have the contollers and respective actions listed. The actions listed here should only be allowed to be routed and not others present in the route.rb.
Example :
I have the following route:
GET "fetch_ids" => "get_id#select"
Now if "get_id#select" is listed in my YML only then a route would be allowed.
How can I set this up?
It already works like that. No matter if you create a controller or an action, the controller and the action will be accessible only if they are somehow listed in the routes.rb file.
You can have 10 controllers, but just one in the routes.rb. The other 9 will not be reachable.
To list all the routes simply run
$ rake routes
To have a list of all routes that available, please try this Rack app (part of config/routes.rb)
match "/secret_routes" => proc { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, [Application.routes.routes.collect{|i| i.path.spec.to_s}.join("\n")] ] }
I am new to Ruby on Rails and have some problems.
For the development I use RubyMine IDE, I manage to create models, controllers and views, but I have problems with the routing. By default, routes.rb file contains only this method Apis::Application.routes.draw do with an empty body.
For example, I create a controller TestController, then the index method and in routes.rb I add this instruction resources :test. So far, it works fine. But if I add another method, let's say method1 (and the view) I can't reach it in a browser http://localhost:3000/test/method1.
What else should I add in routes.rb file?
Is there any way to make the routing automatically from the IDE, with less editing the routes file?
resources :test
is a resourceful route which provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs to controller actions. By convention, each action also maps to particular CRUD operations in a database
you can uncomment in your routes to enable the controller action mapping.
match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
or use -
match "/test/method1" => "test#method1"
Detailed routes info # http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
I just installed Ruby on Rails and created a scaffold called posts. RoR generated controllers and other required files for me.
I created a new method in posts_controller, but I can't access it. I looked at other methods that are in the controller and looks like I need to access them by /posts/[MY POST ID]/[MY METHOD NAME].
Assuming I created my custom method hello in the controller, how do i access it?
I looked at routes.rb, but there's no configuration for it.
I understand that I can manually configure it in routes.rb, but how do all the other methods work? For example, I have "edit", and "update" methods in the "posts_controller.rb" controller. How do those two methods work without configuring routes?
# GET /posts/1/edit
def edit
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
I can't find a configuration that matches /posts/[0-9]/edit pattern.
The documentation you're looking for is Rails Routing From the Outside In. Once you've read this you'll understand everything Rails does to take your request and point it at method in your controller.
You need to add a route for it to routes.rb. For example:
# Previous routes
# resources :posts
# Updated routes
resources :posts do
get "hello", :on => :member
Have a look at this Rails guide about routing, it should help you understand Rails routing.
This will give you a good head start on the routes: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
Not every method you make will have its own path, rails is built on the rest principle, and your scaffold created methods in the post controller that follow those paths, like index, show etc....
You can force your method to have a route added to it, but in reality you rarely actually need to do so as following the convention is far easier.
In Rails 3.x
match 'posts/hello' => 'posts#hello'
Available at example.com/posts/hello
When you used scaffold to generate post, it added a line resources :posts in your routes.rb file. That line configures routes for all the controller actions that were generated. As Caleb mentions above, not every action has a dedicated path. A single path can correspond to multiple actions because rails also takes into account the HTTP method. So, for instance, the path /posts with the HTTP method GET corresponds to the controller action index, while the same path with the HTTP method PUT corresponds to the controller action update. You can see these associations when you run rake routes from the console. I agree with Jordan and Caleb that the Rails Guides is a good read and will help you understand routes.