I am working on MailClient and I want to set Multipal Flags for Eg. SEEN, UNSEEN so how I can set in C#,
I had pass this command like this but it will give me error. like BAD command.
so the my command like this.
byte[] commandBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((#"$ UID SEARCH UNSEEN \SEEN" + "\r\n"));
Don't use backslash, this is the correct request:
Are you sure you want write you own IMAP client from scrach? There are some opensource libraries, as well as paid ones (My Mail.dll IMAP component for example).
I am working on building a replacement to MIRTH and it looks like we are sending out non-standard HL7 ORU_R01 messages. OBR.5 should be just a single field but looks like we are sending a bunch of other data in this section.
It seems like I should be able to something like the following.
But I am having issues trying to find the correct way to set the different segments. All the fields are Strings.
Found something that I think has ended up working for us.
ID expirationDate = new ID(obr.getMessage(), 502);
Where 503 refers to which element you want to set. In this case I am trying to set OBR-5.2. getComponent(0) because it's the first extra component I am adding for this particular segment. I am not sure entirely if my explanation here is correct but it creates a message we need and parses as I'd expect so its my best guess.
Dereived the answer from this old email thread https://sourceforge.net/p/hl7api/mailman/hl7api-devel/thread/0C32A03544668145A925DD2C339F2BED017924D8%40FFX-INF-EX-V1.cgifederal.com/#msg19632481
I am writing my first Wireshark dissector. I am writing it in Lua, using this as an example. My communication protocol embeds a command ID in the response header, followed by well-defined payloads that differ based on the command ID. So far, I've been structuring the ProtoFields such that the Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters) follows a naming convention like this
Some commands have similar fields, like in the following example
where, per the protocol, an update command must be acknowledged with a update_ack command with the same updateId payload. Ideally, i would like to create a wireshark filter such that I can see all packets pertaining to the updateId field. I tried creating a filter like
myproto.*.updateId == 0x1234
but that appears to be invalid wireshark filter syntax. I don't want to make the filter explicit like
myproto.cmd_update.updateId == 0x1234 or myproto.cmd_update_ack.updateId == 0x1234
because in my actual protocol there are many more commands with similar/related fields. Is there a filter syntax I can use? Or perhaps, should I structure my dissector's ProtoField abbreviations differently?
There doesn't appear to be a wildcard syntax for the filter line, so I wound up solving this in the dissector itself. In addition to the myproto.*.updateId fields, I also added another field called myproto.updateId (note the lack of the wildcard in the middle). Its value is set to the same thing as the full blown field name, which means that I now have just one field name to search against. I also set this field as hidden = true to hide it from view.
It's a bit of a hack, but gives me what I want.
You could try using a Wireshark display filter macro.
My goal is to write a validation class for Rails that is capable of using an OCR recognised text from a business card and is able to detect string snippets and assign them to the correct attributes. I know this cannot be probably 100% perfect but I want to get as close as possible. Here is my approach so far:
I scan business cards via jquery's navigator.mediaDevices
I send the scanned image to a third party API Service, called OCRSpace (a gem is available here: https://github.com/suyesh/ocr_space)
I then get a unformatted array of recognised text snippets back, for example:
result = [['John Doe'], ['+49 160 123456'], ['Mainstr. 45a'], ['12345 Berlin'], ['CEO'], ['johndoe#business-website.de'], ['www.business-website.de']]
I then iterate through the array and do some checks, for example
Using the people library (https://github.com/mericson/people)
to split the name in firstname and lastname (additionally the title
or middlenames) Using the phonelib library
(https://github.com/daddyz/phonelib) to look up a valid phone number
and format it in an international string
Doing a basic regex check on the email address and store it
What I miss now is:
How can I find out what the name-string would possibly be? Right now I let the user choose it (in my example he defines "John Doe" as the name and then the library does the rest). I'm sure I would run into conflicts when using a regex as strings like "Main Street" would then also be recognized as a name?
How do I regex a combination of ZIP-Code and City name? I'm not a regex expert, do you know any good sources that would help? Couldn't find any so far except some regex-checkers in general.
In general: Do you like my approach or is this way too complicated? And do you know some best-practices that look better?
Don't consider this a full answer, but it was too much to make it a comment.
Your way of working seems Ok but I wouldn't use the OCR Service since there are other ways , Tesseract is the best known.
If you do and all the results are comparible presented it seems not too difficult since every piece of info has it's own characteristics.
You can identify the name part because it won't have numbers in it, the rest does, also you can expect to contain it "Mr." or "Mrs." or the such and not "Str.", "street" and so on. You could also use Google Maps to check for correct adresses, there are Ruby gems but have no experience with them.
Your people gem could also help.
You could guess all of this, present the results in you webpage and let the user confirm or adjust.
You could also RegExpr the post-city combination by looking fo a number and string combination in either order but you could also use a gem like ZipCodes to help.
I'm sorry, don't have the time now to test some Regular Expressions now and I don't publish code without testing.
Hope this was some help, success !
I have a table called settings, when I would change or enter data into the form it did not change the data in the table. In addition on form an image upload file is not running, There may be the wrong code below.
(Solved by me)
Maybe someone can help me Related to this.
What you are doing here is tottaly in secure and your data can be hacked / manipulate really fast.
Why dont you use a framework like codeignighter there are about 100 easy frameworks that will help you manage database a lot easyer.
Are you sure that you are updating the wrond ID? where id = 1, seems to be not dynamic.
Please post your error http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_mysql_error.asp
I know it is not so related to your question, but you should see these light frameworks:
You're not checking the return status of of your query, so if it's not working you wouldn't know. Do this:
mysql_query("UPDATE settings SET site='$name',keywords='$keys',descrp='$desc',email='$email',fbpage='$fbpage',twitter='$twitter',gplus='$gplus',disclaimer='$disclaimer',template='$template' WHERE id=1")
or die(mysql_error());
Note: mysql_*() is deprecated: you shouldn't use it. Use mysqli_*() or PDO instead.
Also: You are susceptible to an SQL Injection attack. You should escape your input variables with mysql_real_escape_string() (or the equivalent if you switch to mysqli), or consider moving to prepared statements.
I've read the documentation, but what I need to know is:
I'm not using a fictitious stock quote service (with an imaginary wsdl file). I'm using a different service with a different name.
Where, among the thousands and thousands of lines of code that have been generated, will I find the Scala trait(s) that I need to put together that correspond to this line in the documentation's example:
val service = (new stockquote.StockQuoteSoap12Bindings with scalaxb.SoapClients with scalaxb.DispatchHttpClients {}).service
Now, you might be thinking "Why not just search for Soap12Bindings in the generated code"? Good idea - but that turns up 0 results.
The example in the documentation is outdated, or too specific. (The documentation is also internally inconsistent and inconsistent with the actual filenames output with scalaxb.)
First, search for SoapBindings instead of Soap12Bindings to find the service-specific trait (the first trait).
Then, instead of scalaxb.SoapClients, use scalaxb.Soap11Clients.