'Vary: If-None-Match' to cache mobile and desktop requests separately - ruby-on-rails

Note: Please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong. I'm not very sure of any of this...
I have been playing around with HTTP caching on Heroku and trying to work out
a nice way to differentiate between mobile and desktop requests when caching using Varnish
on Heroku.
My first idea was that I could set a Vary header so the cache is Varied on If-None-Match. As Rails automatically sends back etags generated from a hash of the content the etag would vary between desktop and mobile requests (different templates) and so it would eventually cache two versions (not fact, just my original thoughts). I have been playing around with this but I don't think it works.
Firstly, I can't wrap my head around when/if anything gets cached as surely requests with If-None-Match will be conditional gets anyway? Secondly, in practice fresh requests (ones without If-None-Match) sometimes receive the mobile site. Is this because the cache doesn't know whether to serve up the mobile or desktop cached version as the If-None-Match header isn't there?
As it probably sounds, I am rather confused. Will this approach work in any way or am I being silly? Also, is there anyway to achieve separate cached versions if I am unable to reach the Varnish config at all (as I am on Heroku)?
The exact code I am using in Rails to set the cache headers is:
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=86400'
response.headers['Vary'] = 'If-None-Match'
Edit: I am aware I can use Vary: User-Agent but trying to avoid it if possible due to it have a high miss rate (many, many user agents).

You could try Vary: User-Agent. However you'll have many cached versions of a single page (one for each user agent).
An other solution may be to detect mobile browsers directly in the reverse proxy, set a X-Is-Mobile-Browser client header before the reverse proxy attempts to find a cached page, set a Vary: X-Is-Mobile-Browser on the backend server (so that the reverse proxy will only cache 2 versions of the same page) and replace that header with Vary: User-Agent before sending to client.

If you can not change your varnish configuration, you have to make different urls for mobile and desktop pages. You can add some url-parameter (?mobile=true), add a piece in your path (yourdomain.com/mobile/news) or use a different host (like m.yourdomain.com).
This makes a lot of sense because (I've seen this many times, both in CMSs and applications) at some point in time you want to differentiate content and structure for mobile devices. People just do different things or are looking for different information on mobile devices...


SPA - Should servers http cache be turned off for all pwa related resources?

Should any of PWA related resources be served with any kind of cache headers from server or should we move classic http caching out of our way by turning it completely off?
Namely, what should be http cache headers for:
manifest file
Related to it, how does new versions of manifest file (favicon changed for example) get to the client?
service worker js file
(this one is a bit tricky because browsers check for new versions every 24 hours so some caching might be good?)
index.html (entry point for spa)
My understanding was that it should be turned off completely and all the cache should be handled from service worker but there seems to be different infos out there and hard to extract best practices.
There's some guidance at https://web.dev/reliable/http-cache, along with a number of other resources on the web.
In general, building a PWA and introducing a service worker doesn't change the best practices that you should follow for your HTTP caching.
For assets that include versioning information in their URL (like /v1.0.0/app.js, or /app.1234abcd.js), and you know that the contents of a given URL won't even change, you should use Cache-Control: max-age=31536000.
For assets that don't include versioning information in their URL (like most HTML documents, and also /manifest.json, if you don't include a hash there), you should set Cache-Control: no-cache along with ETag or Last-Modified, to ensure that a previously cached response is revalidated before being used.
For your service worker file itself, modern browsers will ignore the Cache-Control header value you set by default, so it doesn't really matter. But it's still a best practice to use Cache-Control: no-cache so that older browsers will revalidate it before using it.

Cherry-pick: from two URLs with same file on different CDNs, load whichever is in cache

I have a web app that wants to load bootstrap.min.js
It's on these two CDN's (among others):
The odds of a cache hit from some other app using these CDN's is relatively high.
How can I tell the browser to check if they are cached and load from browser cache?
Can a service worker do this?
I believe that there are some privacy/security restrictions in place that attempt that make it difficult to determine, using JavaScript, whether a third-party URL is present in the browser's cache.
Adding a service worker into the mix will not get around those restrictions.
It's possible to use the Fetch API to create a Request with a mode of 'only-if-cached', which will behave more or less in the way you describe, but that will only work if the request's mode is 'same-origin'. In other words, only if the Request is for a first-party URL, not a third-party CDN URL as in your example.

From the server, how do I force an external file to expire so that the browser receives a fresh one?

I have a show view, that uses a 'Universal Viewer' to load images. The image dimensions come from a json file that comes from a IIIF image server.
I fixed a bug and a new json file exists, but the user's browser is still using the old info.json file.
I understand that I could just have them do a hard-reload, like I myself did on my machine, but many users may be affected, and I'm just damn curious now.
Modern browsers all ship with cache control functionality baked into it. Using a combination of ETags and Cache-Control headers, you can accomplish what you seek without having to change the file names or use cache busting query parameters.
ETags allow you to communicate a token to a client that will tell their browser to update the cached version. This token can be created based on the content creation date, content length, or a fingerprint of the content.
Cache-Control headers allow you to create policies for web resources about how long, who, and how your content can be cached.
Using ETags and Cache-Control headers is a useful way to communicate to users when to update their cache when serving IIIF or any other content. However, adding ETags and Cache-Control this can be quite specific to your local implementation. Many frameworks (like Ruby on Rails) have much of this functionality baked into it. There are also web server configurations that may need to be modified, some sample configurations are available from the HTML5 Boilerplate project that use these strategies.
Sample Apache configurations for:
ETags https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-apache/blob/master/src/web_performance/etags.conf
Cache expiration https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-apache/blob/master/src/web_performance/expires_headers.conf
It depends on where the JSON file is being served from, and how it's being cached.
The guaranteed way to expire the cache on the file is to change the filename every time it changes. This is typically done be renaming it filename-MD5HASH.ext, where the MD5HASH is the MD5 hash of the file.
If you can't change the file name (it comes from a source you can't control, you might be able to get away with adding a caching busting query key to the URL. Something like http://example.com/file.ext?q=123456.

Rails' page caching vs. HTTP reverse proxy caches

I've been catching up with the Scaling Rails screencasts. In episode 11 which covers advanced HTTP caching (using reverse proxy caches such as Varnish and Squid etc.), they recommend only considering using a reverse proxy cache once you've already exhausted the possibilities of page, action and fragment caching within your Rails application (as well as memcached etc. but that's not relevant to this question).
What I can't quite understand is how using an HTTP reverse proxy cache can provide a performance boost for an application that already uses page caching. To simplify matters, let's assume that I'm talking about a single host here.
This is my understanding of how both techniques work (maybe I'm wrong):
With page caching the Rails process is hit initially and then generates a static HTML file that is served directly by the Web server for subsequent requests, for as long as the cache for that request is valid. If the cache has expired then Rails is hit again and the static file is regenerated with the updated content ready for the next request
With an HTTP reverse proxy cache the Rails process is hit when the proxy needs to determine whether the content is stale or not. This is done using various HTTP headers such as ETag, Last-Modified etc. If the content is fresh then Rails responds to the proxy with an HTTP 304 Not Modified and the proxy serves its cached content to the browser, or even better, responds with its own HTTP 304. If the content is stale then Rails serves the updated content to the proxy which caches it and then serves it to the browser
If my understanding is correct, then doesn't page caching result in less hits to the Rails process? There isn't all that back and forth to determine if the content is stale, meaning better performance than reverse proxy caching. Why might you use both techniques in conjunction?
You are right.
The only reason to consider it is if your apache sets expires headers. In this configuration, the proxy can take some of the load off apache.
Having said this, apache static vs proxy cache is pretty much an irrelevancy in the rails world. They are both astronomically fast.
The benefits you would get would be for your none page cacheable stuff.
I prefer using proxy caching over page caching (ala heroku), but thats just me, and a digression.
A good proxy cache implementation (e.g., Squid, Traffic Server) is massively more scalable than Apache when using the prefork MPM. If you're using the worker MPM, Apache is OK, but a proxy will still be much more scalable at high loads (tens of thousands of requests / second).
Varnish for example has a feature when the simultaneous requests to the same URL (which is not in cache) are queued and only single/first request actually hits the back-end. That could prevent some nasty dog-pile cases which are nearly impossible to workaround in traditional page caching scenario.
Using a reverse proxy in a setup with only one app server seems a bit overkill IMO.
In a configuration with more than one app server, a reverse proxy (e.g. varnish, etc.) is the most effective way for page caching.
Think of a setup with 2 app servers:
User 'Bob'(redirected to node 'A') posts a new message, the page gets expired and recreated on node 'A'.
User 'Cindy' (redirected to node 'B') requests the page where the new message from 'Bob' should appear, but she can't see the new message, because the page on node 'B' wasn't expired and recreated.
This concurrency problem could be solved with a reverse proxy.

Best way to redirect image requests to a different webserver?

I am trying to reduce the load on my webservers by adding an "Image server" (a dedicated server for handling image requests), and redirecting all requests for .gif,.jpg,.png etc., to it.
My question is, what is the best way to handle the redirection?
At the firewall level? (can I do this using iptables?)
At the load balancer level? (can ldirectord handle this?)
At the apache level - using rewrite rules?
Thanks for any suggestions on the best way to do this.
One thing I would add is that these are domains that are hosted for 3rd parties, so I can't expect all the developers to modify their code and point their images to another server.
The further up the chain you can do it, the better.
Ideally, do it at the DNS level by using a different domain for your images (eg imgs.example.com)
If you can afford it, get someone else to do it by using a CDN (Content delivery network).
There are also 2 featuers of apache's mod_rewrite that you might want to look at. They are all described well at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/rewriteguide.html.
The first is under the heading "Dynamic Miror" in the above document, that uses the mod_rewrite Proxy flag [p]. This lets your server silently fetch files from another domain and return them.
The second is to just redirect the request to the new domain. This second option puts less strain on your server, but requests still need to come in and it slows down the final rendering of the page, as each request needs to make an essentially redundant request to your server first.
i agree with rikh. If you want images to be served from a different webserver, then serve them on a different web-server. For example:
<IMG src="images/Brett.jpg">
<IMG src="http://brettnesbitt.akamia-technologies.com/images/Brett.jpg">
Any kind of load balancer will still feed the image from the web-server's pipe, which is what you're trying to avoid.
i, of course, know what you really want. What you really want is for any request like:
GET images/Brett.jpg HTTP/1.1
to automatically get converted into:
HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
Location: http://brettnesbitt.akamia-technologies.com/images/Brett.jpg
this way you don't have to do any work, except copy the images to the other web-server.
That i really don't know how to do.
By using the phrase "NAT", it implies that the firewall/router receives HTTP requests, and you want to forward the request to a different internal server if the HTTP request was for image files.
This then begs the question about what you're actually trying to save. No matter which internal web-server services the HTTP request, the data is still going to have to flow through the firewall/router's pipe.
The reason i bring it up is because the common scenario when someone wants to serve images from a different server is because they want to split up high-bandwidth, mostly static, low-CPU cost content from their actual logic.
Only using NAT to re-write the packet and send it to a different server will not work towards that common issue.
The other reason might be because images are not static content on your system, and a request to
GET images/Brett.jpg HTTP/1.1
actually builds an image on the fly, with a high-CPU cost, or only using with data available (i.e. SQL Server database) to ServerB.
If this is the case then i would still use a different server name on the image request:
GET http://www.brettsoft.com/default.aspx HTTP/1.1
GET http://imageserver.brettsoft.com/images/Brett.jpg HTTP/1.1
i understand what you're hoping for, with network packet inspection to override the NAT rule and send it to another server - i've never seen any such thing that can do that.
It sounds more "proxy-ish", where the web-proxy does this. (i.e. pfSense and m0n0wall can't do it)
Which then leads to a kind of solution we used once: a custom web-server that analyzes the request, makes the appropriate request off some internal server, and binary writes the response to the client.
That pain in the ass solution was insisted upon by a "security consultant", who apparently believes in security through obscurity.
i know IIS cannot do such things for you itself - i don't know about other web-server products.
i just asked around, and apparently if you wanted to write a custom kernel module for you linux based router, you could have it inspect packets and take appropriate action. Such a module might exist. There are, apparently, plenty of other open-sourced modules to use as a starting point.
But i'd rather shoot myself in the head.
