Firefox add-on client-server security - firefox-addon

I'm working on a Firefox add-on. At one point in the add-on, it needs to contact my server, give it a URL, then the server will process the URL (it's not a quick or easy process) and send back a link to the resulting file (on Amazon S3). However, since Firefox add-ons are mostly open-source by nature, how can I protect that one call to the server from being discovered by malicious people and then abused? (I only want users of my add-on to be able to make that call to the server...)
I was thinking about using some sort of key or something, but since Firefox add-ons are all open-source that wouldn't really work. I also thought about writing a binary component, but I have almost no experience in C++ (but maybe for something simple like this I could learn) - but then how could I protect calls to the binary component? Also, how could I protect from network sniffers and such? Would it be possible to somehow include encryption of some sort in that binary component so network sniffers cannot detect what is being sent to the server? (I found this question: Client-Server security and authentication but it was a bit over my head.)

When you distribute an extension you are basically giving people the car keys, so it's hard to stop them from taking the car for a joyride. The most secure solution is the one you suggested: use a binary component and authenticate the connection with username/password or PKI certificates. If you use HTTPS then the connection will be encrypted. This isn't totally secure (the binary component could be reverse-engineered by a determined hacker) but it will certain deter casual attacks. Note, however, that implementing, building and maintaining a binary component is significantly harder than the JavaScript equivalent.
An alternative would be to put the user through a one-time registration process when they install the extension. This could even happen in the background, and the user would get some credentials (e.g. a PKI key pair) at the end that they would use for subsequent communication with the server. If you're worried about people overusing the server, then presumably doing so via the extension wouldn't be great either. This way you can track the usage of each user (via the extension or not) and limit it as necessary.

In the end I don't think that there is much you can do. You could have a binary library in your add-on and call it via js-ctypes (it is easier to implement and maintain than a binary XPCOM component). But nothing will stop people from taking your extension and changing its JavaScript logic in any way that they like. You can make it harder by using some logic like this:
Client to server: "Extension version 1.2.3 wants to make a request."
Server to client: "Take your chrome://... file, bytes M to N, what SHA1 checksum do you get for them?"
Client to server: "SHA1 checksum is ..., please process URL ... now."
But this is also everything but fail-proof, it merely makes abusing your service somewhat harder. Same goes for automatic registration - if your extension can register then an attacker can create an account as well.


Locking an API to App-Use only

I've written a rails back-end for the mobile app I'm working on and it occured to me that even though I'm using token authentication, anyone could write a malicious script that continually registers users / continually makes requests in attempts to fill the database / attack the server.
I guess there are two questions here:
1) What modifications would I need to make in order to ONLY allow API access from my mobile app
2) How can I protect my API urls?
Thanks :)
There are multiple things you can do to protect your API :
The simplest thing you can start with is verifying the user-agent header in your request. That usually gives you a good indicator of what the initiating device is.
That being said, it isn't always accurate and its definitely fakeable.
If you control the client side of the mobile app as well, you could encrypt the requests/responses with a cypher or key system which requires a key that only your mobile-app knows. Look at openssl for that... using a public/private key pair.
Token authentication is a good idea. I would actually look at oAuth or similar systems for authentication and keep your session timers short.
On top of that, you can probably add some rate control in order to limit consecutive calls from the same IP in a given timespan.
Finally, I would look at something like "fail2ban" or similar to automatically ban brute-force type attacks.

HTTPS POST Security level

I've searched for this a bit on Stack, but I cannot find a definitive answer for https, only for solutions that somehow include http or unencrypted parameters which are not present in my situation.
I have developed an iOS application that communicates with MySQL via Apache HTTPS POSTS and php.
Now, the server runs with a valid certificate, is only open for traffic on port 443 and all posts are done to
If someone knew the correct parameters to post, anyone from anywhere in the world could mess up the database completely, so the question is: Is this method secure? Let it be known nobody has access to the source code and none of the iPads that run this software are jailbreaked or otherwise compromised.
Edit in response to answers:
There are several php files which alone only support one specific operation and depend on very strict input formatting and correct license key (retreived by SQL on every query). They do not respond to input at all unless it's 100% correct and has a proper license (e.g. password) included. There is no actual website, only php files that respond to POSTs, given the correct input, as mentioned above. The webserver has been scanned by a third party security company and contains no known vulnerabilities.
Encryption is necessary but not sufficient for security. There are many other considerations beyond encrypting the connection. With server-side certificates, you can confirm the identity of the server, but you can't (as you are discovering) confirm the identity of the clients (at least not without client-side certficates which are very difficult to protect by virtue of them being on the client).
It sounds like you need to take additional measures to prevent abuse such as:
Only supporting a sane, limited, well-defined set of operations on the database (not passing arbitrary SQL input to your database but instead having a clear, small list of URL handlers that perform specific, reasonable operations on the database).
Validating that the inputs to your handler are reasonable and within allowable parameters.
Authenticating client applications to the best you are able (e.g. with client IDs or other tokens) to restrict the capabilities on a per-client basis and detect anomalous usage patterns for a given client.
Authenticating users to ensure that only authorized users can make the appropriate modifications.
You should also probably get a security expert to review your code and/or hire someone to perform penetration testing on your website to see what vulnerabilities they can uncover.
Sending POST requests is not a secure way of communicating with a server. Inspite of no access to code or valid devices, it still leaves an open way to easily access database and manipulating with it once the link is discovered.
I would not suggest using POST. You can try / use other communication ways if you want to send / fetch data from the server. Encrypting the parameters can also be helpful here though it would increase the code a bit due to encryption-decryption logic.
Its good that your app goes through HTTPS. Make sure the app checks for the certificates during its communication phase.
You can also make use of tokens(Not device tokens) during transactions. This might be a bit complex, but offers more safety.
The solutions and ways here for this are broad. Every possible solution cannot be covered. You might want to try out a few yourself to get an idea. Though I Suggest going for some encryption-decryption on a basic level.
Hope this helps.

Secure data transfer between servers

i got a little odd situation to develop.
The MVC web system my team has to develop (or project is made with rails), will rely on login/password from another site.
The idea is, the user will have a log-in on the third part site, and somewhere relevant, will exist a link to our site. When the user click on that link, we need receive from the site, some data of the user.
We have no control of the third part server, or direct access to their database. Plus, making then make any change to their application/infrastructure is a BIGDEAL so i am searching for a solution with less impact for then. (Of course they will have do change something but will be a political issue, so the less, the better)
From our viem, we need to be sure that the user really come from the third part site (and only from there), and we not have received a fake message from an attacker.
Their site have an valid SSL certificate working. (no idea if my system will have one (it should))
Not sure if its relevant, but we think that their server is an oracle aplication server, who connect to a oracle server in their internal network.
I first thought in using just SSL, but i not sure how to do it (what i have to check, what i have to change?) and if is safe enought.
My second thought is to use PGP keys, and make then sing and cryptography the data before sending to us, and, the link yo our site, would make a post to a control on our server which would verify and de-crypt the data.
Anyone have any tips/pointers/thoughts that could help me?
If both servers are using SSL, and supposing the server give you at least a json or xml interface, should be ok to simply make a secure request (using, for example, rest-client) and evaluating the response in your server.
Most likely you will want to cache user data on login in your server, and if user/password aren't found, look in the other server - this will reduce the load.

Methods of transferring data securely between an iPhone app and an Arduino server

I'm trying to make a secure protocol between an iPhone app and an Arduino server. The goal is that the iPhone app makes a request to an Arduino server and the server only processes it if it has the proper credentials of one form or another. I'm not really sure how to approach this problem. Any suggestions are much appreciated!
Unfortunately there are no truly secure communication options available on Arduino. The basic problem is that SSL libraries have not been ported to this platform, partly owing to the fact that the 8-bit processors the platform is built around are not very powerful. Having said that there are some things you can do, but you'll have to do them yourself:
Basic access authentication is a very insecure method of controlling access to HTTP pages so it isn't recommended. Digest access authentication, on the other hand, employs one-way cryptographic encoding (hashing). It only requires MD5 library, which, is actually available for Arduino. What you'll need to do is modify the source code for the Web Server class to support digest access authentication: AFAIK it does not support it out of the box.
If this seems to difficult, you could implement something fairly basic (and not very secure, but better than nothing) yourself. It might look like this:
The first GET request comes in from a client
The server responds with "not authorized" response, embedding in the response a token which is related to (perhaps a hash of) the requesting IP address. You could make the original timeframe part of the hash as well, and give such tokens a limited lifetime.
If the next request from the same IP address includes a hash based on some secret code + the token sent, the next request is honored.
Now this will not protect you from IP address spoofing, and many other things I probably haven't thought of. However, it will give you a modicum of security (and a tiny bit of security through obscurity, if you believe in this sort of a thing). You could ask for (slightly) more elaborate schemes on superuser
You might be able to just use authenticated messages built on shared secrets. The message will contain [at minimum] a message type, message body, timestamp, and message digest. You create the digest by HMACing the other stuff with a shared secret. (Type HMAC Arduino into Google for libaries and code.) The message is sent over TCP or UDP (i prefer it). The Arduino computes digest of message, checks it, validates data, and then acts on message.
One thing I like to do is implement port-knocking or something at the network layer in front of the application server. This prevents unwanted traffic from reaching the custom (and possibly vulnerable) command server. This can be done stealthily (see Silent Knock) or obviously. The network protections can also be implemented by a dedicated device that does the heavily lifting and disqualifies much rogue traffic before it reaches the Arduino.

Embedding Flash Media Services (Red5) and Authorization

An architectural question.
My site needs to allow the user to record video and upload it to the "site". I've been poking around a fair bit and it seems I have to use some kind of media server to achieve this aim. As I'm introducing this secondary server into the system (I seek to embed the flash app residing on this server into the HTML delivered by the site) it occurs to me that this broadens the scope of security a lot. What scares me is attackers trying to embed the flash app themselves or attempting to impersonate clients (or anything else I haven't thought of yet!).
I was therefore wondering how people secure their applications with such an architecture. Sure I can do what is suggested here, a decent band-aid for now but afaik the domain information can technically be falsified by the client.
I could separate out the auth of the site giving me a WebServer, an AuthServer and a MediaServer enabling the MediaServer to separately auth. Getting the user to log into both sites is obviously onerous and passing around the user's login creds and securing all connections sounds ugly and averse to best practice.
As far as I can see my best bet is some kind of temporary token that the auth server creates. So the website kicks the auth server after logging in to generate the token which the site can then pass to the media server (as part of the flash vars) and the MediaServer itself can use to double check against the auth server.
I'm relatively new to Red5, Flash and web security so I was wondering if the following sounds sane, secure and/or necessary. Also if anyone knows of decent tools to use for such an auth system and whether there is something already kicking about in ASP.NET auth for such a purpose.
the solution provided in your link ... you should read my second comment.
The first about virtual hosts is wrong! My comment does actually tell you (at least one) solution to secure your app.
You could for example pass a SESSION_ID in the connect method to Red5. The user would get the SESSION_ID from another webservice call before he invokes the record or playback method.
The SESSION_ID might be even some kind of temporary token, that is only valid for 15 minutes and only usable a single time for exactly that video. How far you implement that is a matter of how secure your mechanism needs to be.
