Rails 2.3.8 tiny mce issue - undefined method `uses_tiny_mce' - ruby-on-rails

I am facing an issue in my application with tiny mce.
All the gem version & ruby version is OK on my system, but it is giving me error
= undefined method `uses_tiny_mce'
Here i installed the tiny_mce gem. COnfigured it correctely, but still there is an issue.
Please help.

Did you include
config.gem 'tiny_mce'
in config/environment.rb?
I have used this gem in the past too, but have stopped using it. I figured it complicated the setup and deployment of my Rails apps. Since then I have just used the TinyMCE editor by itself. Since it is 100% javascript, it does not touch any Ruby code which keeps things better organized.

I was not using this as a plugin.
I have followed the steps given in the,
Steps :
script/plugin install git://github.com/kete/tiny_mce.git
rake tiny_mce:install
my issue got resolved.


Issue adding Bootstrap on Ruby on Rails Project

This is what I followed in order to get started with bootstrap on Ruby on Rails.
I followed every step exactly the same. However, I keep running into the same error for some reason. When I do not do any thing (i.e. do not use bootstrap) everything works (but the application looks trashy).
Whenever I use bootstrap, I get:
invalid regexp character
This is the application trace:
app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:8:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__337612969_59863020'
I have no clue what is happening.
P.S. I am a beginner. So if the solution is simple then, yeah...
remove #gem 'duktape' from gem file..the issue will be solved

Rails 4.2 + Ember => unexpected identifier

I'm following Vic Ramon's tutorial. I tried to use the latest version of Rails and Ember-source and I get the following error when visiting home page:
After clicking on link next to error I get this:
How can I fix that?
I ran the following commands:
rails g ember:bootstrap -n App --javascript-engine coffee
rails g ember:install
I removed turbolinks. I also created home controller and an empty view for home#index. Root is set to home#index. Also created following view file:
// app/assets/javascripts/templates/application.js.emblem
h1 Hello World
Ember gems im using:
Using emblem-source 0.3.18
Using ember-data-source 1.0.0.beta.14.1
Using ember-rails 0.16.1
Using emblem-rails 0.2.2
This could be due to some version incompatibilities between your versions of ember-related gems, as there were quite substantial changes in recent versions of ember (e.g. introduction of HTMLBars, etc.)
Your best bet is to clone the original repo and then try to upgrade individual gems and check if it still works after each upgrade. This way you will be able to identify the troubling gem.
I have verified that the original repo code indeed works with the versions of gems in its current Gemfile.lock.
If you are starting a new Rails + Ember app, ember-cli-rails is probably the way to go, giving you the best of both worlds.
Emblem was the culprit. Replacing .emblem with .handlebars fixed the problem. I tried the tip from emblem-rails git page and icluded
gem "emblem-source", github: "machty/emblem.js"
but that didn't change anything.
I also followed this tutorial (alongside a few others) and I encountered several issues alongside the way ranging from handling templates to setting up the JSON API. I don't see your entire source code so I cannot pinpoint the exact problem. However, it seems that we have similar projects, so you can compare your code to my blog project source code and see what is causing these issues. Comparing to Ramon's tutorial, my blog has implemented everything until chapter 15.
If you are a beginner like myself, then I recommend avoiding CoffeeScript and Emblem and sticking to Javascript as much as possible for the first months because you will find more resources and examples. Also, let me know if you need assistance in setting up the project as I used .gitignore to hide things like secrets.yml

Security Update for Spree Finding Nil for Money:Class

This security update for spree just released, but after running some Cucumber tests, I had this recurring issue:
undefined method `assume_from_symbol' for Money:Class (ActionView::Template::Error)
I searched the project repo on GH and we don't use the method. Searched the Money repo and also no findings. Searched Spree and found this. The method appears to be undefined on my development environment.
I don't know if its Spree or the project I'm dealing with. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Update: When I run bundle exec zeus cucumber I don't get these errors...
Just had this issue, followed the advice in: https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/4517
IE: add this to your Gemfile
gem 'money', '6.0.1'
fixed my issue.
I believe this is a bug in Spree:
You should specify the following in your Gemfile:
gem 'money', '=6.0.1'
to work around the issue for now.
Answer provided by John worked for me. However, I also had to edit the Gemfile with TextMate (or your own text editor) to make sure the single quotes are correct, as explained in this post: Gem syntax error questions

ruby(1.9.3) on rails(3.2.3) Activerecord-odbc-adapter

I have a legacy database(Progress OpenEdge) that i need to use for a myriad of reports. I have everything working with ruby 1.8.6 and rails 2.0 (odbc-adapter and odbc-rails).
Since 1.8.6 is not supported anymore and rails 2.0 is quite old i'd like to update. Is there a odbc-adapter supported on 3.2.3?
Any input is appreciated.
You have to put the following line in your gemfile: gem 'ruby-odbc' and then run bundle install.
i think this is what you were looking for :)
I am having the same problem except am using a legacy database called DBISAM from Elevate Software.
DBISAM does not support a lot of things. But I need to update things on the database and am not a wWindows ecosystem enthusiast.
I will look at ruby-odbc and report back to y'all
I found using RDBI fixed my problem. gem rdbi

rails plugin installation and upgrades

I have a rails plugin written in v 2.1.1. When I install it in a 2.2.2 app, it breaks the app. I'm unable to use polymorphic routes so something like
<%= link_to #object %>
Doesn't work, because it says:
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method 'polymorphic_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x1a95c1c>)
If I script/plugin remove the plugin, it's still broken. So I have a two part question:
What is script/plugin install doing besides just copying the files into vender/plugins. From the output after installing it, it just looks like it's copying the files over, but clearly something else is going on behind the scenes, because removing it doesn't fix the problem
What do I need to do to update this plugin for rails 2.2.2. I don't know much about plugins, but I don't see anything that has specific version code in the plugin itself, so I can't figure out what exactly is breaking and what needs to be updated. Obviously this one is kind of tough to answer without seeing the code, but it's not actually the code in the plugin that's breaking, it's the plugin that is affecting my whole rails config.
Does anyone have experience with upgrading plugins to work for newer versions of rails?
Turns out the plugin was overwriting the RouteSet::draw method and just needed to be updated to the 2.2.2 draw code :P
