pushViewController without navigationcontroller - ios

I have a class that is of type UITableViewController.
This class has a member of type UINavigationBar that I use for adding in an edit button for the table view.
Using this method calling is invalid.
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller];
How can I push a detail view onto the view after selecting a table row without wrapping my UITableViewController in a UINavigationController?

The closest alternative if you don't want to use navigation controller are modal view controllers.
[self presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:nil];
This will slide the controller into your screen from bottom, or if you change controller's modalTransitionStyle it can flip over or fade in.
To dismiss the controller just call:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

I would wrap the UITableView inside a UINavigationController and just hide the UINavigationBar.
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:NO];
And then create a back button that pops the ViewController off the stack.
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]

What could also be done is to use a Navigation Controller as usual and then hide it.
To hide the Navigation Controller using storyboards: select it and uncheck "Show Navigation Bar" in the attribute inspector. Others might suggest to hide the navigation bar in each controller, but the problem with that is that it will appear for a millisecond and then disappear.

You can't push a view controller onto a navigation controller if there is no navigation controller. If you are wanting to be pushing controllers and have it display the topmost controller and everything, just use a UINavigationController and be done with it.
You can push arbitrary UINavigationItems onto your UINavigationBar, and your bar's delegate will be notified when the user uses the back button so you can take appropriate action. See the documentation for more information.

It's true that without a UINavigationController you can not push view controllers. You rather present view controllers modally via UIViewController.present(_ viewControllerToPresent:, animated:, completion:)
But it's possible to create a custom segue to display the view controller as if it were a push (or any other animation you want), although it seems that using a UINavigationController just makes things easier.
Here are some related links to the documentation:
UINavigationController Class Reference
Customizing the Transition Animations
Presenting a Modal View Controller


Dismissing a modal view controller via code

iPhone project/iOS 7.1/objective-C Due to circumstances, i have presented a navigation controller which contains a view controller which in turn contains a web view.All of the before said are added programmatically (i.e. no .h,.m or xib files).How do i dismiss the navigation controller?
P.S: I've created all these in a method.There is no property or instance available for the navigationcontroller.
you have to create on barButtonItem on navigation bar like "Back" or "Done" and on it's click event you should write :
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Dismissing a modal view and pushing to a uinavigation controller through delegation [duplicate]

I have a tab view controller with a navigation controller. In the first tab item I click on a button in a view that pops up a view with animated: YES.
Then when that view is done I hit another button that dismisses it. Like:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
ProfilesViewController *profile = [[ProfilesViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:profile animated:YES];
But everytime this code runs, it dismisses the view, DOES NOT push the profiles controller, and shows the view from the first tab bar item.
How do I push the ProfilesViewController to the screen with a Back arrow?
If you are using dismissViewControllerAnimated to dismiss that means that the VC is presented modally. As such, it doesn't have a navigation controller (so self.navigationController is nil) and thus it can't push anything into the navigation controller.
You should really add a property to the controller which is a delegate or a completion block which can be used to push the controller from another controller (the one that presents it) to dismiss and push the controller.
A second option is to pass the navigation controller, it's a similar amount of code to using a block but not so good.
A crappy option is to use the parentViewController to find the appropriate navigation controller, but that sucks for many reasons.

presentViewController with the tabbar

I have a app which has a tabbar which is presented in most of the ViewControllers. The problem is its not showing in an viewController which i'm presenting by this code.
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:songsViewController];
[self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:nil]
I'm using the presentViewController instead of the pushViewcontroller, cause i want to customize the navigationBar in this view.
How can i present my standard tabbar which i've created using storyboard?
When you use presentViewController:animated:completion, you are presenting the view controller modally, meaning it is not being contained within any of your existing containers like a UITabBarController or anything like that. So if you want something to show up when you present a UIViewController modally, it must be contained within the view controller that you're modally presenting. So from the looks of it, you're simply presenting a UINavigationController with your songsViewController contained within it. If you want to keep your UITabBar showing, either you need to add one to the view you're presenting, or you need to change your code so that you're not presenting a view controller modally here. And to add a second UITabBar for the modal view that matches the UITabBar that you were already presenting, it will make your app work rather strangely, so I would suggest trying to change it so you're not having to present a modal view at all.

iOS Storyboards - Re-use UIViewController

I've got the following structure setup in my Storyboard.
I've got a TabViewController (circled in red) that shows a UIViewController via one of its tabs by doing a push (circled in blue).
I want to re-use that UIViewController from the TabViewController. I'd like to 'push' it but I don't really have a navigation controller so I may end up displaying it as a modal.
However, I'm not sure how to handle navigation back to the TabViewController since in this case there's no navigation bar. Any suggestions on the best way to handle this?
Is there a way to insert a Navigation controller when its displayed directly from the TabViewController?
Why don't you put your view hierarchy like this:
UITabBarController -> UINavigationController -> BlueViewController
This UINavigationController should be put in the viewControllers property of the UITabBarController instance. If you do this, you can push and pop as many view controller as you want and you can also hide the navigation bar if needed.
Cancel button whose action is [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Presenting a View controller only in the DetailViewController of UISplitViewController

I am working with UISplitViewController, and I want to present a VC from the detail view controller of the splitViewController. I do it like this:
[self presentModalViewController:VC animated:YES];
also tried this from master VC.
[self.detailVC presentModalViewController:VC animated:YES];
It comes for the full screen I mean it is like presenting from the UISplitViewController itself. I tried changing the modal presentation styles even though I got the same results.
What I want is the VC that is presented should be presented within the bounds of the DetailVC and it can be of DetailVC's entire frame, but not come anywhere near to the MasterVC.
For now I am using UIView Animation to achieve this, any ideas on how to do this just by presenting?
As of Xcode 6:
In the storyboard, select the present modally segue, and go to the Identity Inspector, and choose Current Context for the Presentation option.
Your detail view controller should be inside a navigation controller, then you push your additional view controller into the navigation controller instead of modally.
