Jquery thorws error on post back when finding .dynamic function - jquery-ui

i am using jquery to show a tooltip popup the code i am using is below
<script type="text/javascript">
function MainEndRequestHandler(sender, args) {
function loadeverthingmaster(){
effect: 'slide',
}).dynamic({ bottom: { direction: 'down', bounce: true } });
// tweak the position
offset: [10, 2],
// use the "slide" effect
effect: 'slide',
// add dynamic plugin with optional configuration for bottom edge
}).dynamic({ bottom: { direction: 'down', bounce: true } });
but when i load my page i get this error
TypeError: $(".download_now").tooltip({effect: "slide", delay: 300}).dynamic is not a function
I have no clue why this is happening. anyone got any idea or solutino...

Check the order you import your script in. Make sure this script tag is below the jquery-tooltip plugins import. Also make sure jquery and jquery-ui are imported above the jquery-tooltip plugins. Also you may want to try wrapping this code with document.ready() to make sure all script is loaded like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function MainEndRequestHandler(sender, args) {
function loadeverthingmaster(){
effect: 'slide',
}).dynamic({ bottom: { direction: 'down', bounce: true } });
// tweak the position
offset: [10, 2],
// use the "slide" effect
effect: 'slide',
// add dynamic plugin with optional configuration for bottom edge
}).dynamic({ bottom: { direction: 'down', bounce: true } });
To make sure you have the proper libraries you could also try swapping the jquery import and the jquery tools import with this import that contains jquery + jquery tools + dynamic plugin:
<!-- jQuery Library + ALL jQuery Tools -->
<script src="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.5/full/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
Also try:
$(".help-bubble-link['title']").tooltip({ //notice change in this line
// tweak the position
offset: [10, 2],
// use the "slide" effect
effect: 'slide',
// add dynamic plugin with optional configuration for bottom edge
}).dynamic({ bottom: { direction: 'down', bounce: true } });


select2 + mCustomScrollbar issues

I am trying to combine select2(4.0.2) and mCustomScrollbar(3.1.13) libraries to have custom dropdown list with custom scrollbar.
Here is the code sample .
$(document).on("select2:open", "select", function() {
mouseWheel: true,
advanced: {
updateOnContentResize: true
The main issue is mousewheel scrolling. It works only if you hold the cursor over the scrollbar itself.
mousewheel.js(3.1.3) included, but it seems not working properly. There is no event firing while scrolling over the dropdown list body.
Any ideas, how to fix it? Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem. I have fix it by this way:
$(".select2").on('select2:open', function (evt) {
scrollButtons: {
enable: true
theme: "my-theme",
mouseWheel: true
$('#mCSB_1_scrollbar_vertical').css("pointer-events", "auto");
$('#mCSB_1_scrollbar_vertical').on("mousedown", function () { //cross-domain iframe mousewheel hack
$(this).css("pointer-events", "none");
and plus css
.select2-results .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger{
margin-left: 96% !important;
width: 5px!important;
.select2-results #mCSB_1_scrollbar_vertical{
width: 100%!important;
.select2-results .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail{
margin-left: 96%!important;
The other answer that was given is a bit of a hack, so I went a bit further into this and found out that select2 actually binds the mousewheel event to the result list and therefore the mousewheel event is fired on the ul element inside the .select2-results.
To fix it simply unbind the mousewheel on the ul element first:
$(".select2").on('select2:open', function (evt) {
// Unbind mousewheel event from select2 result lists
$(".select2-results ul.select2-results__options").unbind("mousewheel");

Angular material nvd3

I am using the combination of Angular material and NVD3 while investigating why tooltips are not visible for me.
I have chopped and cloned the example provided from http://krispo.github.io/angular-nvd3/#/quickstart to plunker and it is something like this:
While the same one on angular material with nvd3 wrapper looks like this (no tooltip)
Was wandering if anyone had a similar experience and how it got resolved.
<nvd3 options="chartChartOptions" data="chartData"></nvd3>
and inside the controller
$scope.chartChartOptions = {
chart: {
type: 'multiBarChart',
height: 450,
margin : {
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 45,
left: 45
clipEdge: true,
duration: 500,
stacked: true,
xAxis: {
axisLabel: 'Time (ms)',
showMaxMin: false,
tickFormat: function(d){
return d3.format(',f')(d);
yAxis: {
axisLabel: 'Y Axis',
axisLabelDistance: -20,
tickFormat: function(d){
return d3.format(',.1f')(d);
$scope.chartData = [{"key":"Stream0","values":[{"x":1,"y":1.2191711805077412,"y0":0,"series":0,"key":"Stream0","size":1.2191711805077412,"y1":1.2191711805077412}]},{"key":"Stream1","values":[{"x":1,"y":2.8682672436400285,"y0":1.2191711805077412,"series":1,"key":"Stream1","size":2.8682672436400285,"y1":4.08743842414777}]},{"key":"Stream2","values":[{"x":1,"y":0.18054369373704626,"y0":4.08743842414777,"series":2,"key":"Stream2","size":0.18054369373704626,"y1":4.2679821178848165}]}];
For versions of libraries:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.5.0-beta.1/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/nvd3/1.8.1/nv.d3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-material-data-table/0.9.11/md-data-table.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ng-csv/0.3.6/ng-csv.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-nvd3/1.0.5/angular-nvd3.min.js"></script>
I have tried trial and error but without help, anyone in a similar situation?
Sometimes this also occurs using the option useInteractiveGuideline with true value. Thsi is caused because there's a issue between the tooltips options being true. A way to make this work is creating a callback for the tooltip and set "useInteractiveGuideline:true"
callback: function(chart) {
$timeout(function() {
d3.selectAll('.nvtooltip').style('opacity', 0);
}, 100);
useInteractiveGuideline: true,
tooltips: true,
After lot's of digging, we had forgotten to include all framework's CSS sheets which would render the graph visible.

How to load javascript code dynamically

The main page is an .aspx file. I'm trying to generate a popup. When user clicks the Send Email, a javascript on the page calls the openEmailPopup function, shown below.
function openEmailPopup(taskId, popupElementName, gridElementName) {
$("#" + popupElementName).dialog({
width: 1300,
height: 500,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
modal: true,
open: function () {
$.get("/Resources/Sendmail", function (data) {
//more code here...
The problem is that the SendEmail.cshtml file depends on some javascript file.
<script language="javascript" src="../../Scripts/file1.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../../Scripts/file2.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../../Scripts/file3.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
var sendEmailViewModel = new SendEmailViewModel();
var seUploadFilesViewModel = new UploadFilesViewModel();
$(function () {
When the response of the ajax call is returned, those above javascript don't execute. There are two solutions for that. Either I add javascript reference on the .aspx page. However, to do that, I also need to add a content placeholder element in the master page. The big problem with that is the actual aspx file has a master page that is nested 2 times deep in other master pages.
Many people relies on those master pages, I want to make sure that there are solutions to that before I touch them.
What about loading and executing those javascript file dynamically? I've done some researches but, I still don't understand how it work with jquery.
Any idea?
This is how I'm calling those file.
$.getScript("/Scripts/file1.js", function () {
$.getScript("/Scripts/file2.js", function () {
$.getScript("/Scripts/file3.js", function () {
When I check google tools, I see that all the file being loaded.
You could use jQuery's getScript method, which allows you to load javascript over HTTP and then execute it:
You might want to look at an AMD like RequireJS (http://requirejs.org/). RequireJS is designed to load JavaScript resources as needed, so you would not need to load them in the main page. In your example, all three files could be returned asynchronously for your popup form.
I am not sure if this will solve your problem because I cannot test it right now. Could you try this out?
function openEmailPopup(taskId, popupElementName, gridElementName) {
$("#" + popupElementName).dialog({
width: 1300,
height: 500,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
modal: true,
open: function() {
var deferreds = [];
//Store a deferred into the array
function addDeferred(url) {
.done(function() {
console.log("Module loaded: " + url);
.fail(function(ex) {
//Call the scripts
//When all the scripts has been loaded....
$.when.apply($, deferreds)
.done(function() {
$.get("/Resources/Sendmail", function(data) {
.fail(function(ex) {
//more code here...

Why doesn't my dialog drag or resize?

I am unable to drag or resize a dialog box. I have downloaded all dependencies and tried various settings in options, but still no joy:
<script type="text/javascript">
function dialog(){
title: 'This is a title',
width: 300,
height: 50,
modal: true,
draggable: true,
autoOpen: false,
buttons: {
'Remove': function () { // remove what you want to remove
// do something here
alert("this is a test alert!");
Cancel: function () {
<p id="paragraph">This is some paragraph text</p>
Downloads of the jQuery UI library are customizable. If your copy doesn't include the 'Draggable' and 'Resizable' interactions, your dialog will not be draggable or resizable.
Well maybe add resizable option and set it to true.
Also the dialog is draggable by the title bar not the entire dialog body.
Any good?

jquery drag and drop function

This function takes an li element and adds it to another ul element. After this code is fired the jquery events attached to the children spans of the li element do not fire the first time they are clicked.
function AddToDropBox(obj) {
$(obj).children(".handle").animate({ width: "20px" }).children("strong").fadeOut();
$(obj).children(".play").css("margin-right", "8px");
$(obj).css({ "opacity": "0.0", "width": "284px" }).animate({ opacity: "1.0" });
if ($(".sidebar-drop-box ul").children(".admin-song").length > 0) {
$(".sidebar-drop-box ul.admin-song-list").css("min-height", "0");
if (typeof SetLinks == 'function') {
var localMediaIDs=document.getElementById("ctl00_cphBody_hfRemoveMedia").value;
localMediaIDs= localMediaIDs.replace((obj).attr("mediaid"),"");
document.getElementById("ctl00_cphBody_hfRemoveMedia").value=localMediaIDs+", "+(obj).attr("mediaid");
Is there something missing in this code that would cause that?
thats exactly what I am using for the jquery sortable feature that actually calls the addtoDropbox Method().
// Make our dropbox a selectable & sortable.
$(".sidebar-drop-box ul").sortable({
connectWith: '.admin-left',
tolerance: "intersect",
handle: ".handle",
opacity: "0.5",
receive: function(event, ui) {
start: function(event, ui) {
$(".sidebar-drop-box ul.admin-song-list").css("min-height", "70px");
isDraggingSong = true;
stop: function(event, ui) {
if ($(".sidebar-drop-box ul").children("li").length == 0) {
}); //.selectable({ filter: 'li', cancel: '.btn-stop,.btn-play,.notes,.btn-del,span.remove' });
// Do the same for our playlist.
opacity: '0.5',
tolerance: "intersect",
handle: ".handle",
appendTo: 'appentToHolder',
items: "li.admin-song",
update: function(event, ui) {
$(ui.item).css("opacity", "0.0").animate({ opacity: "1.0" }, "medium");
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == "7.0") {
$(ui.item).css("margin-bottom", "-6px");
receive: function(event, ui) {
start: function(event, ui) {
$(".admin-left li.ui-selected").removeClass("ui-selected");
isDraggingSong = true;
stop: function(event, ui) {
connectWith: '.sidebar-drop-box ul'
}).selectable({ filter: 'li.admin-song', cancel: '.head *,.btn-stop,.btn-play,.notes,.btn-del,span.remove' }); // added .head * to fix bug# 1013
the bold line calls the function I added previously, which places the li element.
I am not sure exactly where the disconnect happens, but i know between these 2 code segments that it breaks something and the next click doesn't not work on the source ul. i ahve been struggling with this for days. I cant turn this back to my boss this shape...lol
It doesn't look like this function is adding something to a list.
This function first does a couple of
CSS changes to obj and it's
Then it goes and calls the global
function SetLinks (if it is
And thirdly it sets the value of
the element
"ctl00_cphBody_hfRemoveMedia", which
is probably some kind of input.
Looks like this was pasted together from at least two other functions and would need refactoring.
I'm guessing that the cause for your lost events might be somewhere near a call to AddToDropBox.
