Get partial value control value in controller action -

I m working on mvc application.
i have one partial view in that one submit form and click on submit button than data will stored in database.
but when i get data from form collection than that form collection come null so how can i get partial view control's value in action method?
thanks in advance..
note : partial view is not strongly type.

I think you encounter the same issue that is discussed here:
ASP.NET MVC partial views: input name prefixes
To quickly investigate the issue, look at the source code of your page: do your controls from partials have the names you expect? If not, the article above will be helpful.


Using MVC Partial View's own model instead of its parent's

I need to populate a list box in a partial view, using ASP.NET MVC4.
Can Partial View have its own #model, as opposed to taking a model from its parent as described here?
I can populate my dropdown box using a separate AJAX call to another MVC controller (i.e. not parent page/url) as discussed here, but the resulting syntax is a bit more clumsy; furthermore, an additional endpoint is exposed to the outside world.
Yes - you can call partial view with any model you like. There is no requirement that data somehow comes from current model.
#Html.Partial("PartialView1", new MyOtherModel(42))

.Net MVC 4 View Engine WebForm

This is a quite interesting question, in my opinion.
I have a strongly typed view using the WebForm view Engine, I don't know if changing to razor would solve my problem.
I have one view with a list of cars, so of type IList <Car>.
And I have a button "Create a new Car" that popups, the popup is a form that is hidded and you call a jQuery UI command $('formName').dialog() to popup it, this form has the attributes of the possible new car, so probably a new view with a strongly typed Car. After fill in the form the database should be populated with the new car, and the list of cars should be refreshed using Ajax.
The main problem is that I can't use HTML Helpers to IList <Car> and for Car at the same time.
Briefly: What is the strongly type for that view ? Is it possible to define two views and the other one call using pop-up? Changing it to Razor would solve my problem?
Best regards,
Tito Morais
Don't mix the views for listing the cars and creating a new car together.
For instance, you can make a popup that dynamically loads a "_CreateCar" partial view, using jQuery dialog or similar component. Then when the partial view is completed, reload the list view using another Ajax call.
Maybe not so much an elegant solution is to create a complex view model like:
class ListAndCreate
public IList<Car> AllCars {get;set;}
public Car NewCar {get;set;}
IMO this is correct since that one view is responsible for listing all cars and creating a new one. Now, I'm assuming that your NewCar has values coming from your controller or something, where you need to pass a model to your view.
The other approach, that #Jonas mentions is also correct and more unitized. You could create a partial view _CreateCar with type Car, render it with Jquery/Ajax to load it into a dialog/popup and have the form POST to a Create(Car c) method in your controller.

Why isnt my EditorTemplate binding a List on [HttpPost], but renders it fine on [HttpGet]?

I have uploaded my code to pastebin, this is the link:
When i submit a form, the Lists that i use are not bound to my ViewModel.
But when i send the ViewModel to the view, it renders fine using EditorFor. I have read that when using EditorTemplates, it is supposed to name the List appropriately so that they are bound to the ViewModel automatically upon postback.
The HTML output can be seen here:
Notice that the ViewModel derives from ShowQuestionViewModel, which contains some strings. These strings get bound perfectly.
This is the tutorial i have been following:
In the tutorial, the MVC framework knows how to bind lists inside of a ViewModel.
Here are some debugger outputs:
Controller takes ShowQuestionViewModel as parameter:
Controller takes FormCollection as parameter:
Different Controller that takes a List and FormCollection as parameter:
Dont give up on me guys!!
I have found this solutin myself. I forgot to use Properties for the rows and columns list in the ShowMatrixQuestionViewModel. Also, the ActionController wont bind without TryUpdateModel() so thanks to #Adam Tuliper as well as the rest.
Since you mentioned lists are you sure your model Upon postback contains all of the expected items? Also remembe the HTML helpers will use modelstate to bind data from as well if you are showing data after a post and not redirecting. mvc implicit population of input fields

In our mvc I've created view with two partial views inside.
That view accepts model of some type, for example Customer.
First partial view doesn't have model because it is search form with empty field.
Second form is form with populated fields.
What I found out that on first view, if I have called input fields like properties in model and if I don't provide value for them, mvc implicitly binds values from model to the fields.
First I was thinking is some of kind of mistake, but then I've expiremented little bit with a code:
-I've added native input element with id and name called the same like model, input field is empty in browser
-If I try the same thing with Html.TextBox helper and don't provide value, mvc gets that value from my model object(by name of property/field) and in browser that field is populated.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
That's by design.
I'd recomend reading:
and last but not least:
especially mix10 has a tonn of sessions about mvc
all are good read and watch (-:
That is by design. If you send a model to a view and you're using the HTML input Helpers that come with ASP.NET MVC, they'll implicitly populate themselves from the model.
This is helpful in many situations. If you don't want this behavior, you can always NOT use the helpers or write your own simple helpers.

ASP.NET MVC 2 Submitting from partials in different views

If I have a partial that is used in multiple views that submits to its own dedicated action, then how do I know which view it has come from so I can go back to that view?
I think it's answered here: Retrieve the current view name in ASP.NET MVC?
Just to clarify - How do you mean 'so you can go back to that view'
If you use ajax forms ie Ajax.BeginForm for each of those partial views, they will all automatically handle their own psots to the url (hence controller) and can live peacefully in the parent view no matter which view it is.
if model validation happens, then you will see it in those partial views and modelstate will repopulate the posted values into the model for the user to 'fix'
