PHP convert_uudecode function - special characters problem - apostrophe

I'd like to use convert_uudecode function, but encoded string contains a quotation mark ( " ) and also an apostrophe ( ' )
I can't just do it like this:
print convert_uudecode("M:'1T<#HO+V1N87=R;W0N;F%Z=V$N<&PO;&EC96YC97,O8F5S="UD96%L'0` ` ");
cos as you can see there is already a quotation mark.
I also cant do it this way:
print convert_uudecode('M:'1T<#HO+V1N87=R;W0N;F%Z=V$N<&PO;&EC96YC97,O8F5S="UD96%L'0` ` ');
becouse rendered string also contains an apostrophe.
Any help?

Exchange each Apostrophe ' inside the string with &apos;
and for each Quotation mark " you need to use "
An another alternative is to replace the " with \" and ' with \'
Visit this link below:
Hexadecimal value, Entity encoding etc


How would I put “\” in a string without the apostrophe in the front of it being cancelled out?

For example, if I were to do this:
It would say: `unfinished string near: ‘“”’
instead of my expected output of: ‘\’
How would I print this? I have searched on google yet still have yet to find an answer.
The backslash (\) is escaping the following character, being the double quote ("), causing the string to be unfinished.
To include an actual backslash in your string, you escape it with another backslash:
From Lua 5.4 Reference Manual, §3.1 (emphasis mine):
A short literal string can be delimited by matching single or double quotes, and can contain the following C-like escape sequences: '\a' (bell), '\b' (backspace), '\f' (form feed), '\n' (newline), '\r' (carriage return), '\t' (horizontal tab), '\v' (vertical tab), '\\' (backslash), '"' (quotation mark [double quote]), and ''' (apostrophe [single quote]). [...]

How to escape double quote " in thymeleaf?

I want to put double quotes in a String in Thymeleaf, I have something of the form:
<td th:text='${"Value of \"" + item + "\" is \"" + value + "\"."}'></td>
The result i want is:
<td>Value of "apple" is "1.5".</td>
But I get the following exception:
EL1065E: unexpected escape character.
How can I do this?
I'm not sure it's possible. Something like this works:
th:text='|Value of "${item}" is "${value}".|'
I would personally write it like this:
th:text="${'Value of "' + item + '" is "' + value + '".'}"
I think the reason there is no way to escape double quotes, is that thymeleaf is first parsing as xml/html (which has no escape other than ") and then parsing as thymeleaf second which doesn't really have a chance to get at those strings.

how to remove backslash from the value of an array

I have following type of arrays
["def, \" \""]
["abc,\" \",def"]
How can i check if there's a \ in value and convert them correctly as follows?
["def", " "]
["abc", " ", "def"]
I have been trying to correct them using
delete('\"') split(', ')
but no luck
When you write:
input = "{ \"foo\": \"bar\", \"num\": 3}"
The actual string stored in input is:
{ "foo": "bar", "num": 3}
The escape \" here is interpreted by Ruby parser, so that it can distinguish between the boundary of a string (the left most and the right most "), and a normal character " in a string (the escaped ones).
String#delete deletes a character set specified the first parameter, rather than a pattern. All characters that is in the first parameter will be removed. So by writing
You got a string with all \ and " removed from input, rather than a string with all \" sequence removed from input. This is wrong for your case. It may cause unexpected behavior some time later.

Dispaly special characters ("#") in uitextview content

I have to display "#" in the UITextview content and after to put some information.
I looked on the internet via google but I didn't find an explanation which make
me understand the good approach.
Can you help me with some extra advice ?
Thanks !
You can simply do it like this:
_textView.text=#"#Hi Hello"; result will be #Hi Hello
However if you want to use " in the text you need to append it to backslash \
_textView.text=#"#Hi \"Hello"; result will be #Hi "Hello
You can enter almost all special characters without any problem, but you need to take care for the double quotes:
_textView.text=#"#Hi \"Hello * ! # # $ % ^ & ( ) _ + - [ ] ; ' {} <> ,. / ? : \" ";

How to define a ruby array that contains a backslash("\") character?

I want to define an array in ruby in following manner
A = ["\"]
I am stuck here for hours now. Tried several possible combinations of single and double quotes, forward and backward slashes. Alas !!
I have seen this link as well : here
But couldn't understand how to resolve my problem.
Apart from this what I need to do is -
1. Read a file character by character (which I managed to do !)
2. This file contains a "\" character
3. I want to do something if my array A includes this backslash
Any help appreciated !
There are some characters which are special and need to be escaped.
Like when you define a string
str = " this is test string \
and this contains multiline data \
do you understand the backslash meaning here \
it is being used to denote the continuation of line"
In a string defined in a double quotes "", if you need to have a double quote how would you doo that? "\"", this is why when you put a backslash in a string you are telling interpretor you are going to use some special characters and which are escaped by backslash. So when you read a "\" from a file it will be read as "\" this into a ruby string.
char = "\\"
char.length # => 1
I hope this helps ;)
Your issue is not with Array, your question really involves escape sequences for special characters in strings. As the \ character is special, you need to first prepend it (escape it) with a leading backslash, like so.
You should also re-read your link and the section on escape sequences.
You can escape backslash with a backslash in double quotes like:
