APN Settings for O2 service in UK + Blackberry - blackberry

I am developing an application which requires connection to the internet. Till now i have been using Wifi and WAP 2 connection UID for Http connection and everything has been working fine. But now the client is telling that he wishes to use direct TCP connection as using WAP2.0 connection costs him a big amount.
I am not having clear understanding about APN settings. I have goggled a bit and appended 'deviceside=true' to the url and then set the APN in the Settings->Advanced Options->TCP/IP. But everytime I run the application, I am getting 'Timed Out' Exception.
My client is using O2 carrier. I googled and found out that APN for 2 are 'mobile.o2.co.uk' and 'wap.o2.co.uk' but using these two also client is not able to make Http connection. Is there any way of free unlimited internet connectivity in third party applications?
I am not having a clear understanding of APN settings so kindly bear with me. I am using OS 4.5
Eargerly waiting for reply.

Welcome to the confusing world of network transports on BlackBerry! You will want to start with the article Connecting your BlackBerry - http and socket connections to the world.


Unable to establish websocket connection when using Apple devices

I have a web application (hobby project) with a chat function that is implemented with Express.js and socket.io.
Everything works fine on PC and on Android phones, but as soon as you connect with an Apple device, there will be problems since it seems that no websocket connection can be established between the server and the Apple device.
After a bit of googling I found this page:
I have limited abilities to troubleshoot on the client side since we do not have a Mac but I followed the troubleshooting that they recommend for the server side. When you connect with an Apple device, it seems that the event "upgrade" is never triggered and you therefore have to settle with HTTP Polling instead of web socket, which does not provide a good user experience.
I have got a certificate from Lets Encrypt and am using HTTPS to access the webpage. I have also tried with several different browsers on the Apple devices.
Anyone have an idea why you can not create a web socket connection with Apple devices and what you could do about it?
Feeling a bit lost and would love some help!

WebRTC Working Process

I want to use video call on iOS,I have done R&D for doing this and found Webrtc is option for this.
As i found WebRTC is Peer-To-Peer communication.And it's demo example is contain a server LINK.
So my question is that If WebRTC is peer-to-peer then why this is using server.
WebRTC can be used for multiple tasks, but real-time peer-to-peer audio and video (i.e., multimedia) communications is the primary benefit. In order to communicate with another person (i.e., peer) via a web browser, each person’s web browser must agree to begin communication, know how to locate one another, bypass security and firewall protections, and transmit all multimedia communications in real-time.
One of the biggest challenges associated with browser-based peer-to-peer communications is knowing how to locate and establish a network socket connection with another computer’s web browser in order to bidirectionally transmit multimedia data. The difficulties associated with this may not seem obvious at first, but let me explain further.
When you visit a web site, you typically enter a web address or click a link to view the page. A request is made to a server that responds by providing the web page (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). The key here is that you make an HTTP request to a known and easily locatable (via DNS) server and get back a response (i.e., the web page).
Now let’s say I wanted to have a video chat with my dear ol’ mom. My mom’s computer is not a web server. Therefore, the problem is how do I make the request and actually receive her audio and video data directly, while also sending my audio and video data directly to her, but without going through an external server?
Got Help From HERE
It would be unsafe for an app to listen to new connections all the time, you usually only want outbound connections in an app, inbound connections are found in server applications.
This is a problem for peer to peer, because if both peers only connect outbound, how will they ever establish a connection? The answer is that all peers connect to a signaling server. When starting a call, the peer signals the server that it wants to call another peer. The server can then let the other peer know that there is an incoming call.
It doesn't end here, there is still no connection, but at least both peers know that there will be one. Both peers will start generating ICE candidates now. Through ICE, peers find a route to establish the connection. Sometimes you can connect peer to peer now, but usually there's at least 1 firewall involved (most of the time it's more). In that case, the protocol tries a STUN server, which 'punches a hole' in the firewall (basically, it opens a port in a safe way). This covers 90% of all peer to peer connections, but there are still some cases where peer to peer connection is just not possible. This is where TURN comes in, it's a relay server that your peers can use to relay data to the other peers. The connection is not peer to peer this way.

Peer-To-Peer chat iOS Application

Is it possible to create a chat application that works with Peer-To-Peer, so without a server connecting the devices?
I think this would be more trustworthy for users...
Yes it is possible, but you will still need some type of server or middleman that everyone connects to at first in order to find the people to chat and distribute their ips to each client, but from that point onward you can use tcp to connect the devices without a middleman.

Delphi. Sockets. Access denied on TIdHttp socket connection on one node/MAC address only. Betfair API

I suspect this is fairly simple and so no code will be helpful.
I am developing a Delphi non-interactive 'bot' login app.
The app logs in okay with any account and certificate/key pair (registered with the corresponding account) on any machine but my current development system.
i.e. The same executable, with the same account login credentials and SSL certificate and key file selected, runs on every system I try it on with a successful login, but fails to login on my dev system (Windows 8.1) with an Access Denied error (10013).
It has been doing this since I crashed the development IDE three days ago. I suspect it is either:
There is a socket at raw sockets level on the API server locked open to the MAC address on my dev system (in a WAIT_STATE)
The crash raised some kind of block or exclusion on my account non-interactively logging in because of fraud prevention security triggering and blocking the socket/port.
I doubt 2 since it is a standard non-interactive bot login process and it is a developer API and so failed socket connections are likely to be common.
I only make a few dozen login calls per development day at most.
Have I been locked out, or is it an open socket in WAIT_STATE for my specific MAC address ... or something else?
If I fail to close and free the TIdHttp connection, or the app crashes (along with the IDE) due to incorrect handling of the SSL, how long will a server normally persist the WAIT_STATE for a socket connection - and would it attempt to reallocate the same socket and port for the same MAC address.
I have not tried a different port number, nor an explicit socket number.
I have tried changing the dev system's IP address and using different Wi Fi connections through different providers. If it is a raw socket binding problem - it is not against IP address - I think.
The same executable from the build works on all systems apart from the dev system on which the crash occurred.
Thanks in advance.
10013 is WSAEACCES, which is described as follows:
Windows Sockets Error Codes:
Permission denied.
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. An example is using a broadcast address for sendto without broadcast permission being set using setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST).
Another possible reason for the WSAEACCES error is that when the bind function is called (on Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later), another application, service, or kernel mode driver is bound to the same address with exclusive access. Such exclusive access is a new feature of Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later, and is implemented by using the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE option.
Assuming by WAIT_STATE, you actually mean TIME_WAIT, then Windows keeps a socket in TIME_WAIT for only 120 seconds by default. That does not cause a WSAEACCES error, though. An attempt to use an IP/Port that is in TIME_WAIT results in an WSAEADDRINUSE error instead.
Some other app has likely grabbed the IP/Port that your app wants to use. If you have not rebooted your machine for 3 days, that app may still be holding the IP/Port. A reboot should clear the error.
Thanks for contacting us.
I believe this is a Windows environment issue as this error isn't one that's returned by the Betfair API.
You can find an article relating to this particular problem via http://www.thinglink.org/socket-error-10013-access-denied.php
Kind Regards,
Betfair Developer Program
Please note: To help BDP answer your query more efficiently, please open a new ticket for each new query you may have.
API 5.0 & API 6.0 will be retired on the 1st November 2014 at which point applications using these API's will no longer work. Therefore, we recommend that you migrate to API-NG as soon as possible.

Blackberry application to establish an http connection

i have been working on developing an blackberry application. as per now i want the application to connect to a local server on my network and fetch a file from that machine. i have been using the library given by a named blackberry developer Mr.peter strange....here is the link for the same Http connection through BIS-B
my requirement would be setting up connection to the local server using any transport mode but it should be able to render the text downloaded.
i tried using the demos provided by blackberry samples as it comes with the plugin for eclipse the http demo from those samples shows only trying to setup an http connection string and the networkapidemo sample shows diffrent http codes when the url is entered as desired.i am running all the applications on the simulator. i havent tried running any of my apps on the hardware
may i know why this problem arises of http codes....ill also want to know guidelines about how to set a simple http connection just to download a file(text file) from a local server.
I have tried many forums too. if anybody would have a look at it i would post it here.
Only a simple connection is becoming a headache!
anyways...waiting for replies..
thanx in advance guys :)
It does not matter whether you want to communicate with local or remote server.
1) See the API docs on HttpConnection. There are sample code in there.
2) Unfortunatelly, on BB you should be aware of Network Transports. Check this thread to get all info you need on Network Transports.
The second point explains an approach that will work on any OS. If you need an OS 5+ only approach, then check the ConnectionFactory API. ConnectionFactory usage sapmles.
