Why create your own Haar-classifier cascades? - opencv

I found this tutorial on creating your own haar-classifier cascades.
This raised the question with me: what are the advantages, if any, of running HaarTraining, and creating your own classifier (as opposed to using the cascades provided by OpenCv)?

Haar or LBP cascades classifiers are common technique used for detection or rigid objects. So here are two major points for training your own cascade:
Cascades coming with OpenCV do not cover all possible object types. So you can use one of OpenCV cascades if you are going to create a face-detection application but there no ready to use cascades if you need to detect for example dogs.
And cascades from OpenCV are good but they are not the best possible. It is a challenging task but it is possible to train a cascade that will have higher detection rate and produce less false-positives and false-negatives.
And one major remark: haartraining application used in your tutorial is now considered as deprecated by OpenCV team. opencv_traincascade is a newer version and it has 2 important features: it supports LBP features and it supports multi-threading (TBB). Typical difference looks like this
haartraining + singlecore > 3 weeks for one classifier.
traincascades + multicore < 30 minutes for one classifier.
But the worst of all I don't know any good tutorials explaining usage of opencv_traincascade. See this thread for details.

I can give you a Linux example. The code and techniques were pulled from a variety of sources. It follows this example but with a python version of mergevec, so you don't have to compile the mergevec.cpp file.
Assuming that you have two folders with cropped & ready positive & negative images (.png files in this example), you create two text files with all the image names in:
find positive_images -iname "*.png" > positives.txt
find negative_images -iname "*.png" > negatives.txt
Then, using the createsamples.pl script provided by Naotoshi Seo (in the OpenCV/bin folder), which takes the two text files and an output folder, and creates the .vec files:
perl createsamples.pl positives.txt negatives.txt 'output' 1500 "opencv_createsamples -bgcolor 0 -bgthresh 0 -maxzangle 0.5 -w 50 -h 50"
Follow that with a python script created by Blake Wulfe called mergevec.py, which will create an output.vec file by combining all the .vec files in the subfolder
python mergevec.py -v samples -o output.vec
Assuming that is all done, using opencv_traincascade as follows should help:
opencv_traincascade -data classifier -vec output.vec -bg negatives.txt \
-numStages 10 -minHitRate 0.999 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -numPos 200 \
-numNeg 400 -w 50 -h 50 -mode ALL
If all that goes well, use your newly created cascade (classifier/cascade.xml) with something like facedetect.py from opencv samples:
opencv-3.0.0-rc1/samples/python2/facedetect.py --cascade classifier/cascade.xml test_movie.mp4


OpenCV Haar Classifier: training stops prematurely

I have been trying to train image databases to detect faces using Haar cascades. I have made 2 attempts:
1) I have used the following database for positive images:
http://robotics.csie.ncku.edu.tw/Databases/FaceDetect_PoseEstimate.htm#Our_Database_ (6660 images)
For negative images I have used this database:
https://github.com/sonots/tutorial-haartraining/tree/master/data/negatives (3300 images)
I have used this command to train the samples:
opencv_createsamples -info info.dat -vec samples2.vec -w 32 -h 24 -num 6660
I have used this command to train the data:
opencv_traincascade -data ./classifier3 -vec samples2.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 6000 -numNeg 12000 -numStages 30 -precalcValBufSize 5120 -precalcIdxBufSize 5120 -numThreads 12 -acceptanceRatioBreakValue 10e-5 -w 32 -h 24 -minHitRate 0.99 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -mode ALL
The training goes on up to stage 9. Then the acceptanceRatio break value is crossed.(The required acceptanceRatio for the model has been reached to avoid over-fitting of training data. Branch training terminated.)
I don't understand the issue here. I have only used the recommended values for the parameters. I had tried changing the minHitRate to 0.95, yet the result is the same. I can think of some potential reasons:
i) I had used the positive images directly without cropping. But I don't
think that should be an issue, as the background is completely plain.
ii) The image database contains faces in different poses. That could lead
to complications while training. Is it a good idea to train faces
under different poses using the same cascade classifier? Or should I
use different classifiers for each pose?
iii) My negative images might be too different compared to the positive
images. Is that the case? If yes, what kind of negative images should
I be looking for?
I tried testing the cascade.xml file on a few sample images, but nothing is detected at all.
2) Keeping in mind the potential reason i), I used this database already cropped, for positive images: http://conradsanderson.id.au/lfwcrop/ (around 13000 images)
But still the problem persists. This time it trains upto stage 11. In this case I used -numPos as 8000 -numNeg as 20000( increased the ratio to give the training more negative samples), -w as 24 and -h as 24.
Can anyone please guide me here?

OpenCV Haar Cascade training parameters and time

I have been fiddling around with OpenCV's cascade trainer in an attempt to train my own classifier. The problem is that it has been training for 25+hours now and it is yet to even pass stage 1.
Initially, I ran it with the following command
nohup opencv_traincascade -data data -vec board.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 580 -numNeg 1160 -numStages 2 -w 115 -h 153 -featureType LBP &
After about 24 hours, it wasn't able to get through even stage 1. A look into the nohup.out file, I realized that the default precalcValBufSize was set to 1024Mb. I figured maybe increasing this to 4096Mb will help with the processing so I went ahead and re-started the training with the following command
nohup opencv_traincascade -data data -vec board.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 580 -numNeg 1160 -numStages 2 -w 115 -h 153 -featureType LBP -precalcIdxBufSize 4096 -precalcValBufSize 4096 &
The training has been running for almost 25 hours now and it also hasn't even produced the XML file for stage 0.
A look into the process itself states that its using 8284M of virtual memory but 930M of physical memory and this shows all the files currently in use by the process. Its doing a great job burning through my cores but none at producing any results or even letting me know how far its got.
My question(s) is/are, is there any way of making it use more of my actual physical memory in attempt to speed it up? If not, are there any adjustments I need to make on my training dataset?
Side Note: I know the general standard for dataset size is 24x24 but I already tried that out and it was really horrible even after 10 stages.
At that size, my object's outline no longer attains its features correctly. At 24x24 or even 48x48 it looks like a giant horizontally distorted blob of black pixels without even some of its unique features being visible.
I bet that the problem is in samples size.
The bigger size requires muuuuch bigger memory buffers and much more time. Detecting features is quite a difficult operation.
You have to minimize your samples (don't forget to rerum cv_createsamples(...)). Samples shouldn't be square it may be 25*15 (make sure proportions are saved and the biggest side is about 30px).
You are using featureType LBP which itself is faster than Haar.

haar classifier: XML file got from haar cascade

I used typical haar-cascade of OpenCV.
And setup stages as 5 in training process,but in xml & cascade folder only 3 stages were found.
Why I got fewer stages than expected?
Any solutions?
Take this example training command:
opencv_traincascade -data classifier -vec samples.vec -bg negatives.txt\
-numStages 20 -minHitRate 0.999 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -numPos 1000\
-numNeg 600 -w 80 -h 40 -mode ALL -precalcValBufSize 1024\
-precalcIdxBufSize 1024
This has a maxFalseAlarmRate of 0.5, when the classifier reaches this value it will finish.
For your problem, I imagine you have set the numStages to 5 but after 3 stages it has reached the maxFalseAlarmRate and completed the training.
In order to confirm/dispell this you would need to provide:
Your training command (as above)
The output from your last training stage.
You most likely have not provided traincascade enough information to learn from. This is most likely because we humans are incredibly lazy and hate to work. It would have kept going if it thought it could learn more from the data you specified.
Take more positives. Remember that you can take multiple images of your object a slightly tilted angles (10º-20º or so). And be sure to provide at least hundreds of your objects, especially if there is quite a bit of variation between your objects, like there are with faces.
If you're still stuck, see this tutorial I wrote that can hopefully help you and others: http://johnallen.github.io/opencv-object-detection-tutorial/

Can Vowpal Wabbit handle datasize ~ 90 GB?

We have extracted features from search engine query log data and the feature file (as per input format of Vowpal Wabbit) amounts to 90.5 GB. The reason for this huge size is necessary redundancy in our feature construction. Vowpal Wabbit claims to be able to handle TBs of data in a matter of few hours. In addition to that, VW uses a hash function which takes almost no RAM. But When we run logistic regression using VW on our data, within a few minutes, it uses up all of RAM and then stalls.
This is the command we use-
vw -d train_output --power_t 1 --cache_file train.cache -f data.model
--compressed --loss_function logistic --adaptive --invariant
--l2 0.8e-8 --invert_hash train.model
train_output is the input file we want to train VW on, and train.model is the expected model obtained after training
Any help is welcome!
I've found the --invert_hash option to be extremely costly; try running without that option. You can also try turning on the --l1 regularization option to reduce the number of coefficients in the model.
How many features do you have in your model? How many features per row are there?

TrainCascade stuck on getting new negatives

I'm working with OpenCV 2.4.7 on windows. I'm using TrainCascade to train a new Haar cascade for eyeglasses using the following command:
opencv_traincascade -data trainCascade20 -vec vector3.vec -bg infofile3.txt -numStages 40 -minHitRate 0.999 maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -numPos 170 -numNeg 1000 -w 20 -h 20 -mode ALL -precalcValBufSize 1024 -precalcIdxBufSize 1024
It's stuck (or progressing very slow) on stage 24 on the phase of getting new negatives. The negative images file "infofile3.txt" contains about 12K negative image.
Can someone please explain why it's progressing so slowly and what can I do make it progress (a lot) faster?
Thanks in advance,
Around 24 hours sounds normal to me. Haar training can actually take up to days depending on size and number of samples. And of course on the computer as well. The longest my training took was approximately a week for hand detection.
If you are really worried, to check whether the haar training is still on-going, you can try to generate an intermediate haar cascade xml file, from the data available. If you are able to generate the xml file, it would show that it's still running(albeit slow) and not stuck.
How to improve the haar training speed, the only solution I know or used before is "paralleling"
A quick search on google about that leads to a few link, here's one of them: http://www.computer-vision-software.com/blog/2009/06/parallel-world-of-opencv/
I have used such methods, and it's pretty efficient in cutting the time taken to train the Haar Cascade. So hope this method suits you well. Do try my method of generating an immediate xml file from the current data available first though. If there is any needs, do comment, I try get back to you soon. Cheers.
