How to get Sonar to export test stats? - ant

I have the following Sonar Ant target defined:
<target name='sonar'>
<property name='sonar.sources' value='${src.dir}'/>
<property name='sonar.tests' value='${test.src.dir}'/>
<property name='sonar.binaries' value='build/classes'/>
<path id='jars'>
<fileset dir='${env.JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib' includes='*.jar'/>
<fileset dir='build/lib/test' includes='*.jar'/>
<pathconvert property='sonar.libraries' refid='jars' pathsep=','/>
<exec executable='p4' outputproperty='p4.P4CLIENT'>
<arg value='set'/>
<arg value='P4CLIENT'/>
regexp='P4CLIENT=([^ ]+) *.*'
<sonar:sonar key='${}' version='${p4client}#${sonar.timestamp}' xmlns:sonar='antlib:org.sonar.ant'/>
<property name='sonar.dynamicAnalysis' value='reuseReports'/>
<property name='sonar.emma.reportPath' value='${coverage.dir}'/>
When I run 'ant sonar' and bring up Sonar in my browser, I see info about the classes in the src directory, but nothing about the stuff in the test directory.
If I add ${test.src.dir} to sonar.sources and not set sonar.tests, I see some info about the test classes, but Sonar still reports 0 Test Successes.
How do I get it so I can drill down to each test method and their stats?

For anyone else that runs across this issue, I finally got Sonar to report on our Emma Code coverage. The first problem was that the Emma plugin did not come with the version of Sonar I was using (3.1.1). I had to download it and install it to the extensions/plugins directory of Sonar and restart it.
Then I had to set the following properties in my build.xml:
<property name="sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin" value="emma" />
<property name="sonar.emma.reportPath" value="${coverage.dir}" />
After this, I atleast saw the following output after running the Sonar ant task:
[sonar:sonar] 13:41:49.705 WARN org.sonar.INFO - No coverage (*.ec) file found in /my/local/path
[sonar:sonar] 13:41:49.708 WARN org.sonar.INFO - No metadata (*.em) file found in /my/local/path
After some digging, I found that inside of the Sonar Emma plugin, it is hard-coded to look for a .ec (coverage) file and a .em (metadata) file. Unfortunately, my coverage file had a .emma extension as did my metadata file and I was unable to rename them as it would break other functionality. So I wrote the following Ant task to copy the files to match the naming standard that the Sonar Emma plugin expects.
<target name="createEmmaFilesWithSonarNamingStandard" depends="defineAntContribTasks">
<available file="${coverage.dir}/metadata.emma" />
<copyfile src="${coverage.dir}/metadata.emma" dest="${coverage.dir}/metadata.em" />
<available file="${coverage.dir}/coverage.emma" />
<copyfile src="${coverage.dir}/coverage.emma" dest="${coverage.dir}/" />
After running this again, I came across a new problem:
org.sonar.api.utils.SonarException: cannot read [/my/local/path/build/coverage/metadata.em]: created by another EMMA version [2.0.5312]
After some more digging, I found that the Sonar Emma 1.0.1 plugin was compiled against Emma 2.0.5312 and the Sonar Emma 1.1 and 1.2.x against Emma version 2.1.5320 as stated on the Sonar Emma plugin page.
I downloaded the 2.1.5320 version of Emma, replaced both emma.jar as well as emma_ant.jar in my Ant lib directory. After a clean re-compile and test, I was able to re-run the Sonar Ant task and have my code coverage reflected on Sonar.

The property 'sonar.surefire.reportsPath' needs to be defined before the definition of the sonar target.
The following definition gets the test info exported (although it's still not exporting coverage info):
<property name='sonar.surefire.reportsPath' value='${test.dir}'/>
<property name='sonar.dynamicAnalysis' value='reuseReports'/>
<property name='sonar.emma.reportPath' value='${}'/>
<target name='sonar'>
<property name='sonar.sources' value='${src.dir}'/>
<property name='sonar.tests' value='${test.src.dir}'/>
<property name='sonar.binaries' value='${build.dir}'/>
<path id='jars'>
<fileset dir='${env.JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib' includes='*.jar'/>
<fileset dir='${ivy.lib.dir}/test' includes='*.jar'/>
<pathconvert property='sonar.libraries' refid='jars' pathsep=','/>
<exec executable='p4' outputproperty='p4.P4CLIENT'>
<arg value='set'/>
<arg value='P4CLIENT'/>
regexp='P4CLIENT=([^ ]+) *.*'
<sonar:sonar key='${}' version='${p4client}#${sonar.timestamp}' xmlns:sonar='antlib:org.sonar.ant'/>


Generating HTML report of testcases results in SoapUI

I have an testsuite of API testing in SOAP UI.
I want an HTML report of testcases results. I am using basic SOAP UI version. Give me a solution apart from SOAP UI Pro.
Yes, it is possible to generate Junit Style HTML reports using SoapUI Opensource Edition as well.
All you need to do is the execution of tests has to be done
use Apache-Ant software, more details on installing and configuring here
write build script
Here is the sample build script(build.xml):
Note that modify the SOAPUI_HOME(or define environment variable), soapui project file path, results directory path according to your environment.
<project basedir="." default="testreport" name="ant script for testing soapui project">
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="soapui.project" value="/app/demo-soapui-project.xml"/>
<property name="results.dir" value="/tmp/results"/>
<property name="reports.dir" value="${results.dir}/Reports"/>
<property name="html.dir" value="${reports.dir}/html"/>
<target name="execute.project">
<exec dir="${env.SOAPUI_HOME}" executable="">
<arg line="-raj -f ${results.dir} ${soapui.project}" />
<target name="testreport" depends="execute.project">
<mkdir dir="${reports.dir}"/>
<junitreport todir="${reports.dir}">
<fileset dir="${results.dir}">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
<report format="frames" todir="${html.dir}" />
and execute following command (run soapui project and generate report):
There is also simple way (i.e., every thing configured and readily available envrionment) if you are willing to use this docker image.
Short video also available there on how to.

Not able to generate html report of load testing using ANT script

I have successfully integrate Apache ant & Configured it. I am using Jmeter for load testing.
Now I was trying to generate HTML report of load testing and it was working fine until I have deleted test.jmx and test.html was there in folder C:\apache-ant-1.9.6\bin
But as my test plan name and JTL files name is different , I have deleted above test.jmx and test.html and specified name in build.xml:
testplan ="${testpath}/${mytestplanname}.jmx"
But now after completing load testing when I run ant command then it says :
Cound not found C:\apache-ant-1.9.6\bin\test.jmx
No sure why it is still finding test file , it should find name which I have specified in in built.xml.
I want this ant script to generate HTML report of my current test rather than it's "TEST.jmx" plan
BUILD.XML is given here :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Sample build file for use with ant-jmeter.jar
To run a test and create the output report:
ant -Dtest=script
To run a test only:
ant -Dtest=script run
To run report on existing test output
ant -Dtest=script report
The "script" parameter is the name of the script without the .jmx suffix.
Additional options:
-Dshow-data=y - include response data in Failure Details
-Dtestpath=xyz - path to test file(s) (default user.dir).
N.B. Ant interprets relative paths against the build file
-Djmeter.home=.. - path to JMeter home directory (defaults to parent of this build file)
-Dreport.title="My Report" - title for html report (default is 'Load Test Results')
-Dformat=2.0 - use version 2.0 JTL files rather than 2.1
<property name="testpath" value="${user.dir}"/>
<property name="jmeter.home" value="${basedir}/.."/>
<property name="report.title" value="Load Test Results"/>
<!-- Name of test (without .jmx) -->
<property name="test" value="Test"/>
<!-- Should report include response data for failures? -->
<property name="show-data" value="n"/>
<property name="format" value="2.1"/>
<condition property="style_version" value="">
<equals arg1="${format}" arg2="2.0"/>
<condition property="style_version" value="_21">
<equals arg1="${format}" arg2="2.1"/>
<condition property="funcMode">
<equals arg1="${show-data}" arg2="y"/>
<condition property="funcMode" value="false">
<equals arg1="${show-data}" arg2="y"/>
<!-- Allow jar to be picked up locally -->
<path id="jmeter.classpath">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="ant-jmeter*.jar"/>
<target name="all" depends="run,report"/>
<target name="run">
<echo>funcMode = ${funcMode}</echo>
<delete file="${testpath}/${test}.html"/>
testplan ="${testpath}/${test}.jmx"
<jvmarg value="-Xincgc"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xmx128m"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dproperty=value"/>
<jmeterarg value=""/>
<!-- Force suitable defaults -->
<property name="" value="xml"/>
<property name="" value="all"/>
<property name="" value="true"/>
<property name="file_format.testlog" value="${format}"/>
<property name="" value="${funcMode}"/>
<property name="lib.dir" value="${jmeter.home}/lib"/>
<!-- Use xalan copy from JMeter lib directory to ensure consistent processing with Java 1.4+ -->
<path id="xslt.classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="xalan*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="serializer*.jar"/>
<target name="report" depends="xslt-report,copy-images">
<echo>Report generated at ${report.datestamp}</echo>
<target name="xslt-report" depends="_message_xalan">
<tstamp><format property="report.datestamp" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"/></tstamp>
<param name="showData" expression="${show-data}"/>
<param name="titleReport" expression="${report.title}"/>
<param name="dateReport" expression="${report.datestamp}"/>
<!-- Copy report images if needed -->
<target name="copy-images" depends="verify-images" unless="samepath">
<copy file="${basedir}/expand.png" tofile="${testpath}/expand.png"/>
<copy file="${basedir}/collapse.png" tofile="${testpath}/collapse.png"/>
<target name="verify-images">
<condition property="samepath">
<equals arg1="${testpath}" arg2="${basedir}" />
<!-- Check that the xalan libraries are present -->
<condition property="xalan.present">
<!-- No need to check all jars; just check a few -->
<available classpathref="xslt.classpath" classname="org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl"/>
<available classpathref="xslt.classpath" classname="org.apache.xml.serializer.ExtendedContentHandler"/>
<target name="_message_xalan" unless="xalan.present">
<echo>Cannot find all xalan and/or serialiser jars</echo>
<echo>The XSLT formatting may not work correctly.</echo>
<echo>Check you have xalan and serializer jars in ${lib.dir}</echo>
Note :
1 - My all tests are in path : C:\apache-jmeter-2.13\apache-jmeter-2.13\bin
2 - Above build.xml is in path : C:\apache-jmeter-2.13\apache-jmeter-2.13\extras
You can run Apache Ant against your .jmx files using build.xml file which lives under /extras folder of your JMeter installation without having to copy or delete anything, just provide location and .jmx file name via -D command-line arguments like:
ant -Dtestpath=/path/to/the/folder/with/test -Dtest=testname.without.jmx.extension
Given your JMeter script lives i.e. in c:\tests\mytest.jmx
You need to launch Ant as follows:
ant -Dtestpath=c:/tests -Dtest=mytest
and it will generate the following files:
JMeter Ant Task
Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI

JSCover - Excluding coverage files

Currently trying to get JSCover to exclude js files that are used as libraries. I have a set of ant scripts below which will
start the JSCover server
Run & Generate Json report
Stop the server
Finally, i have a shell command to convert the Json file to LCov so that i can use it with sonarqube. I also get coverage in jscoverage.html but it includes every file under web/ which is something i do not want. Image below
Ant scripts below:
<target name="jstest-start">
<java jar=".../JSCover.jar" fork="true" spawn="true">
<arg value="-ws"/>
<arg value="--report-dir=coverage"/>
<arg value="--document-root=web"/>
<arg value="--port=8082"/>
<!-- Aim is to exclude folder js under web/ as it contains libraries, not source code. Currently does not work -->
<arg value="--no-instrument=web/js/"/>
<arg value="--no-instrument=js/"/>
<waitfor maxwait="5" maxwaitunit="second" checkevery="250" checkeveryunit="millisecond" timeoutproperty="failed">
<http url="http://localhost:8082/jscoverage.html"/>
<fail if="failed"/>
<target name="jstest-run">
<exec dir="/usr/local/CI/phantomjs/bin/" executable="phantomjs" failonerror="true">
<arg line=".../run-jscover-qunit.js http://localhost:8082/index.html"/>
<target name="jstest-stop">
<get src="http://localhost:8082/stop" dest="stop.txt" />
<target name="jstest" description="Run javascript tests">
<antcall target="jstest-start"/>
<antcall target="jstest-run"/>
<antcall target="jstest-stop"/>
My folder structure is:
And finally, my sonar standalone analysis settings:
So, what seems to be happening is that JSCover is recursively reading for all js files and i cannot prevent that from sonar or ant.
Can anyone shed some light?
<arg value="--no-instrument=/js/"/>
should work, and to remove the test itself,
<arg value="--no-instrument=/test/"/>
The paths are as seen by the web-server, so the 'web' prefix in:
<arg value="--no-instrument=web/js/"/>
has no effect.
i have resolved my own issue by correcting the shell command which generates an LCOV report.
java -cp JSCover.jar --format=LCOV /usr/local/CI/jenkins/workspace/PhantomJS/coverage/phantom/ /usr/local/CI/jenkins/workspace/PhantomJS/web/
Prior to this, the SRC-DIR and REPORT-DIR were the same which was an error on my part. As far as i can understand, SRC-DIR should point to the source folder and REPORT-DIR should point to where the lcov file exists.
I hope this helps someone

ant warning : could not load antlib.xml

I have the antcontrib.jar in my lib folder of Ant. I set my ant home as "C/Prog Files/apache-ant".
But still when I run my build.xml, i get the warning "could not load antlib.xml and antcontrib.prop".
Because of this, I am not able to do any "regex" operations.
I properly loaded the antcontrib.jar in the lib folder of the ant.
Where I am wrong here?
Provide resource and classpath in your taskdef correctly as follows
<typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpath="<path to ant-contrib.jar>"/>
Here's an example of an Ant script that uses Ant-Contrib's <propertyregex> task:
<project name="ant-propregex-simple" default="run">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" />
<target name="run">
<property name="" value="First Second" />
<property name="the.regex" value="^([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)$" />
The key is the <taskdef ...> line.
[echo] Second

Ant, Sonar - 0% code coverage

I have problem with ant sonar task. This task end with success but don't run unit tests and don't show code coverage.
Test task
<target name="test" depends=".....">
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="test/lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement location="......."/>
<mkdir dir="build/tests"/>
<javac srcdir="test/src" destdir="build/tests" includes="**/*.java" debug="${debug}" deprecation="${deprecation}" optimize="${optimize}" nowarn="${nowarn}" fork="true">
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<copy todir="build/tests">
<fileset dir="test/src" excludes="**/*.java"/>
<jacoco:coverage destfile="target/jacoco.exec" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant">
<junit printsummary="yes" fork="true" haltonfailure="false" showoutput="true" failureproperty="test.failed">
<formatter type="xml"/>
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<pathelement location="build/tests"/>
<test name="com........MainTestSuite" todir="build"/>
<fail message="Test failure detected, check test results." if="test.failed"/>
and sonar task:
<target name="sonar" depends="build">
<property name="sonar.tests" value="test" />
<property name="sonar.libraries" value="" />
<property name="sonar.surefire.reportsPath" value="sonarWorkDir" />
<!-- The following properties are required to use JaCoCo: -->
<!-- 1. Tells Sonar to run the unit tests -->
<property name="sonar.dynamicAnalysis" value="true" />
<!-- 2. Tells Sonar which "tests" targets to run -->
<property name="sonar.jacoco.antTargets" value="test" />
<!-- 3. Tells Sonar to use JaCoCo as the code coverage engine -->
<property name="sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin" value="jacoco" />
<!-- Execute Sonar -->
<sonar:sonar key="${JOB_NAME}" version="${VERSION}" xmlns:sonar="antlib:org.sonar.ant">
<path location="...../src" />
<path location="build/....." />
until sonar task runs i got a warning 10:00:20.290 WARN o.s.p.j.JaCoCoPlugin - Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes?
I would advise you to:
use the latest version of the Sonar Ant Task (from what I can see in your script, you're using the old syntax)
take a look at our sample Ant projects to find out where your issue is. Most probably, the following example is what you're looking for:
Kind of a late response, but I just recently ran into this issue and couldn't find a simple solution on the internet. Instead, to solve it I simply took the advice of the stack trace. Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes?
And then went back to my ant file and made sure the source files (not test) were being compiled in debug mode. Apparently the jacoco plugin needs that extra info like line numbers in order to calculate the code coverage. Once you change your ant file you should finally see a code coverage percentage in sonar.
<javac srcdir="${source.dir}" target="1.6" source="1.6" destdir="${build.classes.dir}" debug="on">
Also, make sure you include the following sonar properties :
So you probably want to remove sonar.antTargets and change sonar.dynamicAnalysis's value to reuseReports
