Is HTTP Basic Authentication in Spring security safe from SQL Injection - spring-security

I am using HTTP Basic Authentication in my Spring MVC project. Is Spring's authentication protected from SQL Injection?
Can any expert provide a statement on this? Or provide links to a statement.

In agreement with Simeon, it is as safe as any underlying customizations you have applied to the standard framework.
The standard framework implementation of JdbcDaoImpl uses PreparedStatements for all JDBC access, which should protect against SQL injection attacks, even if you modify the queries. If you extend it or write your own implementation, however, all bets are off.
From an architectural perspective, your question is not entirely accurate - the method of passing authentication credentials (basic, in your case) doesn't directly impact what actually reaches the database. There is a good layer of abstraction between the receipt and verification of credentials. I would suggest consulting the Spring Security documentation to understand why this is so.

How are you checking user credentials ?
If you are using a UserDetailsService to check user credentials against a DB then the responsibility to protect yourself against injections falls to you, since you are building the query.


What are disadvantages of JAAS in comparison to Spring Security/Apache Shiro?

I've been looking at several frameworks that handle authentication and authorization (Apache Shiro, Spring Security, JAAS, Apache Wicket) and am wondering about the disadvantages of JAAS.
I've been reading that it is more complicated and only provides basic security, but I don't quite understand what that means. Also, I've heard to not use it if the application needs to be ported to another system - why is that?
'It provides only basic security' is nonsense. JAAS is a framework within which you can write whatever you need, so it therefore can provide whatever you want it to provide, from simple authentication to any level of role-based authorization, in association with Container Managed Authentication, which IMHO is the only sane way to manage web-app security.
The JAAS programming model I find a little odd, kind of inside-out, but you can do very powerful things with it: for example I built a webapp that would accept a login via either form, session ticket, expiring auto-login token (e.g. for password reset), or client SSL certificate, and in fact it is ideal for scenarios like this.

OWASP top ten attacks and Spring Security

I am evaluating security for my web application. As I am using Spring in my web application I would like to leverage the Spring Security framework. I searched for more info about web security and come across OWASP community and it's top 10 attacks list. So my question is; would it be suffice to configure Spring Security to secure my application? What all security threats out of OWASP top 10 (2013) are handled by Spring Security Framework?
Building secure applications is a challenging task and there is no "silver bullet" product which would make the application automatically secure for you. Therefore the simple usage of Spring Security certainly does not automatically mean that your application is secure! Spring Security is a great tool which helps with many aspects of building of secure applications, but like with any tool you need to know how to use it properly.
Spring Security can help you address at least the following OWASP TOP10 issues:
A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management - by providing mechanisms for efficient and secure authentication and session management
A4-Insecure Direct Object References - by providing mechanisms for authorization within application
A6-Sensitive Data Exposure - Spring Security's crypto module provides necessary cryptography capabilities
A7-Missing Function Level Access Control - by providing means for authorization in UI and server side
A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) - by providing support for generation and validation of tokens mitigating CSRF attacks
I advise to use a layered security architecture. I mean, it’s possible to create a secure application by hand but it’s extremely difficult to implement. Some security features such
as authentication and basic access control (url level or GUI component level) are relatively easy to implement but requirements such as instance level security (specially working with legacy databases), Sql Injection and XSS are harder.
I recommend to use Spring Security and implementing as much as possible custom validations. In addition to that I recommend to use HDIV in order to add an extra security layer that could
help to avoid the exploitation of risks not covered by custom validations. Specifically the features offered by HDIV are:
A1- Injection: regarding HTTP parameters’ values and urls HDIV reduce the risk of this vulnerability to only the data that come from text fields within forms, applying integrity validations (assures the received value is the same as the generated at server side) for the rest of the data that come from client side. For text fields included within forms, HDIV offers generic validations (whitelist and blacklist) in order to avoid injection attacks injection attacks.
A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management: HDIV doesn’t offer functionalities for
this web risk.
A3-XSS: the same as A1 but in that case to avoid XSS risks.
A4-Insecure Direct Object References: HDIV controls all the data
generated at server side ensuring the integrity of the data and
avoiding this vulnerability.
A5-Security misconfiguration: HDIV doesn’t include specific functionalities for that but doesn’t allow the access to resources not sent by the server previously, avoiding the exploitation of unexpected behaviors or access to private resources.
A6-Sensitive Data Exposure: HDIV offers confidentiality feature to
hide the values of HTTP parameters.
A7-Missing Function Level Access Control : thanks to the integrity validations implemented
by HDIV, avoids the exploitation of this vulnerability and limit the user to execute legal actions and maintaining the original contract (GUI or API) offered by the
A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): HDIV adds aleatory tokens to
avoid this vulnerability
A9-Using components with known vulnerabilities: HDIV doesn’t include
specific functionalities for that but thanks to the interaction
limitations applied to the user in many cases is not possible to
exploit the vulnerability.
A10-Unvalidated redirects and forwards: This vulnerability is
mainly related to the manipulation of non editable data or data
generated previously at server side. HDIV controls all the data
sent by the server and doesn't allow the redirection to malicious
web sites.
In addition to these functionalities to protect from OWASP top ten web risks, HDIV generates also logs related to the malicious activity or attacks against your web site including all the information about the attack and the username within authenticated web sites.
Roberto Velasco (HDIV team)
You can try HDIV which has support for multiple frameworks.

Multi tenancy for spring security

how can i apply spring security for multitenant web application?
My web application has to be supported for multi-tenants i.e http://:/springapp/appollo---uses ldap for authentication
http://:/springapp/fortis----uses local database for authentication
http://:/springapp/manipal---uses oath for authentication
how can i apply spring security so that is supports for all the tenants
It might look trivial, though this is not a simple case...
Basically, all you need to do is to create a (Spring) Filter in your webapp, that will catch all requests, and by the subdomain of the referrer it will decide what authentication method to use (it can be achieved by a simple table in the DB, that will map a subdomain to an enum, e.g. 'oAuth', 'SAML', 'local', etc. This Filter should be placed before any other authentication filter, and as I said , it will technically decide which auth method to use.
I had to tackle this kind of scenario, and the best solution - as far as I think - was to support one authentication method, and then creating a "bridge" to other authentication methods, as needed. For example, the main authentication method is oAuth2.0. Then, in cases where you need other types of authentication, you create "adapters", or "bridges", to the other mechanisms. So if you need to support LocalDB for cusomerB, and AD for customerC, then you adapt from oAuth to localDB or to AD. In my case, I had to support SAML, so I've created a bridge from oAuth to SAML, because it is not trivial for the same Spring-app to support both oAuth and SAML. (Supporting AD and LocalDB from oAuth are much easier, I think.)
How it happens? you wrap your local DB to be an oAuth-provider, so your app will connect to it. and the same for your AD-connector. You have to parse the URL that the user enters, and you get the "tenant". Then you go to your DB, where you map from the tenant to the needed authentication mechanism, and you know what "bridge" to use.

Authorization using Spring-Security (or) Spring only

I have question related to authorization and spring security. To implement authorization checks in one of my services (under a Service Oriented Architecture environment), I was trying to see if I can use Spring-Security. While going through the Spring Security documentation, I read here that spring security uses spring's AOP internally.
Ref: You can elect to perform method authorization using AspectJ or Spring AOP, or you can elect to perform web request authorization using filters. You can use zero, one, two or three of these approaches together. The mainstream usage pattern is to perform some web request authorization, coupled with some Spring AOP method invocation authorization on the services layer.
We are already using Spring AOP in our service implementations. In my case, the requests that will be coming to my RESTful service will carry a custom built token object that should be processed to perform authorization checks.
Based on this, I would like to understand if I can simply use Spring and create an Aspect to catch an inbound request, extract and process the associated (custom built) token and continue/reject the request based on the result ? Do I need spring-security, given that the communication channel is already secured using HTTPS ?
For a similar situation we did the following a long time back:
Used an HTTP filter to extract a token from HTTP headers for each request.
Stored the extracted header to thread context.
Added an aspect around service method calls to check the thread context for the token.
This strategy worked well for us. For last many years I have been using Spring Security since it has a more tested and comprehensive implementation for such problems.
If you wish to write your own token-passing implementation, you can check the source code for the Spring Security class SecurityContextHolder that provides multiple ways of passing security information on the execution thread.

Understanding authentication in a Java Application Server

I'm currently working on a project running on JBoss AS 7 that requires authentication from a variety of sources. I'm trying to get an understanding of the various components that combine to provide authentication.
I have some assumptions / guesses as to how this all fits together, but I need to make sure that my understanding is correct. So below is what I understand to be the authentication process for JBoss AS7.
You have a security realm that defines how users are authenticated. This realm is then exposed to your application in order to secure some or all of it. In AS7 this is configured in the <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.0"> element.
The realm can be configured to authenticate users against a variety of sources using login-modules, such as a database, LDAP, a local file or something else. Multiple login-modules can be defined, and you can specify some combination of login-modules must "succeed" in order for authentication to occur.
The actual username and passwords are passed in via a mechanism defined in the web.xml file (for servlets), defined in the <login-config> element.
Assuming that the above process is correct (and it may not be):
Does this whole authentication process fall under a specification like JAAS, or is JAAS just a small or optional part of this procedure?
Do all types of <auth-methods>'s (i.e. BASIC, DIGEST and FORM) work with all kinds of login-modules? This page would seem to suggest not, but I haven't seen any clear documentation matching <login-module> options <login-config> options.
The username and password flow from a login-config to a login-module seems straight forward enough, but what happens with systems like OpenID or OAuth where there are intermediary steps (like redirection to external login pages)?
How do projects like Seam 3 Security, Apache Shiro and Spring Security fit into this picture?
JavaEE security specification leaves a lot of space to container implementors so I will focus on JBoss implementation to answer.
JBoss security implementation
JBoss relies on JAAS authentication to implement JavaEE security. That way it takes benefits from a stable API and can use existing LoginModule implementations. Login modules are used to authenticate a subject but also to add roles to Subject. JAAS provides mechanisms for authorization, permission checking and JBoss uses it internally.
JAAS LoginModule does not only supports password-based authentication but also token-based authentication.
Token based authentications
A good example of what can be done in JBoss thanks to JAAS is the HTTP Negotiation support for Kerberos SPNEGO: an additional auth-method named SPNEGO is implemented thanks to a Tomcat Authenticator and token validation uses JavaSE standard Kerberos LoginModule.
By the way, the LoginModule API is not a requirement, it may even be too complex for some protocols. For instance, the implementation to support OpenID with PicketLink only uses Servlet API.
Third party security libraries
These libraries often provide security layers to an application running a JavaEE or pure Java context, even if it does not take benefits from JavaEE specifications for authentication or role-based authorization.
Spring Security provides other abstractions than JavaEE security for applications developers to implement authentication and authorization, mainly thanks to ServletFilter when a web application is concerned. A large panel of choices is available to secure his application: it is possible to mix multiple options like: JAAS usage, JavaEE container security usage or Spring Security specific implementations (the case of OpenID and OAuth). There is no dependency to JavaEE either so it may be use almost in any situation when running on JavaSE. Most architect choose to build application security on Spring Security to have the liberty to switch specific implementations in the future.
Apache Shiro is really similar to Spring Security but it is younger and probably easier to set up.
Seam security does not rely on JavaEE security or JBoss but only on Servlet and JSF APIs. It is obviously the easiest option for JSF/Seam-based web application. Behind the scene, it uses PicketLink implementations.
As a conclusion, the question to use third party libraries in addition or in replacement to JavaEE security depends on architectural choices: application complexity, vendor independence and portability, control on implementations for bug fixes or improvements. In your specific context, having multiple authentication sources requires a flexible solution like Spring Security which supports authentication provider chaining (or Shiro).
