Problem assigning values to Mat array in OpenCV 2.3 - seems simple - opencv

Using the new API for OpenCV 2.3, I am having trouble assigning values to a Mat array (or say image) inside a loop. Here is the code snippet which I am using;
int paddedHeight = 256 + 2*padSize;
int paddedWidth = 256 + 2*padSize;
int n = 266; // padded height or width
cv::Mat fx = cv::Mat(paddedHeight,paddedWidth,CV_64FC1);
cv::Mat fy = cv::Mat(paddedHeight,paddedWidth,CV_64FC1);
float value = -n/2.0f;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)<cv::Vec2d>(i,j) = value++;
value = -n/2.0f;
meshElement = -n/2.0f;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)<cv::Vec2d>(i,j) = value;
Now in the first loop as soon as j = 133, I get an exception which seems to be related to depth of the image, I cant figure out what I am doing wrong here.
Please Advise! Thanks!

You are accessing the data as 2-component double vector (using .at<cv::Vec2d>()), but you created the matrices to contain only 1 component doubles (using CV_64FC1). Either create the matrices to contain two components per element (with CV_64FC2) or, what seems more appropriate to your code, access the values as simple doubles, using .at<double>(). This explodes exactly at j=133 because that is half the size of your image and when treated as containing 2-component vectors when it only contains 1, it is only half as wide.
Or maybe you can merge these two matrices into one, containing two components per element, but this depends on the way you are going to use these matrices in the future. In this case you can also merge the two loops together and really set a 2-component vector:
cv::Mat f = cv::Mat(paddedHeight,paddedWidth,CV_64FC2);
float yValue = -n/2.0f;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
float xValue = -n/2.0f;
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
{<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = xValue++;<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = yValue;
This might produce a better memory accessing scheme if you always need both values, the one from fx and the one from fy, for the same element.


Efficiently tell if one image is entirely comprised of the pixel values of another in OpenCV

I am trying to find an efficient way to see if one image is a subset of another (meaning that each unique pixel in one image is also found in the other.) The repetition or ordering of the pixels do not matter.
I am working in Java, so I would like all of my operations to be completed in OpenCV for efficiency's sake.
My first idea was to export a list of unique pixel values, and compare it to the list from the second image.
As there is not a built in function to extract unique pixels, I abandoned this approach.
I also understand that I can find the locations of a particular color with the inclusive inRange, and findNonZero operations.
Core.inRange(image, color, color, tempMat); // inclusive
Core.findNonZero(tempMat, colorLocations);
Unfortunately, this does not provide an adequate answer, as it would need to be executed per color, and would still require extracting unique pixels.
Essentially, I'm asking if there is a clever way to use the built in OpenCV functions to see if an image is comprised of the pixels found in another image.
I understand that this will not work for slight color differences. I am working on a limited dataset, and care about the exact pixel values.
To put the question more mathematically:
Because the only think you are interested in is the pixel values i would suggest to do the following.
Compute the histogram of image 1 using hist1 = calcHist()
Compute the histogram of image 2 using hist2 = calcHist()
Calculate the difference vector diff = hist1 - hist2
Check if each bin of the hist of the subimage is less or equal than the corresponding bin in the hist of the bigger image
Thanks to Miki for the fix.
I will keep Amitay's as the accepted answer, as he absolutely lead me down the correct path. I wanted to also share my exact answer for anyone who finds this in the future.
As I stated in my question, I was looking for an efficient way to see if the RGB values of one image were a subset of the RGB values of another image.
I made a function to the following specification:
The Java code is as follows:
private boolean isSubset(Mat subset, Mat subMask, Mat superset) {
// Get unique set of pixels from both images
subset = getUniquePixels(subset, subMask);
superset = getUniquePixels(superset, null);
// See if the superset pixels encapsulate the subset pixels
// OR the unique pixels together
Mat subOrSuper = new Mat();
Core.bitwise_or(subset, superset, subOrSuper);
//See if the ORed matrix is equal to the superset
Mat notEqualMat = new Mat();, subOrSuper, notEqualMat, Core.CMP_NE);
return Core.countNonZero(notEqualMat) == 0;
subset and superset are assumed to be CV_8UC3 matricies, while subMask is assumed to be CV_8UC1.
private Mat getUniquePixels(Mat img, Mat mask) {
if (mask == null) {
mask = new Mat();
// int bgrValue = (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r;
img.convertTo(img, CvType.CV_32FC3);
Vector<Mat> splitImg = new Vector<>();
Core.split(img, splitImg);
Mat flatImg = Mat.zeros(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_32FC1);
Mat multiplier;
for (int i = 0; i < splitImg.size(); i++) {
multiplier = Mat.ones(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_32FC1);
// set powTwo = to 2^i;
int powTwo = (1 << i);
// Set multiplier matrix equal to powTwo;
Core.multiply(multiplier, new Scalar(powTwo), multiplier);
// n<<i == n * 2^i;
// I'm shifting the RGB values into separate parts of the same 32bit
// integer.
Core.multiply(multiplier, splitImg.get(i), splitImg.get(i));
// Add the shifted RGB components together.
Core.add(flatImg, splitImg.get(i), flatImg);
// Create a histogram of the pixel values.
List<Mat> images = new ArrayList<>();
MatOfInt channels = new MatOfInt(0);
Mat hist = new Mat();
// 16777216 == 256*256*256
MatOfInt histSize = new MatOfInt(16777216);
MatOfFloat ranges = new MatOfFloat(0f, 16777216f);
Imgproc.calcHist(images, channels, mask, hist, histSize, ranges);
Mat uniquePixels = new Mat();
Core.inRange(hist, new Scalar(1), new Scalar(Float.MAX_VALUE), uniquePixels);
return uniquePixels;
Please feel free to ask questions, or point out problems!

How to use MatVector in JavaCV

Hi I'm trying to write some camera calibration code and I'm having a hard time using MatVectors in JavaCV that should be the equivalents of std::vec in C++.
This is how i generate my image and object points:
Mat objectPoints = new Mat(allImagePoints.rows(),1,opencv_core.CV_32FC3);
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
for (int h=0;h<patternHeight;h++) {
y = h*rectangleSize;
for (int w=0;w<patternWidth;w++) {
x = w*rectangleSize;
objectPoints.getFloatBuffer().put(3*(patternWidth*h+w), x);
objectPoints.getFloatBuffer().put(3*(patternWidth*h+w)+1, y);
objectPoints.getFloatBuffer().put(3*(patternWidth*h+w)+2, 0);
MatVector allObjectPointsVec = new MatVector(allImagePoints.cols());
MatVector allImagePointsVec = new MatVector(allImagePoints.cols());
for (int i=0;i<allImagePoints.cols();i++) {
My image points are given in the Mat allImagePoints and as you can see I create corresponding vectors allObjectPointsVec and allImagePointsVec accordingly. When i try to do a camera calibration with these points i get the following error:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ni > 0 && ni == ni1) in cv::collectCalibrationData, file ..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\calib3d\src\calibration.cpp, line 3193
which seems like the lengths of the image and object points don't coincide but i'm pretty sure that i got this right. Printing the MatVector objects gives
which also confuses me as I would have expected that the capacity should correspond to the length (number of matrices in the vector). If I print the size field I get the expected value. If i access a random element in the vector (e.g. allObjectPointsVec.get(i)) and print it to a string, I reveive the following:
AbstractArray[width=1,height=77,depth=32,channels=3] (for object points)
AbstractArray[width=1,height=77,depth=32,channels=2] (for image points)
which is what I would expect... Any ideas? To me this seems sort of a bug, also because I don't understand what the capacity represents if not the vector length...

Template Matching on various sizes

Right now I am working on an OCR algorithm with Template Matching, using the opencv library. I am comparing pixel by pixel, and till now I have obtained good results. The problem comes when the area I want to match is of different size.
Ex: Template size = 70x100 while ROI = 140x200.
Is there any function that I can use in order adapt the required size and end up with the same amount of rows and columns?
Robert Grech
Usually one makes an image scale pyramid and then only scans with the 70x100 windows across all scales i.e. as in opencv HOGDescriptor:
double scale = 1.;
double scale0 = 1.05;
int maxLevels = 64;
int nLevels;
Size templateSize(70,100);
cv::Mat testImage = cv::imread("test1.jpg");
vector<double> levelScale;
for( nLevels = 0; nLevels < maxLevels; nLevels++ )
if( cvRound(testImage.cols/scale) < templateSize.width ||
cvRound(testImage.rows/scale) < templateSize.height ||
scale0 <= 1 )
scale *= scale0;
nLevels = std::max(nLevels, 1);
int level;
for(level =0; level<nLevels; level++)
cv::Mat testAtScale;
Size sz(cvRound(testImage.cols/levelScale[level]),
//result = match(template,testAtScale);
you would then need to post-process your results back to the original scale, this is simple with a box, but if you have a heat map / response map / probability map, then re-sizing it back up maybe somewhat hacky.

What is the correct way to apply filter to a image

I was wondering what the correct way would be to apply filter to a image. The image processing textbook that I am reading only talks about the mathematical and theoretical aspect of filters but doesn't talk much the programming part of it !
I came up with this pseudo code could some one tell me if it is correct cause I applied the sobel edge filter to a image and I am not satisfied with the output. I think it detected many unnecessary points as edges and missed out on several points along the edge.
int filter[][] = {{0d,-1d,0d},{-1d,8d,-1d},{0d,-1d,0d}};// I dont exactly remember the //sobel filter
int total = 0;
for(int i = 2;i<image.getWidth()-2;i++)
for(int j = 2;j<image.getHeight()-2;j++)
total = 0;
for(int k = 0;k<3;k++)
for(int l = 0;l<3;l++)
total += intensity(image.getRGB(i,j)) * filter[i+k][j+l];
if(total >= threshold){
int intensity(int color)
return (((color >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) + color)/3;
Two issues:
(1) The sober operator includes x-direction and y-direction, they are
int filter[][] = {{1d,0d,-1d},{2d,0d,-2d},{1d,0d,-1d}}; and
int filter[][] = {{1d,2d,1d},{0d,0d,0d},{-1d,-2d,-1d}};
(2) The convolution part:
total += intensity(image.getRGB(i+k,j+l)) * filter[k][l];
Your code doesn't look quiet right to me. In order to apply the filter to the image you must apply the discrete time convolution algorithm
When you do convolution you want to slide the 3x3 filter over the image, moving it one pixel at a time. At each step you multiply the value of the filter 'pixel' by the corresponding value of the image pixel which is under that particular filter 'pixel' (the 9 pixels under the filter are all affected). The values that result should be added up onto a new resulting image as you go.
Thresholding is optional...
The following is your code modified with some notes:
int filter[][] = {{0d,-1d,0d},{-1d,8d,-1d},{0d,-1d,0d}};
//create a new array for the result image on the heap
int newImage[][][3] = ...
//initialize every element in the newImage to 0
for(int i = 0;i<image.getWidth()-1;i++)
for(int j = 0;j<image.getHeight()-1;j++)
for (int k = 0; k<3; k++)
newImage[i][j][k] = 0;
//Convolve the filter and the image
for(int i = 1;i<image.getWidth()-2;i++)
for(int j = 1;j<image.getHeight()-2;j++)
for(int k = -1;k<2;k++)
for(int l = -1;l<2;l++)
newImage[i+k][j+l][1] += getRed(image.getRGB(i+k ,j+l)) * filter[k+1][l+1];
newImage[i+k][j+l][2] += getGreen(image.getRGB(i+k ,j+l)) * filter[k+1][l+1];
newImage[i+k][j+l][3] += getBlue(image.getRGB(i+k ,j+l)) * filter[k+1][l+1];
int getRed(int color)
int getBlue(int color)
int getGreen(int color)
Please note that the code above does not handle the edges of the image exactly right. If you wanted to make it absolutely perfect you'd start by sliding the filter mostly off screen (so the first position would apply the lower right corner of the filter to the image 0,0 pixel of the image. Doing this is really a pain though, so usually its easier just to ignore the 2 pixel border around the edges.
Once you've got that working you can experiment by sliding the Sobel filter in the horizontal and then the vertical directions. You will notice that the filter acts most strongly on lines which are perpendicular to the direction of travel (to the filter). So for the best results apply the filter in the horizontal and then the vertical direction (using the same newImage). That way you will detect vertical as well as horizontal lines equally well. :)
You have some serious undefined behavior going on here. The array filter is 3x3 but the subscripts you're using i+k and j+l are up to the size of the image. It looks like you've misplaced this addition:
total += intensity(image.getRGB(i+k,j+l)) * filter[k][l];
Use GPUImage, it's quite good for you.

Column sum of Opencv Matrix elements

I need to compute sum of elements in all columns separately.
Now I'm using:
Matrix cross_corr should be summed.
Mat cross_corr_summed;
for (int i=0;i<cross_corr.cols;i++)
double column_sum=0;
for (int k=0;k<cross_corr.rows;k++)
The problem is that my program takes quite a long time to run. This is one of parts that is suspicious to cause this.
Can you advise any possible faster implementation???
You need a cv::reduce:
cv::reduce(cross_corr, cross_corr_summed, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM, CV_32S);
If you know that your data is continuous and single-channeled, you can access the matrix data directly:
int width = cross_corr.cols;
float* data = (float*);
Mat cross_corr_summed;
for (int i=0;i<cross_corr.cols;i++)
double column_sum=0;
for (int k=0;k<cross_corr.rows;k++)
column_sum += data[i + k*width];
which will be faster than your use of .at_<float>(). In general I avoid the use of .at() whenever possible because it is slower than direct access.
Also, although cv::reduce() (suggested by Andrey) is much more readable, I have found it is slower than even your implementation in some cases.
Mat originalMatrix;
Mat columnSum;
for (int i = 0; i<originalMatrix.cols; i++)
