Telerik MVC grid footer customization - footer

I have a footer with column totals on my Telerik MVC grid. I would like to add some additional calculations. I have some description note columns that have footers that aren't being used and I would like to add together some of the other subtotals in the footer of this column.
Any ideas on how to do this? I figure I either have to have access to aggregate functions on other columns or will have to do some sort of ajax / server side coding to get these values out of the database and run some calculation on them.

There's a demo for custom headers and footers that don't require using the built-in aggregates.


Kendo UI Multiple Grid

I want to create a grid where it gets two entries to bind from two tables in the database, and save the result in another result table.
To explain more I have attached a picture of the needed grid,
So as you guys see in the picture, : 1) I want the servers list to be bound in the horizontal header (from servers table),2) and I want to bind the application list in the vertical row. That way I check inside the grid when an application is deployed on a server.
My question is how to achieve this? is there a kendo component or any other component that will help me doing this job?
A lot can depend on the data model.
The KendoUI PivotGrid might be what you need and works cleanly with categorical form data.
If you prepare your own pivoted data, as the results of a SQL Server pivot query, a normal KendoUI Grid may suffice.
If you prepare you own data, as the result of a dynamic pivot query, the columns could be different each time. You will need to learn about htmlhelper Grid, such as discussed in
A dynamic data source can also be handled in just jQuery (with no htmlhelpers), such as discussed in

Setting up default GridSortOrder with Vaadin8 and new Grid doesn't work

Our former solution based on Vaadin 7 Grid used multicolumn sorting. Data is sorted by backend database but we have to maintain visual infomation about sorting in column headers. Visualy it displays as small rectangles in column header.
Now with Vaadin 8 and new Grid, our data is, by default(by database), sorted by 'name' column so I'm defining default sort order for Grid using code as below. It seems to be straightforward but it doesnt show up on Grid. I can define GridSortOrder for one or two columns with no luck. Can't see anything on screen (in column headers). Any idea how to accomplish this properly?
List<GridSortOrder<Map>> orders=new ArrayList();
orders.add(new GridSortOrder<>(colName,SortDirection.DESCENDING));

Webgrid alternative layouts?

Ok so this is my first question and I think it is a good one. I am wanting to layout a webgrid in MVC 4 C# with a different format than a standard table. What I am looking for is a layout like this example(bestbuy product list example).
I would like to use webgrid because of it's built-in paging and sorting capabilities. I can live with simpler solutions than the one I included but I need it to keep the same general format with a picture on the left and information in a list-like look on the right if possible.
That looks like three columns to me. All you need to do is pass in the appropriate HTML into the format parameter for each column:

DevExpress MVC GridView: Colspan how to?

Can you tell me please how I can combine content of two columns into one, another words,
I need to render custom content for two columns but interpret it as a one column content.
After revising control and I think it equal colspan HTML.
Using DevExpress MVC Griv View!
DevExpress MVC GridView does not allow for the organizing column in the required manner.
It is possible to use a merged column (band) at the first column level only:
It is possible to use templates for organizing such a UI. However, in this case, you lose the built-in column resizing/best-fit functionality.

Smart gwt tree grid with multiple columns and check box

We need a Smart gwt tree grid with multiple columns and check box.
After some initial investigation it seems
1. Treegrid can support a tree for single columns and can support checkbox. But this is only for single column.
2. Treegrid can support multiple columns with datasource. However checkbox based selection is not supported..
Any suggestions on what component to use for this requirement?
Both features work together. Take any multi-column tree sample, eg this one:
and just call
