Is there a way to control the *submit_tag* in the form to invoke different action to the default 'update' action?
I tried to use the submit_tag below, but it still redirect me to 'update' action in people controller.
<%= submit_tag "Save", :controller => "people", :action => "set_password", :method => "put" %>
The reason why I'm doing this is that,
I have two update forms for the Person class, one for updating the basic information, and one for updating the password. I would like to handle the form submit differently.
For 'updating password form', i have to something additional.
* validate the additional user input (current password)
* direct to 'update password' form if there is an error
Am I doing the wrong thing? Or I should distinguish the cases inside the 'update' method?
You have to tell the form where to go, not on the submit_tag:
<%= form_tag #object, url, :method => 'PUT' %>
i need to get a ajax tooltip on a dynamic link, so the logic seems to concatenate it. but, still not work, so, someone know a way to do this?
<%= link_to "Profile", edit_user_path(current_user), :class =>"ttooltip", :data => {:url => "/users/#{#current_user}/links"} %>
You're string interpolating the current user object, which will call .to_s on the user object, which probably isn't what you want.
If links is nested under each user, you typically follow the 'users/:id/links' so you need to interpolate the id instead of the user object like so:
<%= link_to "Profile", edit_user_path(current_user), :class =>"ttooltip", :data => {:url => "/users/#{}/links"} %>
(Where current_user is a helper method that returns the current_user object.)
The following works great for carrying forward data from one page to another:
<%= link_to 'New Work Order', new_workorder_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :onclick => session[:worequest_id] %>
How would I add a 2nd field? The following doesn't work:
<%= link_to 'New Work Order', new_workorder_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :onclick => session[:worequest_id] =, [:client_id] = #worequest.client_id %>
This is the code I'm using in the new work order form. It picks up the worequest_id field from the session
<% if session[:worequest_id] != nil %>
<%= f.hidden_field :worequest_id, :value => session[:worequest_id] %>
onclick doesn't really work this way – it's an html attribute used to store JavaScript code to be executed when the element is clicked. While you can use it to evaluate Ruby code in the context of a Ruby method call (in this case as part of the options hash given to link_to), it doesn't really make sense to do so.
In your first example, it doesn't actually do anything. If you check your rendered html on the page where that link appears, I expect it evaluates to something like New Work Order. You can, however, store data in session (which is persistent for as long as the user remains logged in), which is why you're seeing this data carrying forward from page to page.
If you're trying to fill in default values for the new workorder, you could pass them as params to the path method:
link_to 'New Work Order',
new_workorder_path('workorder[worequest_id]' =>,
'workorder[client_id]' => #worequest.client_id),
:class => 'btn btn-primary'
In your workorders#new action, your model instantiation would need to include the params:
def new
#workorder =[:workorder])
However, this might not be the best way to proceed. If there will always be a client or worequest associated with a workorder, you might want to look into nested routes.
I have run into a bit of a problem and a head scratcher, as I'm not sure whether what I want to do is even possible with RoR.
A bit of background info: I have an app with several controllers... and would like to work with 2 of them for this modal example. The first is a users_controller and the other is a recommendations_controller.
Here is what I'm trying to do: In the user index view I have a lists of posts. Each post has a recommend button. If a user clicks it he/she is sent to the recommendation index page, and can search and find a user he/she would like to share the post with. The reason I have it set up this way is because the Recommendation model creates the recommend relationship.
I would like like it so when the user clicks the recommend button on the User index page, a modal appears (one that accesses the recommendation controller) and the user can search for the user he/she would like to share the post with. Basically, I want to know whether it's possible to access the Recommendation controller via the User controller's index view page.
If it's not, is there a work around? I can post the code I have if it's helpful, but I'm not sure that would help in this case--as I'm trying to see whether it's even possible to do what I'm trying to do.
Thank you!
More Details:
def index
#user = Search.find_users(params[:name], current_profile)
respond_to do |format|
index.js.haml (located in the view/recommendations folder)
index.html.haml (located in the view/recommendations folder)
= form_tag post_recommendations_url, :method => "get" do
= text_field_tag :name, '', :class => "span12", :placeholder => "Please enter the name of the users you would like to share this post with."
= submit_tag "Search", :class => "btn btn-primary"
index.html.haml (located in the view/posts folder)
%a{:href => "#{post_recommendations_path(post)}", :remote => true}
Recommend Post
%a.close{"data-dismiss" => "modal"} ×
%h6 This is a header
%p This is where I would like the contents of the index.html.haml file, located in the view/recommendations folder to appear.
Part 2: Displaying the search results inside the modal/partial
Matzi, at the moment, a user clicks a link near the post they want to recommend. This link renders the modal with a partial (_recommendation.html.haml) inside of it.
This partial (now inside the modal) contains the search form_tag and the code to render all the users that match the search results. Unfortunately, when I try to run a search by entering a name and clicking the search button (again, now located inside of the modal) it takes me to the following url instead of rendering the results inside the modal.
here is what my updated index.html.haml (located in the view/posts folder) looks like:
= link_to 'Recommend Post', post_recommendations_path(post), :remote => true, "data-toggle" => "modal"
%a.close{"data-dismiss" => "modal"} ×
Recommend Post
%p *this is where _recommendation.html.haml is rendered*
updated index.js.haml
keyboard: true,
show: true
= form_tag post_recommendations_path, :method => "get" do
= text_field_tag :name, '', :class => "span12", :placeholder => "Please enter the name of the user you would like to share this post with.", :style => "max-width:520px;"
= submit_tag "Search", :class => "btn btn-primary", :remote => "true"
- #user.each do |i|
- unless current_profile == i
.well{:style => "margin-left:0px;"}
=image_tag i.avatar(:bio), :class=> "sidebar_avatar"
%dl{:style => "margin:0px"}
%dd= i.location
- form_for :recommendation do |r|
= r.hidden_field :friend_id, :value =>
= r.submit "Send Recommendation", :class => "btn btn-primary"
Problem: Unfortunately it seems that when I click the submit (search) button inside the modal instead of rendering the results inside the modal it re-directs the browser to the post_recommendations_path (posts/ I would like to display the search results inside the modal without having it redirect to the post recommendations path.
As always, thank you so much! I'm extremely grateful for your help--and I've gotten a much better grasp for AJAX thanks to you. Thank you!
Of course you can do this, but it needs some ajax magic.
First of all, you need to create an action, responding to .js requests, in the recommendation controller. It is done so far in your update. But, your .js is not quite right. The problem is that you render the modal form from the post view, but propably in post controller you dont have the right fields. I recommend the following .js.erb:
$("#modal-body").html(<%= escape_javascript render(:partial => 'recommendations/index')%>);
This fills the modal with the form. The next step is to do a remote request from this form. Modify your posts/index the following way:
= form_tag post_recommendations_url, :remote => true, :method => "get" do
= text_field_tag :name, '', :class => "span12", :placeholder => "Please enter the name of the users you would like to share this post with."
= submit_tag "Search", :class => "btn btn-primary"
The difference is the :remote => true tag, this sends an ajax request to your controller, so you must prepare for .js and .html response (in case of no JS on client). The .js should hide the modal form, and may refresh the original page, the html may redirect you back to the post.
Part 2:
The problem is the :remote part. It needs to be part of the form's definition, not the submit button's. My mistake.
I found this guide now, it seems quite good.
I hope it helps! Ask if something is not clear.
I have a form which has this text field
<%= f.text_field :content %>
I have a link_to tag to post the value of the text field to an action present in another controller. I need to be able to get the value of the text field and say
<%= link_to 'post', :controller => "a_different_controller", :action => "update", :message => "text field's value" %>
Can you please help me out here?
I tried various options posted on stack overflow. None seem to work.
If you want to POST a value without a html form, you must do this via javascript. You can create a onClick listener for that link, and in the listener grab the value of that text_field and submit the form via javascript.
You can pass the remote and method options on your link_to helper:
<%= link_to 'Post', yourmodel_path, :remote => true, :method => :put %>
That will submit it via ajax. If you don't want that and you just want to use the PUT HTTP verb, you can drop the :remote => true portion.
Note that I'm using the shorthand way of referring to the action you are targeting. If you're not familiar with that, I suggest you run through the Rails Guides…it's pretty core to understanding example code.
I have a single text box form on my home page (/).
Right now the way my Rails routes is set up, when I submit this form, it takes me to /search, but it doesn't publish the query string in my url.
In other words, when I enter in "hello" in that form and press submit, I want to end up at "/search?query=hello". I know that "hello" is in params[:query], but how do I get Rails to publish that query string in the landing page URL after I submit the query?
I read the Rails routes guide but that talks about incoming query strings in the URL, not Rails publishing the URL with the query string visible.
My form tag so far:
<% form_tag(:controller => "search", :action => "search", :method => :get) do %>
<%= text_field_tag 'query' %>
<%= submit_tag "Search"%>
<% end %>
If I do this, I get /search?method=get, but what I would like to see is /search?query=foo.
You just need define a form with get method instead of post
<% form_tag search_url, :method => :get do %>
<%=text_field_tag :search %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
Make sure that your form's method (as shown in the HTML page that a client would see before submitting the form) is GET not POST. With POST, the params[:query] is hidden from the user (this is often used for login forms, forms that would submit credit cards or other sensitive information). But if you want the query to show in the URL, you need to use the GET method. Rails itself isn't responsible for this behavior, it's all on the web browser's side.