StdRegProv .CheckAccess method in JScript - error: Object expected - wsh

This script is getting Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected on If (out_params.bGranted) line. It seems like this is related to a syntax error, but I can't find it. This code, in its current form, was basically copied from Invoking functions with `out` arguments, passing arguments by reference in JScript.
function main()
var provider_name = "StdRegProv";
var func_name = "CheckAccess";
var services = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\default"); // connect to WMI
var registry = services.Get(provider_name); // get provider
var in_params = registry.Methods_(func_name).InParameters.SpawnInstance_();
in_params.hDefKey = 0x80000001;
in_params.sSubKeyName = "Software\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\Proofing Tools\\1.0\\Override";
in_params.uRequired = 65536;
var out_params = services.ExecMethod(provider_name, func_name, in_params);
If (out_params.bGranted)
WScript.Echo("Has DELETE Access Rights on HKCU " + strKeyPath);
registry.DeleteKey (HKCU, strKeyPath);
WScript.Echo("No DELETE Access Rights on HKCU " + strKeyPath);

In JScript, keywords (and identifiers) are case-sensitive, so you cannot use If instead of if, Elseinstead of else, and so on.
In your example the script engine interprets If (out_params.bGranted) as a function call, which results in a runtime error since you obviously did not defined an If function.


Azure DevOps Server 2019 Programmatially copy test case error Exception: 'TF237124: Work Item is not ready to save'."

I'm able to copy most test cases with this code (trying to copy shared steps to be part of the test case itself) but this one will not copy but I can not see any error message as to why - could anyone suggest anything else to try. See output from Immediate windows. Thanks John.
Count = 0
foreach (ITestAction step in testSteps)
if (step is ITestStep)
ITestStep sourceStep = (ITestStep)step;
ITestStep targetStep = targetTestCase.CreateTestStep();
targetStep.Title = sourceStep.Title;
targetStep.Description = sourceStep.Description;
targetStep.ExpectedResult = sourceStep.ExpectedResult;
//Copy Attachments
if (sourceStep.Attachments.Count > 0)
string attachmentRootFolder = _tfsServiceUtilities.GetAttachmentsFolderPath();
string testCaseFolder = _tfsServiceUtilities.CreateDirectory(attachmentRootFolder, "TestCase_" + targetTestCase.Id);
//Unique folder path for test step
string TestStepAttachementFolder = _tfsServiceUtilities.CreateDirectory(testCaseFolder, "TestStep_" + sourceStep.Id);
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
foreach (ITestAttachment attachment in sourceStep.Attachments)
string attachmentPath = TestStepAttachementFolder + "\\" + attachment.Name;
client.DownloadFile(attachment.Uri, attachmentPath);
ITestAttachment newAttachment = targetTestCase.CreateAttachment(attachmentPath);
newAttachment.Comment = attachment.Comment;
Since this code works for most test cases, this issue may come from the particular test case. In order to narrow down the issue, please try the following items:
Run the code on another client machine to see whether it works.
Try to modify this particular test case using the account API uses, to see whether it can be saved successfully.
Try validate the WorkItem prior to save. The validate() method will return an arraylist of invalid fields.

Postman Embedded Environment Variables Not Being Evaluated

I am using Postman v6.1.4. I am using environment variables heavily. But it appears that pm.environment.get() is not evaluating embedded variables.
I have the following env vars defined in the environment:
The request body of my API contains:
The request is sent successfully, with the data I expect, evaluating all of the embedded variables in my environment.
However, when I try to access that env var in my test script, the embedded variables are not being evaluated. For instance, the following:
var addFavDestArray1 = pm.environment.get('addFavDestArray1')
Returns [{{addFavDest1}},{{addFavDest2}},{{addFavDest3}}], with the variables not evaluated.
Is there some way to have the embedded variables evaluated in the environment?
So, in order to handle this situation, I created the following common function that I call from all my tests instead of pm.environment.get('var1') or environment['var1] or environment.var1.
/* funcGetAndEvalEnvVar */
var funcGetAndEvalEnvVar = (varName) => {
const EMBEDDED_VAR_REGEX = new RegExp(`{{\\w+}}`, 'g');
var varValue = environment[varName];
var evalVarValue = varValue;
var reMatch;
while (reMatch = EMBEDDED_VAR_REGEX.exec(varValue)) {
var embeddedVar = reMatch[0];
var embeddedVarName = embeddedVar.slice(2, -2);
if (environment.hasOwnProperty(embeddedVarName)) {
var embeddedVarValue = funcGetAndEvalEnvVar(embeddedVarName);
evalVarValue = evalVarValue.replace(new RegExp(embeddedVar, 'g'), embeddedVarValue);
return evalVarValue;

Unable to figure out how to use post method, for a suitescript written in Netsuite

I am trying to do use the post method for a simple suitescript program, i am very new to this.
In Netsuite i have written a suitescript as follows.
function restPost()
var i = nlapiLoadRecord('department', 115);
var memo = nlapisetfieldvalue('custrecord225', ' ');// this is a customfield, which i want to populate the memo field, using rest client in firefox
var recordId = nlapiSubmitRecord(i);
i have created a script record and uploaded this suitescript and even copied the external URL to paste it in restclient.
In Restclient(firefox plugin), pasted the external URL, i have given the method as post, header authorization given, content-type: application/json, and in body i put in {"memo":"mynamehere"};
In this the error i get is
message": "missing ) after argument list
I even tried it by writting other suitescript programs the errors i get is as follows:
Unexpected token in object literal (null$lib#3) Empty JSON string
Invalid data format. You should return TEXT.
I am kinda new to the programming world, so any help would be really good.
I think you are trying to create a RESTlet for POST method. Following is the sample code for POST method -
function createRecord(datain)
var err = new Object();
// Validate if mandatory record type is set in the request
if (!datain.recordtype)
err.status = "failed";
err.message= "missing recordtype";
return err;
var record = nlapiCreateRecord(datain.recordtype);
for (var fieldname in datain)
if (datain.hasOwnProperty(fieldname))
if (fieldname != 'recordtype' && fieldname != 'id')
var value = datain[fieldname];
if (value && typeof value != 'object') // ignore other type of parameters
record.setFieldValue(fieldname, value);
var recordId = nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
var nlobj = nlapiLoadRecord(datain.recordtype,recordId);
return nlobj;
So after deploying this RESTlet you can call this POST method by passing following sample JSON payload -
{"recordtype":"customer","entityid":"John Doe","companyname":"ABCTools Inc","subsidiary":"1","email":""}
For Authorization you have to pass request headers as follows -
var headers = {
"Authorization": "NLAuth nlauth_account=" + cred.account + ", nlauth_email=" + +
", nlauth_signature= " + cred.password + ", nlauth_role=" + cred.role,
"Content-Type": "application/json"};
I can understand your requirement and the answer posted by Parsun & NetSuite-Expert is good. You can follow that code. That is a generic code that can accept any master record without child records. For Example Customer Without Contact or Addressbook.
I would like to suggest a small change in the code and i have given it in my solution.
Changes Below
var isExistRec = isExistingRecord(objDataIn);
var record = (isExistRec) ? nlapiLoadRecord(objDataIn.recordtype, objDataIn.internalid, {
recordmode: 'dynamic'
}) : nlapiCreateRecord(objDataIn.recordtype);
//Check for Record is Existing in Netsuite or Not using a custom function
function isExistingRecord(objDataIn) {
if (objDataIn.internalid != null && objDataIn.internalid != '' && objDataIn.internalid.trim().length > 0)
return true;
return false;
So whenever you pass JSON data to the REStlet, keep in mind you have
to pass the internalid, recordtype as mandatory values.
I believe you will want to return something from your function. An empty object should do fine, or something like {success : true}.
Welcome to Netsuite Suitescripting #Vin :)
I strongly recommend to go through SuiteScript API Overview & SuiteScript API - Alphabetized Index in NS help Center, which is the only and most obvious place to learn the basics of Suitescripting.
nlapiLoadRecord(type, id, initializeValues)
Loads an existing record from the system and returns an nlobjRecord object containing all the field data for that record. You can then extract the desired information from the loaded record using the methods available on the returned record object. This API is a core API. It is available in both client and server contexts.
function restPost(dataIn) {
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('department', 115); // returns nlobjRecord
record.setFieldValue('custrecord225', dataIn.memo); // set the value in custom field
var recordId = nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
return recordId;

Getting the project base path in a yeoman generator

I have updated the yeoman generator dependency from 0.18.10 to 0.20.3.
I have updated the deprecated this.dest to this.destinationRoot()
I am now having issues with the generator when it comes to getting the base path of the project, so that I can copy files from one location to another.
I have created a function to put the paths together, this then passes to another function which excludes some files from being copied over.
Here is the function I getting the error with
// Copy Bower files to another directory
var copyBowerFiles = function (component, to, exclude) {
var base = this.destinationRoot(),
publicDir = base + '/' + this.publicDir,
publicAssetsDir = publicDir + '/assets',
bowerComponentsDir = publicAssetsDir + '/bower_components',
to = (base + '/' + to || publicAssetsDir);
from = bowerComponentsDir + '/' + component;
//this.dest.copy(from, to);
this.bulkDirectory(from,, to, exclude));
This is being called in the end function:
end: function () {
callback: function () {'jam', this.publicDir, excludeJamFiles);
I get the error message:
var base = this.destinationRoot(),
TypeError: undefined is not a function
I have also tried sourceRoot()
I would like to update my generator to work with the latest version of the generator. Any help getting this working would be great.
Also do you still have to pass this as the first parameter when calling a function?
Here is the copyDestPathPartial function
// Copy destination path partial
var copyDestPathPartial = function (to, exclude) {
exclude = exclude || [];
return function (abs, root, sub, file) {
if (!_.contains(exclude, file) && ! _.contains(exclude, sub)) {
this.copy(abs, to + '/' + (sub || '') + '/' + file);
When I use this in the copyBowerFiles function I get another error message which says when I call this function:
throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings');
Is the copyDestPathPartial function not outputting a string?
This is only a JavaScript error, this inside copyBowerFiles is not what you think it is.
With the code you wrote, this is equal to jam.
So here you'd want:, 'jam', this.publicDir, excludeJamFiles);. As the first argument to call is the this value. See documentation
That being said, assigning random this value is very dirty and super hard to maintain. Why not making copyBowerFiles a prototype method?

The youtube API sometimes throws error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object

When i launch the php script, sometime works fine, but many other times it retrieve me this errror
Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in
/membri/americanhorizon/ytvideo/rilevametadatadaurlyoutube.php on line
This is the first part of the code
// set feed URL
$feedURL = '';
// read feed into SimpleXML object
$entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);
$video = parseVideoEntry($entry);
function parseVideoEntry($entry) {
$obj= new stdClass;
// get nodes in media: namespace for media information
$media = $entry->children(''); //<----this is the doomed line 21
UPDATE: solution adopted
for ($i=0 ; $i< count($fileArray); $i++)
// set feed URL
$feedURL = ''.$fileArray[$i];
// read feed into SimpleXML object
$entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);
if (is_object($entry))
$video = parseVideoEntry($entry);
echo ($video->description."|".$video->length);
echo "<br>";
In this mode i force the script to re-check the file that caused the error
You are first of all calling a function:
$entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);
That function has a return value. You find it documented on the manual page of that function:
Then you use that return value in form of a variable $entry without verifying that the function call was successful.
Because of that, you run into an error next. However your error/mistake is how you treat the return value of the function.
Not dealing with return values properly is like calling for trouble. Read about the function you use, check the return value(s) and proceed according to success or error conditions.
$entry = simplexml_load_file($feedURL);
if (FALSE === $entry)
// youtube not available.
// that's what I love!
Sometimes? Really?
Take a look at this:
$dummy; //IN FACT, this var is NULL now
// Will throw exactly the same error you get
Why? Because, we can call method from an object type.
So, if you wanna avoid errors like this one, next time you would call the method ensure that it's "possible".
if ( is_object($dummy) && method_exists($dummy, 'children') ){
//sure it works
