How to parse a decimal fraction into Rational in Haskell? - parsing

I've been participating in a programming contest and one of the problems' input data included a fractional number in a decimal format: 0.75 is one example.
Parsing that into Double is trivial (I can use read for that), but the loss of precision is painful. One needs to be very careful with Double comparisons (I wasn't), which seems redundant since one has Rational data type in Haskell.
When trying to use that, I've discovered that to read a Rational one has to provide a string in the following format: numerator % denominator, which I, obviously, do not have.
So, the question is:
What is the easiest way to parse a decimal representation of a fraction into Rational?
The number of external dependencies should be taken into consideration too, since I can't install additional libraries into the online judge.

The function you want is Numeric.readFloat:
Numeric Data.Ratio> fst . head $ readFloat "0.75" :: Rational
3 % 4

How about the following (GHCi session):
> :m + Data.Ratio
> approxRational (read "0.1" :: Double) 0.01
1 % 10
Of course you have to pick your epsilon appropriately.

Perhaps you'd get extra points in the contest for implementing it yourself:
import Data.Ratio ( (%) )
readRational :: String -> Rational
readRational input = read intPart % 1 + read fracPart % (10 ^ length fracPart)
where (intPart, fromDot) = span (/='.') input
fracPart = if null fromDot then "0" else tail fromDot


LUA 5.4 - How to convert 64-bit numbers to hex

I wanted to convert numbers greater than 64 bits, including up to 256 bits number from decimal to hex in lua.
num = 9223372036854775807
num = string.format("%x", num)
num = tostring(num)
print(num) -- output is 7fffffffffffffff
but if I already add a single number, it returns an error in the example below:
num = 9223372036854775808
num = string.format("%x", num)
num = tostring(num)
print(num) -- error lua54 - bad argument #2 to 'format' (number has no integer representation)
Does anyone have any ideas?
I wanted to convert numbers greater than 64 bits, including up to 256 bits number from decimal to hex in lua.
Well that's not possible without involving a big integer library such as this one. Lua 5.4 has two number types: 64-bit signed integers and 64-bit floats, which are both to limited to store arbitrary 256-bit integers.
The first num in your example, 9223372036854775807, is just the upper limit of int64 bounds (-2^63 to 2^63-1, both inclusive). Adding 1 to this forces Lua to cast it into a float64, which can represent numbers way larger than that at the cost of precision. You're then left with an imprecise float which has no "integer representation" as Lua tells you.
You could trivially reimplement %x yourself, but that wouldn't help you extend the precision/size of floats & ints. You need to find another number representation and find or write a bigint library to go with it. Options are:
String representation: Represent numbers as hex- or bytestrings (base 256).
Table representation: Represent numbers as lists of numbers (base 2^x where x is < 64)

MQL4 StringToDouble alters the value of the variable?

MQL4 documentation states that the value limits for double type variables is:
"Minimal Positive Value" = 2.2250738585072014e-308
"Maximum Value" = 1.7976931348623158e+308
Why does StringToDouble() alter the value converted?
Am I doing one thing while expecting a different result?
void OnStart() {
string s1 = "5554535251504900090807060504030201";
double d1 = StringToDouble(s1);
string s2 = DoubleToString(d1);
Here's what I get when I run that code:
5554535251504900090807060504030201 amounts to5.55454E+33.
Obviously, that doesn't even come remotely close to the 1.7976931348623158e+308 limit.
What am I missing here?
Q : "What am I missing here?"
The documented facts.
MQL4 uses no more than 4-bytes to store int.
MQL4 uses no more than 8-bytes to store double.
IEEE-754 standard defines the rest - how many bits from those 64 are reserved for: exponent ( -308, 0, +308 )
sign ( +, - ) and
the rest, for normalised form of the mantissa : 0.???????...????
Argument, that an actual number is far from either "edge" of < DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX > does explain nothing about the shallow-ness of the exact number reduced-precision representation ( see DBL_EPSILON ~ 2E-16 or DBL_DIG ~ 15-significant digits, or DBL_MANT_DIG ~ 53-bits, left from a 64-bit ( 8-Byte ) storage-cell for mantissa ).
There are many numbers, that simply cannot be stored exactly, using IEEE-754 floating point number representation.
Tons of literature explain this, so feel free to dig deeper, or may use another tools, that rely on infinite-(unlimited)-precision number representation, should your use-case requires that.

Is there a long method operation for modulo if mod or % is not a supported function/operator?

This is related to the Zeller's Congruence algorithm where there is a requirement to use Modulo to get the actual day of an input date. However, in the software I'm using which is Blueprism, there is no modulo operator/function that is available and I can't get the result I would hope to get.
In some coding language (Python, C#, Java), Zeller's congruence formula were provided because mod is available.
Would anyone know a long method of combine arithmetic operation to get the mod result?
From what I've read, mod is the remainder result from two numbers. But
181 mod 7 = 6 and 181 divided by 7 = 25.857.. the remainder result are different.
There are two answers to this.
If you have a floor() or int() operation available, then a % b is:
a - floor(a/b)*b
(revised to incorporate Andrzej Kaczor's comment, thanks!)
If you don't, then you can iterate, each time subtracting b from a until the remainder is less than b. At that point, the remainder is a % b.

Printing to specific (runtime-determined) precision in Julia

Given a value x and an integer n (assigned at runtime), I want to print x to exactly n digits after the decimal (after rounding if needed).
print(round(x, n)) works fine for (x,n)=(3.141592, 3) but for (x,n)=(2.5,5), it prints just 2.5, not 2.50000 (5 digits after decimal point).
If I knew n at runtime, say 5, I could do
#printf("%.5f", x)
But #printf being a macro needs n to be known at compile time.
Is this possible using some show magic or something else?
Using the fresh new Format.jl package:
using Format
function foo(x, n)
f = FormatSpec(".$(n)f")
pyfmt(f, x)
foo(2.5, 5)
Unfortunately, for some reason the julia version of #printf / #sprintf do not support the "width" sub-specifier as per the c printf standard (see man 3 printf).
If you're feeling brave, you can rely on the c sprintf which supports the "dynamic width" modifier, to collect a string that you then just print as normal.
A = Vector{UInt8}(100); # initialise array of 100 "chars"
ccall( :sprintf, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Cstring, Int64, Float64), A, "%.*f", 4, 0.1 )
print( unsafe_string(pointer(A)) ) #> 0.1000
Note the asterisk in %.*f, and the extra input 4 serving as the dynamic width modifier.

Small numbers in Objective C 2.0

I created a calculator class that does basic +,-, %, * and sin, cos, tan, sqrt and other math functions.
I have all the variables of type double, everything is working fine for big numbers, so I can calculate numbers like 1.35E122, but the problem is with extremely small numbers. For example if I do calculation 1/98556321 I get 0 where I would like to get something 1.01464E-8.
Should I rewrite my code so that I only manipulate NSDecimalNumber's and if so, what do I do with sin and cos math functions that accept only double and long double values.
This division gives you 0 because integer division is performed here - the result is an integer part of division. The following line should give you floating point result:
integer/integer is always an integer
So either you convert the upper or the lower number to decimal
Which explicitely convert the number to double.
Happy coding....
