Move a Project Collection of TFS to another disk - tfs

I am having short place in the disk where my TFS server is installed and i want to move some projet collections to a different disk on network where there is more place, can i proceed this moving without reinstalling again TFS and detach the collection and attach it again ?

TFS installation is server specific. On that server you will have your collection db named: Tfs_XXX along with that you have your warehouse, sharepoint, reporting and configuration tables.
I think what you are asking is "Can I have X team project on server X and Y team project on server Y but still only have one installation of TFS to manage them both" or "Can I have X Collection on server X and Y collection on server Y but still only have one installation of TFS to manage them both"
The answer to both questions is no. Server has collections - Collections have Team Projects.
You will need to have a separate installation if you want to move your Collection or Team Project to another server.
What our team does is run TFS in a Virtual Image so that we can dynamically expand the drive as needed. You may want to consider a similar solution assuming you have the hardware to do it. Alternatively, you can ofcourse expand your drive or setup tasks to Shrink your db.

Yes I achieved this by moving certain Project Collection SQL databases to a different SQL Server Instance while leaving the config database on the original server.
Basically you need to configure a second SQL Server Instance to allow TFS databases on it, then move the database to that server, then reconfigure the project collection to point to the second SQL Server instance.
See exactly how to do it in this blog post:


Complicated TFS 2017 Upgrade

I wish to upgrade my current TFS 2015.3 instance to 2017. It's not going to be quite as easy as advertised, however, due to some complicating factors. My scenario appears to be undocumented.
I'll be installing a new domain controller (moving from Server Essentials 2012 R2 to Server Essentials 2016).
The current OS is Server 2012 R2; I will be upgrading this as well, to Server 2016 (a clean install to a new VM).
Both of these new VMs must retain the same NETBIOS names as before.
The current SQL Server instance is 2014; I will be upgrading this as well, to SQL Server 2016.
The SQL Server instance for the current TFS instance is on a separate VM. I would like to consolidate this and put everything on a single VM. (I'm a solo developer putting a very light load on my server and I want to shed the extra complexity and overhead.)
Is it merely a matter of installing TFS 2017 and restoring from a 2015.3-generated backup? Will 2017 automatically apply any schema changes etc. during the restore process? Could it be that simple?
The closest question I could find to this is here, but unfortunately it doesn't quite address my situation.
Instead of doing a detach/attach upgrade there is another option available to you. detach/attach upgrades have had issues in the past and though most of these issues have been fixed, it's considered a suboptimal solution.
Instead, perform an Upgrade Installation.
Take a full backup of all your TFS 2015u3 databases and restore them to the new SQL server instance. You can create the full backup using the Team Foundation Server Admin Console, or use SQL Server Management Studio after stopping all TFS services on each Application Tier (in your case there is probably only one) using
TFSServiceControl quiesce
Now install TFS 2017 and perform the "upgrade" installation and point it to your existing databases. It will ask you if you want to upgrade them and whether you have a valid backup.
And after some time (upgrades can take a while, as data is moved around the databases), your TFS server will come back online. The installation wizard usually does all the mapping work required.
There is one big caveat, and that has to do with domain changes. If you are
installing in the same Windows Active Directory domain, you're good. But if your server is running in Workgroup mode you may want to remap all the identities in your TFS database prior to running the upgrade step. So install TFS, but do not configure yet. Run the following command
TFSConfig Identities /change /fromdomain:Domain1 /todomain:Domain2
Then use the upgrade option to have TFS use your database backups. The full explanation on doing a cross domain server migration is documented on MSDN. Be sure to safeguard your pre-upgrade backup until you've verified a successful upgrade.
We face almost the same thing, as our server was created for TFS 2013 and therefore has SQL 2012 installed.
Yes, it actually is as easy as your question states. When you attach the collection that you restored form the backup all the schema changes will be applied. Before then you configure the app tier of TFS and skip
An important thing though is to detach the collection before doing the backup. This copies various configuration into the collection database so that it is self-contained and can be moved to another server. You then only move the collection database to the new server.
Here is how in list form:
Detach collection using TFS Admin Console
Backup collection database using SSMS, e.g. Tfs_YourCollection
Restore collection database on new server using SSMS
Install TFS
Configure app tier, skip creation of new DefaultCollection
Attach collection in the TFS Admin Console, might take some time depending on your collection size.
You can do 4+5 before 3.
Note: Changing domain can add complexity. SharePoint and Reporting sites are not migrated!

TFS 2015.4 consolidation path

I have 2 different tfs servers, on different machines. Both of them is not in any domain. Each of them has their own project collections and team projects.
What I wanna do is merge them on a new server. What I believe this is called consolidation.
I have been researching for this job, but documents I have found were a little uncomprehensive for me. But I planned a path afterall. Lets say I have servers A, B, and C. A and B are the old ones, and C will be the new one.
Server A: 2015.4
take full backup of the db via TFS administration console, to \\backups\tfsA
Server B: 2015.4
take full backup of the db via TFS administration console, to \\backups\tfsB
Server C:
install the TFS 2015.4 - do not configure
restore database via TFS administration console, from \\backups\tfsA
restore database via TFS administration console, from \\backups\tfsB
configure TFS
My question here is
"Would this path actually work?", restoration from 2 different paths seems a little scary to me, but can't be sure. Or;
Should I have the db backups on the same path like \\backups\tfsAB and run restore from that path?
After this process is completed, I need to make an environment migration too and have this new tfs work with an Active Directory, but that should be another question after I make this work I guess.
You cannot merge the two servers directly as you mention, as some of the configuration would be in the database for each server.
What you can do is move one Team Project Collection at a time, by detaching it from the old server (will copy needed configuration from the common configuration database into the collection database), make a backup of that particular Team Project Collection database, restore it on the new server and finally attaching it (will copy configuration back to the common configuration database).
You do need to think of the naming as the Team Project Collection needs to have a unique name on the new merged server. Renaming is done by changing the name upon restore.
Question is similar to this question.

Restore all security groups of the TFS 2010 collections after applying the TFSConfig repair command

We've lost our TFS and domain servers. TFS was configured to use domain accounts. We could resotre only the TFS Project Collection databases and thanks to the "TFSConfig repair" command, we finally attached them to a new TFS instance.
But all of the default security groups for repaired projects are lost (except the administrators). For example we don't have "Contributors" group anymore.
Now we want to restore these standard groups. Maybe it's possible to fix it by applying the default TFS "project proccess templates" on all existing projects and collections again.
Is there any way to address it?
As you lost the Domain server you have to follow the Move User and Service Accounts chapter of the "Move Team Foundation Server from One Environment to Another" procedure.
By the way, there's no such feature as reapplying a process template on an existing Team Project.
Have you tried to recreate at least one group that you lost? Only to know if that is working (maybe TFS will return an error because the group still exists in the database but it's not shown for whatever reason) ?
One last thing: check the TFS Scheduler Windows Service is running on the TFS Server and look for errors in the Windows Event Log.

TFS 2010 source control backup/restore

Is there a way to backup just the source control component of a team project and restore it into a different TFS server? We setup a TFS 2010 server for RND, but decided to use it's source control manager for a development project. We did this so the developers can learn how to work with it before we use it on a much bigger project. Now, we need to blow away the server since it is a VM for RND. We're going to setup a new TFS server for production. I don't want to lose the source code history.
Yes, you can use the TFS Integration Tools to migrate source with history for one or more Team Projects to another server. It is very easy to use.
TFS Integration Tools Download
I hope this helps
Use the features built into the product. In Dev10, collections were added so artifacts (including source) would be portable between TFS servers - leverage that. Pilot projects were a key scenario for portable artifacts and a justification for collections.
Dettach the collection from the VM TFS instance. It's available from the collection node of the admin console.
Backup the database from the database you dettached.
Deploy the new real server (non-VM).
Restore that collection database to the sql server used for the production instance.
Using the administration console collections node, attach the collection to the newly deployed TFS server.
Now you have the source available from the prototype period and you have a new production collection available for the new production instance.
BTW, in Dev 11 (you can get build conference CTP or beta soon) TFS upgrades the collection on attach so if you deploy a Dev11 TFS server, you can attach that prototype collection and pull it forward.

TFS: Moving a Team Project from one server to another?

is there a (simple) way to move a single TeamProject from one server to another? Including source code, work items, documents, project site...
We don't want to move our server from one machine to another. Just a single project from server A to server B.
You have two options
You can use the TFS to TFS migration tool: Click Here. This doesn't include the WSS project site.
Or you can backup your TFS db and restore on a new TFS instance, then use the TFSDeleteProject.exe tool to remove the projects you don't want.
The latter option is the easiest, but will not merge the backed up projects with any existing projects on the target instance. Existing projects will be lost. WSS sites can also be moved in this manner as well. See How to: Back Up a Team Foundation Server
The TFS to TFS migration tool is obsolete. The features you are looking for is part of TFS Integration Platform.
Goto for more info.
In TFS 2010 you can detach the Project Collection database using the TFS Admin Console and then re-attach it to another TFS Server.
If you want an entire Project Collection to be moved from one TFS server to another:
1) Detach the collection via Admin Console.
2) Backup the Tfs_SomethingCollection database using SSMS, then restore it to the other database server.
3) On the second TFS Admin Console, attach the project collection. It will show up as an available collection to attach just because it has been restored in the second sql server instance.
I did not migrate the Tfs_Configuration database. In my case I was not utilizing reporting services, build services, or sharepoint.
I hadn't installed the second TFS server and was wondering, what options to choose when installing, and if you should install it after or before restoring the migrated DB(it doesn't really matter): Install TFS on the second machine. If TFS and its database instance will be on seperate servers, then choose Advanced configuration and specify the name of the DB server instance. When you have an opportunity to create a DefaultCollection, then opt to skip that step. The install will create a new Tfs_Configuration DB on the new server. Then follow the above steps to migrate the collection DB to the new DB server instance and attach it.
Programmers will need to add the new server to Team Explorer, and hit Change Source Control... twice in a row for each solution. Make sure the local path mappings are correct, and then Bind each solution/project.
