clr stored procedure with SqlContext.Pipe.Send should return decimal, returns int - clr

I have a clr stored procedure that has to return decimal value. I cannot use output parameters at this moment - i need to reuse the existing library that doesn't process output parameters.
My stored procedure returns a value - but it loosed decimal digits.
Any ideas why?
public static int CalculateMyValue(SqlDecimal aInput1, SqlString aInput2, SqlDecimal aInput3)
//convert second value to code. call regular stored procedure
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_getCodeForVal", conn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MyParam", aInput2);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
object input2CodeSql = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (input2CodeSql == null)
// debug print
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string.Format("aInput2 = {0}", aInput2));
return 2;
decimal input2Code = Convert.ToDecimal(input2CodeSql.ToString());
decimal input1Val = aInput1.Value;
decimal input3Val = aInput3.Value;
GetMyDecimal myVal = new GetMyDecimal();
decimal decValue = myVal.Calculate(input1Val, input2Code, input3Val);
SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string.Format("decValue = {0}", decValue));
// Create a record object that represents an individual row, including it's metadata.
SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("decValue", SqlDbType.Decimal));
// Populate the record.
record.SetDecimal(0, decValue);
// Send the record to the client.
return 0;
catch (Exception)
return 2;
EDIT: forgot to add that SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string.Format("decValue = {0}", decValue));
shows decimal places but SqlContext.Pipe.Send(record); returns no decimal places.

Default decimal's precicion/scale is 18/0. Try using different overload for creating Meta Data:
SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("decValue", SqlDbType.Decimal, 19, 9, false, false, SortOrder.Ascending, 0));


ASP.NET Stored Procedure Call insert VarBinary into sql

I have a string that is data bytes base64EncodedString from iOS which is an extremely long string
let imageStr = imageData.base64EncodedString()
I am calling a .NET Method from my ios that will call a stored procedure to insert these bytes into the database.
Here is my .NET Method, I have the data type set to VarBinary
public string PostLandGradingImages(List<Images> landingCells)
using (connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("PostLandGradingImages", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
for (int i = 0; i < landingCells.Count; i++)
SqlParameter parameter1 = new SqlParameter("#Job_No", SqlDbType.VarChar);
parameter1.Value = landingCells[i].jobNo;
parameter1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
SqlParameter parameter2 = new SqlParameter("#Image", SqlDbType.VarBinary);
parameter2.Value = landingCells[i].imageBytes;
parameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
catch (Exception e)
return e.Message.ToString();
return "All Good";
Here is my Image Class, notice my imageBytes is defined as a byte[]:
public class Images
public string jobNo { get; set; }
public byte[] imageBytes { get; set; }
The column I am inserting into is defined as varbinary(MAX)
and here is my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PostLandGradingImages]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#Job_No varchar(MAX) = NULL,
#Image varbinary(MAX) = NULL
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO LandGradingImages (Job_No, ImageBytes) VALUES (#Job_No, #Image)
My problem is nothing is getting inserted, I am getting this error in my catch:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
My question is, what am I doing wrong? Should I not be sending base64EncodedString or am I not setting my class right? or my db column?
I tried this:
byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(landingCells[i].imageBytes);
SqlParameter parameter2 = new SqlParameter("#Image", SqlDbType.VarBinary, 800000);
parameter2.Value = bytes;
parameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
Still does not work :( and I changed imageBytes to string.
I modified your code a little to the method below. It creates a new CommandType.StoredProcedure for every Image. Also the results are returned per image, so you can see which ones failed. In your method, if you have 10 images, and the 9th failed, you would not know that.
public List<Images> PostLandGradingImages(List<Images> landingCells)
//create a connection to the database
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Common.connectionString))
//loop all the images
for (int i = 0; i < landingCells.Count; i++)
//create a fresh sql command for every Image
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("PostLandGradingImages", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
//add the parameters
command.Parameters.Add("#Job_No", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = landingCells[i].jobNo;
command.Parameters.Add("#Image", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = landingCells[i].imageBytes;
//open the connection if closed
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
//execute the stored procedure
//set the save result to the image
landingCells[i].saveResult = true;
catch (Exception ex)
//handle error per Image
landingCells[i].errorMessage = ex.Message;
return landingCells;
In order to track the save result per image I've added two properties to the Image class, but this can be done in various other ways as well.
public class Images
public string jobNo { get; set; }
public byte[] imageBytes { get; set; }
public bool saveResult { get; set; }
public string errorMessage { get; set; }
A simple test was done with the following code. None of them gave a NullReference Error. Even with both properties being null, a database entry was still made.
//create a new list with Images
List<Images> landingCells = new List<Images>();
//add some dummy data
landingCells.Add(new Images() { jobNo = null, imageBytes = null });
landingCells.Add(new Images() { jobNo = "Job 1", imageBytes = null });
landingCells.Add(new Images() { jobNo = null, imageBytes = new byte[10000] });
landingCells.Add(new Images() { jobNo = "Job 2", imageBytes = new byte[10000] });
//send the images to be saved
landingCells = PostLandGradingImages(landingCells);
//loop all the images to check the result
for (int i = 0; i < landingCells.Count; i++)
if (landingCells[i].saveResult == false)
//display the result for each failed image
Label1.Text += landingCells[i].errorMessage + "<br>";
If there is still a NullReference error, that means that your List landingCells itself is null, or an Image object within that List is null (in which case it should never have been added to the List in the first place imho). You can change the snippet easily to check for that.
Consider batching the queries in a transaction. Also you should validate the values provided to the method to make sure that you can call the stored procedure correctly.
public int PostLandGradingImages(List<Images> landingCells) {
int count = 0;
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
//Transaction to batch the actions.
using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) {
foreach (var image in landingCells) {
if (valid(image)) {//validate input properties.
try {
using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.CommandText = "PostLandGradingImages";
.Add("#Job_No", SqlDbType.VarChar, image.jobNo.Length)
.Value = image.jobNo;
.Add("#Image", SqlDbType.VarBinary, image.imageBytes.Length)
.Value = image.imageBytes;
count += command.ExecuteNonQuery();
} catch {
//TODO: Log error
if (landingCells.Count == count) {
return count;
private bool valid(Images image) {
return image != null && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(image.jobNo)
&& image.imageBytes != null && image.imageBytes.Length > 0;

Given a TFS build definition how to get the value and type of an arbitrary process parameter?

Given a build definition, I extract the following pieces from it:
m_template = (DynamicActivity)WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeWorkflow(buildDefinition.Process.Parameters);
Properties = m_template.Properties.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Metadata = WorkflowHelpers.GetCombinedMetadata(m_template).ToDictionary(m => m.ParameterName);
m_parameters = WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeProcessParameters(buildDefinition.ProcessParameters)
Now I wish to know the value of an arbitrary process parameter.
My current code is:
public ParameterValue GetParameterValue(string name)
object propValue;
var valueType = GetParameterType(name, out propValue);
object value;
if (!m_parameters.TryGetValue(name, out value))
value = propValue;
return new ParameterValue(valueType, value);
private Type GetParameterType(string name, out object value)
value = null;
if (Properties != null)
DynamicActivityProperty property;
if (Properties.TryGetValue(name, out property))
var inArgument = property.Value as InArgument;
if (inArgument != null)
if (inArgument.Expression != null)
var exprString = inArgument.Expression.ToString();
if (!exprString.StartsWith(": VisualBasicValue<"))
value = exprString;
return inArgument.ArgumentType;
if (property.Value != null)
value = property.Value;
return property.Value.GetType();
var typeName = property.Type.ToString();
if (typeName.StartsWith(IN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PREFIX))
typeName = typeName.Substring(IN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PREFIX.Length, typeName.Length - IN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PREFIX.Length - 1);
return Type.GetType(typeName, true);
return property.Type;
return typeof(string);
Unfortunately, this code stumbles for parameters satisfying all of the following conditions:
The parameter value is wrapped as InArgument<T>.
T is a non primitive type, for example string[]
The build definition does not override the value inherited from the process template.
What happens is that:
Because the value is non primitive exprString.StartsWith(": VisualBasicValue<") and I do not know how to handle it. Hence propValue is null.
Because the value is not overridden by the build definition !m_parameters.TryGetValue(name, out value) and hence I just return propValue.
As a result my logic returns null. But it is wrong! For example, I have a string[] parameter which has a list of string in the process template, but my logic returns null for the reasons explained.
So, what is the proper way to compute it?
You can use the following code (included in another link) to get value and type of one process parameter:
TfsTeamProjectCollection tfctc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://tfsservername:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection"));
IBuildServer bs = tfctc.GetService<IBuildServer>();
IBuildDetail[] builds = bs.QueryBuilds("teamprojectname", "builddefinitionname");
foreach (var build in builds)
var buildefinition = build.BuildDefinition;
IDictionary<String, Object> paramValues = WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeProcessParameters(buildefinition.ProcessParameters);
string processParametersValue = paramValues["argument1"].ToString();
Also have a check on this case: TFS 2010: Why is it not possible to deserialize a Dictionary<string, object> with XamlWriter.Save when I can use XamlReader for deserializing

How to marshal/unmarshal ContentValues to insert generic type into ContentProvider?

I want to put a generic POJO into ContentValues and unmarshall it within the ContentProvider.
I've been wracking my tiny brain re: Parcelables, ContentValues, and inserting into SQLite
How to write a common code for inserting data in android's Sqlite
I've been trying to insert a android.location.Location into SQLite via ContentProvider:
Location loc = mLocationClient.getLastLocation();
myParcel = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
loc.writeToParcel(myParcel, 0);
ContentValues values = ContentValues.CREATOR.createFromParcel(myParcel );
to populate values w/ parcel.
Question 1)
Here is my ContentProvider.insert method:
public Uri insert( final Uri uri, final ContentValues values ){
SQLiteDatabase db = Mydatabase.getWritableDatabase();
//db.insert() doesn’t unmarshal the values??
db.insert( myTABLE_NAME, “”, values);
Uri result = null;
return result;
this fails because the db.insert() doesn’t unmarshal the values (i believe)
Error inserting android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: INSERT INTO myTABLE_NAME() VALUES (NULL)
Question 2)
Is there some way I can unmarshal values first and then marshal it back into another ContentValues variable? maybe w/ getKey()???
This works:
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
Location loc = mLocationClient.getLastLocation();
hm.put("LOCATIONS", loc);
android.os.Parcel myParcel = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
ContentValues values = ContentValues.CREATOR.createFromParcel(myParcel);
getContentResolver().insert(MyUri, values);
and then
public Uri insert( final Uri uri, final ContentValues oldvalues ){
SQLiteDatabase db = GAELdatabase.getWritableDatabase();
Uri result = null;
Location loc = (Location)oldvalues.get("LOCATIONS");
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("ALTITUDE", loc.getAltitude());//meters above sea level
values.put("LATITUDE", loc.getLatitude());
values.put("LONGITUDE", loc.getLongitude());
long rowID = db.insert( "MyTABLE_NAME", "", values);
return result;

Android; SQLite database Cursor is null. It should not be. I don't know why it is

I had a method which fetched records from an sqlite database but after a while i changed it a little and made a secondary method for fetching specific records with user entered information.
I don't know why but my original method is returning null now.
public CarddbAdapter open2() throws SQLException {
String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
myDatabaseR = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,
myDatabaseW = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,
return this;
public void MyDatabaseClose() {
public ArrayList<String> getAllCardNames() {
ArrayList<String> returnedAllCardNames;
ArrayList<String> NoResults;
ArrayList<String> NoResults2;
NoResults = new ArrayList<String>();
NoResults.add("cursor is null");
NoResults2 = new ArrayList<String>();
NoResults2.add("No similar cards found.");
returnedAllCardNames = new ArrayList<String>();
/*String sqlquery_cardNames = "SELECT " + KEY_CARDNAME
+ " FROM cards WHERE card_name like '%" + passedName
+ "%' ORDER BY card_name ASC";*/
//String sqlquery_cardNames;
String sqlquery_cardNames = "SELECT DISTINCT card_name FROM cards";
Cursor c_cardNames;
c_cardNames = myDatabaseW.rawQuery(sqlquery_cardNames, null);
if (c_cardNames != null) {
do {
if (c_cardNames.getCount() > 0) {
String returnedName = c_cardNames.getString(c_cardNames
} else {
return NoResults2;
} while (c_cardNames.moveToNext());
return NoResults;
How i am using it:
CarddbAdapter yugiohDB = new CarddbAdapter(this);
search_results = (ListView) findViewById(;
ArrayList<String> returnedCards_list1 = new ArrayList<String>();
listAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(SearchMode_Simple.this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, returnedCards_list1);
Any help would be appreciated.
If you would like to see what this is actually supposed to do then download my app called Yugioh Library + Tools. Click the Search Library button from the main menu and then the button Simple Search. It should be displaying a list of cards from the database.
The reason i was changing it is because i'm setting up Spinners so users can choose different trading card sets to choose some which would then list all the cards from that specific set.
Fixed. I forgot to return the string array "returnedAllCardNames" which was holding the names of all process card records after the do while loop.

sqlbulkcopy mem. management

I'm using SQLBULKCOPY to copy some data-tables into a database table, however, because the size of the files I'm copying run sometimes in excess of 600mb, I keep running out of memory.
I'm hoping to get some advice about managing the table size before I commit it to the database so I can free up some memory to continue writing.
Here are some examples of my code (some columns and rows eliminated for simplicity)
SqlBulkCopy sqlbulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(ServerConfiguration); //Define the Server Configuration
System.IO.StreamReader rdr = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);
Console.WriteLine("Counting number of lines...");
Console.WriteLine("{0}, Contains: {1} Lines", fileName, countLines(fileName));
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
sqlbulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "[dbo].[]"; //You need to define the target table name where the data will be copied
string inputLine = "";
DataRow row; //Declare a row, which will be added to the above data table
while ((inputLine = rdr.ReadLine()) != null) //Read while the line is not null
i = 0;
string[] arr;
Console.Write("\rWriting Line: {0}", k);
arr = inputLine.Split('\t'); //splitting the line which was read by the stream reader object (tab delimited)
row = dt.NewRow();
row["PROGRAMNAME"] = arr[i++];
row["PROGRAMURL"] = arr[i++];
row["CATALOGNAME"] = arr[i++];
row["LASTUPDATED"] = arr[i++];
row["NAME"] = arr[i++];
// Set the timeout, 600 secons (10 minutes) given table size--damn that's a lota hooch
sqlbulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 600;
catch (Exception e)
sqlbulkCopy.Close();//Release the resources
Console.WriteLine("\nDB Table Written: \"{0}\" \n\n", sqlbulkCopy.DestinationTableName.ToString());
I continued to have problems getting SQLBulkCopy to work, and I realized I needed to do more work on each record before it was entered into the database, so I developed a simple LinQ to Sql method to do record by record updates, so I could edit other information and create more record information as it was being run,
Problem: This method's been running pretty slow (even on Core i3 machine), any ideas on how to speed it up (threading?) -- on a single processor core, with 1gb of memory it crashes or takes sometimes 6-8 hours to write the same amount of data as one SQLBulkCopy that takes a few moments. It does manage memory better though.
while ((inputLine = rdr.ReadLine()) != null) //Read while the line is not null
Console.Write("\rWriting Line: {0}", k);
string[] arr;
arr = inputLine.Split('\t');
/* items */
if (fileName.Contains(",,"))
Item = Table(arr);
/* Check to see if the item is in the db */
bool exists = table.tables.Where(u => u.ProductID == Item.ProductID).Any();
/* Commit */
if (!exists)
catch (Exception e)
// Make some adjustments.
// ...
// Try again.
With helper method:
public static class extensionMethods
/// <summary>
/// Method that provides the T-SQL EXISTS call for any IQueryable (thus extending Linq).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Returns whether or not the predicate conditions exists at least one time.</remarks>
public static bool Exists<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate)
return source.Where(predicate).Any();
Try specifying the BatchSize property to 1000 which will batch up the insert in a 1000 record batch rather than the whole lot. You can tweak this value to find what is optimal. I have used sqlbulkcopy for similar size data and it works well.
Faced with the same issue, found that problem of OutOfMemory Exception was in DataTable.Rows maximum quantity limitations.
Solved with recreating table, with maximum 500000 rows limit.
Hope, my solution will be helpfull:
var myTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
myTable.Columns.Add("Guid", typeof(Guid));
myTable.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
int counter = 0;
foreach (var row in rows)
if (counter < 500000)
new object[]
using (var dbConnection = new SqlConnection("Source=localhost;..."))
using (var s = new SqlBulkCopy(dbConnection))
s.DestinationTableName = "MyTable";
foreach (var column in myTable.Columns)
s.ColumnMappings.Add(column.ToString(), column.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
myTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
myTable.Columns.Add("Guid", typeof(Guid));
myTable.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
new object[]
counter = 0;
