MonoDroid: HelloWorld not ending up in Emulator -

I have installed MonoDroid and the hello world sample. I compile the app and choose the emulator from the selector. The app is compiled and pushed to the device from Visual Studio according to MonoDroid.
But it never appears in the emulator.
So, I tried to push the app up using ADB install
I get this error from adb:

This is caused by using the new Java 7 SDK.
Currently the only fix available is to uninstall Java 7 and install Java 6.


Unable to add apple device in Android studio

I want to try out the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) in Android studio. I have installed the Plugin and when I try to add configuration for IOS, nothing shows up. I just have an IOS option but nothing shows up when I click on it. The android device is already set up, so I was able to run it in Android.
I guess you are not running Android Studio on macOS. You must have macOS to compile through XCode and use Apple Simulators.
If you are running AS on macOS and you created the project with KMM plugin it's weird that you don't have the run configuration for iOS already set up, but you can try to click on the + button on the upper-left corner. Remember that you must have XCode (and Simulators) and command line tools installed on your machine.
If you are running AS on an OS different from macOS you can only compile the non native (not macOS or iOS) part of the library.
Had the same issue. What fixed it it for me was installing Xcode command line tools with xcode-select --install.
If that doesn't work, generally check the integrity of your Xcode setup.

Xamarin App running in Ios simulator using visual studio

I am facing the issue to run the xamarin app in IOS simulator. Whenever i am trying to run this app it was asking me to add or pair the Mac. Since I dont own the Mac I tried to install Xamarin.Ios in windows. In this process i need to install the XCode in my windows 10 Os. First of all i am unable to download the Xcode tool from Apple portal with valid credentials. I followed the below 2 links but no luck to download and install the Xcode. Could you guys please help me the easiest solution to download install the Xcode to do the next level of run the App in windows.
Bottom line is that iOS apps must be build using a licensed Mac OS, period. Visual Studio for Windows does not actually build the iOS app, what it does do is connect to a Mac (which must have XCode installed) and facilitate a remote iOS build via XCode. However, if you have a Mac, you can build both iOS and Android code directly on your Mac using Visual Studio for Mac. Yes, it is frustrating that you must have access to a Mac OS to build iOS apps, but this is a requirement and there is no way around it.

Launch failed. The app could not be launched on xamarin

I am getting the following error when trying to run Visual Studio/Xamarin built application on the IOS Simulator.
Launch failed. The app 'App2' could not be launched on 'iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.1'. Please check the logs for more details.
"App2" was created using the Tab Template, and NO code changes after rolling the application.
Windows environment: Windows 10 w/Visual Studio 2015 update 2
Mac environment: IMac Sierra fully patched. XCode 8.1 (what ever is most up to date).
I have connected the mac remote and pc. I can launch the iPhone simulator on the mac from Visual studio on the PC.
I get the error when trying to run "App2". It compiles fine, just won't run on the simulator.
I've searched here, and similar results speak of VS Crashing. Mine doesn't crash, just presents the error. NOTE: There's nothing in any log I can find with details by the way.
Ideas? Thanks!
EDIT: Just loaded up Parallels on the IMac and ran Win 10/VStudio. I get the same error. Again, xamarin remote agent connected and I can start the simulator from the PC, i just can't deploy to it.
After all the research and help from those here it comes down to a bug with the current version of Xamarin. Options are to wait until a new stable build is on the Xamarin site or get builds off of GIT. I'm choosing to wait, as I've not had great luck working with interim builds.
Xamarin that downloads with the new VS 2017 fixes this bug.

Titanium CLI error in building for app-store

I'm using the open source Titanium CLI for updating an app that's currently in the Apple app store. It builds and runs in the simulator without any problems using the command
ti build -p ios
When I try to build for the app store I use the command
ti build -p ios -T dist-appstore -R <company> -P <distribution certificate>
and get an error message
[ERROR] titanium_prep failed to run (10)
[ERROR] This application cannot be built with the Titanium open source SDK because it is an Appcelerator Platform registered application. Please use the Appcelerator Platform CLI tools or Appcelerator Studio to build this application.
I've unregistered the application with the Appcelerator Platform, but it hasn't corrected the problem.
I'm using Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 5.0.6, Titanium SDK version 6.0.0.v20160131225447 and Node version 0.12.7.
Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
There is a migration guide at
It seems you need to use a GUID that is not registered with appcelerator in the tiapp.xml.
It's also worth removing any <appc-...> or <property name="appc-..."> references to appcelerator services that will be turned off, and set <analytics>false</analytics>
I'm on a Mac with node 0.12 and I was having the same issue with Titanium SDK 5.X.X, but I have changed it to 4.X.X and now I can compile without errors.
I hope you don't need Titanium SDK 5.X.X. or 6.X.X to make your code run...
I met the same problem.
re-create your app using $ ti create
or, just build this app using $appc ti build ...
Long explanation:
Our experience is: don't create ti app using $ appc create, just use $ ti create ...
in China mainland, the appc command is not usable at all because of GFW.
I found the related file is the titanium_prep file, which is binary, I can't see any useful information there.
You can't simply edit tiapp.xml and remove the appc/acs attributes to solve this problem
this problem will not occur if you run your app on IOS simulator.
Also, don't downgrade to Titanium 4.X. That means your app won't run at the latest devices.

Visual Studio 2015 hangs on deploying cordova application

I'm trying to build a blank cordova application into my iPad Air 2 with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise edition as i've already done it with success with the release candidate version.
I've got node.js v 4.2.2 on both machines since version 5.2.0 was hanging the build indefinitely, i've also got latest version of iTunes (12.3.1) as well as iOS 9.2 on the mobile device.
I've got the remote MAC set up and everything works fine for the building part, infact i've checked and the .ipa file is there at the end of the build into the folder ...\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\BlankCordovaApp1\BlankCordovaApp1\bin\iOS\Debug and if i launch that it will correctly install into iTunes and the iPad itself.
The problem is that the build action with Configuration "iOS" and "Local Device" with the iPad connected to the windows 7 PC will hang indefinitely after copying back said .ipa file after writing this line into the Build Output:
2>------ Deploy started: Project: BlankCordovaApp1, Configuration: Debug iOS ------
No matter how much time i wait it wont start the debug session even if i authorized the pc onto the iPad and have my web Inspector turned on onto the safari options. At this point i have to interrupt the build to be able to work again.
What really gets me is that if i connect the iPad to the MAC machine and build with "Remote Device" option the build works fine and i can debug remotely from my windows pc, unfortunately working like that isn't an option since the Apple machine isn't in the same room of my developing machine.
Any insight about this issue would be really appreciate, thanks in advance.
You are using a recent version of node and thus will also need to use a recent version of Cordova.
Specifically, you need to use Cordova 5.3.3 to be able to use Node.js 4.x.x+. The hang you are experiencing is exactly why. It's an incompatibility with a down stream node module and Node 4.x.x. You can downgrade to Node 0.12.x or upgrade your Cordova project to 5.3.3.
Note that Node 5.x.x is only supported in Cordova 5.4.1.
This should be addressed in the latest VS Tools for Cordova Update 6. Deploying to local device is now available.
Take a look at
