Hosting for a Ruby on Rails application [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am a Ruby on Rails developer and I am planning to purchase an hosting space in order to publish my web application (I'm developing a small Social Network). This is my first time that I try to deploy a Ruby on Rails application, so I am not expert on the matter.
I would like to find a "compromise" between performance and price. I think that for now a shared server it is enough (maybe) for my needs (suggestions are appreciated...).
In localhost I am using
Ruby on Rails 3.0.9
Phusion Passenger
so the hosting server should satisfy the above requisites.
More: in my application I am using the Paperclip gem so another requisite should be Image-Magick.
What hosting service do you advice for my needs? What should I have to care when I purchase a hosting space for RoR? And, most importantly, which hosting service do you advice??
P.S.: if you need some other information just ask and I will update the question.

Even though this question is slightly off-topic on SO, I'd recommend you look at Heroku:
Hosting a Rails app can't be easier and you can start with the free plan and then scale up as needed.


Setting up Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How do you go about setting up a Rails application on a standard web server? I want to just throw my application into cgi-bin and run it, but Rails clearly wants to control the file system and how file accesses are routed. So it's all very well working on my application in its little sandbox, but how do you actually close the gap and serve an application?
You need to Create Ruby on Rails app first then you can deploy it on Heroku. Here is very nice reference link from scratch..
Hope this will help create Rails Demo App and all steps of deploying on Heroku.
There are a plethora of tutorials on how to deploy rails applications correctly.
Most notable (we've recently used) are:
DigitalOcean - Deploying to a VPS
GoRails - Deploying on Ubuntu with Nginx
Heroku - Deploying to Heroku with GIT
This will give you information on how to deploy to either the Heroku platform, or one of the many VPS type hosting providers out there. We use Rackspace, and the DigitalOcean & GoRails tutorials were invaluable when setting up our server again
Although I'm not totally in tune with how Rails runs on file-system level, you have to appreciate that Rails runs with a multitude of dependencies & can also be compiled at run time
Processing requests in this way has to be handled by more than just the standard hosting software, and indeed, the most recommended solution from the Rails core team is Phusion Passenger

How to integrate wordpress blog into my rails web app at the same domain? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an existing Rails web application at I bought the domain using namecheap and have deployed it using Heroku. I want to integrate a Wordpress blog at I've never done this before and am confused how to go about doing this; should I integrate Wordpress using a wordpress gem in my rails app and deploy it or do I have to do something with Namecheap to integrate? I'm super confused and am not sure where to start. Any advice?
If you deploy a Rails application at Heroku, there is no way you can integrate a WordPress blog under the same hostname.
The major problem is that the Rails app is written in Ruby and WordPress is written in PHP. Ruby and PHP are two different languages.
My recommendation is to use a separate hostname. You can have your application hosted at Heroku under (www.), and host your WordPress blog elsewhere under
This is quite easy and by far the best solution.
If can technically run a WordPress blog and a Rails app under the same hostname (I know for sure because I'm exactly doing the same for my personal site), but it involves some system administration knowledge (and I'm not sure you may have the necessary skills to perform such task) and you will need a custom server.
For your information, my configuration is based on Nginx as a front-end proxy. If the request comes a /blog location, I proxy it to the PHP interpreter. Otherwise, I proxy it to the Rails application interpreter (puma or unicorn).
This cannot be accomplished using Heroku, unless (but I haven't tried it) you use a custom build pack.

Is it worth setting up my own infrastructure for my rails app? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new to rails and I am redoing and revamping my current website with it. I have been looking all over the internet about how to deploy my rails app to my server. It seems that everyone is mentioning AWS and Heroku. The problem is that I am not interested in paying money down the road when my website starts to grow.
So would it be worth it to set up my own infrastructure so I can change and modify it as my site grows or is it north worth the trouble for the prices that I could pay for someone (Heroku most likely) to worry about that for me?
Also is it even possible or feasible for that matter to deploy myself?
I have a few rails projects hosted on my own virtual server. Ubuntu, rbenv, git, rails, passenger and mysql setup.. There are other setups, for example with unicorn an really depends on your projects.
How many hits you'll expect per day/month?
I can recommend hosting little projects by your own. It is cheaper and very convenient. But you need know-how and time.
And the state-of-the art method for deploying rails apps is the capistrano tool.

How to host a rails web application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have developed a nifty web application using rails and would like to host it. Unfortunately I'm unsure how i can cheaply host my application. I'm aware of various deployment tools like capistrano and I've also herd of Heroku. I presume these tools help in hosting.
However can anyone provide me the steps to host a web app in details esp using rails and what all options i can have for doing it?
It has been pointed out to me that a link in my answer does no longer work. Which is not that surprising, since this is a 3 year old answer.
Because It seems like people are still stumbling on this answer, I would like to redirect people to this page:
It should have all the information you need to deploy a rails application.
I recommend that you check out
to start with.
And also
are both great hosts for any rails application, and they also have some pretty easy to follow step-by-step tutorials on how to do so.
As Leito mentioned Heroku in his answer, I would like to point you to
If you choose Heroku as your host, you could check out that video as it shows you how to deploy a simple rails application.
Heroku is the easiest in my opinion, I recommend you start here
Heroku is more an application hosting and uses git to deploy your app, so no need of capistrano or similar tools.

How do you choose which hosting is better for rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been planning to host a site built on rails on the web. How can choose the correct hosting site? How do I know they have installed the same version of rails which I worked on? Can I ask the hosting site to install the required rails version and the gems. Or would it be only done to dedicated servers. If you guys wanna suggest any hosting sites, I would also welcome that.
I love so much heroku because is easy to use and it offer a scalable environment.
But i use dedicated servers with apache+passenger to run my rails application so i can do what i wan't on my system.
Some hosters offers a console to manage your gems so you can run your application in any version of rails.
If you're Linux savvy, you could also go with a VPS solution such as Linode. A little more work on your end, but you have complete control and will know exactly what versions of what are being used.
This website is good to choose Rails hosting
i am working for a startup and they are currently hosting at heroku. Its built for rails and very good in terms of customer support.
the name "engineyard" is being heard these days a can probably give that a try..
