Ruby Blog Engine like toto - ruby-on-rails

Is there any other ruby blog engine like toto which could be easily deployed on services like heroku?
If yes, Please suggest some names.
Thanks in advance.

I would Radiant CMS, this how to install it on Heroku. It has a great blog built right in.

Checkout scanty and jekyll really small and fast ... hackers style blogging engine.~


Ruby on Rails Quickstart

I've just completed a couple of Ruby on Rails books which were excellent. I'd like to know if there are any quickstarts or guides that can serve to jumpstart to my RoR projects but without all of the explanations that I have search through to get the steps. Thanks in advance.
Don't understand since you have read a couple of books and guides, why you would still need a quickstart guide to develop your own app. Rather contradicting. Why don't you just start developing an app from scratch with your awesome idea?
Anyway, to answer your question, try Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial to build a Twitter app.
Good luck!
(Caveats: I'm too new to post many links so you may need to copy/paste. Not all of these are for the most current versions of Ruby/Rails but they will certainly get you going.)
Twitter Clone
Pinterest Clone
Good Reads Clone
(You will need to do some things differently in Rails 3/4 and just skip the Authlogic stuff altogether.)
Ruby Guide
getting_started.html (also noted above)
Sitepoint Tutorial
BaseApp2 (requires QT SDK #
Community Engine
Open Source Rails (Library of apps; build on the shoulders of giants, geniuses/genii, and semi-talented braggarts)
How about this one?
If you read Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example then you should be good to go. If not you could go through that book it is free online here.

Add blog to Rails app on Heroku

I have a Rails app on Heroku with a Jekyll blog located at I want to move the blog to What's the best way to do this? I'm happy to ditch Jekyll if there is an easier option. Thanks!
Bloggy seems to be what you're looking for.
"Bloggy is a simple gem that helps you generate a jekyll blog within your rails application by using generator commands similar to the ones you are used to already."
You should be able to change the base-url configuration to /blog for this to work.

Rails 3 CMS recommendation

I typically use rails models and typus as my CMS as it gives the most flexibility, plus typus is just brilliant. I'm starting a new rails 3 app, and typus isn't rails3 compatible yet. I'm looking around for a CMS that'll work in rails 3. I still want to be able to write my views in haml (rather than some custom templating lang) and need total customizability.
In googling, I'm not finding much. Does anyone have any knowledge about something that would fit my needs?
Another CMS starting to rise quickly to fill in the gaps for Rails 3 scene is RefineryCMS - Github is one of good CMS
as of yesterday Refinery CMS 0.9.8 supports Rails 3! You can read about the transition to Rails 3.
This makes Refinery CMS the first popular CMS to support Rails 3.
Alchemy CMS works in Rails 3.
The next_stable branch supports Rails 3.1.
Ubiquo supports Rails 3.2 in the edge branch.
You should look into Osmek. With Osmek you can write in any language you'd like, since you interact with your content through an API. Its a revolutionizing concept to content management, and the idea of flexibility.
Lots of helpful Refinery CMS info at
Here is a list of almost all Rails 3 CMS.
I develop a Rails 3 Item & Content Managament called Opal, which may be interesting to some. Here's more info:
login: admin/admin
locomotiveCMS and BrowserCMS both work in Rails 3

Getting started with rails? Must have gems?

I'm starting work on a project using Rails, but I'm waiting for the 3rd edition of the pragmatic rails book to come out before I purchase a book.
Anyway, my question is a bit more pointed than how do I get started...
What are some of the must have gems that everyone uses?
I need basic authentication, so I have the restful authentication gem, but beyond that, I don't know what I don't know. Is there a run down of this information somewhere? Some basic setup that 99% of the people start with when starting a new rails application?
Thanks in advance.
The gems and plugins that I tend to use on most of my projects are:
Restful Authentication -- For authentication
Will Paginate -- For pagination
Attachment Fu -- For image and file attachments
RedCloth -- For textile rendering
Capistrano -- For deployment
For pagination, will_paginate.
This is very, very subjective because it all depends on what your application does! However, I've just had a look at the Gems I have installed and the one that absolutely does leap out as mandatory is Capistrano.
BTW Restful Authentication is a Rails plugin not a Gem.
HAML is a must have. You'll never think of HTML in the same way again -- No more tag soup.
sudo gem install haml
sudo gem install ZenTest
rspec on rails
How can nobody have mentioned andand yet? It's the best thing since ||=
The only gems you need are:
If you "gem install rails" you'll get everything you need for Rails. You only need gems when you need them, so it's not worth worrying about before then.
EDIT: Actually there are a couple more you'll probably need:
mysql - or whatever Ruby database driver you need
mongrel - you don't necessarily need this until production, but it's nice to use in dev/test too
ZenTest - I use this mainly for "autotest" so that my tests run in a console window whenever my source files change
There could be many other gems that help you but we'd need more info from you to know if they're applicable, eg:
Web scraping (hpricot)
CSV (fastercsv)
Amazon S3 support (aws-s3)
Image manipulation (rmagick)
Graphing (gruff) - I use this as a plugin
Role-based security (role_requirement) - This one is a plugin too
mini_magick instead of rmagick.
Might want to keep an eye on: - you can see some interesting stats there re: most downloaded, most active, etc...
Also interesting and somewhat telling:
This is a old thread but I thought I'll refine the list with what I believe to be must have gems at this point in time:
RSpec or Shoulda - tools for BDD/testing
factory_girl - fixture replacement
will_paginate - simple pagination
paperclip - image uploading/attachment
CanCan - authorization
Authlogic - authentication
HAML - templating engine

Adding wordpress Blog in a Rails application

I have Rails application deployed on my home root directory of a domain and symlinked with my public_html/ I wanted to install wordpress in path. But rails ain`t allowing me to do so. I have tried a subdomain as well, but still, the routes are being handled by Rails.
What would be the best solution to deploy a blog along with Rails application ?
I can only think of .htaccess modification.
You should put your blog into the rails' public directory.That's the place for static files (and php ones are).
If you are deploying your rails app using Passenger then you can disable Passenger for a particular location. See section 5.8 of the documentation, which has an example for WordPress.
This article may be useful to anyone looking to solve this problem:
Check the post : it worked using passenger with apache.
