Chaining Rails 3 scopes in has_many through association - ruby-on-rails

Is this doable?
I have the following scope:
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :with_tag, lambda{ |tag| joins(:tags).where(' = ?',
.group('') }
def withtag_search(tags)
tags.inject(scoped) do |tagged_things, tag|
I get a result if there's a single tag in the array of tags passed in with Thing.withtag_search(array_of_tags) but if I pass multiple tags in that array I get an empty relation as the result. In case it helps:
Thing.withtag_search(["test_tag_1", "test_tag_2"])
SELECT "things".*
FROM "things"
INNER JOIN "things_tags" ON "things_tags"."thing_id" = "things"."id"
INNER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."id" = "things_tags"."tag_id"
WHERE ( = 'test_tag_1') AND ( = 'test_tag_2')
=> [] # class is ActiveRecord::Relation
SELECT "things".*
FROM "things"
INNER JOIN "things_tags" ON "things_tags"."thing_id" = "things"."id"
INNER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."id" = "things_tags"."tag_id"
WHERE ( = 'test_tag_1')
=> [<Thing id:1, ... >, <Thing id:2, ... >] # Relation including correctly all
# Things with that tag
I want to be able to chain these relations together so that (among other reasons) I can use the Kaminari gem for pagination which only works on relations not arrays - so I need a scope to be returned.

I also ran into this problem. The problem is not Rails, the problems is definitely MySQL:
Your SQL will create following temporary JOIN-table (only neccesary fields are shown):
| | | | |
| 1 | ... | 1 | test_tag_1 |
| 1 | ... | 2 | test_tag_2 |
So instead joining all Tags to one specific Thing, it generates one row for each Tag-Thing combination (If you don't believe, just run COUNT(*) on this SQL statement).
The problem is that you query criteria looks like this: WHERE ( = 'test_tag_1') AND ( = 'test_tag_2') which will be checked against each of this rows, and never will be true. It's not possible for to equal both test_tag_1 and test_tag_2 at the same time!
The standard SQL solution is to use the SQL statement INTERSECT... but unfortunately not with MySQL.
The best solution is to run Thing.withtag_search for each of your tags, collect the returning objects, and select only objects which are included in each of the results, like so:
%w[test_tag_1 test_tag_2].collect do |tag|
If you want to get this as an ActiveRecord relation you can probably do this like so:
ids = %w[test_tag_1 test_tag_2].collect do |tag|
Things.where(:id => ids)
The other solution (which I'm using) is to cache the tags in the Thing table, and do MySQL boolean search on it. I will give you more details on this solution if you want.
Anyways I hope this will help you. :)

This is rather complicated at a glance, but based on your SQL, you want:
WHERE ( IN ( 'test_tag_1', 'test_tag_2'))
I haven't dealt much with Rails 3, but if you can adjust your JOIN appropriately, this should fix your issue. Have you tried a solution akin to:
joins(:tag).where(' IN (?), { |tag| })
This way, you will JOIN the way you are expecting (UNION instead of INTERSECTION). I hope this is a helpful way of thinking about this problem.

Don't seem to be able to find a solution to this problem. So, instead of using Kaminari and rolling my own tagging I've switched to Acts-as-taggable-on and will-paginate


How to get a most recent value group by year by using SQL

I have a Company model that has_many Statement.
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :statements
I want to get statements that have most latest date field grouped by fiscal_year_end field.
I implemented the function like this:
c = Company.first
c.statements.to_a.group_by{|s| s.fiscal_year_end }.map{|k,v| v.max_by(&:date) }
It works ok, but if possible I want to use ActiveRecord query(SQL), so that I don't need to load unnecessary instance to memory.
How can I write it by using SQL?
select t.username,, t.value
from MyTable t
inner join (
select username, max(date) as MaxDate
from MyTable
group by username
) tm on t.username = tm.username and = tm.MaxDate
For these kinds of things, I find it helpful to get the raw SQL working first, and then translate it into ActiveRecord afterwards. It sounds like a textbook case of GROUP BY:
SELECT fiscal_year_end, MAX(date) AS max_date
FROM statements
WHERE company_id = 1
GROUP BY fiscal_year_end
Now you can express that in ActiveRecord like so:
c = Company.first
order(nil). # might not be necessary, depending on your association and Rails version
select("fiscal_year_end, MAX(date) AS max_date")
The reason for order(nil) is to prevent ActiveRecord from adding ORDER BY id to the query. Rails 4+ does this automatically. Since you aren't grouping by id, it will cause the error you're seeing. You could also order(:fiscal_year_end) if that is what you want.
That will give you a bunch of Statement objects. They will be read-only, and every attribute will be nil except for fiscal_year_end and the magically-present new field max_date. These instances don't represent specific statements, but statement "groups" from your query. So you can do something like this:
- #statements_by_fiscal_year_end.each do |s|
%td= s.fiscal_year_end
%td= s.max_date
Note there is no n+1 query problem here, because you fetched everything you need in one query.
If you decide that you need more than just the max date, e.g. you want the whole statement with the latest date, then you should look at your options for the greatest n per group problem. For raw SQL I like LATERAL JOIN, but the easiest approach to use with ActiveRecord is DISTINCT ON.
Oh one more tip: For debugging weird errors, I find it helpful to confirm what SQL ActiveRecord is trying to use. You can use to_sql to get that:
c = Company.first
puts c.statements.
select("fiscal_year_end, MAX(date) AS max_date").
In that example, I'm leaving off order(nil) so you can see that ActiveRecord is adding an ORDER BY clause you don't want.
for example you want to get all statements by start of the months you should use this
#companey = Company.first
#statements = #companey.statements.find(:all, :order => 'due_at, id', :limit => 50)
then group them as you want
#monthly_statements = #statements.group_by { |statement| t.due_at.beginning_of_month }
Building upon Bharat's answer you can do this type of query in Rails using find_by_sql in this way:
Statement.find_by_sql ["Select t.* from statements t INNER JOIN (
SELECT fiscal_year_end, max(date) as MaxDate GROUP BY fiscal_year_end
) tm on t.fiscal_year_end = tm.fiscal_year_end AND
t.created_at = tm.MaxDate WHERE t.company_id = ?",]
Note the last where part to make sure the statements belong to a specific company instance, and that this is called from the class. I haven't tested this with the array form, but I believe you can turn this into a scope and use it like this:
# In Statement model
scope :latest_from_fiscal_year, lambda |enterprise_id| {
find_by_sql[..., enterprise_id] # Query above
# Wherever you need these statements for a particular company
company = Company.find(params[:id])
latest_statements = Statement.latest_from_fiscal_year(
Note that if you somehow need all the latest statements for all companies then this most likely leave you with a N+1 queries problem. But that is a beast for another day.
Note: If anyone else has a way to have this query work on the association without using the last where part (company.statements.latest_from_year and such) let me know and I'll edit this, in my case in rails 3 it just pulled em from the whole table without filtering.

How can I merge two active record relation with OR condition in rails 3 and return result also an active relation not array?

I have two associations like surgical_diseases and eye_disease.I want to get the Ored result of the two active relation.But the below code gave me an array.
has_many :surgical_diseases
has_many :eye_disease
scope :all_disease ->(name) { joins(:surgical_diseases).where(' IN (?)') | joins(:eye_disease).where(' IN (?)') }
I have seen active-record-union gem but that would only work with active-record 4.I am currently using rails 3.2 so not able to use that.
I also saw that this functionality will come with rails5 with dhh's commit.But not sure how will I fix this with rail3 now.
I tried my best to make understanding of my question.Please let me know if anything else information is require.
Thanks in advance!
You would probably need to get the ids using find_by_sql and then find those ids to get ActiveRecord::Relation.
scope :all_disease ->(name) {
ids = YourTable.find_by_sql <<-SQL
SELECT FROM your_table INNER JOIN surgical_diseases sd ON WHERE IN (#{name})
SELECT FROM your_table INNER JOIN eye_diseases ed ON WHERE IN (#{name})
YourTable.where(id: ids)
Perhaps, left outer join can help you:
scope :all_disease ->(name) {
joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN surgical_diseases ON surgical_diseases.whatever_table_for_your_models_id =')
.joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN eye_diseases ON eye_diseases.whatever_table_for_your_models_id =')
.where(' IN (?) OR IN (?)', name)

postgresql get list of unique list with order by another table column

id | user_id |created_at | updated_at
id | first_name
id | deadline_at | target_id
I want to get unique list of leads between two dates(deadline_at) with ordering by todos.deadline_at desc
I do:
SELECT distinct(leads.*), todos.deadline_at
FROM leads
INNER JOIN users ON = leads.user_id
LEFT JOIN todos ON todos.target_id = leads.user_id
WHERE (todos.deadline_at between '2015-11-26T00:00:00+00:00' and '2015-11-26T23:59:59+00:00')
ORDER BY todos.deadline_at DESC;
This query returns right ordered list but with duplicates. If I use distinct or distinct on with, then postgresql requires me use it in order by - In that case I got wrong ordered list.
How do I can achive expected result?
Since you don't really need the users table.
Maybe try this?
Lead.joins("INNER JOIN todos ON leads.user_id = todos.target_id")
.where("leads.deadline_at" => (date_a..date_b))
.select("leads.*, todos.deadline_at")
.order("todos.deadline_at desc")
It seams that you're confusing the result of a sql table with joins and the same result after ActiveRecord treatment on an association.
I presume Lead has_many :todos, through: :user so you can do this :
where("leads.deadline_at" => (date_a..date_b)).
No need to apply distinct or whatever, ActiveRecord will sort out the leads from the todosand you'll have them in the right order with no duplicates. The raw sql result however will have plenty of duplicates.
If you want to achieve something similar in sql alone, you can use distinct or group by on, but then you'll lose all the todos it "contains". However you can use aggregate function to calculate/extract things on the "lost todo data".
For example :
select("leads.*, min(todos.deadline_at) as first_todo_deadline")
Notice that todos data is only available in the aggregate functions (min, count, avg, etc) since the todos are "compressed" if you wish in each lead!
Hope it makes sense.

acts as taggable on count across multiple models

I am trying to find the total number of tag counts across multiple models.
In one model, it works great:
Post.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
However, I had another model as well called Organization that also takes hashtags. That leaves me with 2 separate counts:
Post.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
Organization.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
However, I want to be able to get the total counts across the two. When I try to add them, they don't merge, but instead just stack the tables on one another:
Post.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc') +
Organization.tag_counts_on(:hashtags).order('count desc')
There should be a method for all the associated models that allows the equivalent of something like:
Hashtag.tag_counts.order('count desc')
Any ideas?
I think that you can go with a custom select
SELECT, count(*) as tag_count
FROM tags JOIN taggings on taggings.tag_id =
where taggings.taggable_type = 'Post' or taggings.taggable_type='Organization'
ORDER BY tag_count DESC
use arel to build this query if needed

Rails has_many association count child rows

What is the "rails way" to efficiently grab all rows of a parent table along with a count of the number of children each row has?
I don't want to use counter_cache as I want to run these counts based on some time conditions.
The cliche blog example:
Table of articles. Each article has 0 or more comments.
I want to be able to pull how many comments each article has in the past hour, day, week.
However, ideally I don't want to iterate over the list and make separate sql calls for each article nor do I want to use :include to prefetch all of the data and process it on the app server.
I want to run one SQL statement and get one result set with all the info.
I know I can hard code out the full SQL, and maybe could use a .find and just set the :joins, :group, and :conditions parameters... BUT I am wondering if there is a "better" way... aka "The Rails Way"
This activerecord call should do what you want:
Article.find(:all, :select => 'articles.*, count( as post_count',
:joins => 'left outer join posts on posts.article_id =',
:group => ''
This will return a list of article objects, each of which has the method post_count on it that contains the number of posts on the article as a string.
The method executes sql similar to the following:
SELECT articles.*, count( AS post_count
FROM `articles`
LEFT OUTER JOIN posts ON posts.article_id =
If you're curious, this is a sample of the MySQL results you might see from running such a query:
| id | text | post_count |
| 1 | TEXT TEXT TEXT | 1 |
| 2 | TEXT TEXT TEXT | 3 |
| 3 | TEXT TEXT TEXT | 0 |
Rails 3 Version
For Rails 3, you'd be looking at something like this:"articles.*, count( AS comments_count")
.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN comments ON comments.article_id =")
Thanks to Gdeglin for the Rails 2 version.
Rails 5 Version
Since Rails 5 there is left_outer_joins so you can simplify to:"articles.*, count( AS comments_count")
And because you were asking about the Rails Way: There isn't a way to simplify/railsify this more with ActiveRecord.
From a SQL perspective, this looks trivial - Just write up a new query.
From a Rails perspective, The values you mention are computed values. So if you use find_by_sql, the Model class would not know about the computed fields and hence would return the computed values as strings even if you manage to translate the query into Rails speak. See linked question below.
The general drift (from the responses I got to that question) was to have a separate class be responsible for the rollup / computing the desired values.
How to get rails to return SUM(columnName) attributes with right datatype instead of a string?
A simple way that I used to solve this problem was
In my model I did:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
def count_posts
Post.where(:article_id =>
Now, you can use for example:
Im not sure if it can be more efficient way, But its a solution and in my opinion more elegant than the others.
I made this work this way:
def show
section = Section.find(params[:id])
students = Student.where( :section_id => ).count
render json: {status: 'SUCCESS', section: students},status: :ok
In this I had 2 models Section and Student. So I have to count the number of students who matches a particular id of section.
